I have a parent maven archetype reactor project having a grails 2.4.4 project as submodule (standalone grails 2.4.4 project in process to a multimodule project), all build phases are working fine only during integration test (the grails project is using functional-test-1.2.7 grails plugin for it's integration test failsafe is not used here) it is not able to load the plugins below is the error.
[ERROR] ProjectBuildingException for org.grails.plugins:easyb:zip:2.0.5:test: Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] Unknown packaging: zip # line 6, column 14
[ERROR] ProjectBuildingException for org.grails.plugins:functional-test:zip:1.2.7:test: Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] Unknown packaging: zip # line 6, column 14
[ERROR] ProjectBuildingException for org.grails.plugins:tomcat:zip:7.0.54:test: Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] Unknown packaging: zip # line 6, column 14
It started the Integration test but after 4-5 scenarios it fails like below:
SCENARIO the login form should reject invalid credentials, such as_an empty domain
GIVEN functional testing DSL is initalized
WHEN the client accesses the login form
WHEN supplies invalid credentials, such as_an empty domain
WHEN submits the form
Clicked [Login] which resolved to a [class com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSubmitInput]
THEN login rejects the credentials and returns the client to the login form with an error message
THEN tear down functional testing DSL
THEN enable login form
Error |
Error running easyb tests: null (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
The old non-module grails project is working fine, and all IT tests are getting passed in local but in case of the multimodule project it is getting failed after 4-5 scenarios (it had total 251 test scenarios)
I've made sure both of them are identical.
I have upgraded Weblogic version in linux server by changing the wl_home path in the setDomainEnv.sh for 12.1.2 to 12.1.3 and restart. when restarting it gives below errors.
Appreciate if anyone can give idea about this.
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method com.bea.logging.LogBufferHandler.bufferLogObject(Ljava/lang/Object;)V from class weblogic.logging.log4j.WLLog4jMemoryBufferAppender
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: post construct on weblogic.diagnostics.lifecycle.LoggingServerService
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of weblogic.diagnostics.lifecycle.DiagnosticFoundationService errors were found
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on weblogic.diagnostics.lifecycle.DiagnosticFoundationService
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of com.oracle.injection.integration.CDIIntegrationService errors were found
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on com.oracle.injection.integration.CDIIntegrationService
Use the wllog4j.jar which is part of WLS 12.1.3 build. The one part of WLS_HOME/server/lib diretory.
If your domains-home/lib folder holds older wllog4.jar which was part of 12.1.2 then you will face this issue
I'm trying to set up a basic Titan example. In following the docs, I tried running bin/gremlin-server.sh -i com.thinkaurelius.titan titan-all 1.0.0 which throws;
Could not install the dependency: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/share/titan/ext/titan-all/plugin/titan-all-1.0.0.jar (No such file or directory)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/share/titan/ext/titan-all/plugin/titan-all-1.0.0.jar (No such file or directory)
at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.IndyInterface.selectMethod(IndyInterface.java:215)
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.util.DependencyGrabber.getAdditionalDependencies(DependencyGrabber.groovy:165)
at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.IndyInterface.selectMethod(IndyInterface.java:215)
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.util.DependencyGrabber.copyDependenciesToPath(DependencyGrabber.groovy:99)
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.util.GremlinServerInstall.main(GremlinServerInstall.java:38)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/share/titan/ext/titan-all/plugin/titan-all-1.0.0.jar (No such file or directory)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:219)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:149)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:166)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:130)
at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.IndyInterface.selectMethod(IndyInterface.java:215)
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.util.DependencyGrabber.getAdditionalDependencies(DependencyGrabber.groovy:148)
... 3 more
I also tried it from gremlin.sh;
root#ubuntu:/usr/share/titan# bin/gremlin.sh
(o o)
plugin activated: aurelius.titan
plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/share/titan/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/share/titan/lib/logback-classic-1.1.2.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
14:45:44 INFO org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.hadoop.structure.HadoopGraph - HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS is set to: /usr/share/titan/lib
plugin activated: tinkerpop.hadoop
plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
gremlin> :install com.thinkaurelius.titan titan-all 1.0.0
==>java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/share/titan/ext/titan-all/plugin/titan-all-1.0.0.jar (No such file or directory)
I've confirmed that groovy has the file;
root#ubuntu:/usr/share/titan# ls ~/.groovy/grapes/com.thinkaurelius.titan/titan-all/jars
So now I'm stumped.. Has anyone come across this before?
EDIT: Some notes on how I got here..
My first attempt at getting this working was to use the all-inclusive zip file as per the docs... I changed gremlin-server.yaml to;
graph: conf/titan-cassandra-es.properties
That threw;
407 [main] WARN org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.GremlinServer - Graph [graph] configured at [conf/titan-cassandra-es.properties] could not be instantiated and will not be available in Gremlin Server. GraphFactory message: Configuration must contain a valid 'gremlin.graph' setting
java.lang.RuntimeException: Configuration must contain a valid 'gremlin.graph' setting
Ok, simple google search tells me I need to add this to conf/titan-cassandra-es.properties;
At which point, I get..
484 [main] WARN org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.GremlinServer - Graph [graph] configured at [conf/titan-cassandra-es.properties] could not be instantiated and will not be available in Gremlin Server. GraphFactory message: GraphFactory could not instantiate this Graph implementation [class com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory]
java.lang.RuntimeException: GraphFactory could not instantiate this Graph implementation [class com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory]
This leads me to believe that I'm missing com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory. Which is curious, since $TITAN_HOME/lib does in fact contain titan-all-1.0.0.jar. So I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that I need to run the titan-all install to make it actually load the jars..
The basic install for Titan is unzip the titan-1.0.0-hadoop1.zip. That is it!
Download it from http://titandb.io
It is already packaged with the Titan plugins, so you don't need to install them into the Gremlin Console or Gremlin Server.
If you want to try the Titan Server, there is a pre-packaged titan.sh script which automatically starts Cassandra and Elasticsearch with the server.
For anyone that comes across this strangeness, read the whole stack trace. It turns out waaay at the bottom, it actually had the real issue; it couldn't connect to Cassandra because I had not enabled Thrift.
I have a fresh installation of Groovy 2.1.4 and I'd like to create a script that uses HTTP builder.
I've added the following line at the top of the script:
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.6')
When I run the script in GroovyConsole, I get the following error:
1 compilation error:
Exception thrown
VI 01, 2013 12:15:39 ODP. org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils sanitize
WARNING: Sanitizing stacktrace:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [download failed: commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1!commons-logging.jar]
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:57)
... (aso) ...
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [download failed: commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1!commons-logging.jar]
When I run the following command on the Windows command line:
grape -V resolve org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder http-builder 0.6
I get the same error, i.e.:
:: problems summary ::
[NOT FOUND ] commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1!commons-logging.jar (0ms)
==== localm2: tried
file:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.1.1/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
Error in resolve:
Error grabbing Grapes -- [download failed: commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1!commons-logging.jar]
When I try to resolve commons-logging directly, via the following command:
grape -V resolve commons-logging commons-logging 1.1.1
I get the same error, i.e. not found.
When I instead try to download the latest version, i.e. 1.1.3, via the appropriate command, it works. But even after that, resolving the http-client still fails.
Where's the problem?
Try deleting ~/.m2 directory and also ~/.groovy/grapes directories.
It worked for me.
It looks like your Grape settings are set only to look in your local .m2 directory for the library. Check your grapeConfig.xml configuration file. (If you don't have one, you can create it--it should go in the same directory where your groovysh.history and grapes cache directory are created by Groovy.) You can copy the example file shown on the Groovy Grape reference page.
If that doesn't help, I would try deleting your grapes cache directory and try it again.
My problem was, groovy (v2.4.8) was looking in the maven repository fist (~/.m2/repository/) and finding the pom file but not finding the associated artifact/JAR. Instead of just moving on to the next resolver, which would have succeeded, it just gives up. The workaround would be to remove the pom file, the specific directory cache, or just temporarily rename the repository and run groovy again as other suggested. Or you could try to manually add it to the repository. But these are just temporary and you'll likely run into the issue again if you clear your groovy cache or with another dependency.
To troubleshoot this issue you can turn on verbose logging and try to manually install the dependency. So if your error is something like:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [download failed: commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1!commons-logging.jar, download failed: commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6!commons-codec.jar, download failed: commons-lang#commons-lang;2.4!commons-lang.jar]
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
Which means your dependency is commons-logging-1.1.1.jar. You can run:
grape -V install commons-logging commons-logging 1.1.1
What ended up solving the problem for me was overriding the default configuration and setting usepoms="false" in the localm2 resolver. It works in my case because I have the pom but not the JAR, so since Ivy isn't considering the POM now and the JAR was never there to begin with, it goes onto the next resolver which does find it. So in summary:
Create this file: ~/.groovy/grapeConfig.xml
With these contents:
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<chain name="downloadGrapes" returnFirst="true">
<filesystem name="cachedGrapes">
<ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml"/>
<artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"/>
<ibiblio name="localm2" root="file:${user.home}/.m2test/repository/" checkmodified="true" changingPattern=".*" changingMatcher="regexp" m2compatible="true" usepoms="false"/>
<ibiblio name="jcenter" root="https://jcenter.bintray.com/" m2compatible="true"/>
<ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/>
I was tempted not to use the maven 2 cache at all, but if I removed the line, I got errors about not being able to find "localm2". Although updating it to point to fictitious directory worked.
Deleting .m2 and grapes did not resolve the issue for me as when they were repopulated, the jar was not being downloaded. In my case, I was missing xml-apis-1.3.04.jar
I eventually resolved the issue by manually downloading the jar file and copying it into ~/.m2/repository/xml-apis/xml-apis/<version>
Hopefully this is useful if simply deleting the directories isn't working.
this might help someone down the line as i faced similar issue in windows
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [download failed: commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.2!commons-collections.jar]
the required jar above was not being downloaded in C:/Users/%USER%/.groovy/grapes/common-collections/jars/ folder.
so manually downloaded the required version from https://jar-download.com/
and added in the corresponding folder
Not quite the same case as the question, adding it in case someone finds himself in a similar case with me where I did not have any direct access on the machine to check the grapeConfig.xml configuration file, as suggested by the accepted answer. What worked for me was to configure a grab resolver.
I did something similar with what is stated in the documentation and it worked (documentation link):
#GrabResolver(name='restlet', root='http://maven.restlet.org/')
#Grab(group='org.restlet', module='org.restlet', version='1.1.6')
I solved a similar issue by using a newer version of commons-codec:commons-codec in groovy script using the #Grab annotation:
you need create ~/.groovy/grapeConfig.xml
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<chain name="downloadGrapes" returnFirst="true">
<filesystem name="cachedGrapes">
<ivy pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml"/>
<artifact pattern="${user.home}/.groovy/grapes/[organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"/>
<ibiblio name="localm2" root="file:${user.home}/.m2test/repository/" checkmodified="true" changingPattern=".*" changingMatcher="regexp" m2compatible="true" usepoms="false"/>
<ibiblio name="jcenter" root="https://jcenter.bintray.com/" m2compatible="true"/>
<ibiblio name="ibiblio" m2compatible="true"/>
I had a similar error when using Groovy + Java 7.
The error from groovy was:
General error during conversion: Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: com.microsoft.sqlserver#mssql-jdbc;6.4.0.jre7: not found]
When trying the
grape -V resolve com.microsoft.sqlserver mssql-jdbc 6.4.0.jre7
command i had these errors:
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: protocol_version
The way to fix this was adding the -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 parameter:
grape -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -V resolve com.microsoft.sqlserver mssql-jdbc 6.4.0.jre7
Then the package is downloaded and i can use it from Groovy
I'm trying to use m2eclipse api to import projects by archetype.
my code is here:
RemoteCatalogFactory remoteCatalogFactory = new RemoteCatalogFactory("http:/server1/archetype-catalog.xml", null, true);
ArchetypeCatalog catalog = remoteCatalogFactory.getArchetypeCatalog();
List<Archetype> archetypes = catalog.getArchetypes();
for (Archetype archetype : archetypes){
m2eclipse version is:0.12.1.
Got below exception:
1) Error injecting: org.sonatype.maven.wagon.AhcWagon
at ClassRealm[plexus.core, parent: null]
while locating org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon annotated with #com.google.inject.name.Named(value=http)
1 error
at com.google.inject.internal.InjectorImpl$4.get(InjectorImpl.java:958)
at com.google.inject.Scopes$1$1.get(Scopes.java:59)
at org.sonatype.guice.bean.locators.LazyQualifiedBean.getValue(LazyQualifiedBean.java:66)
at org.sonatype.guice.plexus.locators.LazyPlexusBean.getValue(LazyPlexusBean.java:54)
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(DefaultPlexusContainer.java:247)
... 38 more
Caused by: java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type org.sonatype.maven.wagon.AhcWagon not present
at org.sonatype.guice.bean.reflect.URLClassSpace.loadClass(URLClassSpace.java:94)
at org.sonatype.guice.bean.reflect.NamedClass.load(NamedClass.java:46)
at org.sonatype.guice.bean.reflect.AbstractDeferredClass.get(AbstractDeferredClass.java:48)
at com.google.inject.internal.InternalFactoryToProviderAdapter.get(InternalFactoryToProviderAdapter.java:40)
at com.google.inject.internal.InjectorImpl$4$1.call(InjectorImpl.java:949)
at com.google.inject.internal.InjectorImpl.callInContext(InjectorImpl.java:995)
at com.google.inject.internal.InjectorImpl$4.get(InjectorImpl.java:945)
... 42 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.sonatype.maven.wagon.AhcWagon
at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy.loadClass(SelfFirstStrategy.java:50)
at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass(ClassRealm.java:244)
at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass(ClassRealm.java:230)
at org.sonatype.guice.bean.reflect.URLClassSpace.loadClass(URLClassSpace.java:90)
During debug, I found bundleloader is using org.maven.ide.eclipse's bundle classloader to load AhcWagon class.
because maven embedder bundle haven't export AhcWagon's package, so can't load it.
But my question is: caller(plexus-classworlds.jar) is in maven embedder bundle and AhcWagon(in wagon-ahc.jar) is in the same bundle. Why not use maven embedder's bundle loader to load AhcWagon?
Am I something wrong to use this API?
That's great! If there is any sample code.
m2eclipse0.12.1's bug, need to export org.sonatype.maven.wagon in manifest.