Error: no suitable method found for length(int) - string

First time posting a question. Maybe I'm just being an idiot that's not seeing the problem, but can anyone identify what's wrong with my code below? Everything else works fine. But when the code is done compiling, it says "Error: no suitable method found for length(int)" for if (l.length(0)) and if (f.length(0)).
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Project2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
int salary;
double savingsRate;
double interestRate;
int employmentYears;
double retirementSavings;
System.out.println("Enter input salary savings_rate interest_rate years_employed lastname firstname");
salary = scnr.nextInt();
savingsRate = scnr.nextDouble();
interestRate = scnr.nextDouble();
employmentYears = scnr.nextInt();
String l = scnr.nextLine(); // Last Name
String f = scnr.nextLine(); // First Name
retirementSavings = employmentYears * savingsRate * salary * (1 + interestRate);
if (salary < 0) {
System.out.println("Salary is negative");
else if (salary > 1000000) {
System.out.println("Error: Salary " + salary + "exceeds maximum 1000000.0");
else {
System.out.println("Salary: " + salary);
if (savingsRate < 0) {
System.out.println("Savings rate is negative");
else if (savingsRate > 0.5) {
System.out.println("Error: Savings rate " + savingsRate + "exceeds maximum 0.5");
else {
System.out.println("Savings Rate:" + savingsRate);
if (interestRate < 0) {
System.out.println("Interest Rate is negative");
else if (interestRate > 0.25) {
System.out.println("Error: Interest Rate " + interestRate + "exceeds maximum 0.25");
else {
System.out.println("Interest Rate: " + interestRate);
if (employmentYears < 0) {
System.out.println("Years employed is negative!");
else if (employmentYears > 50) {
System.out.println("Error: Years employed " + employmentYears + "exceeds maximum 50");
else {
System.out.println("Years of Employment: " + employmentYears);
if (l.length(0)) {
System.out.println("Error: Name too short");
else if (l == f) {
System.out.println("Error: Last Name and First Name are the same");
else {
System.out.println("Last Name: " + l);
if (f.length(0)) {
System.out.println("Error: Name too short");
else {
System.out.println("First Name: " + f);
System.out.println("Retirement Savings: " + retirementSavings);

I think you are trying to check if the name is empty, Am I right?
you have:
1) string.length() : length() method is a final variable which is applicable for string objects. length() method returns the number of characters presents in the string.
2) array.length : length is a final variable applicable for arrays. With the help of length variable, we can obtain the size of the array.
(visit geeksforgeeks to see more).
But you don't have a String.length(int) method.


Dart - How to concatenate a String and my integer

How can I concatenate my String and the int in the lines:
print('Computer is moving to ' + (i + 1));
and print("Computer is moving to " + (i + 1));
I cant figure it out because the error keeps saying "The argument type 'int' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String'
void getComputerMove() {
int move;
// First see if there's a move O can make to win
for (int i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) {
if (_mBoard[i] != humanPlayer && _mBoard[i] != computerPlayer) {
String curr = _mBoard[i];
_mBoard[i] = computerPlayer;
if (checkWinner() == 3) {
print('Computer is moving to ' + (i + 1));
} else
_mBoard[i] = curr;
// See if there's a move O can make to block X from winning
for (int i = 0; i < boardSize; i++) {
if (_mBoard[i] != humanPlayer && _mBoard[i] != computerPlayer) {
String curr = _mBoard[i]; // Save the current number
_mBoard[i] = humanPlayer;
if (checkWinner() == 2) {
_mBoard[i] = computerPlayer;
print("Computer is moving to " + (i + 1));
} else
_mBoard[i] = curr;
With string interpolation:
print("Computer is moving to ${i + 1}");
Or just call toString():
print("Computer is moving to " + (i + 1).toString());
You can simply use .toString which will convert your integer to String :
void main(){
String str1 = 'Welcome to Matrix number ';
int n = 24;
//concatenate str1 and n
String result = str1 + n.toString();
And in your case it's gonna be like this :
print("Computer is moving to " + (i + 1).toString());

I have this array class that is not removing items after re-running my recyclerview

The below class is used in an array.
package com.example.ShivitoMGO;
public class RoomTable {
public String RoomName,UpDown,minmaxint;
Main Activity
static ArrayList <RoomTable> CountCheck = new ArrayList<>();
public void playerup(View vvv){
st_spinner = v1.findViewById(;
st_reportLayout = v1.findViewById(;
st_Leanervidimg = v1.findViewById(;
TextView roomname = v1.findViewById(;
RoomTable roomtb = new RoomTable();
if (CountCheck.size() == 0){
//playerupdown = "up";
Toast.makeText(this, "Will notify when " + mRooms.get(position1) + " players increase #" + mRoomSize.get(position1), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
String[] minmaxval = mRoomSize.get(position1).split("/");
CountCheckint = Integer.parseInt(minmaxval[0].trim());
//CountCheck = (String) mRooms.get(position1);
roomtb.RoomName = (String) mRooms.get(position1);
roomtb.minmaxint = minmaxval[0].trim();
roomtb.UpDown = "up";
Log.d("added: ", "it was added");
Log.d("RoomTableadd: ",roomtb.RoomName+ " " + roomtb.minmaxint +" " +roomtb.UpDown);
Log.d("Longclickhere: ", mRoomSize.get(position1));
Log.d("RoomNameCount ", String.valueOf(CountCheck.get(0).RoomName));
}else {
int exist1 = 0;
int poss;
for (int i = 0; i < CountCheck.size(); i++) {
if (roomname.getText() == CountCheck.get(i).RoomName) {
Log.d("RoomNametxt: " , CountCheck.get(i).RoomName);
Log.d("RoomNametxt: ", (String) roomname.getText());
Toast.makeText(this, "Notification " + CountCheck.get(i).RoomName + " OFF!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Log.d("Removed item: ", String.valueOf(CountCheck.size()));
Log.d("Removed item: ", String.valueOf(CountCheck.size()));
exist1 = 1;
poss = i;
} else {
exist1 = 0;
if (exist1 == 0) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Will notify when " + mRooms.get(position1) + " players increase #" + mRoomSize.get(position1), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
String[] minmaxval = mRoomSize.get(position1).split("/");
CountCheckint = Integer.parseInt(minmaxval[0].trim());
//CountCheck = (String) mRooms.get(position1);
roomtb.RoomName = (String) mRooms.get(position1);
roomtb.minmaxint = minmaxval[0].trim();
roomtb.UpDown = "up";
Log.d("added: ", "it was added");
Log.d("RoomTableadd: ", roomtb.RoomName + " " + roomtb.minmaxint + " " + roomtb.UpDown);
Log.d("CountSize: ", String.valueOf(CountCheck.size()));
for (int xb = 0;xb<CountCheck.size();xb++) {
try {
Log.d("RoomNameCount ", String.valueOf(CountCheck.get(xb).RoomName));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("Out of range ", String.valueOf(e));
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
// Launch your web intent
if (CountCheck.size() != 0){
Log.d("Longclickhere: ",mRoomSize.get(position));
Toast.makeText(mContext, mRoomSize.get(position), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(mContext, "Will notify when "+mRooms.get(position)+" players decrease", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
String[] minmaxval = mRoomSize.get(position).split("/");
MainActivity.CountCheckint = Integer.parseInt(minmaxval[0].trim());
} else{
//MainActivity.CountCheck = "";
Toast.makeText(mContext, "Player Decrease notification OFF", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return true;
In this app the recycler view creates the "rooms" and if the room is selected the textview and 2 other values are put in to the RoomTable. these are stored and used in a service to check if ether of the other to values change. Everything works as intended unless i use the swip-to-refresh witch runs the recycler-view again. If i do not refresh and i select the same item in the recycler-view it will remove it from CountCheck . However if i run the refresh and select the same recycler-view item that i selected previously it will add it instead of removing it. This Makes no since to me because i use a for loop to Check the CountCheck.get(i).RoomName aka the textview and if the names are the same then my if statement will remove instead of add. is it somehow possible i'm ending up with 2 CountCheck Objects????? with the same name???? Please I'm out of ideas on this one. Thanks.
I dont remember why. Maybe someone can explain but i changed this line
if (roomname.getText() == CountCheck.get(i).RoomName)
To this
if (roomname.getText().equals(CountCheck.get(i).RoomName));
and that fixed the issue. please let me know the difference if you are reading this.

No such property: getToHour for class: OutagePolicyScript

I 've continously getting error:
2019-05-06 14:37:40,128 [EPI-TaskExecutor-1] ERROR
ScriptExecutionExceptionHandler.handleScriptError(31) - Script with id
[3e2fd082-62f3-46a2-8fca-71b1f9cef028] and label [Outage definition
script] reports an error: : No such property: getToHour for class:
Outages.xml file is OK, and is placed together with outage.dtd file in correct location.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import com.hp.opr.api.scripting.Event;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
class OutagePolicyScript
Object syncObject = new Object();
final static String fileName = "/opt/HP/BSM/Temp/outages.xml"; // for Windows it will be: "d:/HPBSM/Temp/outages.xml";
final static Log s_log = LogFactory.getLog("com.hp.opr.epi.OutagePolicyScript");
List<OutageDefinition> outageDefinitions = new ArrayList<OutageDefinition>();
Thread loadXMLThread;
final boolean isSuppressEventsOrClose = true;
def init()
LoadOutagesFromXML r1 = new LoadOutagesFromXML();
loadXMLThread = new Thread(r1);
s_log.debug("init finished");
def destroy()
s_log.debug("going to stop thread....");
def process(List<Event> events)
synchronized(syncObject) {
events.each {Event event ->
handleEventSuppressionIfNeeded(event, "EST");
//event.setTitle("Modified by CA/EPI: " + event.getTitle());
// always include following check for each event
throw new InterruptedException()
catch(InterruptedException e)
s_log.error("process of events interrupted", e);
private void handleEventSuppressionIfNeeded(Event event, String timezoneId)
// Calculate if event was received during the accepted time window.
Date timeRecieved = event.getTimeReceived();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneId);
if (tz != null)
cal = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int dow = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
//event.addCustomAttribute("hour", Integer.toString(hour));
//event.addCustomAttribute("minute", Integer.toString(minute));
//event.addCustomAttribute("day of week", Integer.toString(dow));
// go over all the outage definitions, and compare event attributes to the rule
outageDefinitions.each {OutageDefinition outage ->
if (outage.getIsActive()) {
s_log.debug("Checking active rule: " + outage.getDescription());
// check if the event's day of week is one of the outage definition days. in case the rule cross day, reduce 1 for day of week
if (ArrayUtils.contains(outage.getDays(), dow) || (outage.getCrossDay() && ArrayUtils.contains(outage.getDays(), (dow == 1) ? 7 : dow-1 ))) {
// check if event hour and minute are inside rule's from/to
// convert all configurations to minutes
// if the rule cross a day, then add to "to" 24 hours in order to compare from <= event_time < to
// if the rule cross a day AND event hour < "from" then it means the event is in the next day and need to add 24 hours too
int eventTimeInMin = ((hour < outage.getFromHour() && outage.getCrossDay()) ? hour + 24 : hour) * 60 + minute;
int fromInMin = outage.getFromHour() * 60 + outage.getFromMinute();
int toInMin = (outage.getCrossDay() ? outage.getToHour() + 24 : outage.getToHour) * 60 + outage.getToMinute();
if (eventTimeInMin >= fromInMin && eventTimeInMin < toInMin) {
s_log.debug("event time is within this outage rule, proceed to compare event's attributes");
boolean foundMatch = true;
Set<String> attributeNames = outage.getAttributesList().keySet();
attributeNames.each {String name ->
boolean attMatchResult;
// at the moment, all comparisons are using "EQ"
switch (name) {
case "title" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRuleForcontains("title", event.getTitle(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "application" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("application", event.getApplication(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "object" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("object", event.getObject(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "category" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("category", event.getCategory(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "subcategory" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("subcategory", event.getSubCategory(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "nodeHint" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRuleForcontains("nodeHint", event.getNodeHints().getHint(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
default : s_log.error("attribute name [" + name + "] from outages.xml is not supported");
s_log.debug("result for attribute [" + name + "] is: " + attMatchResult);
foundMatch &= attMatchResult;
s_log.debug("result after processing all attributes in the rule is: " + foundMatch);
if (foundMatch) {
if (isSuppressEventsOrClose)
event.addCustomAttribute("SuppressDueToOutageRule", outage.getDescription());
else {
s_log.debug("Current rule doesnt match for the event's time, this rule will be skipped");
else {
s_log.debug("Current rule doesnt match for the event's day, this rule will be skipped");
private boolean compareEventAttributeToOutageRule(String eventAttName, String eventAttValue, Set<String> ruleValues)
if (ruleValues.contains(eventAttValue)) {
s_log.debug("found match on attribute [" + eventAttName + "], attribute value=" + eventAttValue);
return true;
// else, no match
s_log.debug("no match for attribute " + eventAttName);
return false;
private boolean compareEventAttributeToOutageRuleForcontains(String eventAttName, String eventAttValue, Set<String> ruleValues)
Iterator<String> itr = ruleValues.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
if (eventAttValue.indexOf( != -1) { // check if the event attribute contains the rule's value
s_log.debug("found match on attribute [" + eventAttName + "], attribute value=" + eventAttValue);
return true;
// else, no match
s_log.debug("no match for attribute " + eventAttName);
return false;
class LoadOutagesFromXML implements Runnable
long lastModifiedTime = -1;
public void run()
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
s_log.debug("in running.... current time: " + new Date());
// lock the sync object
synchronized(syncObject) {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
s_log.debug("Loading outages definitions from XML took [" + (after - before) + "] ms.");
Thread.sleep(60000); // 60 seconds
s_log.debug("thread interrupted....");
private void readOutageFile()
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
File f = new File(fileName);
if (f.lastModified() == lastModifiedTime) {
// the file wasnt changed, no need to reload file
s_log.debug("file LastModifiedTime didn't change, no need to reload configuration");
// otherwise, clear previous results and reload XML file
s_log.debug("going to load outage.xml");
Document doc = db.parse(f);
NodeList outages = doc.getElementsByTagName("outage");
for (int i=0 ; i<outages.getLength() ; ++i) {
s_log.debug("handle outage: " + Integer.toString(i));
// going to handle specific outage definition
Element aOutage = (Element)outages.item(i);
Element aTimeWindow = (Element)(aOutage.getElementsByTagName("timeWindow").item(0));
outageDefinitions.add(new OutageDefinition(aOutage.getAttribute("description"),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("from").item(0).getTextContent(), true),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("from").item(0).getTextContent(), false),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("to").item(0).getTextContent(), true),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("to").item(0).getTextContent(), false),
lastModifiedTime = f.lastModified();
s_log.debug("Going to keep lastModifiedTime as " + lastModifiedTime);
catch (Exception e) {
s_log.error("caught exception during parsing of outage.xml", e);
lastModifiedTime = -1;
private int parseIntFromStr(String str, boolean isHour)
String[] array = str.trim().split(":");
if (array.length != 2) {
s_log.debug("Bad time format, expect HH:MM format but recieved: " + str);
return -1;
if (isHour)
return Integer.parseInt(array[0]);
return Integer.parseInt(array[1]);
private Map<String, Set<String>> parseAttributesFromXML(Element eventsFilter)
Map<String, Set<String>> result = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
NodeList eventAttributes = eventsFilter.getElementsByTagName("eventAttribute");
for (int i=0 ; i<eventAttributes.getLength() ; ++i) {
NodeList attributeValues = eventAttributes.item(i).getElementsByTagName("value");
Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>(attributeValues.getLength());
for (int j=0 ; j<attributeValues.getLength() ; j++) {
result.put(eventAttributes.item(i).getAttribute("name"), values);
return result;
class OutageDefinition
String description;
boolean isActive;
int[] days;
int fromHour;
int fromMinute;
int toHour;
int toMinute;
boolean crossDay;
Map<String, Set<String>> attributesList;
public OutageDefinition(String desc, String active, String outageDays, int oFromHour, int oFromMinute, int oToHour, int oToMinute, Map<String, Set<String>> oAttributes) {
this.description = desc;
this.isActive = Boolean.parseBoolean(active);
this.fromHour = oFromHour;
this.fromMinute = oFromMinute;
this.toHour = oToHour;
this.toMinute = oToMinute;
this.attributesList = oAttributes;
this.crossDay = false;
// check if time cross a day
if (this.fromHour > this.toHour) {
s_log.debug("in rule [" + this.description + "] found time condition that crosses midnight, adjust toHour accordingly");
this.crossDay = true;
this.days = getDaysFromString(outageDays);
private int[] getDaysFromString(String str)
String[] days = str.trim().split(",");
int[] result = new int[days.length];
for (int i=0 ; i<days.length ; ++i) {
switch (days[i]) {
case "Sunday" : result[i] = 1; break;
case "Monday" : result[i] = 2; break;
case "Tuesday" : result[i] = 3; break;
case "Wednesday" : result[i] = 4; break;
case "Thursday" : result[i] = 5; break;
case "Friday" : result[i] = 6; break;
case "Saturday" : result[i] = 7; break;
default : result[i] = -1; break;
return result;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public boolean getIsActive() {
return isActive;
public int[] getDays() {
return days;
public int getFromHour() {
return fromHour;
public int getFromMinute() {
return fromMinute;
public int getToHour() {
return toHour;
public int getToMinute() {
return toMinute;
public Map<String, Set<String>> getAttributesList() {
return attributesList;
public boolean getCrossDay() {
return crossDay;
Look closely at this line. You must either call a method (outage.getToHour()) or access a property (outage.getToHour), but here you do both things. Choose what is correct
int toInMin = (outage.getCrossDay() ? outage.getToHour() + 24 : outage.getToHour) * 60 + outage.getToMinute();

Calculating totalCost

Ok below is my code for a class I am taking... I need to know how to properly code the totalCost for this product and I can not for the life of me figure out how to properly do this. The price per product is $1 and I need to calculate a 7% sales tax as well. Help!!!
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* #author bary
public class CocaCola1 {
public static void main(String[] args)
String openingMsg = "*** Welcome to CocaCola Online Ordering System ***\n"
+ "Do yourself a favor and order some Cola... NOW!";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, openingMsg);
String name = getUserInput("What is your name?");
String returnCustomer = getUserInput("Are you a returning customer? (yes/no)");
String orderType = getUserInput("Would you like to purchase Dasani, Coke, Diet Coke, or Cherry Coke?");
String orderAmount = getUserInput("How many units would you like to purchase?");
// each unit costs $1.00 so orderAmount is equal to cost per unit
double salesTax = 0.7;
// create and display output string
String outputMsg
= "Hello " + name + ".\n\n" +
"Your return customer status is " + returnCustomer + ".\n" +
"You ordered " + orderAmount +
" units of " + orderType + ".\n" +
"Your total cost is $" + orderAmount + salesTax + ".\n" +
"Thank you for visiting CocaCola" + ".\n\n" +
"Your order will be proccessed ASAP.\n";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputMsg);
private static String getUserInput(String prompt)
int failCount = 0;
String answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt);
if (answer == null)
answer = answer.trim();
if (answer.isEmpty())
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must provide a non-blank answer");
failCount = failCount + 1;
} else
return answer;
} while (failCount < 3);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You failed three times to provide input... Try again later!");
return null; // means nothing, as I just exited on the prior line, but need it to compile
} // end main()
} // end class CocaCola1
orderAmount + salesTax would only be if the sales tax was static. You need to multiply the orderAmount by the sales tax and add salestax
ex: orderAmount*salesTax+prderAmount
or set salesTax to 1.7 and it would be

How do I make so that when I input a value into a scanner if it is not an integer it won't give me an error?

I am writing a program that does simple math problems. What I am trying to do is to make it so that even if I input a string into the the scanner level it will not give me an error. The level is to choose the difficulty of the math problems. I have tried parseInt, but am at a loss of what to do now.
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test {
static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
static Random generator = new Random();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String level = intro();//This method intorduces the program,
questions(level);//This does the actual computation.
public static String intro() {
System.out.println("HI - I am your friendly arithmetic tutor.");
System.out.print("What is your name? ");
String name = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.print("What level do you choose? ");
String level = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.println("OK " + name + ", here are ten exercises for you at the level " + level + ".");
System.out.println("Good luck.");
return level;
public static void questions(String level) {
int value = 0, random1 = 0, random2 = 0;
int r = 0, score = 0;
int x = Integer.parseInt("level");
if (x==1) {
r = 4;
else if(x==2) {
r = 9;
else if(x==3) {
r = 50;
for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
random1 = generator.nextInt(r);//first random number.
random2 = generator.nextInt(r);//second random number.
System.out.print(random1 + " + " + random2 + " = ");
int ans = keyboard.nextInt();
if((random1 + random2)== ans) {
System.out.println("Your answer is correct!");
else if ((random1 + random2)!= ans) {
System.out.println("Your answer is wrong!");
if (score==10 || score==9) {
if (score==10 && x == 3) {
System.out.println("This system is of no further use.");
else {
System.out.println("Choose a higher difficulty");
System.out.println("You got " + score + " out or 10");
else if (score<=8 && score>=6) {
System.out.println("You got " + score + " out or 10");
System.out.println("Do the test again");
else if (score>6) {
System.out.println("You got " + score + " out or 10");
System.out.println("Come back for extra lessons");
The first error I see is that you tried to Integer.parseInt() a String "level" instead of the String variable named level
int x = Integer.parseInt("level");
should be
int x = Integer.parseInt(level);
Also, when defining level you can use keyboard.nextInt instead of keyboard.nextLine
String level = keyboard.nextInt();
Then, you wouldn't have to do an Integer.parseInt() operation later on
