Background: url() using .attrs() function - styled-components

I'm trying to display a different background depending on props with .attrs();
I have the following;
const Heart = styled.div.attrs(props => ({
background: `url(${props => props.filled ? "./media/heart-filled.png" : "./media/heart-empty.png"})`
//rest of styles here.
However, it doesn't display anything. How exactly does this function work?

I don't know why you're trying to use .attrs here, but it's used to attache some props to a styled component.
To make your code work, you could try:
const Heart = styled.div.attrs(props => ({/* Some aditional props here ! */}))`
background: url(${props => (props.filled ? "./media/heart-filled.png" : "./media/heart-empty.png")}); /* props that you pass into your component can be used here */
/* rest of styles here. */


Retrieve extended styles

My code is:
color: ${(props: any) => COLOR_I_CHOOSE}
I was following the "extending styles" section in the docs -
Button is a custom styled component. I want to pass in a color so it overrides the internal setting of the color to COLOR_I_CHOOSE. I have control over the internals. In the internals I am trying to detect if any styled overrides were provided and use that.
Internally I set the CSS like this:
const primaryChildre
nCSS = css`
color: ${(props: any) => {
console.log('props:', props);
// TODO: test if props has override on color and use that
// PSEUDOCODE: if (props.styleExtensions.color) return props.styleExtensions.color
return props.inverse
? props.theme.ns().colors.brand
: props.theme.ns().colors.white;
I logged out props here, but can't figure out how to get that. I want to do as the pseudocode comment in the above.
<Button> Hello</Button> // default color
The following will override the default color of Button if the passed color is not red.
const MyRedTextButton = styled(Button)`
color: ${(props: any) => props.color === 'red' ? 'inherit' : props.color}
<MyRedTextButton color="red"> Hello </MyRedTextButton> // color of 'Hello' = the color of <Button/>
<MyRedTextButton color="blue"> Hello </MyRedTextButton> // color of 'Hello' = blue
Does this solve your problem?

Extending styled components

I have a Field Formik's component, in order to apply custom CSS I do:
const Input = styled(Field)`
// CSS goes here
And use Input component, works fine. However I use exactly the same CSS in many places, so I've extracted those CSS to standalone styled-component called SuperInput
Now, how can extend style-componet? I need something like
const Input = styled(Field)`
// inlucde CSS from SuperInput component here
Example code.
import styled from 'styled-components'
const SuperInput = styled.input`
// CSS here
import { Field } from 'formik'
import { SuperInput } from 'styled_components/super_input'
const SomeFormComponent = () => (
// How to use here <Field /> that has <SuperInput /> CSS applied?
Basically you just need to spread or append inside the template literals to get it to work. you can keep the common CSS something like
import styled, { css } from "styled-components"
const commonCss = css`
background: red;
And can use it in your component like this:
const Input = styled(Field)`
// CSS goes here
color: hotpink;
const Input1 = styled(Field)`
color: lightblue;
This should allow you to use the common CSS in various styled components.
For more info, you can read through css styled component API
Styled components create HOCs.
After the added superInput definition, I understand what you are trying to do. So your superInput is creating a button with the certain css properties which you are trying to reuse. In that case when you are using Field and trying to extend SuperInput which is a button doesnot make sense. Your Field component is by default a input element(text box), it can be checkbox, radio, file input also.Whatever CSS is written in superInput can be extracted the way I mentioned above and used at multiple places. The way you are trying to do is not the way styled component is designed. That's my understanding
Note : I may be wrong here about whether it is possible or not. But that's what i can say according to my awareness . Anyone Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Why is theme undefined in styled component props?

Here I access theme by passing a callback function to the styled tag. I guess styled calls this callback function with the props as first argument. This works well.
export default function SectionHeading(props: SectionHeadingProps) {
const Heading = styled.h2`
${props => && `
color: green;
return (
In this example I pass an expression that contains the props the component has received. Here, theme is undefined.
export default function SectionHeading(props: SectionHeadingProps) {
const Heading = styled.h2`
${ && `
color: green;
return (
Why is theme undefined in the second example?
The reason is that these are different "props" and they are evaluated in different times, in the first example, the props are the props passed to the styled component, augmented with theme (provided you used <ThemeProvider .../>. In the second example, it is the props passed to your component.
The injection of the theme is done by styled-component library and only to styled components. Your component doesn't get it (because it is not a styled component).
Btw, your code has redundant nesting and creates a styled component each time it is invoked.
The way to do it is to simply define:
const SectionHeading = styled.div`
${props => (props.theme && && {color: 'green'})};
and then:
export default SectionHeading;
Note that your sample code has a typo in the first part, you wrote {propss.children} (an extra 's').

How to write props properly in styled-components?

I need to change background based on condition if props.src exist. First part works fine, but place where it has props => props.src not getting rendered properly.
Result is:
You only need props.src rather than the function props => props.src in your url:
background: ${props => props.src === "" ? "#eff1f2" : `url(${props.src}) no-repeat center`};
Styled components won’t execute the nested inner function so it just gets stringified.

Using Fragment to insert HTML rendered on the back end via dangerouslySetInnerHTML

I used to compile and insert JSX components via
<div key={ ID } dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: HTML } } />
which wrapped my HTML into a <div>:
<div>my html from the HTML object</div>
Now react > 16.2.0 has support for Fragments and I wonder if I can use that somehow to avoid wrapping my HTML in a <div> each time I get data from the back end.
<Fragment key={ ID } dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: HTML } } />
will throw a warning
Warning: Invalid prop `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.
in React.Fragment
Is this supported yet at all? Is there another way to solve this?
Created an issue in the react repo for it if you want to upvote it.
Short Answer
Not possible:
key is the only attribute that can be passed to Fragment. In the
future, we may add support for additional attributes, such as event
You may want to chime in and suggest this as a future addition.
In the Meantime
You may want to consider using an HTML parsing library like:
Check out this example to see how it will accomplish your goal:
In Short
You'll be able to do this:
Update December 2020
This issue (also mentioned by OP) was closed on Oct 2, 2019. - However, stemming from the original issue, it seems a RawHTML component has entered the RFC process but has not reached production, and has no set timeline for when a working solution may be available.
That being said, I would now like to allude to a solution I currently use to get around this issue.
In my case, dangerouslySetInnerHTML was utilized to render plain HTML for a user to download; it was not ideal to have additional wrapper tags included in the output.
After reading around the web and StackOverflow, it seemed most solutions mentioned using an external library like html-react-parser.
For this use-case, html-react-parser would not suffice because it converts HTML strings to React element(s). Meaning, it would strip all HTML that wasn't standard JSX.
The code below is the no library solution I opted to use:
//HTML that will be set using dangerouslySetInnerHTML
const html = `<div>This is a div</div>`
The wrapper div within the RawHtml component is purposely named "unwanteddiv".
//Component that will return our dangerouslySetInnerHTML
//Note that we are using "unwanteddiv" as a wrapper
const RawHtml = () => {
return (
<unwanteddiv key={[]}
__html: html,
For the purpose of this example, we will use renderToStaticMarkup.
const staticHtml = ReactDomServer.renderToStaticMarkup(
The ParseStaticHtml function is where the magic happens, here you will see why we named the wrapper div "unwanteddiv".
//The ParseStaticHtml function will check the staticHtml
//If the staticHtml type is 'string'
//We will remove "<unwanteddiv/>" leaving us with only the desired output
const ParseStaticHtml = (html) => {
if (typeof html === 'string') {
return html.replace(/<unwanteddiv>/g, '').replace(/<\/unwanteddiv>/g, '');
} else {
return html;
Now, if we pass the staticHtml through the ParseStaticHtml function you will see the desired output without the additional wrapper div:
Additionally, I have created a codesandbox example that shows this in action.
Notice, the console log will throw a warning: "The tag <unwanteddiv> is unrecognized in this browser..." - However, this is fine because we intentionally gave it a unique name so we can easily differentiate and target the wrapper with our replace method and essentially remove it before output.
Besides, receiving a mild scolding from a code linter is not as bad as adding more dependencies for something that should be more simply implemented.
i found a workaround
by using react's ref
import React, { FC, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
interface RawHtmlProps {
html: string
const RawHtml: FC<RawHtmlProps> = ({ html }) => {
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
useEffect(() => {
if (!ref.current) return
// make a js fragment element
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
// move every child from our div to new fragment
while (ref.current.childNodes[0]) {
// and after all replace the div with fragment
}, [ref])
return <div ref={ref} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }}></div>
export { RawHtml }
Here's a solution that works for <td> elements only:
type DangerousHtml = {__html:string}
function isHtml(x: any): x is DangerousHtml {
if(!x) return false;
if(typeof x !== 'object') return false;
const keys = Object.keys(x)
if(keys.length !== 1) return false;
return keys[0] === '__html'
const DangerousTD = forwardRef<HTMLTableCellElement,Override<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'td'>,{children: ReactNode|DangerousHtml}>>(({children,...props}, ref) => {
if(isHtml(children)) {
return <td dangerouslySetInnerHTML={children} {...props} ref={ref}/>
return <td {...props} ref={ref}>{children}</td>
With a bit of work you can make this more generic, but that should give the general idea.
<DangerousTD>{{__html: "<span>foo</span>"}}</DangerousTD>
