Enabling NUMA on IIS when migrating to Azure VMs - azure

So I'm trying to migrate a Legacy website from an AWS VM to an Azure VM and we're trying to get the same level of performance. The problem is I'm pretty new to setting up sites on IIS.
The authors of the application are long gone and we struggle with the application for many reasons. One of the problems with the site is when it's "warming up" it pulls back a ton of data to store in memory for the entire day. This involves executing long running stored procs and in memory processes which means first load of certain pages takes up to 7 minutes. It then uses a combination of in memory data and output caching to deliver the pages.
Sessions do seem to be in use although the site is capable of recovering session data from the database in some more relatively long running database operations so sessions are better to stick with where possible which is why I'm avoiding a web garden.
That's a little bit of background, however my question is really about upping the performance on IIS. When I went through their settings on the AWS box they had something call NUMA enabled with what appears to be the default settings and then the maximum worker processes set to 0 which seems to enable NUMA. I don't know why they enabled NUMA or if it was necessary, but I am trying to get as close to a like for like transition as possible and if it gives extra performance in this application we'll probably need it!
On the Azure box I can see options to set the maximum worker processes to 0 but no NUMA options. My question is whether NUMA is enabled with those default options or is there something further I need to do to enable NUMA.
Both are production sized VMs but the one on Azure I'm working with is a Standard D16s_v3 with 16 vCores and 64Gb RAM. We are load balancing across a few of them.

If you don't see the option in the Azure VM it's because the server is using symmetric processing and isn't NUMA aware.
Now to optimize your loading a bit:
HUGE CAVEAT - if you have memory leak type issues, don't do this! To ensure you don't, put on a private bytes limit roughly 70% the size of memory on the server. If you see that get hit/issue an IIS recycle (that event is logged by default) then you may want to ignore further steps. Either that or mess around with perfmon (or more easily iteratively check peak bytes in task manager where you'll have to add that column in the details pane)
Change your app pool startup mode to: AlwaysRunning
Change your web app to preloadenabled=true
Set an initialization page in your web.config (so that preloading knows what to load).
*Edit forgot some steps. Make sure your idle timeout is clear or set it to midnight.
Make sure you don't have the default recycle time enabled, clear that out.
If you want to get fancy you can add a loading page and set an http refresh or due further customizations seen below:


Determining cause of CPU spike in azure

I am relatively new to Azure. I have a website that has been running for a couple of months with not too much traffic...when users are on the system, the various dashboard monitors go up and then flat line the rest of the time. This week, the CPU time when way up when there were no requests and data going in or out of the site. Is there a way to determine the cause of this CPU activity when the site is not active? It doesn't make sense to me that I should have CPU activity being assigned to my site when there is to site activity.
If your website has significant processing at application start, it is possible your VM got rebooted or your app pool recycled and your onstart handler got executed again (which would cause CPU to spike without any request).
You can analyze this by adding application logs to your Application_Start event (but after initializing trace). There is another comment detailing how to enable logging, but you can also consult this link.
You need to collect data to understand what's going on. So first thing I would say is:
1. Go to Azure management portal -> your website (assuming you are using Azure websites) -> dashboard -> operation logs. Try to see whether there is any suspicious activity going on.
download the logs for your site using any ftp client and analyze what's happening. If there is not much data, I would suggest adding more logging in your application to see what is happening or which module is spinning.
A great way to detect CPU spikes and even determine slow running areas of your application is to use a profiler like New Relic. It's a free add on for Azure that collects data and provides you with a dashboard of data. You might find it useful to determine the exact cause of the CPU spike.
We regularly use it to monitor the performance of our applications. I would recommend it.

Which Dedicated Cache configuration to use?

A large e-commerce site is looking to switch its session cache from Shared cache to dedicated cache.
It is usually running on medium-size servers (5-6)... During busy times, it's running on 20 medium servers. During the very busy times, it is not unreasonable to have 2000+ requests per second to the site
Is co-located cache good enough here or must cache be in the dedicate worker role?
Also, must high-availability be enabled for session data? The site relies upon session data to be present for good user experience. But the cache is persisted to Azure blob storage, so I'm not sure I totally get the high-availability option
The use of dedicated roles depends on how many roles you want to run, and whether or not the memory usage of your web roles determines if they scale. For example, if your web roles are always pushing memory usage, and it is memory and not CPU that is the trigger for scaling out - then consider using dedicated roles for the cache, as your web roles can then handle the load for longer. If your web roles are cpu intensive, then dedicating memory on each role to the cache may be preferred. You also need to consider that if running in dedicated roles, you need more than one role to handle the load and availability, so even during non-busy times, you will have at least 3 roles running the cache (but possibly fewer web roles). You may also want to use dedicated cache if you do lots of deployments or scaling down - where roles are shut down intentionally and frequently.
One consideration on co-located role caching is that if you had sticky sessions the latency would be lower, as the item is on the same machine. Unfortunately, the Azure load balancer is round robin, and not sticky at all, so the chance that a session gets back to the same machine is low (1/5 of the time for 5 roles). This means that most of the time the cache item will be fetched from another role in the cluster, so co-located latency benefits are lost.
The cache is distributed and in-memory - there is no blob storage that I am aware of (except for 'cluster's runtime state' - whatever that is. An item loaded into cache is made available to other machines on the cluster from the machine that it is stored (in memory) on (a read from machine B to machine A does not also store it on machine A - see comment below). Cached items are always in memory only, and the cache size is limited by available memory.
The high availability option copies the item to a separate machine (not storage), so if one machine fails, there is still a copy somewhere. High availability will also use more memory, as an item uses memory in two different places. The chances of failure maybe low enough for your e-commerce app - if an item is not cached (either through failure or expiry) it may be reconstructed from persisted data. If you are, for example, keeping the basket in cache and not persisted to storage, you don't want it lost if a role recycles - in which case high availability may be the best option.
Great answer #SimonMunro however in my experience the Azure Co-located Cache is not fit for production. Our load testing has shown us that when a server is recycled that it takes an exceptional long period of time for a the cache to recover. We have coded against this by fetching the data from our database however our site grinds to a halt due to the stress on the database. This not only happens when a node is recycled; but also if you scale your cloud services up and down; and even when you perform a VIP swap.
We have performed the same tests using the Azure dedicated cache and have found it to handle the situation of a cache worker role recycling with little to no effect to the performance of the site. It is my recommendation is to use the Azure Dedicated Cache in all cases if you want your site to perform.

Number of instances needed for windows azure application

I'm fairly new to Windows Azure and want to host a survey application that will be filled out by appr. 30.000 users simultaniously.
The application consists of 1 .aspx page that will be sent to the client once, asks 25 questions and will give a wrap-up of the given answers at the end. When the user has given the answer and hits the 'next question' buttons the given answer will be send via an .ashx handler to the server. The response is the next question and answers. The wrap-up is sent to the client after a full postback.
The answer is saved in an Azure Table that is partitioned so that each partition can hold a max of 450 users.
I would like to ask if someone can give an estimated guess about how many web-role instances we need to start in order to have this application keep running. (If that is too hard to say, is it more likely to start 5, 50 or 500 instances?)
What is a better way to go: 20 small instances or 5 large instances?
Thanks for your help!
The most obvious answer: you would be best served by testing this yourself and see how your application holds up. You can easily get performance counters and other diagnostics out of Windows Azure; for instance, you can connect Microsoft SCOM (System Center Operations Manager) to monitor your environment during test. Site Hammer is a simple load testing tool for Windows Azure (on MSDN code gallery).
Apart from this very obvious answer, I will share some guesstimates: given the type of load, you are probably better of with more small instances as opposed to a lower number of large ones, especially since you already have your storage partitioned. If you are really going to have 30K visitors simultaneously and give them a ~15 second interval between reading the questions & posting their answers you are looking at 2,000 requests per second. 10 nodes should be more than enough to handle that load. Remember that this is just a simple estimate, lacking any form of insight in your architecture, etc. For these types of loads, caching is a very good idea; it will dramatically increase the load each node can handle.
However, the best advice I can give you is to make sure that you are actively monitoring. It takes less than 30 minutes to spin up additional instances, so if you monitor your environment and/or make sure that you are notified whenever it starts to choke, you can easily upgrade your setup. Keep in mind that you do need to contact customer support to be able to go over 20 instances (this is a default limit, in place to protect you from over-spending).
Aside from the sage advice tijmenvdk gave you, let me add my opinion on instance size. In general, go with the smallest size that will support your app, and then scale out to handle increased traffic. This way, when you scale back down, your minimum compute cost is kept low. If you ran, say, a pair of extra-large instances as your baseline (since you always want minimum two instances to get the uptime SLA), your cost footprint starts at 0.12 x 8 x 2 = $1.92 per hour, even during low-traffic times. If you go with small instances, you'd be at 0.12 x 1 x 2 = $0.24 per hour.
Each VM size as associated CPU, memory, and local 9non-durable) disk storage, so pick the smallest size unit that your app works efficiently in.
For load/performance-testing, you might also want to consider a hosted solution such as Loadstorm.
How simultaneous are the requests in reality?
Will they all type the address in at exactly the same time?
That said, profile your app locally, this will enable you to estimate CPU, Network and Memory usage on Azure. Then, rather than looking at how many instances you need, look at how you can reduce the requirement! Apply these tips, and profile locally again.
Most performance tips have a tradeoff between cpu, memory or bandwith usage, the idea is to ensure that they scale equally. If you're application runs out of memory, but you have loads of CPU and network, dont
For a single page survey, ensure your html, css & js is minified, ensure its cacheable.
Combine them if possible, and to get really scaleable, push static files (css,js & images) to a CDN. This all reduces the number of requests the webserver has to deal with, and therefore reduces the number of webroles you will need = less network.
How does the ashx return the response? i.e. is it sending html, xml or json?
personally, I'd get it to return JSON, as this will require less network bandwidth, and most likely less server side processing = less mem and network.
Use Asyncronous API's to access azure storage (this uses IO completion ports to free up the iis thread to handle more requests until azure storage comes back = enabling cpu to scale)
tijmenvdk has already mentioned using queues to write. Do the list of questions change? if not, cache them, so that the app only has to read from table storage once on start-up and once for each client for the final wrap-up = saves network and cpu at the expense of memory.
All of these tips are equally applicable to a normal web application, on a single server or web-farm environment.
The point I'm trying to make is that what you can't measure, you cant improve, and measurement, improvement and cost all go hand in hand. Dynamic scaling will reduce costs, but fundamentally if your application hasn't been measured and resource usage optimised, asking how many instances you need is pointless.

Creating a sub site in SharePoint takes a very long time

I am working in a MOSS 2007 project and have customized many parts of it. There is a problem in the production server where it takes a very long time (more than 15 minutes, sometimes fails due to timeouts) to create a sub site (even with the built-in site templates). While in the development server, it only takes 1 to 2 minutes.
Both servers are having same configuration with 8 cores CPU and 8 GIGs RAM. Both are using separate database servers with the same configuration. The content db size is around 100 GB. More than a hundred subsites are there.
What could be the reason why in the other server it will take so much time? Is there any configuration or something else I need to take care?
So today I had the chance to check the environment with my clients. But site creation was so fast though they said they didn't change any configuration in the server.
I also used that chance to examine the database. The disk fragmentation was quite high at 49% so I suggested them to run defrag. And I also asked the database file growth to be increased to 100MB, up from the default 1MB.
So my suspicion is that some processes were running heavily on the server previously, that's why it took that much of time.
Update 2:
Yesterday my client reported that the site creation was slow again so I went to check it. When I checked the db, I found that instead of the reported 100GB, the content db size is only around 30GB. So it's still far below the recommended size.
One thing that got my attention is, the site collection recycle bin was holding almost 5 millions items. And whenever I tried to browse the site collection recycle bin, it would take a lot of time to open and the whole site collection is inaccessible.
Since the web application setting is set to the default (30 days before cleaning up, and 50% size for the second stage recycle bin), is this normal or is this a potential problem also?
Actually, there was also another web application using the same database server with 100GB content db and it's always fast. But the one with 30GB is slow. Both are having the same setup, only different data.
What should I check next?
So today I had the chance to check the environment with my clients. But site creation was so fast though they said they didn't change any configuration in the server.
I also used that chance to examine the database. The disk fragmentation was quite high at 49% so I suggested them to run defrag. And I also asked the database file growth to be increased to 100MB, up from the default 1MB.
So my suspicion is that some processes were running heavily on the server previously, that's why it took that much of time.
Thanks for the inputs everyone, I really appreciate.
Yesterday my client reported that the site creation was slow again so I went to check it. When I checked the db, I found that instead of the reported 100GB, the content db size is only around 30GB. So it's still far below the recommended size.
One thing that got my attention is, the site collection recycle bin was holding almost 5 millions items. And whenever I tried to browse the site collection recycle bin, it would take a lot of time to open and the whole site collection is inaccessible.
Since the web application setting is set to the default (30 days before cleaning up, and 50% size for the second stage recycle bin), is this normal or is this a potential problem also?
Actually, there was also another web application using the same database server with 100GB content db and it's always fast. But the one with 30GB is slow. Both are having the same setup, only different data.
Any idea what should I check next? Thanks a lot.
Yes, its normal OOB if you haven't turned the Second Stage Recycle bin off or set a site quota. If a site quota has not been set then the growth of the Second Stage Recycle bin is not limited...
the second stage recycle bin is by default limited to 50% size of the site quota, in other words if you have a site quota of 100gb then you would have a Second Stage recycle bin of 50gb. If a site quota has not been set, there are not any growth limitations...
I second everything Nat has said and emphasize splitting the content database. There are instructions on how to this provided you have multiple site collections and not a single massive one.
Also check your SharePoint databases are in good shape. Have you tried DBCC CHECKDB? Do you have SQL Server maintenance plans configured to reindex and reduce fragmentation? Read these resources on TechNet (particularly the database maintenance article) for details.
Finally, see if there is anything more you can do to isolate the SQL Server as the problem. Are there any other applications with databases on the same SQL Server and are they having problems? Are you running performance monitoring on the SQL Server or SharePoint servers that show any bottlenecks?
Backup the production database to dev and attach it to your dev SharePoint server.
Try and create a site. If it does not take forever to create a site, you can assume there is a problem with the Prod database.
Despite that, at 100gig, you are running up to the limit for a content database and should be planning to put content into more than one. you will know why when you try and backup the database. Searching should also be starting to take a good long time now.
So long term you are going to have to plan on splitting your websites out into different content databases.
Yeah, database size is all just about SQL server handling it. 100GB is just the "any more than this and it starts to be a pain" rule of thumb. Full Search crawls will also start a while.
Given that you do not have access to the production database and that creating a sub-site is primarily a database operation, there is nothing you can really do to figure out what the issue is.
You could try creating a subsite while doing a trace of the Dev database and look at the tables those commands reference to see if there is a smoking gun, but without production access you are really hampered.
Does the production system server pages and documents at a reasonable speed?
See if you can start getting some stats from the database during the creation, find out what work is being done. SQL has some great tools for that now.

Isolating a rampant process in IIS

I have a webserver that is pegged and I've been able to isolate it to a particular website instance. I'd like to dig deeper and isolate the particular page/process that is causing the issue.. Any tips?
You can take a memory dump of the process and poke around with windbg.
There are posts on this issue from Tess Ferrandez blog. Just do as she say.
Which version of IIS are you using? Some of the higher ones allow for a separation of which process gets used to handle requests such as a worker process that you could isolate a bit more that way. I'd also suggest reading through the IIS logs to see what requests were being handled, how long they took, etc.
There are many different quirks to each IIS version. The really low ones just had a start/stop functionality, but the newer ones have really given administrators much more control and power, IMO.
You should try using a profiler to identify what is using up the most resources. I've used dotTrace Profiler, although that can be expensive if you're on a tight budget.
It allows you to see exactly what processes and method calls use of the most processing time of a request really well so you can isolate the most resource intensive operations.
You should really be able to use any profiler to do this, not just dotTrace. I just happen to only have experience with this one in particular.
Change your web garden setting to 10 or greater. Then watch your CPU and memory utilization on the web server.
Continue to increase the web garden setting until either the app is completely responsive with less than 5% average utilization OR you have actually maxed your web server's memory.
It's not about diagnosing, it's about properly configuring the IIS server. Web Gardens are one of the top misunderstood features of IIS. By increasing the available threads to handle new requests you remove the appearance of contention at the web server level and place it squarely where it belongs. In this case at your database. Instead of masking a problem it actually highlights exactly where the problem is.
This turned out to be a SQL problem (sql 2005). The solution was found by using SQL activity monitor to identify a suspended process with a Async_network_io wait type. We then ran SQL profiler to narrow it down to two massive queries which were returning an over abundance of results.
