Python: Import multiple dataframes using for loop - python-3.x

I have the following code which works to import a dataframe.
#read tblA
tbl = 'a'
cols = 'imp_a'
usecols = dfDD[dfDD[cols].notnull()][cols].values.tolist()
dfa = getdf(tbl, dfRT, sfsession)
dfa = dfa[usecols]
#read tblB
tbl = 'b'
cols = 'imp_sb'
usecols = dfDD[dfDD[cols].notnull()][cols].values.tolist()
dfb = getdf(tbl, dfRT, sfsession)
dfb = dfb[usecols]
#importing a few more tables in the steps as above two...
Is there a way to shorten this code and avoiding writing the same thing multiple times. The values that change are tbl, cols, dataframe name (df..)
I tried a few different things including putting all the changing attributes into a dictionary, but wasn't able to make it work. I could create a function, but the function would require a few more parameters - dfDD, dfRT, sfsession. I don't think it's a great solution. There has to be a better way to write this.

The loop should be fairly simple like this -
import pandas as pd
Create a dictionary that will store your dataframes.
df_dict = {}
config = {'tblA': {'tbl': 'a', 'cols': 'imp_a'},
'tblB': {'tbl': 'b', 'cols': 'imp_sb'}}
# Loop through the config
for key, val in config.items():
tbl = val['tbl']
cols = val['cols']
usecols = dfDD[dfDD[cols].notnull()][cols].values.tolist()
df = getdf(tbl, dfRT, sfsession)[usecols]
df_dict [key] = df # Store your dataframe in the dictionary
print(f"Created dataframe for table - {key} ({tbl} | {cols})")


Iteratively append new data into pandas dataframe column and join with another dataframe

I have been doing data extract from many API. I would like to add a common column among all APIs.
And I have tried below
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(1,200):
url = '{id}/values'.format(id=i)
res = request.get(url,headers=headers)
if res.status_code==200:
data =json.loads(res.content.decode('utf-8'))
if data['success']:
df['id'] = i
test = pd.json_normalize(data[parent][child])
df = df.append(test,index=False)
But data-frame id column I'm getting only the last iterated id only. And in case of APIs has many rows I'm getting invalid data.
From performance reasons it would be better first storing data in a dictionary and then create from this dictionary dataframe:
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(1,200):
# simulate dataframe retrieved from pd.json_normalize() call
row = pd.DataFrame({'id': [i], 'field1': [f'f1-{i}'], 'field2': [f'f2-{i}'], 'field3': [f'f3-{i}']})
for k, v in row.to_dict().items():
df = pd.DataFrame(d)

looping through list of pandas dataframes and make it empty dataframe

I have a multiple pandas dataframe. I want empty each dataframes like below
df1 = pd.DataFrame()
df2 = pd.DataFrame()
Instead of doing it individually, is there any way to do it in one line of code.
If I understood correctly, this will work:
df_list = []
for i in range (0,10):
df = pd.DataFrame()

Filter dataframe based on groupby sum()

I want to filter my dataframe based on a groupby sum(). I am looking for lines where the amounts for a spesific date, gets to zero.
I have solve this by creating a for loop. I suspect this will reduce performance if the dataframe is large.
It also seems clunky.
newdf = pd.DataFrame()
newdf['name'] = ('leon','eurika','monica','wian')
newdf['surname'] = ('swart','swart','swart','swart')
newdf['birthdate'] = ('14051981','198001','20081012','20100621')
newdf['tdate'] = ('13/05/2015','14/05/2015','15/05/2015', '13/05/2015')
newdf['tamount'] = (100.10, 111.11, 123.45, -100.10)
df = newdf.groupby(['tdate'])[['tamount']].sum().reset_index()
df2 = df.loc[df["tamount"] == 0, "tdate"]
df3 = pd.DataFrame()
for i in df2:
df3 = df3.append(newdf.loc[newdf["tdate"] == i])
print (df3)
The below code is creating an output of the two lines getting to zero when combined on tamount
name surname birthdate tdate tamount
0 leon swart 1981-05-14 13/05/2015 100.1
3 wian swart 2010-06-21 13/05/2015 -100.1
Just use basic numpy :)
import numpy as np
df = newdf.groupby(['tdate'])[['tamount']].sum().reset_index()
dates = df['tdate'][np.where(df['tamount'] == 0)[0]]
newdf[np.isin(newdf['tdate'], dates) == True]
Hope this helps; let me know if you have any questions.

Generating multiple columns dynamically using loop in pyspark dataframe

I have a requirement where I have to generate multiple columns dynamically in pyspark. I have written a similar code as below to accomplish the same.
sc = SparkContext()
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
cols = ['a','b','c']
df ="header","true").option("delimiter", "|").csv("C:\\Users\\elkxsnk\\Desktop\\sample.csv")
for i in cols:
df1 = df.withColumn(i,lit('hi'))
However I am missing out columns a and b in the final result. Please help.
Changed the code like below. its working now, but wanted to know if there is a better way of handling it.
cols = ['a','b','c']
cols_add = []
flg_first = 'Y'
df ="header","true").option("delimiter", "|").csv("C:\\Users\\elkxsnk\\Desktop\\sample.csv")
for i in cols:
if flg_first == 'Y':
df1 = df.withColumn(i,lit('hi'))
flg_first = 'N'
else:enter code here
df1 =,lit('hi'))
print('end' + str(df1.columns))

Subtract a single value from columns in pandas

I have two data frames, df and df_test. I am trying to create a new dataframe for each df_test row that will include the difference between x coordinates and the y coordinates. I wold also like to create a new column that gives the magnitude of this distance between objects. Below is my code.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Create Dataframe
index_numbers = np.linspace(0, 10, 11,
index_ = ['OP_%s' % number for number in index_numbers]
header = ['X', 'Y', 'D']
# print(index_)
data = np.round_(np.random.uniform(low=0, high=10, size=(len(index_), 3)), decimals=0)
# print(data)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index_, columns=header)
df_test = df.sample(3)
# print(df)
# print(df_test)
for index, row in df_test.iterrows():
df_(index) = df
df_(index)['X'] = df['X'] - df_test['X'][row]
df_(index)['Y'] = df['Y'] - df_test['Y'][row]
df_(index)['Dist'] = np.sqrt(df_(index)['X']**2 + df_(index)['Y']**2)
Better For Loop
for index, row in df_test.iterrows():
# print(index)
# print(row)
# print("df_{0}".format(index))
df_temp = df.copy()
df_temp['X'] = df_temp['X'] - df_test['X'][index]
df_temp['Y'] = df_temp['Y'] - df_test['Y'][index]
df_temp['Dist'] = np.sqrt(df_temp['X']**2 + df_temp['Y']**2)
I have written a for loop to run through each row of the df_test dataframe and "try" to create the columns. The (index) in each loop is the name of the new data frame based on test row used. Once the dataframe is created with the modified and new columns I would need to save the data frames to a dictionary. The new loop produces the each of the new dataframes I need but what is the best way to save each new dataframe? Any help in creating these columns would be greatly appreciated.
Please comment with any questions so that I can make it easier to understand, if need be.
