Gnuplot RGB-alpha linestyles and large int problem - gnuplot

I am trying to create a custom palette of transparent colours with gnuplot:
then I do obtain the desired colours:
plot x w l lc rgb rgb(0,a) lw 32, x+1 w l lc rgb rgb(1,a) lw 32
Problem, if a is equal or greater than 128, int returns a negative number which is then not recognized as a colour. Is there a way to get an unsigned int in gnuplot? Or any other way to get numbers understood as hex beyond #80000000 ?

Use the operator left shift unsigned <<, check help operators binary.
Also check this:
### create your own transparent palette
reset session
# a,r,g,b should be integers between 0 and 255 (or 0x00 and 0xff)
a = 127 # transparency
r = 0xff # red
g = 0x00 # green
b = 0x00 # blue
myColor(a,r,g,b) = (a<<24) + (r<<16) + (g<<8) + b
# put some objects in the background to demonstrate transparency
set object 1 rect from -7,0 to -3,250 fs solid 1.0 fc rgb "green" behind
set object 2 rect from 3,0 to 7,250 fs solid 1.0 fc rgb "blue" behind
plot for [a=0:250:10] a w l lw 5 lc rgb myColor(a,r,g,b) notitle
### end of code


Calculate area under curve in gnuplot

I have data (data can be downloaded here: gauss_data) and need to find the area of a particular peak. From my data set, the peak seems to have some contribution from another peak. I made the fit on my data with 3 Gaussians using this code:
# Gaussian fit
set terminal wxt enhanced
# Set fitting function
f(x) = g1(x)+g2(x)+g3(x)
g1(x) = p1*exp(-(x-m1)**2/(2*s**2))
g2(x) = p2*exp(-(x-m2)**2/(2*s2**2))
g3(x) = p3*exp(-(x-m3)**2/(2*s3**2))
# Estimation of each parameter
p1 = 100000
p2 = 2840
p3 = 28000
m1 = 70
m2 = 150
m3 = 350
s = 25
s2 = 100
s3 = 90
# Fitting & Plotting data
fit [0:480] f(x) 'spectrum_spl9.txt' via p1, m1, s, p2, m2, s2, p3, m3, s3
plot [0:550] 'spectrum_spl9.txt' lc rgb 'blue', f(x) ls 1, g1(x) lc rgb 'black', g2(x) lc rgb 'green' , g3(x) lc rgb 'orange'
and the result is shown in fig below
I need to calculate the area under the peak i.e. area f(x) - area g3(x). Is there any way to find/calculate the area of each function in Gnuplot?
Your data is equidistant in x-units with a step width of 1. So, you can simply sum up the intensity values multiplied by the width (which is 1). If you have irregular data then this would be a bit more complicated.
### determination of area below curve
reset session
FILE = "SO/spectrum_spl9.txt"
# fitting function
f(x) = g1(x)+g2(x)+g3(x)
g1(x) = p1*exp(-(x-m1)**2/(2*s1**2))
g2(x) = p2*exp(-(x-m2)**2/(2*s2**2))
g3(x) = p3*exp(-(x-m3)**2/(2*s3**2))
# Estimation of each parameter
p1 = 100000
p2 = 2840
p3 = 28000
m1 = 70
m2 = 150
m3 = 350
s1 = 25
s2 = 100
s3 = 90
set fit quiet nolog
fit [0:480] f(x) FILE via p1, m1, s1, p2, m2, s2, p3, m3, s3
set table $Difference
plot myIntegral=0 FILE u 1:(myIntegral=myIntegral+f($1)-g3($1),f($1)-g3($1)) w table
unset table
set samples 500 # set samples to plot the functions
plot [0:550] FILE u 1:2 w p lc 'blue' ti FILE noenhanced, \
f(x) ls 1, \
g1(x) lc rgb 'black', \
g2(x) lc rgb 'green', \
g3(x) lc rgb 'orange', \
$Difference u 1:2 w filledcurves lc rgb 0xddff0000 ti sprintf("Area: %.3g",myIntegral)
### end of code
Can you use the analytic integral under a Gaussian function?
y(x) = 1/(s*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-(x-m1)**2/(2*s**2))
integral(y) [-inf:inf] = 1
This would mean that:
I1 = integral(g1) = p1 * s1 * sqrt(2.0*pi)
I2 = integral(g2) = p2 * s2 * sqrt(2.0*pi)
area f(x) - area g3(x) = I1 + I2
Please double check the math :)

Gnuplot 5: color gradient shading between curves

This was created with Matplotlib. Is it possible to make the same type of shading in Gnuplot 5?
I'm not aware that gnuplot has a gradient fill option, but I could be wrong.
The following is a bit of an "ugly" workaround. You basically create 3 plots on top of each other. You might want to adjust the palette to get the desired colors and a smooth transition.
a dummy plot to get the palette as background (i.e. the colorbox as large as the graph)
cover the part above y>f(x) and y>0 to x2-axis as well as below y<f(x) and y<0 to x1-axis.
plot again f(x) to see f(x) and the axes tics again
The earlier version of the code used multiplot. It's not necessary, just use set colorbox back. But then set xzeroaxis ls -1 is not visible anymore, add plot 0 w l ls -1 instead.
### filled curve with gradient
reset session
f(x) = sin(x)/(1+x)
fabove(x) = f(x)<0 ? 0 : f(x)
fbelow(x) = f(x)>0 ? 0 : f(x)
set samples 200
set palette defined (0 "white", 1 "red", 2 "black")
set colorbox back user origin graph 0, graph 0 size graph 1, graph 1
unset cbtics
set xrange[0:15]
set xzeroaxis ls -1
set yrange[-0.2:0.5]
plot fabove(x) w filledcurves x2 fc rgb "white" not, \
fbelow(x) w filledcurves x1 fc rgb "white" not, \
f(x) w l lw 2 lc rgb "black", \
NaN palette, \
0 w l ls -1
### end of code

Clip vectors on circle in gnuplot

I try to draw some vector fields in a circular region. Consider the following MWE
unset grid
unset tics
unset colorbox
unset border
set size square
besselj(n, x) = n > 1 ? 2*(n-1)/x*besselj(n-1,x) - besselj(n-2,x) : (n == 1 ? besj1(x) : besj0(x))
dbesselj(n, x) = n/x*besselj(n,x) - besselj(n+1,x)
rho(x,y) = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
phi(x,y) = atan2(y,x)
d = 1.0
l = 1.0
z = l/2
q = 1
set xrange [-d/2*1.1:d/2*1.1]
set yrange [-d/2*1.1:d/2*1.1]
Erho(x,y,n,ynp) = (-1/rho(x,y)) * besselj(n, (ynp*2/d)*rho(x,y)) * (-n*sin(n*phi(x,y))) * sin(q*pi*z/l)
Ephi(x,y,n,ynp) = (ynp*2/d) * dbesselj(n, (ynp*2/d)*rho(x,y)) * (cos(n*phi(x,y))) * sin(q*pi*z/l)
Ex(x,y,n,ynp) = rho(x,y) > d/2 ? NaN : cos(phi(x,y))*Erho(x,y,n,ynp) - sin(phi(x,y))*Ephi(x,y,n,ynp)
Ey(x,y,n,ynp) = rho(x,y) > d/2 ? NaN : sin(phi(x,y))*Erho(x,y,n,ynp) + cos(phi(x,y))*Ephi(x,y,n,ynp)
mag(x,y,n,ynp) = sqrt(Ex(x,y,n,ynp)**2 + Ey(x,y,n,ynp)**2)
set object circle at 0,0 size 0.5 fc black lw 3 front
set multiplot layout 1,2
set title 'TE_{01}'
set table 'tmp.dat'
set samples 16
set isosamples 16
plot '++' u 1:2:(Ex($1,$2,0,3.832)/50):(Ey($1,$2,0,3.832)/50) w vectors
unset table
set samples 250
set isosamples 250
plot '++' u 1:2:(mag($1,$2,0,3.832)) w image notitle, \
'tmp.dat' u 1:2:3:4 w vectors head filled lc black lw 1 notitle
set title 'TE_{11}'
set table 'tmp.dat'
set samples 16
set isosamples 16
plot '++' u 1:2:(Ex($1,$2,1,1.841)/20):(Ey($1,$2,1,1.841)/20) w vectors
unset table
set samples 250
set isosamples 250
plot '++' u 1:2:(mag($1,$2,1,1.841)) w image notitle, \
'tmp.dat' u 1:2:3:4 w vectors head filled lc black lw 1 notitle
unset multiplot
which plots the vector field as well as its magnitude inside the circle with diameter d. The result from this is
which is totally okay for the left image (TE01), but the right image (TE11) looks ugly because there are some vectors which are drawn outside the circle. My actually desired result is this
where I have no vectors outside of the black circle. How can I achieve that?
I know there is the clip function in gnuplot, but this does not allow to specify the shape to be used for clipping.
Here is what you can try. Define your own clip function, e.g. a circle.
First you need to check whether a data point is outside of your circle or not.
Clip(x,y) returns NaN if it is outside and 0 if it is inside.
Now, when you plot simply add the value of the clip function to your value. Your data will be clipped within a circle because something +0 remains unchanged and something +NaN will be NaN and will not be plotted. It is sufficient if you do this just for x (vector start) and x + delta x (vector end).
### clip function in circle form
reset session
set size square
# create some test data
set samples 25
Scaling = 0.5
set table $Data
plot [-5:5] '++' u 1:2:(Scaling*$1/sqrt($1**2+$2**2)): \
(Scaling*$2/sqrt($1**2+$2**2)) : (sqrt($1**2+$2**2)) with table
unset table
set palette rgb 33,13,10
CenterX = 0
CenterY = 0
Radius = 3.5
Clip(x,y) = sqrt((x-CenterX)**2 + (y-CenterY)**2) > Radius ? NaN : 0
set xrange[-6:6]
set yrange[-6:6]
set multiplot layout 1,3
plot $Data u 1:2:3:4:5 w vec lc pal not
plot $Data u ($1+Clip($1,$2)):2:($3+Clip($1+$3,$2+$4)):4:5 w vec lc pal not
CenterX = 1
CenterY = 1
plot $Data u ($1+Clip($1,$2)):2:($3+Clip($1+$3,$2+$4)):4:5 w vec lc pal not
unset multiplot
### end of code

Glowing (neon) effect in gnuplot

I want to reproduce this effect in gnuplot:
How can I achive it? If it can't be done, what software can I use to reproduce it?
Using a 2d kernel for every pixel can be done inside gnuplot. That way, more dense accumulations get brighter than single pixels. Check show palette rgbformulae and the respective chapter in the help to change the colours.
set term wxt size 300,300 background rgb 0
set view map
set samp 140
set dgrid3d 180,180, gauss kdensity2d 0.2,0.2
set palette rgbform 4,4,3
splot "+" us 1:(sin($1/3)**2*20):(1) with pm3d notitle
Disclaimer: It can be done with gnuplot as instructed in this answer but you should probably consider a different tool to draw this particular type of plot.
There is at least one way to do it, with preprocessing of the data. The idea is to mimic the glow effect by using a Gaussian kernel to smear the data points. Consider the following data, contained in a file called data:
1 2
1 2.1
1.1 2.2
2 3
3 4
I have purposely placed the first 3 points close to each other to be able to observe the intensified glow of neighboring points. These data look like this:
Now we smear the data points using a 2D Gaussian kernel. I have written the following python code to help with this. The code has a cutoff of 4 standard deviations (sx and sy) around each point. If you want the glow to be a circle, you should choose the standard deviations so that the sx / sy ratio is the same as the ratio of the x/y axes lengths in gnuplot. Otherwise the points will look like ellipses. This is the code:
import numpy as np
import sys
filename = str(sys.argv[1])
sx = float(sys.argv[2])
sy = float(sys.argv[3])
def f(x,y,x0,y0,sx,sy):
return np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/2./sx**2 -(y-y0)**2/2./sy**2)
datafile = open(filename, 'r')
data = []
for datapoint in datafile:
a, b = datapoint.split()
xmin = data[0][0]
xmax = data[0][0]
ymin = data[0][1]
ymax = data[0][1]
for i in range(1, len(data)):
if(data[i][0] < xmin):
xmin = data[i][0]
if(data[i][0] > xmax):
xmax = data[i][0]
if(data[i][1] < ymin):
ymin = data[i][1]
if(data[i][1] > ymax):
ymax = data[i][1]
xmin -= 4.*sx
xmax += 4.*sx
ymin -= 4.*sy
ymax += 4.*sy
dx = (xmax - xmin) / 250.
dy = (ymax - ymin) / 250.
for i in np.arange(xmin,xmax+dx, dx):
for j in np.arange(ymin,ymax+dy, dy):
s = 0.
for k in range(0, len(data)):
d2 = (i - data[k][0])**2 + (j - data[k][1])**2
if( d2 < (4.*sx)**2 + (4.*sy)**2):
s += f(i,j,data[k][0],data[k][1],sx,sy)
print i, j, s
It is used as follows:
python data sx sy
where is the name of the file where the code is located, data is the name of the data file, and sx and sy are the standard deviations.
Now, back to gnuplot, we define a palette that mimics a glowing pattern. For isolated points, the summed Gaussians yield 1 at the position of the point; for overlapping points it yields values higher than 1. You must consider that when defining the palette. The following is just an example:
set cbrange [0:3]
unset colorbox
set palette defined (0 "black", 0.5 "blue", 0.75 "cyan", 1 "white", 3 "white")
plot "< python data 0.05 0.05" w image
You can see that the points are actually ellipses, because the ratio of the axes lengths is not the same as that of the standard deviations along the different directions. This can be easily fixed:
plot "< python data 0.05 0.06" w image
Set a black background, and then plot your dataset several time in different colours with decreasing pointsize.
set term wxt backgr rgb "black"
plot sin(x) w p pt 7 ps 2 lc rgb 0x00003f not, \
sin(x) w p pt 7 ps 1.5 lc rgb 0x00007f not, \
sin(x) w p pt 7 ps 1 lc rgb 0x0000af not, \
sin(x) w p pt 7 ps .5 lc rgb 0x0000ff
Alternatively, some combination of splot with pm3d,set dgrid3d gauss kdensity2d, and set view map, combined with a suitable palette, can be used, see my other answer.

Normalized histograms in gnuplot with added function plot

I have the following script to plot histograms:
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color
set title "Histogram\_CreatesFile"
set output 'Histogram_CreatesFile.eps'
set yrange [0:]
set style fill solid 0.8 border -1
bin_width = 0.2
set boxwidth bin_width
bin_number(x) = floor(x/bin_width)
rounded(x) = bin_width * ( bin_number(x) + 0.5 )
plot 'Histogram_CreatesFile.txt' using (rounded($1)):(1) smooth frequency with boxes lc rgb colour1 notitle
This is supposed to be empirical realisation of some distribution, so to make it more clear I would like to:
Normalize the bars appropriately so that they can be compared to a density function (I guess the sum of the areas of the bars should sum-up to unity? That would mean that the height of each bar should be divided by barWidth*numberOfElements)
On the same picture plot the theoretical distribution function, given by a closed form formula (e.g. Gaussian)
How can I achieve this?
I managed to solve this issue.
(1) The normalization goes into the column after the colon, so the plot command becomes:
plot 'ConfUoMBM1validation0_0.txt' using (rounded($1)):(1/(bin_width*STATS_records)) smooth frequency with boxes lc rgb colour1 notitle
(2) Plotting of functions can't be easier, just do it after a coma as you would normally do
So the final outcome is:
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color
set title "ConfUoMBM1validation0 0"
set output 'ConfUoMBM1validation0_0.eps'
set style fill solid 0.8 border -1
bin_width = 0.926911
set boxwidth bin_width
bin_number(x) = floor(x/bin_width)
rounded(x) = bin_width * ( bin_number(x) + 0.5 )
invsqrt2pi = 0.398942280401433
stats 'ConfUoMBM1validation0_0.txt' using (rounded($1)) nooutput
set xrange [STATS_min-bin_width/2.:STATS_max+bin_width/2.]
set yrange [0:]
plot 'ConfUoMBM1validation0_0.txt' using (rounded($1)):(1/(bin_width*STATS_records)) smooth frequency with boxes lc rgb colour1 notitle, normal(x,-0.14166974006432781,4.6345562297659741) with lines lc rgb colour2 lw 5 notitle
