python recursion avoid result as global variable - python-3.x

res_dict = {}
def get_value(co , passed_dict ):
for k, v in passed_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
get_value(co, v)
res_dict[k] = v
print("from else",res_dict)
return res_dict
def easy():
inner_dict = {
"test1" : {"test1_in" : "abc"},
"test2" : {"test1_in" : "xyz"}
dict1 = {}
count = 0
val_from_function= {}
key_list = ['key1','key2']
for key in key_list:
count = count + 1
val_from_function = get_value(count ,inner_dict)
print("before assign" ,dict1 )
dict1[key] = val_from_function
print("after assign" , dict1)
# dict1['key1'] = {'test1' : "abc"}
# dict1['key2'] = {'test1' : "xyz"}
receiving output : {'key1': {'test1_in': 'xyz'}, 'key2': {'test1_in': 'xyz'}}
expected o/p : {'key1': {'test1_in': 'abc'}, 'key2': {'test1_in': 'xyz'}}
I understand the value of dict1 is updated with the last value as res_dict declared as global
I can solve it by appending the inner key value with outer key and then storing in dictionary.
I might solve it using ordered dictionary.
taking keys from list as outer key value (key1, key2 ..,key3000) is unknown.
Looking for suggestions on how to make this code better with expected o/p.
Have 3k key-pair values, same as sample pattern with more nested k,v & storing o/p as cache, so performance is not a very big issue here.

# This modifies passed_dict
def get_value(passed_dict, recur_dict_new={}, isInitial=True):
for k, v in passed_dict.items():
if isInitial:
recur_dict_new = {}
if isinstance(v, dict):
temp = get_value(v, recur_dict_new, isInitial=False)
passed_dict[k]= temp
return recur_dict_new
def easy():
inner_dict = {
"test1" : {"test1_in" : "abc"},
"test2" : {"test1_in" : "xyz"}
key_list = ['key1','key2']
for key in key_list:
# dict1['key1'] = {'test1' : "abc"}
# dict1['key2'] = {'test1' : "xyz"}
Thanks for looking, I have solved with one of the ways as mentioned above,
tested with 15k records with 3 more levels of nested JSON, the performance was okay(4ms)
O/p : {'test1': {'test1_in': 'abc'}, 'test2': {'test1_in': 'xyz'}}


Getting error when doing re-mapping dict keys to another dict keys in python

below is my code:
mapping_dict = {"NET_D":
("name", "tiN"),
("d_id", "id"),
("m_ip", "ti_ip"),
("model", "cmbM"),
("dc", "cmbL"),
("vendor", "cmbV"),
("cab", "cmbC")
obj = {"ti_ip": "", "cmbM": "model-a", "tiN": "device-123", "cmbV": "Systems", "cmbCt": "406", "cmbC": "sc", "id": "199"}
def process_results(item_list, mapping):
results = []
for i in item_list:
item = {}
for m in mapping:
item[m[0]] = i[m[1]]
except KeyError:
item[m[0]] = ""
return results, len(results)
process_results(obj, mapping_dict["NET_D"])
desired/wanted output:
{"m_ip": "", "model": "model-a", "name": "device-123", "vendor": "Systems", "cab": "406", "dc": "sc", "d_id": "199"}
error i am getting:
item[m[0]] = i[m[1]]
TypeError: string indices must be integers
can anyone suggest the right way to achieve desired/wanted output
i am still new to python, apologies for the mistakes/errors or if my code sounds like silly/dumb ;-) to you
You could do this, although technically your mapping_dict is a list of tuples and not a nested dict.
mapping_dict = {"NET_D":
("name", "tiN"),
("d_id", "id"),
("m_ip", "ti_ip"),
("model", "cmbM"),
("dc", "cmbL"),
("vendor", "cmbV"),
("cab", "cmbC")
obj = {"ti_ip": "", "cmbM": "model-a", "tiN": "device-123", "cmbV": "Systems", "cmbCt": "406", "cmbC": "sc", "id": "199"}
def process_results(item_list, mapping):
return {i[0]:v for k,v in item_list.items() for i in mapping if k == i[1]}
which will give
{'m_ip': '', 'model': 'model-a', 'name': 'device-123', 'vendor': 'Systems', 'cab': 'sc', 'd_id': '199'}```
This is called dict comprehension and creates a new dictionary.
It is basically doing the equivalent of
def process_results(item_list, mapping):
res = {}
for k,v in item_list.items():
for i in mapping:
if k == i[1]:
res[i[0]] = v
return res
Iterating for each value of the obj dict, then iterate through the mapping list of tuples and if the value is the same as index[1] of the tuple then create a new key:value in the new dict.

Python3 - recursively replace all keys with periods in a nested dictionary

I am trying to clean up a nested dictionary before inserting it into Mongo. Some of the keys in the dict have periods in them so I need to replace them with underscores. Based on other posts I have seen I have come up with this (not working) code sample:
def get_recursively(search_dict):
new_dict = {}
for key, value in search_dict.items():
if '.' in key or ' ' in key:
new_dict[key.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_').lower()] = value
elif isinstance(value, dict):
results = get_recursively(value)
for key2, value2 in results.items():
new_dict[key] = dict(key2, value2)
elif isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
if isinstance(item, dict):
more_results = get_recursively(item)
for key3, value3 in more_results.items():
new_dict[key] = dict(key3, value3)
new_dict[key] = value
return new_dict
I am trying to make a new dictionary because when I tried to modify the existing dictionary I got an error about the dictionary changing during execution.
The code that is not valid (at least) is:
dict(key2, value2)
That is not valid syntax but hopefully shows my thought process at least.
Any help much appreciated.
If I understood right, is this want you meant?
def change_chars(string, chars, new_char):
new_string = string
for char in chars:
new_string = new_string.replace(char, new_char)
return new_string
def recursively_change_keys(obj, chars, new_char):
if isinstance(obj, list):
return [
recursively_change_keys(o, chars, new_char)
for o in obj
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
return {
change_chars(key, chars, new_char): recursively_change_keys(value, chars, new_char)
for key, value in obj.items()
return obj
So you just have to call it like recursively_change(search_dict, [ ".", " " ], "_")
import json
d = {
"some.key": [
"key.1": {"a": 1},
"key.2": 2,
"key.3": {"key.4": [3, 4, 5], "key.5": 6},
def transform(d):
if isinstance(d, dict):
return {k.replace(".", "_"): transform(v) for k, v in d.items()}
elif isinstance(d, list):
return [transform(v) for v in d]
return d
# pretty print the dictionary:
print(json.dumps(transform(d), indent=4))
"some_key": [
"key_1": {
"a": 1
"key_2": 2,
"key_3": {
"key_4": [
"key_5": 6

How to add currency sign to all integers in a list of nested dictionaries

Given a list of nested dictionaries how can I add the currency locale to all the integer values using the locale module. My current solution works however I could not figure out how to make it work with nested dictionaries nor does it feel pythonic.
Example input
'total_salary': 70000,
'salary': {
'base': 65000,
'bonus': 5000
'total_salary': 50000,
'salary': {
'base': 45000,
'bonus': 5000
Wanted output
'total_salary': '$70000',
'salary': {
'base': '$65000',
'bonus': '$5000'
'total_salary': '$50000',
'salary': {
'base': '$45000',
'bonus': '$5000'
current solution
import locale
locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, 'en_CA.UTF-8' )
def add_currency_locale(_list):
new_list = []
for d in _list:
for k,v in list(d.items()):
v = float(v)
new_value = locale.currency(v, grouping=True)
d[k] = new_value
return new_list
Because you have the line locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, 'en_CA.UTF-8' ), I think you don't want to have the local currency symbol, but want it to always be '$'. If so, here is my solution, otherwise you can easily replace the line where I set new_value. I'm using recursion to correctly handle cases when you have nested lists or dictionaries (the code you've provided seems to not work for those cases, but according to the example input and output you need this. If you don't, remove the part with instance checking and replace the line except ValueError: with except (ValueError, TypeError):). Pay attention to the notes I left in the comments
# Note: variable names with one leading underscore are "private" according to python code style.
# Use trailing underscore instead
def add_currency_locale(list_):
new_list = []
for d in list_:
# Note: no need to convert `d.items()` to list: you can iterate over the original
# object, and the conversion takes time
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
# Because `add_currency_locale` only works with arrays, make an array of one
# dictionary and then only use the first (and only) element of the returned list
d[k] = add_currency_locale([v])[0]
elif isinstance(v, list):
d[k] = add_currency_locale(v)
elif isinstance(v, (int, float)):
d[k] = f'${v}'
d[k] = v
return new_list
You can use this code to iterate through all the data elements and get the $ symbol assigned to each value.
def add_curr(dict_list):
new_lst = []
for dic in dict_list:
for k1, v1 in dic.items():
if not isinstance(v1, dict):
if isinstance(v1, (int, float)):
dic[k1] = '${}'.format(v1)
dic[k1] = v1
for k2,v2 in v1.items():
isinstance(v2, (int, float)):
dic[k1][k2] = '${}'.format(v2)
dic[k1][k2] = v2
return new_lst
You could decide to use the conversion part as a separate function and call it each time with a key and value
if isinstance(v1, (int, float)):
dic[k1] = '${}'.format(v1)
dic[k1] = v1
This will give you the following dict:
[{'name': 'Tom',
'total_salary': '$70000',
{'base': '$65000',
'bonus': '$5000'}},
{'name': 'Andrew',
'total_salary': '$50000',
{'base': '$45000',
'bonus': '$5000'}}]
If you want to use the locale module:
lst = [
'total_salary': 70000,
'salary': {
'base': 65000,
'bonus': 5000
'total_salary': 50000,
'salary': {
'base': 45000,
'bonus': 5000
import locale
locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, 'en_CA.UTF-8' )
def cnvrt(dct):
for k, v in dct.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
dct[k] = cnvrt(v)
elif isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
dct[k] = locale.currency(v, grouping=True)
return dct
print([cnvrt(i) for i in lst])
However, that won't give you your expected output which is just a $ prepended to the value.
For that you can use.
def cnvrt(dct):
for k, v in dct.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
dct[k] = cnvrt(v)
elif isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
dct[k] = f'${v}'
return dct
print([cnvrt(i) for i in lst])
This works by recursively calling cnvrt if the value is a nested dict, otherwise, if it's an int or float it prepends a $. Since it's operating on the expectation of a dict object, you can use it in a nice list comprehension.
Finally, if you really want to you can handle lists with your function but IMO at this point it is doing too much.
def cnvrt(obj):
if isinstance(obj, list):
obj = [cnvrt(i) for i in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, list):
obj[k] = cnvrt(v)
elif isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
obj[k] = f'${v}'
return obj
Although, it works with inner lists and dicts as well, There is a lot going on which makes it hard to follow.

Add a value to an array contained in a dictionary

Please how to add a new element to an array which is a value of a dictionary?
When I try to add the element like this:
it just erases the previous value.
My complete code looks like
data = [{"signal_name": "X", "signal_value": "valueX1"},
{"signal_name": "Y", "signal_value": "valueY1"},
{"signal_name": "Z", "signal_value": "valueZ1"},
{"signal_name": "X", "signal_value": "valueX2"}]
res = {}
for i in data:
for k, v in i.items():
if k == "signal_name":
res[v] = []
temp = v
if k == "signal_value":
my output looks like this
Reading from input
{'X': ['valueX1']}
{'X': ['valueX1'], 'Y': ['valueY1']}
{'X': ['valueX1'], 'Y': ['valueY1'], 'Z': ['valueZ1']}
{'X': ['valueX2'], 'Y': ['valueY1'], 'Z': ['valueZ1']}
Done reading
so the X value is updated rather than contains the ['valueX1', 'valueX2']
res[temp].append(v) works well. In res[v] = [] line, you are assigning an empty list when you encounter X second time and ever time you encounter again.
I recommend you to use dictionary get() function.
res = {}
for d in data:
key = d["signal_name"]
value = d["signal_value"]
l = res.get(key, []) # Return [] if key is not in the dictonary
res[key] = l
{'X': ['valueX1', 'valueX2'], 'Y': ['valueY1'], 'Z': ['valueZ1']}
Try the below code, Hope this will help:
data = [{"signal_name": "X", "signal_value": "valueX1"},
{"signal_name": "Y", "signal_value": "valueY1"},
{"signal_name": "Z", "signal_value": "valueZ1"},
{"signal_name": "X", "signal_value": "valueX2"}]
res = {}
for i in data:
temp = None
for k, v in i.items():
if k == "signal_name":
res[v]=[] #<-- As everytime you were initializing it, this was the error
temp = v
if k == "signal_value":
Ouput will be :
{'X': ['valueX1', 'valueX2'], 'Y': ['valueY1'], 'Z': ['valueZ1']}

Transforming list into dictionary with Python

There is a list of values:
list_inside = ["de:14612:1","de:14612:21","de:14612:17","de:14612:16"]
Why instead of {'from': '1', 'to': '16'} I am getting this {'from': '16', 'to': '16'}. What I am doing wrong with my code?
keys = ["from", "to"]
list_inside = ["de:14612:1","de:14612:21","de:14612:17","de:14612:16"]
for i in list_inside[::len(list_inside)-1]:
result = dict((key, i.join(i.split(":", 2)[2::1])) for key in keys)
keys = ["from", "to"]
list_inside = ["de:14612:1","de:14612:21","de:14612:17","de:14612:16"]
result = {} #Declare empty dict
for key, v in zip(keys, list_inside[::len(list_inside)-1]):
result.update({key: v.split(":", 2)[-1])}) #Use dict.update to update the required values.
{'to': '16', 'from': '1'}
Your current approach is overriding result variable.
Your doing result = several times inside a loop.
Obviously, only the last iteration will be effective here.
This code gets the result what you are expecting.
-1 made simple code.
keys = ["from", "to"]
list_inside = ["de:14612:1","de:14612:21","de:14612:17","de:14612:16"]
result = {}
result[keys[0]] = list_inside[0].split(':')[2]
result[keys[1]] = list_inside[-1].split(':')[2]
print (result)
