How to declare Functor instance of this data type:
data Productish a b = Productish a b
I've tried this:
instance (Functor a, Functor b) => Productish a b where
fmap f (Productish a b) = Productish (f a) (f b)
but compiler had showed error:
error: ‘fmap’ is not a (visible) method of class ‘Productish’
Firstly, your syntax is wrong. To define a Functor instance on Productish, you will need to do instance Functor (Productish a b) where ….
But there is also a more serious problem: The Functor typeclass can only be used to define a functor on one variable. So in order to define a Functor instance, you need to partially apply your data type. For instance, here’s the Maybe instance:
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
instance Functor Maybe where -- note that this isn’t ‘instance Functor (Maybe a)’!
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
fmap f Nothing = Nothing
Similarly, to define a Functor instance for your Productish, you need to do:
instance Functor (Productish a) where
fmap f (Productish a b) = Productish a (f b)
(Note that you don’t need a Functor constraint on a, since you don’t need to map over a.)
So with Functor alone, you can only map over the second argument.
Luckily, there is also a typeclass which lets you map over both arguments. It’s called Bifunctor, and lives in the Data.Bifunctor module:
class Bifunctor p where
bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
first :: (a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
second :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c
So to make a Bifunctor instance for your Productish type, use:
instance Bifunctor Productish where
bimap f g (Productish a b) = Productish (f a) (g b)
first f p = bimap f id p
second g p = bimap id g p
How Can I instantiate the following data types to be Functor ?
data LiftItOut f a = LiftItOut (f a)
data Parappa f g a = DaWrappa (f a) (g a)
data IgnoreOne f g a b = IgnoringSomething (f a) (g b)
data Notorious g o a t = Notorious (g o) (g a) (g t)
There are not very clear for the declaration themselves, inside the parantheses in the right member, is that function application (I ve never seen that, only basic type constructors)? I am new to haskell and I am just trying to understand the basics.
Ask the compiler to show you how. Use the command line flag -ddump-deriv, enable the DeriveFunctor language extension, and put deriving Functor at the end of each type definition, and then the compiler will print Functor instances for each of them:
==================== Derived instances ====================
Derived class instances:
instance GHC.Base.Functor g =>
GHC.Base.Functor (Main.Notorious g o a) where
GHC.Base.fmap f_aK1 (Main.Notorious a1_aK2 a2_aK3 a3_aK4)
= Main.Notorious a1_aK2 a2_aK3 (GHC.Base.fmap f_aK1 a3_aK4)
(GHC.Base.<$) z_aK5 (Main.Notorious a1_aK6 a2_aK7 a3_aK8)
= Main.Notorious a1_aK6 a2_aK7 ((GHC.Base.<$) z_aK5 a3_aK8)
instance forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: * -> *) (a :: k).
GHC.Base.Functor g =>
GHC.Base.Functor (Main.IgnoreOne f g a) where
GHC.Base.fmap f_aK9 (Main.IgnoringSomething a1_aKa a2_aKb)
= Main.IgnoringSomething a1_aKa (GHC.Base.fmap f_aK9 a2_aKb)
(GHC.Base.<$) z_aKc (Main.IgnoringSomething a1_aKd a2_aKe)
= Main.IgnoringSomething a1_aKd ((GHC.Base.<$) z_aKc a2_aKe)
instance (GHC.Base.Functor f, GHC.Base.Functor g) =>
GHC.Base.Functor (Main.Parappa f g) where
GHC.Base.fmap f_aKf (Main.DaWrappa a1_aKg a2_aKh)
= Main.DaWrappa
(GHC.Base.fmap f_aKf a1_aKg) (GHC.Base.fmap f_aKf a2_aKh)
(GHC.Base.<$) z_aKi (Main.DaWrappa a1_aKj a2_aKk)
= Main.DaWrappa
((GHC.Base.<$) z_aKi a1_aKj) ((GHC.Base.<$) z_aKi a2_aKk)
instance GHC.Base.Functor f =>
GHC.Base.Functor (Main.LiftItOut f) where
GHC.Base.fmap f_aKl (Main.LiftItOut a1_aKm)
= Main.LiftItOut (GHC.Base.fmap f_aKl a1_aKm)
(GHC.Base.<$) z_aKn (Main.LiftItOut a1_aKo)
= Main.LiftItOut ((GHC.Base.<$) z_aKn a1_aKo)
That's kind of messy-looking, but it's rather straightforward to clean up:
data LiftItOut f a = LiftItOut (f a)
instance Functor f => Functor (LiftItOut f) where
fmap f (LiftItOut a) = LiftItOut (fmap f a)
data Parappa f g a = DaWrappa (f a) (g a)
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Parappa f g) where
fmap f (DaWrappa a1 a2) = DaWrappa (fmap f a1) (fmap f a2)
data IgnoreOne f g a b = IgnoringSomething (f a) (g b)
instance Functor g => Functor (IgnoreOne f g a) where
fmap f (IgnoringSomething a1 a2) = IgnoringSomething a1 (fmap f a2)
data Notorious g o a t = Notorious (g o) (g a) (g t)
instance Functor g => Functor (Notorious g o a) where
fmap f (Notorious a1 a2 a3) = Notorious a1 a2 (fmap f a3)
Also worth noting that your LiftItOut is isomorphic to Ap and IdentityT, and your Parappa is isomorphic to Product.
A functor f is a type constructor with an associated function fmap that from a function of type (a -> b) creates a function of type (f a) -> (f b) which applies it "on the inside": (the parentheses are redundant and are used for clarity/emphasis only)
fmap :: (Functor f) => ( a -> b)
-> (f a) -> (f b)
-- i.e. g :: a -> b -- from this
-- --------------------------
-- fmap g :: (f a) -> (f b) -- we get this
(read it "fmap of g from a to b goes from f a to f b").
Put differently, something being a "Functor" means that it can be substituted for f in
fmap id (x :: f a) = x
(fmap g . fmap h) = fmap (g . h)
so that the expressions involved make sense (i.e. are well formed, i.e. have a type), and, importantly, the above equations hold -- they are in fact the two "Functor laws".
You have
data LiftItOut h a = MkLiftItOut (h a) -- "Mk..." for "Make..."
------------- ----------- ------
new type, data type of the data constructor's
defined here constructor one argument (one field)
This means h a is a type of a thing which can serve as an argument to MkLiftItOut. For example, Maybe Int (i.e. h ~ Maybe and a ~ Int), [(Float,String)] (i.e. h ~ [] and a ~ (Float,String)), etc.
h, a are type variables -- meaning, they can be replaced by any specific type so that the whole syntactic expressions make sense.
These syntactic expressions include MkLiftItOut x which is a thing of type LiftItOut h a provided x is a thing of type h a; LiftItOut h a which is a type; h a which is a type of a thing which can appear as an argument to MkLiftItOut. Thus we can have in our programs
v1 = MkLiftItOut ([1,2,3] :: [] Int ) :: LiftItOut [] Int
v2 = MkLiftItOut ((Just "") :: Maybe String) :: LiftItOut Maybe String
v3 = MkLiftItOut (Nothing :: Maybe () ) :: LiftItOut Maybe ()
etc. Then we have
ghci> :i Functor
class Functor (f :: * -> *) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$) :: a -> f b -> f a
This means that Functor f => (f a) is a type of a thing which a variable can reference, e.g.
-- f a
v4 = Just 4 :: Maybe Int
v41 = 4 :: Int
v5 = [4.4, 5.5] :: [] Float
v51 = 4.4 :: Float
v52 = 5.5 :: Float
v6 = (1,"a") :: ((,) Int) String -- or simpler, `(Int, String)`
v61 = "a" :: String
v7 = (\x -> 7) :: ((->) Int) Int -- or simpler, `Int -> Int`
Here a is a type of a thing, f a is a type of a thing, f is a type which, when given a type of a thing, becomes a type of a thing; etc. There's no thing which can be referenced by a variable which would have the type f on its own.
All the above fs are instances of the Functor typeclass. This means that somewhere in the libraries there are definitions of
instance Functor Maybe where ....
instance Functor [] where ....
instance Functor ((,) a) where ....
instance Functor ((->) r) where ....
Notice we always have the f, and the a. f in particular can be made of more than one constituents, but a is always some one type.
Thus in this case we must have
instance Functor (LiftItOut h) where ....
(...why? do convince yourself in this; see how all the above statements apply and are correct)
Then the actual definition must be
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> LiftItOut h a -> LiftItOut h b
fmap g (MkLiftItOut x ) = (MkLiftItOut y )
y = ....
In particular, we'll have
-- g :: a -> b -- x :: (h a) -- y :: (h b)
and we don't even know what the h is.
How can we solve this? How can we construct an h b-type of thing from an h a-type of thing when we don't even know anything about h, a, nor b?
We can't.
But what if we knew that h is also a Functor?
instance (Functor h) => Functor (LiftItOut h) where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a) -> (f b)
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> (LiftItOut h a) -> (LiftItOut h b)
fmap g (MkLiftItOut x ) = (MkLiftItOut y )
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> (h a) -> (h b)
y = ....
Hopefully you can finish this up. And also do the other types in your question as well. If not, post a new question for the one type with which you might have any further problems.
Suppose i have a datatype MayFail defined as following
data MayFail e a = Error e | Result a
deriving (Show)
So it's either a result or an error. I now want to write a Functor for it but this is where it gets confusing.
MayFail has two types, either e or a. So why do I have to write the functor as follows
instance Functor (MayFail e) where
fmap _ (Error e) = Error e
fmap f (Result x) = Result (f x)
and not instance Functor (MayFail e a) where?
What is the syntactic rule behind this?
Your question is a bit unclear, but I assume you're asking why you have to use e in instance Functor (MayFail e) instead of just writing instance Functor MayFail.
This is because Functor takes a type parameter of kind Type -> Type, and MayFail on its own would have kind Type -> Type -> Type. (Using MayFail e a would also be wrong, as its kind is just Type.)
MayFail :: Type -> Type -> Type is not a functor, but a bifunctor:
-- somewhat simplified definition
class Bifunctor p where
-- p :: Type -> Type -> Type
bimap :: (a -> c) -> (c -> d) -> p a b -> p c d
instance Bifunctor MayFail where
bimap f _ (Error e) = Error (f e)
bimap _ g (Result x) = Result (g x)
But, for any fixed error type e, the result of the partial application MayFail e :: Type -> Type is a functor:
instance Functor (MayFail e) where
fmap _ (Error e) = Error e
fmap f (Result x) = Result (f x)
-- Or, using the Bifunctor instance,
-- fmap = bimap id
In some sense, a bifunctor is a mapping of types to functors.
The Functor class is defined as
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
That is, the type constructor f must accept a single type argument (otherwise f a and f b in the type signature of fmap would be invalid).
Formally this means f must have kind Type -> Type (also known as * -> * in older versions of GHC).
This is different from e.g. Eq or Show, which look like this (simplified):
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
class Show a where
show :: a -> String
Here the parameter a is used as a type itself.
Your type, data MayFail e a, has two parameters. If we were to plug just MayFail into the Functor definition, as in
instance Functor MayFail where ...
this would implicitly declare fmap as
fmap :: (a -> b) -> MayFail a -> MayFail b
which is a kind error: MayFail a is not a type because MayFail takes two arguments.
Similarly, if we tried
instance Functor (MayFail x y) where ...
then fmap would end up having the type
fmap :: (a -> b) -> MayFail x y a -> MayFail x y b
which is also a kind error: MayFail only takes two arguments, not three.
The only way to form a sensible type signature is to set f = MayFail e, because then f a becomes MayFail e a (and f b becomes MayFail e b), which is well-formed.
Is there a name for this family of operations?
Functor f => f (a, b) -> (f a, f b)
Functor f => f (a, b, c) -> (f a, f b, f c)
Functor f => f (a, b, ..., z) -> (f a, f b, ..., f z)
They're easy to implement, just trying to figure out what to call it.
\fab -> (fst <$> fab, snd <$> fab)
For me, it came up in the context of f ~ (x ->).
In your specific context f ~ (x ->), I think they can be called "power laws".
Indeed, in theory, it is common to write A -> B as the power B^A. The pair type (A,B) is also commonly written as a product (A*B).
Your first law is then written as
(A*B)^C = A^C * B^C
and is a classic type isomorphism. This can be easily generalized to tuples in the obvious way.
In the general case, where f is an arbitrary functor, I can't think of nothing else than "distribution", right now.
There is Data.Distributive which is the dual of Data.Traversable. It provides the distribute function which can be specialized e.g. as f (Stream a) -> Stream (f a) or distribute :: f (Vec n a) -> Vec n (f a). The latter example is a homogeneous variant of your family of functions.
But we can generalize Data.Distributive a bit just like lenses generalize functors. Enter Colens:
type Colens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (f a -> b) -> f s -> t
Here is the mirror of Control.Lens.Each:
class Coeach s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where
coeach :: Colens s t a b
instance (a~a', b~b') => Coeach (a,a') (b,b') a b where
coeach f p = (f $ fst <$> p, f $ snd <$> p)
instance (a~a2, a~a3, b~b2, b~b3) => Coeach (a,a2,a3) (b,b2,b3) a b where
coeach f p = ...
And just like with each we can iterate over tuples
each_id1 :: Applicative f => (f a, f a) -> f (a, a)
each_id1 = each id
each_id2 :: Applicative f => (f a, f a, f a) -> f (a, a, a)
each_id2 = each id
with coeach we can coiterate over tuples:
coeach_id1 :: Functor f => f (a, a) -> (f a, f a)
coeach_id1 = coeach id
coeach_id2 :: Functor f => f (a, a, a) -> (f a, f a, f a)
coeach_id2 = coeach id
This is still homogeneous, though. I don't know lens much, so can't say whether there is a heterogeneous each and the corresponding coeach.
This question deals with constructing a proper Monad instance from something that is a monad, but only under certain constraints - for example Set. The trick is to wrap it into ContT, which defers the constraints to wrapping/unwrapping its values.
Now I'd like to do the same with Applicatives. In particular, I have an Applicative instance whose pure has a type-class constraint. Is there a similar trick how to construct a valid Applicative instance?
(Is there "the mother of all applicative functors" just as there is for monads?)
What may be the most consistent way available is starting from Category, where it's quite natural to have a restriction to objects: Object!
class Category k where
type Object k :: * -> Constraint
id :: Object k a => k a a
(.) :: (Object k a, Object k b, Object k c)
=> k b c -> k a b -> k a c
Then we define functors similar to how Edward does it
class (Category r, Category t) => Functor f r t | f r -> t, f t -> r where
fmap :: (Object r a, Object t (f a), Object r b, Object t (f b))
=> r a b -> t (f a) (f b)
All of this works nicely and is implemented in the constrained-categories library, which – shame on me! – still isn't on Hackage.
Applicative is unfortunately a bit less straightforward to do. Mathematically, these are monoidal functors, so we first need monoidal categories. categories has that class, but it doesn't work with the constraint-based version because our objects are always anything of kind * with a constraint. So what I did is make up a Curry class, which kind of approximates this.
Then, we can do Monoidal functors:
class (Functor f r t, Curry r, Curry t) => Monoidal f r t where
pure :: (Object r a, Object t (f a)) => a `t` f a
fzipWith :: (PairObject r a b, Object r c, PairObject t (f a) (f b), Object t (f c))
=> r (a, b) c -> t (f a, f b) (f c)
This is actually equivalent to Applicative when we have proper closed cartesian categories. In the constrained-categories version, the signatures unfortunately look very horrible:
(<*>) :: ( Applicative f r t
, MorphObject r a b, Object r (r a b)
, MorphObject t (f a) (f b), Object t (t (f a) (f b)), Object t (f (r a b))
, PairObject r (r a b) a, PairObject t (f (r a b)) (f a)
, Object r a, Object r b, Object t (f a), Object t (f b))
=> f (r a b) `t` t (f a) (f b)
Still, it actually works – for the unconstrained case, duh! I haven't yet found a convenient way to use it with nontrivial constraints.
But again, Applicative is equivalent to Monoidal, and that can be used as demonstrated in the Set example.
I'm not sure the notion of "restricted applicative" is unique, as different presentations are not isomorphic. That said here is one and something at least somewhat along the lines of Codensity. The idea is to have a "free functor" together with a unit
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds, ExistentialQuantification #-}
import GHC.Prim (Constraint)
import Control.Applicative
class RFunctor f where
type C f :: * -> Constraint
rfmap :: C f b => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class RFunctor f => RApplicative f where
rpure :: C f a => a -> f a
rzip :: f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
data UAp f a
= Pure a
| forall b. Embed (f b) (b -> a)
toUAp :: C f a => f a -> UAp f a
toUAp x = Embed x id
fromUAp :: (RApplicative f, C f a) => UAp f a -> f a
fromUAp (Pure x) = rpure x
fromUAp (Embed x f) = rfmap f x
zipUAp :: RApplicative f => UAp f a -> UAp f b -> UAp f (a,b)
zipUAp (Pure a) (Pure b) = Pure (a,b)
zipUAp (Pure a) (Embed b f) = Embed b (\x -> (a,f x))
zipUAp (Embed a f) (Pure b) = Embed a (\x -> (f x,b))
zipUAp (Embed a f) (Embed b g) = Embed (rzip a b) (\(x,y) -> (f x,g y))
instance Functor (UAp f) where
fmap f (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
fmap f (Embed a g) = Embed a (f . g)
instance RApplicative f => Applicative (UAp f) where
pure = Pure
af <*> ax = fmap (\(f,x) -> f x) $ zipUAp af ax
EDIT: Fixed some bugs. That is what happens when you don't compile before posting.
Because every Monad is a Functor, you can use the same ContT trick.
pure becomes return
fmap f x becomes x >>= (return . f)
I wrote something like this:
instance Functor (Either e) where
fmap _ (Left a) = Left a
fmap f (Right b) = Right (f b)
How do I do the same if I want fmap to change the value only if it's Left?
I mean, what syntax do I use to indicate that I use type Either _ b instead of Either a _?
I don't think there's a way to do that directly, unfortunately. With a function you can use flip to partially apply the second argument, but that doesn't work with type constructors like Either.
The simplest thing is probably wrapping it in a newtype:
newtype Mirror b a = Mirrored (Either a b)
instance Functor (Mirror e) where
fmap _ (Mirrored (Right a)) = Mirrored $ Right a
fmap f (Mirrored (Left b)) = Mirrored $ Left (f b)
Wrapping with newtype is also the standard way to create multiple instances for a single type, such as Sum and Product being instances of Monoid for numeric types. Otherwise, you can only have one instance per type.
Additionally, depending on what it is you want to do, another option is to ignore Functor and define your own type class like this:
class Bifunctor f where
bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> f a b -> f c d
instance Bifunctor Either where
bimap f _ (Left a) = Left $ f a
bimap _ g (Right b) = Right $ g b
instance Bifunctor (,) where
bimap f g (a, b) = (f a, g b)
Obviously, that class is twice as much fun as a regular Functor. Of course, you can't make a Monad instance out of that very easily.
You can't make the instance you are looking for directly.
In order for type inference and type classes to work, there is a certain positional bias to the ordering of arguments in the types. It has been shown that if we allowed arbitrary reordering of the arguments when instantiating type classes, that type inference becomes intractable.
You could use a Bifunctor class that can map over both arguments separately.
class Bifunctor f where
bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> f a c -> f b d
first :: (a -> b) -> f a c -> f b c
second :: (c -> d) -> f a c -> f a d
first f = bimap f id
second = bimap id
instance Bifunctor Either where
bimap f _ (Left a) = Left (f a)
bimap _ g (Right b) = Right (g b)
instance Bifunctor (,) where
bimap f g (a,b) = (f a, g b)
Or you could use a Flip combinator like:
newtype Flip f a b = Flip { unFlip :: f b a }
Generalized versions of both of these are available in category-extras on hackage. The latter even includes an instance for Functor (Flip Either a) because Either is a Bifunctor. (I should probably fix that to only require a PFunctor)
Ultimately, the order of arguments in a type constructor is important in determining what classes you can instantiate. You may need to use newtype wrappers (like Flip above) to put the arguments where they need to be to qualify to construct an instance of another typeclass. This is the price we pay for the inference of type class constraints.
You essentially need a 'flip' combinator on types. A newtype wrapper that inverts the order should work, as camccann says. Note that you can't use a 'type' synonym, as they may not be partially applied.