Vim key binding to call a function with input from user - vim

There might be a simple solution for this. I couldn't find any solution to it (I might be searching with wrong context)
Here is my requirement.
I wrote the below key mapping in vimrc. It should print the line "Hello user_name." n times, where n and user_name are the user input once the key is pressed.
autocmd FileType ruby nnoremap <expr> <C-h> :call FuncPrnt(<-syntax to pass input from user->)
function! FuncPrnt(count, uname)
let c=a:count
let i=0
while i<c
call append(line("."), "Hello ".a:uname.".")
let i+=1
On Pressing the key user enters 3 and 'Ironman'. The output would be like
Hello Ironman.
Hello Ironman.
Hello Ironman.
Thanks in advance

A simpler approach is to just use a non-<expr> mapping to prepare the Ex command without executing it:
nnoremap <C-h> :call FuncPrnt(,"")<left><left><left><left>
If you associate that with a filetype (such as "ruby" in your case), make sure you create a local mapping using <buffer>. Otherwise the mapping will be global and will work on every buffer and not only those with Ruby source files.
If you use an autocmd in your vimrc, make sure you wrap it in an augroup to prevent getting duplicated commands if you reload your vimrc.
Alternatively, you can add filetype mappings for Ruby in a file ~/.vim/ftplugin/ruby.vim which gets automatically loaded by Vim whenever a file of type Ruby is loaded. (That way you don't need to use explicit autocmds, Vim will take care of those details on your behalf.)

Got the answer. Just in case someone else is searching for similar solution
autocmd FileType ruby nnoremap <expr> <C-h> input("", ":call FuncPrnt(,\"\")<left><left><left><left>")
will print the command and waits for the user to edit. Once the user edits and enters it is executed

Thinking outside of the box a little bit (questioning the premise), perhaps the best in this case is to define a user-defined command instead of a mapping.
You can define one here with:
command! -buffer -bar -count=1 -nargs=1 FuncPrnt
\ call FuncPrnt(<count>, <q-args>)
That way you can use it with:
:3FuncPrnt Ironman
If you omit the count, 1 will be used. (You can pick a different default as the argument to -count=N.)
You can use Tab completion for FuncPrnt, so perhaps :3Fu<Tab> or even :3F<Tab> might be enough to complete the command.
This might end up being quicker or more convenient to type than <C-H>3<right><right>, since it doesn't involve moving your hand to the arrow keys.


Programmatically equalize windows inside a function

I've got the following vimscript function:
function! WindowCommand(cmd)
execute a:cmd
if !g:golden_ratio_enabled
normal <C-w>=
And I use it like so:
map <space>w/ :call WindowCommand(':vs')<cr>
It's supposed to equalize the windows, but only if g:golden_ratio_enabled is 0, otherwise it should do nothing.
It doesn't work, though, and I'm not sure why, because the following DOES work:
map <space>w/ :vs<cr><C-w>=
What am I doing wrong here?
There are a couple fixes. Thankfully, the fix is really simple
For whatever reason, normal <C-w>foo does not work; You must use wincmd instead. From :h wincmd
*:winc* *:wincmd*
These commands can also be executed with ":wincmd":
:[count]winc[md] {arg}
Like executing CTRL-W [count] {arg}. Example: >
:wincmd j
Moves to the window below the current one.
This command is useful when a Normal mode cannot be used (for
the |CursorHold| autocommand event). Or when a Normal mode
command is inconvenient.
The count can also be a window number. Example: >
:exe nr . "wincmd w"
This goes to window "nr".
So in this case, you should do
wincmd =
Alternatively, you could enter a literal <C-w> character, by typing <C-v><C-w>. In your vim session, this character will be displayed as ^W.
To execute actions with <notation>, use instead:
:exe "normal \<notation>"
I use it a lot to debug mappings.
But in this case, prefer indeed wincmd.

Set option just for one command

I was looking for a way to set virtualedit=block before executing visual block select with additional binding g<C-v> and after that turning it off.
There are few things in my workflow that require that behavior. I didn't find anything after some research. So currently I have this in my vimrc.
nnoremap g<C-v> :setl virtualedit=block<CR><C-v>
nnoremap <C-v> :setl virtualedit=<CR><C-v>
Another example is to disable incsearch for custom command
nnoremap <silent> K :setl nois<CR>:grep! "\b<C-R><C-W>\b"<CR>:setl is<CR>
So my question is, is there right or just better than the one I came up with way to set option just for one command and switch it back after command is done?
Here is example of code for idea that #Kent suggested
function! Example()
let &l:virtualedit="block"
exe "normal \<C-v>"
let &l:virtualedit=""
But this way does not work for cases like in first example
one way to go is wrap in function, and make your mapping call the function:
function! Example()
let &option="whatever"
logic ...
let &option="whatever else"
or you can concatenate the commands : setlocal .. | command | setlocal ...

vimwiki style links without vimwiki?

One of my favorite features of vimwiki is the way it handles links. Unfortunately, I use something else (vimoutliner) for my main note-taking, and it doesn't have anywhere near the linking capability that vimwiki does.
Is there a plugin that adds the linking functionality of vimwiki (or at least something similar) when editing any arbitrary file, and not just a *.wiki file?
I think you could just write one for your simple use case, something like:
function! LinkForward()
let g:fromFile=expand('%:p')
let fn= substitute(getline('.'),'^.*\[\[\([^\]]*\)\].*$',"\\1",'g')
execute "e ".fn
nnoremap <cr> :call LinkForward()<cr>
function! LinkBackward()
execute "e ".g:fromFile
nnoremap <bs> :call LinkBackward()<cr>
source this will do some similiar action, e.g pressing Enter on [[path/to/file/foo]]foo will go to that foo file, and within that file pressing <Backspace> will get you back.
note the codes above are just example, it won't work perfect. You could make it work better, e.g:
add a list/(stack) to store the file jump history.
define that this kind of action works only for certain filetype
check if the line under cursor doesn't match [[...]] then do normal <Enter>
etc.. if you like you could take a look vimwiki's codes and "borrow" some snippets for your personal usage.
hope it helps you.. & good luck.

Vim inline remap to check first character

I am trying to do a comment remap in Vim with an inline if to check if it's already commented or not. This is what I have already and of course it's not working ha ha:
imap <c-c> <Esc>^:if getline(".")[col(".")-1] == '/' i<Delete><Delete> else i// endif
What I want to do is check the first character if it's a / or not. If it's a / then delete the first two characters on that line, if it's not a / then add two // in front of the line.
What I had originally was this:
imap <c-c> <Esc>^i//
And that worked perfectly, but what I want is to be able to comment/uncomment at a whim.
I completely agree with #Peter Rincker's answer warning against doing this in insert mode, and pointing you to fully-featured plugins.
However, I couldn't resist writing this function to do precisely what you ask for. I find it easier to deal with this kind of mapping with functions. As an added bonus, it returns you to insert mode in the same position on the line as you started (which has been shifted by inserting or deleting the characters).
function! ToggleComment()
let pos=getpos(".")
let win=winsaveview()
if getline(".") =~ '\s*\/\/'
normal! ^2x
let pos[2]-=1
normal! ^i//
let pos[2]+=3
call winrestview(win)
call setpos(".",pos)
inoremap <c-c> <Esc>:call ToggleComment()<CR>
Notice the modifications to pos to ensure the cursor is returned to the correct column. The command startinsert is useful in this type of function to return to insert mode. It is always safer to use noremap for mappings, unless there is a very good reason not to.
This seems to work well, but it is not very Vim-like, and you might find other plugins more flexible in the long run.
There are many commenting plugins for vim:
NERD Commenter
and many more at
I would highly suggest you take a look at some these plugins first before you decide to roll your own. It will save you great effort.
As a side note you typically would want to comment/uncomment in normal mode not insert mode. This is not only the vim way, but will also provide a nicer undo history.
If you are dead set on creating your own mappings I suggest you create a function to do all the hard work and have your mapping call that function via :call. If you think you can get by with simple logic that doesn't need a function then you can use an expression mapping (see :h map-<expr>). You may want organize into a plugin as it could be large. If that is the case look at :h write-plugin to give you a feel
for writing plugins the proper way.
Example of a simple expression mapping for toggling comments:
nnoremap <expr> <leader>c getline(".") =~ '\m^\s*\/\/' ? '^"_2x' : 'I//<esc>`['
there's also this vimtip!
i use the bottom one with the
noremap <silent> ,c :<C-B>sil <C-E>s/^/<C-R>=escape(b:comment_leader,'\/')<CR>/<CR>:noh<CR>
noremap <silent> ,u :<C-B>sil <C-E>s/^\V<C-R>=escape(b:comment_leader,'\/')<CR>//e<CR>:noh<CR>
,c comments out a region
,u uncomments a region

Vim: Resolve ambiguity of key mappings in a specific buffer to avoid timeout

I use plugin "Buffet", and there's local-to-buffer mapping "d" to delete buffer under cursor.
I also use plugun Surround, and there's global mapping "ds" that means "delete surround".
So, when i press "d" in the Buffet's window, Vim waits for a second before execute mapping "d". I know about &timeoutlen, but i don't want to change it. So that I want to resolve ambiguity of key mappings for "d" in the Buffet's window to avoid timeout to delete a buffer.
To resolve the problem, I want to unmap in Buffet window all the mappings that start with "d", but except Buffet's own mappings. How can i do that?
P.S. I have read about maparg() and mapcheck(), but they seem not to be what i need, unfortunately.
It seems like i found the solution myself:
au BufEnter buflisttempbuffer* nunmap ds
au BufLeave buflisttempbuffer* nmap ds <Plug>Dsurround
I hoped that there's more universal approach (to remove really all mappings starting from "d"), but at this moment i failed to find it.
Even if i found out how to get all these mappings, unfortunately i can't do unmap <buffer> ds, because ds is a global mapping. I'm sure that i should be able to disable global mapping for some buffer, though. Vim is great but not perfect.
Well, it works for me now.
Now that the question has been "rephrased", this solution is no longer relevant, but I'll post it anyway since I spent a few minutes on it.
Here's a function that grabs the output of map <letter> and extracts the individual maps. Then it unmaps them all.
function! Unmap(leader)
redir => maps
sil exe "map " . a:leader
redir END
let maps_list = split(strtrans(maps),'\^#')
if len(maps_list) > 1
for this in maps_list
let mapn = matchstr(this,"^\\w\\s*\\zsd\\w*\\>")
exe "unmap " . mapn
Example usage: call Unmap("d"). This will remove all mappings that begin with d, leaving only Vim's defaults.
Disclaimer: this has not been rigorously tested. In particular I don't know how portable the \^# character is, but that's how it looks on my (Win32) machine.
The easiest way to do it is:
:%s:map <buffer> <silent> d:"&:
$ vim # Restart Vim to take effect...
Generally you can't unmap based on a pattern.
If you want to use another key (e.g. with <leader>, just change this line in the plugin:
map <buffer> <silent> d :call <sid>deletebuffer(0)<cr>
This question is rather old, but if you're still interested, you might want to give Bufstop a try.
This issue is handled by the plugin, you can press the d key to delete a buffer, and you won't get any timeout if you installed other plugins which have global mappings.
A cheap trick that worked for me was to make the timeoutlen so short it becomes pretty much instantaneous. As long as you don't use multiple key mappings yourself, that will cover all plugins in one shot.
We don't want that setting to stay however, so we remove it every time we leave the buffer.
Add this so that it runs inside your custom buffer:
augroup no_map_chords
autocmd BufEnter <buffer> let g:bak_timeoutlen = &timeoutlen | set timeoutlen=1
autocmd BufLeave <buffer> let &timeoutlen = g:bak_timeoutlen | unlet g:bak_timeoutlen
augroup END
A similar technique could be used for a specific file type, or other such "global" settings.
Buffet is a very young plugin, I don't think it's used by as many people as Command-T or NERDTree so you may not receive lots of answers. Its author has been very responsive on the numerous threads he created there about it you should contact him directly or create an issue on Buffet's github.
