BIP32 derivePath different privatekey in nodejs and dart(flutter) (same mnemonic) - node.js

Hello i'm have some problem with BIP32
i use BIP32 library in nodejs and dart(flutter)
in dart(flutter) BIP32 derivePath show different privatekey but not of all mnemonic is just incorrect some mnemonic
in 1000 mnemonic different privatekey 1-2 mnemonic
below is dart derivePath,,
what is inccorect in this code:
Help me pls.
BIP32 derivePath(String path) {
final regex = new RegExp(r"^(m\/)?(\d+'?\/)*\d+'?$");
if (!regex.hasMatch(path)) throw new ArgumentError("Expected BIP32 Path");
List<String> splitPath = path.split("/");
if (splitPath[0] == "m") {
if (parentFingerprint != 0) throw new ArgumentError("Expected master, got child");
splitPath = splitPath.sublist(1);
print("splitPath: "+ splitPath);
print("splitPath: "+ splitPath);
return splitPath.fold(this, (BIP32 prevHd,String indexStr) {
int index;
if (indexStr.substring(indexStr.length - 1) == "'") {
index = int.parse(indexStr.substring(0, indexStr.length - 1));
return prevHd.deriveHardened(index);
} else {
index = int.parse(indexStr);
return prevHd.derive(index);
BIP32 derive(int index) {
if (index > UINT32_MAX || index < 0) throw new ArgumentError("Expected UInt32");
final isHardened = index >= HIGHEST_BIT;
Uint8List data = new Uint8List(37);
if (isHardened) {
if (isNeutered()) {
throw new ArgumentError("Missing private key for hardened child key");
data[0] = 0x00;
data.setRange(1, 33, privateKey);
data.buffer.asByteData().setUint32(33, index);
} else {
data.setRange(0, 33, publicKey);
data.buffer.asByteData().setUint32(33, index);
final I = hmacSHA512(chainCode, data);
final IL = I.sublist(0, 32);
final IR = I.sublist(32);
if (!ecc.isPrivate(IL)) {
return derive(index + 1);
BIP32 hd;
if (!isNeutered()) {
final ki = ecc.privateAdd(privateKey, IL);
if (ki == null) return derive(index + 1);
hd = BIP32.fromPrivateKey(ki, IR, network);
} else {
final ki = ecc.pointAddScalar(publicKey, IL, true);
if (ki == null) return derive(index + 1);
hd = BIP32.fromPublicKey(ki, IR, network);
hd.depth = depth + 1;
hd.index = index;
hd.parentFingerprint = fingerprint.buffer.asByteData().getUint32(0);
return hd;
BIP32 deriveHardened(int index) {
if (index > UINT31_MAX || index < 0) throw new ArgumentError("Expected UInt31");
return this.derive(index + HIGHEST_BIT);

OK can solved this problem problem occur in the ecuve function bytes is less than 32 bytes just padding 0 in the left equal 32 bytes just solved it !


How to verify a document from QLDB in Node.js?

I'm trying to verify a document from QLDB using nodejs. I have been following the Java verification example as much as I can, but I'm unable to calculate the same digest as stored on the ledger.
This is the code I have come up with. I query the proof and block hash from QLDB and then try to calculate digest in the same way as in Java example. But after concatinating the two hashes and calculating the new hash from the result I get the wrong output from crypto.createHash('sha256').update(c).digest("base64"). I have also tried using "base64" instead of "hex" with different, but also wrong result.
const rBlock = makeReader(res.Revision.IonText);
var block = [];;
while ( != null) {
if (rBlock.fieldName() == 'hash') {
var proof = [];
const rProof = makeReader(res.Proof.IonText);;
while ( != null) {
var ph = block[0];
var c;
for (var i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < ph.length; j++) {
if (parseInt(ph[j]) > parseInt(proof[i][j])){
c = ph + proof[i];
if (parseInt(ph[j]) < parseInt(proof[i][j])){
c = proof[i] + ph;
ph = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(c).digest("hex");
I have figure it out. The problem was that I was converting the blobs to hex strings and hash them instead of the raw values. For anyone wanting to verify data in node, here is the bare solution:
ledgerInfo.getRevision(params).then(res => {
const rBlock = makeReader(res.Revision.IonText);
var ph;;
while ( != null) {
if (rBlock.fieldName() == 'hash') {
ph = rBlock.byteValue()
var proof = [];
const rProof = makeReader(res.Proof.IonText);;
while ( != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) {
var c;
if (hashComparator(ph, proof[i]) < 0) {
c = concatTypedArrays(ph, proof[i]);
else {
c = concatTypedArrays(proof[i], ph);
var buff = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(c).digest("hex");
ph = Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(buff, 'hex'));
}).catch(err => {
console.log(err, err.stack)
function concatTypedArrays(a, b) {
var c = new (a.constructor)(a.length + b.length);
c.set(a, 0);
c.set(b, a.length);
return c;
function hashComparator(h1, h2) {
for (var i = h1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var diff = (h1[i]<<24>>24) - (h2[i]<<24>>24);
if (diff != 0)
return diff;
return 0;

TypeError: Object function Buffer(subject, encoding, offset) {

I have an error when I use my express server with buffer it crashes in this line:
authorization = Buffer.from(authorization, 'base64').toString('utf8')
The error message is:
Object function Buffer(subject, encoding, offset) { if (!(this instanceof Buffer)) { return new Buffer(subject, encoding, offset); } var type; if (typeof offset === 'number') { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(subject)) { throw new TypeError('First argument must be a Buffer when slicing'); } this.length = +encoding > 0 ? Math.ceil(encoding) : 0; this.parent = subject.parent ? subject.parent : subject; this.offset = offset; } else { switch (type = typeof subject) { case 'number': this.length = +subject > 0 ? Math.ceil(subject) : 0; break; case 'string': this.length = Buffer.byteLength(subject, encoding); break; case 'object': this.length = +subject.length > 0 ? Math.ceil(subject.length) : 0; break; default: throw new TypeError('First argument needs to be a number, ' + 'array or string.'); } if (this.length > Buffer.poolSize) {this.parent = new SlowBuffer(this.length); this.offset = 0; } else if (this.length > 0) { if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < this.length) allocPool(); this.parent = pool; this.offset = pool.used; pool.used = (pool.used + this.length + 7) & ~7; } else { this.parent = zeroBuffer; this.offset = 0; } if (typeof subject !== 'number') { if (type === 'string') { this.length = this.write(subject, 0, encoding);} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(subject)) { if (subject.parent) subject.parent.copy(this.parent, this.offset, subject.offset, this.length + subject.offset); else subject.copy(this.parent, this.offset, 0, this.length); } else if (isArrayIsh(subject)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject[i]; } } } SlowBuffer.makeFastBuffer(this.parent, this, this.offset, this.length); } has no method 'from'
Your Buffer object does not contain any from function. You don't use the correct Buffer object. I guess you want to use the Node.js Buffer. Make sure that you really use it and you have an up-to-date version.

How to detect window state in linux?

I need to find out if a native linux application window is maximized or minimized in a java program.
I tried using X11.XGetWindowProperty() and I get some results also, but I cant make out any useful information in it.
I am using JNA 4.2.1, Java 8 update72 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Any pointers will be very helpful. Thanks in advance to all.
I have the code below which gives me the result I need. But the result is not same for every invocation. The atoms which are returned for the window vary within invocations. Is there any other reliable way to get the window state?
private static X11 x11 = X11.INSTANCE;
private static Display dispy = x11.XOpenDisplay(null);
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
X11.Atom[] atoms = getAtomProperties(
bytesToInt(getProperty(X11.XA_ATOM, X11.INSTANCE.XInternAtom(dispy, "_NET_WM_STATE", false))));
boolean hidden = false;
boolean vmax = false;
boolean hmax = false;
for (int i = 0; i < atoms.length; i++) {
X11.Atom atom = atoms[i];
if (atom == null)
String atomName = X11.INSTANCE.XGetAtomName(dispy, atom);
if ("_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN".equals(atomName)) {
hidden = true;
} else if ("_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT".equals(atomName)) {
vmax = true;
} else if ("_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ".equals(atomName)) {
hmax = true;
if (hidden)
System.out.println("Window minimized");
else if (vmax && hmax && !hidden)
System.out.println("Window maximized");
System.out.println("Window normal");
} catch (X11Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
private static X11.Atom[] getAtomProperties(int[] ids) {
X11.Atom[] atoms = new X11.Atom[ids.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
if (ids[i] == 0)
atoms[i] = new X11.Atom(ids[i]);
return atoms;
private static int[] bytesToInt(byte[] prop) {
if (prop == null)
return null;
int[] res = new int[prop.length / 4];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
res[i] = ((prop[i * 4 + 3] & 0xff) << 24) | ((prop[i * 4 + 2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((prop[i * 4 + 1] & 0xff) << 8)
| ((prop[i * 4 + 0] & 0xff));
if (res[i] != 0)
return res;
private static byte[] getProperty(X11.Atom xa_prop_type, X11.Atom xa_prop_name) throws X11Exception {
X11.Window window = new X11.Window(73400355);
X11.AtomByReference xa_ret_type_ref = new X11.AtomByReference();
IntByReference ret_format_ref = new IntByReference();
NativeLongByReference ret_nitems_ref = new NativeLongByReference();
NativeLongByReference ret_bytes_after_ref = new NativeLongByReference();
PointerByReference ret_prop_ref = new PointerByReference();
NativeLong long_offset = new NativeLong(0);
NativeLong long_length = new NativeLong(4096 / 4);
* MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN / 4 explanation (XGetWindowProperty manpage):
* long_length = Specifies the length in 32-bit multiples of the data to be retrieved.
if (x11.XGetWindowProperty(dispy, window, xa_prop_name, long_offset, long_length, false, xa_prop_type, xa_ret_type_ref,
ret_format_ref, ret_nitems_ref, ret_bytes_after_ref, ret_prop_ref) != X11.Success) {
String prop_name = x11.XGetAtomName(dispy, xa_prop_name);
throw new X11Exception("Cannot get " + prop_name + " property.");
X11.Atom xa_ret_type = xa_ret_type_ref.getValue();
Pointer ret_prop = ret_prop_ref.getValue();
if (xa_ret_type == null) {
// the specified property does not exist for the specified window
return null;
if (xa_ret_type == null || xa_prop_type == null || !xa_ret_type.toNative().equals(xa_prop_type.toNative())) {
String prop_name = x11.XGetAtomName(dispy, xa_prop_name);
throw new X11Exception("Invalid type of " + prop_name + " property");
int ret_format = ret_format_ref.getValue();
long ret_nitems = ret_nitems_ref.getValue().longValue();
// null terminate the result to make string handling easier
int nbytes;
if (ret_format == 32)
nbytes = Native.LONG_SIZE;
else if (ret_format == 16)
nbytes = Native.LONG_SIZE / 2;
else if (ret_format == 8)
nbytes = 1;
else if (ret_format == 0)
nbytes = 0;
throw new X11Exception("Invalid return format");
int length = Math.min((int) ret_nitems * nbytes, 4096);
byte[] ret = ret_prop.getByteArray(0, length);
return ret;

How to read non-byte-aligned integers with Node.js?

I am trying to read a binary SWF file using Node.JS. As the specification mentions at the bottom of the 17th page, some integers are encoded using variable-length bit fields, and by definition most of them are not byte-aligned.
The problem is that Node.js's Buffer only provides functions for reading byte-aligned integers. So I tried to write a wrapper object that would read bit by bit. However, it seems really hacky. Below is the object prototype I wrote:
/*jslint node:true, bitwise:true */
'use strict';
var util = require('util');
var maxBits = 32;
function BitBuffer() {
Buffer.apply(this, arguments);
this.cursor = 0;
this.bitCursor = 0;
util.inherits(BitBuffer, Buffer);
module.exports = BitBuffer;
function padBits(bits, length, bit) {
var leftPad = '', repeatLength, i;
bits = bits.toString(2);
length = length || 8;
bit = bit || '0';
if (bits.length >= length) {
return bits;
} else {
repeatLength = length - bits.length;
for (i = 0; i < repeatLength; i += 1) {
leftPad += bit;
return leftPad + bits;
BitBuffer.prototype.move = function (bits) {
var bytes = Math.floor((this.bitCursor + bits) / 8);
this.bitCursor += bits;
if (this.bitCursor > 8) {
this.cursor += bytes;
this.bitCursor -= bytes * 8;
if (this.cursor >= this.length) {
return false;
return true;
BitBuffer.prototype.align = function () {
if (this.bitCursor > 0) {
this.bitCursor = 0;
this.cursor += 1;
BitBuffer.prototype.rewind = function () {
this.cursor = this.bitCursor = 0;
BitBuffer.prototype.readBits = function (bits) {
var bytes = Math.ceil((this.bitCursor + bits) / 8), result = 0,
length, buffer, i;
if (bits > maxBits) {
throw new RangeError('Cannot read more than ' + maxBits + ' bits');
buffer = this.slice(this.cursor, this.cursor + bytes);
result = padBits(buffer[0]).substr(this.bitCursor);
length = buffer.length;
for (i = 1; i < length; i += 1) {
result += padBits(buffer[i]);
result = result.substr(0, bits);
return (this.move(bits)) ? parseInt(result, 2) : false;
BitBuffer.prototype.readUB = BitBuffer.prototype.readBits;
BitBuffer.prototype.readSB = function (bits) {
var readBits = this.readBits(bits),
stringBits = readBits.toString(2);
if (readBits === false) {
return false;
// add automatically removed zeros
if (stringBits.length < bits) {
stringBits = padBits(stringBits, bits);
// negative, pad to 32 bits then invert bits
if (stringBits[0] === '1') {
return -~parseInt(padBits(stringBits, maxBits, '1'), 2) - 1;
} else {
return readBits;
BitBuffer.prototype.readFB = function (bits) {
var highBits, lowBits, result;
if (bits < 17) {
throw new RangeError('Should be at least 17 bits long');
highBits = this.readSB(bits - 16);
lowBits = this.readUB(16);
lowBits *= Math.pow(10, -lowBits.toString(10).length);
return (highBits >= 0) ?
highBits + lowBits : highBits - lowBits;
// wrap read functions
(function () {
var nativeReadFunctions = {
'readInt8': 8,
'readInt16LE': 16,
'readInt16BE': 16,
'readInt32LE': 32,
'readInt32BE': 32,
'readUInt8': 8,
'readUInt16LE': 16,
'readUInt16BE': 16,
'readUInt32LE': 32,
'readUInt32BE': 32,
'readDoubleLE': 64,
'readDoubleBE': 64,
'readFloatLE': 32,
'readFloatBE': 32
}, method;
function wrapNativeRead(method, length) {
return function (noAssert) {
var cursor;
cursor = this.cursor;
return Buffer.prototype[method].call(
for (method in nativeReadFunctions) {
if (nativeReadFunctions.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
BitBuffer.prototype[method] =
wrapNativeRead(method, nativeReadFunctions[method]);
Is writing my own object the good way?
Beside your implementation is pretty good, you should understand that in your implementation this.buffer === this and you should change the following lines:
// inside BitBuffer prototype constructor
this.buffer = new Buffer(param1, param2);
// change to, param1, param2); // The right way to call the super constructor
// inside BitBuffer.prototype.readBits
buffer = this.buffer.slice(this.cursor, this.cursor + bytes);
// change to
buffer = this.slice(this.cursor, this.cursor + bytes);

Why is parallel.Invoke not working in this case

I have an array of files like this..
string[] unZippedFiles;
the idea is that I want to parse these files in paralle. As they are parsed a record gets placed on a concurrentbag. As record is getting placed I want to kick of the update function.
Here is what I am doing in my Main():
foreach(var file in unZippedFiles)
{ Parallel.Invoke
() => ImportFiles(file),
() => UpdateTest()
this is what the code of Update loooks like.
static void UpdateTest( )
Console.WriteLine("Updating/Inserting merchant information.");
while (!merchCollection.IsEmpty || producingRecords )
merchant x;
if (merchCollection.TryTake(out x))
UPDATE_MERCHANT(x.m_id, x.mInfo, x.month, x.year);
This is what the import code looks like. It's pretty much a giant string parser.
System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName);
long COUNTER = 0;
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder( );
string M_ID = "";
string BOF_DELIMITER = "%%MS_SKEY_0000_000_PDF:";
string EOF_DELIMITER = "%%EOF";
record_count = 0;
producingRecords = true;
for (COUNTER = 0; COUNTER <= SR.BaseStream.Length - 1; COUNTER++)
if (SR.EndOfStream)
//contents += Strings.Trim(SR.ReadLine());
//contents += Strings.Chr(10);
if (contents.ToString().IndexOf((EOF_DELIMITER)) > -1)
if (contents.ToString().StartsWith(BOF_DELIMITER) & contents.ToString().IndexOf(EOF_DELIMITER) > -1)
string data = contents.ToString();
M_ID = data.Substring(data.IndexOf("_M") + 2, data.Substring(data.IndexOf("_M") + 2).IndexOf("_"));
Console.WriteLine("Merchant: " + M_ID);
merchant newmerch;
newmerch.m_id = M_ID;
newmerch.mInfo = data.Substring(0, (data.IndexOf(EOF_DELIMITER) + 5));
newmerch.month = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Month;
newmerch.year = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Year;
// UpdateTest();
catch (Exception ex)
producingRecords = false;
producingRecords = false;
the problem i am having is that the Update runs once and then the importfile function just takes over and does not yield to the update function. Any ideas on what am I doing wrong would be of great help.
Here's my stab at fixing your thread synchronisation. Note that I haven't changed any of the code from the functional standpoint (with the exception of taking out the catch - it's generally a bad idea; exceptions need to be propagated).
Forgive if something doesn't compile - I'm writing this based on incomplete snippets.
foreach(var file in unZippedFiles)
using (var merchCollection = new BlockingCollection<merchant>())
() => ImportFiles(file, merchCollection),
() => UpdateTest(merchCollection)
private void UpdateTest(BlockingCollection<merchant> merchCollection)
Console.WriteLine("Updating/Inserting merchant information.");
foreach (merchant x in merchCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable())
UPDATE_MERCHANT(x.m_id, x.mInfo, x.month, x.year);
Don't forget to pass in merchCollection as a parameter - it should not be static.
System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName);
long COUNTER = 0;
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder( );
string M_ID = "";
string BOF_DELIMITER = "%%MS_SKEY_0000_000_PDF:";
string EOF_DELIMITER = "%%EOF";
record_count = 0;
for (COUNTER = 0; COUNTER <= SR.BaseStream.Length - 1; COUNTER++)
if (SR.EndOfStream)
//contents += Strings.Trim(SR.ReadLine());
//contents += Strings.Chr(10);
if (contents.ToString().IndexOf((EOF_DELIMITER)) > -1)
if (contents.ToString().StartsWith(BOF_DELIMITER) & contents.ToString().IndexOf(EOF_DELIMITER) > -1)
string data = contents.ToString();
M_ID = data.Substring(data.IndexOf("_M") + 2, data.Substring(data.IndexOf("_M") + 2).IndexOf("_"));
Console.WriteLine("Merchant: " + M_ID);
merchant newmerch;
newmerch.m_id = M_ID;
newmerch.mInfo = data.Substring(0, (data.IndexOf(EOF_DELIMITER) + 5));
newmerch.month = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Month;
newmerch.year = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Year;
// UpdateTest();
