To move a window around I can do:
ctrlw shiftH, J, K, or L
Is there a way to just toggle the position of the windows? For example, pressing it five times would do:
ctrlw shiftK
ctrlw shiftL
ctrlw shiftJ
ctrlw shiftH
ctrlw shiftK
Is there something like that in vim, or I have to specify the direction explicitly when repositioning the window?
It seems there's no such a thing in Vim (maybe some plugin exists, though). If there was, we would have found it described at :help window-moving.
On the other hand, you can create your own mapping to handle this. The following, for instance, works as you require:
nnoremap <C-W><C-X> :call NextPost()<CR>
let g:mydic = {0: 'K', 1: 'L', 2: 'J', 3: 'H'}
let g:nextPosIndex = -1
function! NextPost()
if g:nextPosIndex == 3
let g:nextPosIndex = 0
let g:nextPosIndex += 1
execute "normal! \<C-W>" . g:mydic[g:nextPosIndex]
Note that the counter g:nextPosIndex is never reset, so after a K movement happened on a window, if you move to another window, and then move it, it will L-move.¹
[1] Based on D. Ben Knoble's comment, this limitation seems to be easly removed by using window-local variable w:nextPosIndex instead of a global one, g:nextPosIndex.
Is there a way to jump to the signature of the function my cursor is currently in, then jump back to where I was?
For example, when I have a 1000 line function, where the prefix x + y: refers to line numbers, is there a way from me to jump from my cursor location at x + 555 to the signature at x + 0 then back to where I was at (x + 555):
x + 000: void theFn(int arg) {
x + ...: ...
x + 555: /// where my cursor starts
x + ...: ...
x + 999: }
And, yes, I couldn't agree with you more that there shouldn't be 1000 line functions.
Also, is there a way to automatically jump to the end of function without being at the opening bracket of the function?
Useful motions in such case are [[, ][ and <C-o>.
As we can read in help:
[[ [count] sections backward or to the previous '{' in
the first column. |exclusive|
Note that |exclusive-linewise| often applies.
][ [count] sections forward or to the next '}' in the
first column. |exclusive|
Note that |exclusive-linewise| often applies.
CTRL-O Go to [count] Older cursor position in jump list
(not a motion command).
{not available without the |+jumplist| feature}
In short:
[[ to got to the beginning
<C-o> to go back to previous place
][ to go to end
Those motions will have the desired effect only when braces are in the first column, but from your example seems like this requirement is not met.
In such case at the end of :h section we can read:
If your '{' or '}' are not in the first column, and you would like to use "[["
and "]]" anyway, try these mappings: >
:map [[ ?{<CR>w99[{
:map ][ /}<CR>b99]}
:map ]] j0[[%/{<CR>
:map [] k$][%?}<CR>
Unfortunately, Vim doesn't offer better solution as it doesn't parse syntax.
It may change though as Neovim experiments with Tree-sitter.
It also wouldn't be surprising if there was a plugin which provides better support for such motion.
Tagbar could fit this role:
Toggle Tagbar window
Switch to it
Cursor should be already over the current tag
Press enter
Toggle window
You are at beginning of the function
Use <C-o> to get back
I also once found and had in my config a mapping which could also be useful in such case:
nnoremap <Leader>gd ?\v%(%(if|while|for|switch)\_s*)#<!\([^)]*\)\_[^;(){}]*\zs\{
I learned moving with hjkl by blocking arrow keys.
I'd like to do something similiar for moving up/down with jjjjjj/kkkkk.
For example whenever I press j 4 times in a row with small delays it would jump back to original position, so I'd have to think how to move smarter to the place I want.
I'm not a fan of technical solutions to this problem (I'd rather critically reflect on my own typing occasionally), but this can be done by storing subsequent keypresses in an array, and complaining if the size becomes too large:
let g:pos = []
let g:keys = []
function! RecordKey( key )
if v:count || get(g:keys, 0, '') != a:key
" Used [count], or different key; start over.
let g:keys = [a:key]
let g:pos = getpos('.')
return 1
call add(g:keys, a:key)
if len(g:keys) > 4
" Too many identical movements (without count).
let g:keys = [a:key]
call setpos('.', g:pos)
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg 'Try again'
echohl None
return 0
return 1
" Reset counter after a delay in movement.
autocmd CursorHold * let g:keys = []
nnoremap <silent> j :<C-u>if RecordKey('j')<Bar>execute 'normal!' (v:count ? v:count : '') . 'j'<Bar>endif<CR>
nnoremap <silent> k :<C-u>if RecordKey('k')<Bar>execute 'normal!' (v:count ? v:count : '') . 'k'<Bar>endif<CR>
" Add more movements as you wish.
(Trying this out, I'm already annoyed by this :-)
I would suggest the following mappings:
nnoremap jjjj j
nnoremap kkkk k
This will make fast movement up and down very cumbersome. Unfortunately it will also prohibit a normal 'j' from executing very fast, as Vim will wait to see whether you want to add anything else after the first keypress to complete the binding. This can be circumvented by pressing another key afterwards (e.g. switching to insert mode with i/I/a/A or the like).
I sometimes write a multi-word identifier in one order, then decide the other order makes more sense. Sometimes there is a separator character, sometimes there is case boundary, and sometimes the separation is positional. For example:
$foobar becomes $barfoo
$FooBar becomes $BarFoo
$foo_bar becomes $bar_foo
How would I accomplish this in vim? I want to put my cursor on the word, hit a key combo that cuts the first half, then appends it to the end of the current word. Something like cw, but also yanking into the cut buffer and then appending to the current word (eg ea).
Nothing general and obvious comes to mind. This is more a novelty question than one of daily practical use, but preference is given to shortest answer with fewest plugins. (Hmm, like code golf for vim.)
You can use this function, it swaps any word of the form FooBar, foo_bar, or fooBar:
function! SwapWord()
" Swap the word under the cursor, ex:
" 'foo_bar' --> 'bar_foo',
" 'FooBar' --> 'BarFoo',
" 'fooBar' --> 'barFoo' (keeps case style)
let save_cursor = getcurpos()
let word = expand("<cword>")
let match_ = match(word, '_')
if match_ != -1
let repl = strpart(word, match_ + 1) . '_' . strpart(word, 0, match_)
let matchU = match(word, '\u', 1)
if matchU != -1
let was_lower = (match(word, '^\l') != -1)
if was_lower
let word = substitute(word, '^.', '\U\0', '')
let repl = strpart(word, matchU) . strpart(word, 0, matchU)
if was_lower
let repl = substitute(repl, '^.', '\L\0', '')
silent exe "normal ciw\<c-r>=repl\<cr>"
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
Mapping example:
noremap <silent> gs :call SwapWord()<cr>
Are you talking about a single instance, globally across a file, or generically?
I would tend to just do a global search and replace, e.g.:
(for all lines, change $foobar to $barfoo, every instance on each line)
EDIT (single occurrence with cursor on the 'f'):
3xep (had some ~ in there before the re-edit of the question)
Best I got for now. :)
nnoremap <Leader>s dwbP
Using Leader, s should now work.
dw : cut until the end of the word from cursor position
b : move cursor at the beginning of the word
P : paste the previously cut part at the front
It won't work for you last example though, you have to add another mapping to deal with _ .
(If you don't know what Leader is, see :help mapleader)
I have a big file with a lot of lines that share the same pattern, something like this: ... (some other text) <-- I am here ... (some other text)
(something I don't know) <-- I want to jump here
Is there a quick way in Vim to jump to the place where the succession of ends?
Matches first line which does not start with the text inside the escaped parentheses.
If you want quick access to this you could add a vmap which yanks the visually selected text and inserts it in the right spot (but first escaping it with escape(var, '/').
Try this vmap: vmap <leader>n "hy<Esc>/^\(<C-R>=escape(#h,'/')<CR>\)\#!<CR>
Press n when visually selecting the text you wish to skip and you should be placed on the next first line which does not begin with the selection.
I just write a function to select identical lines:
nnoremap vii :call SelectIdenticalLines()<CR>
fun! SelectIdenticalLines()
let s = getline('.')
let n = line('.')
let i = n
let j = n
while getline(i)==s && i>0
let i-=1
while getline(j)==s && j<=line('$')
let j+=1
call cursor(i+1, 0)
norm V
call cursor(j-1, 0)
type vii to select identical lines (feel free to change the key-binding)
type zf to fold them.
type za to toggle folding
It's handy when you want to squeeze several empty line.
It acts like C-x C-o in emacs.
One option is to go to the bottom of the file and search backwards for the last line you want, then go down one:
G ?^dbn\.py:206?+1
I frequently have several buffers open in my Vim session. This means that my jump list stores locations from several buffers. However, frequently when I use the Ctrl+O keyboard shortcut to jump to a previous location, I do not want to leave the buffer and want to jump to previous locations “local” to the current buffer. How do I do this?
For example, assume my jump list looks as follows:
4 10 1 ~/aaa.m
3 20 1 ~/aaa.m
2 12 2 ~/xxx.m
1 15 1 ~/aaa.m
I want to jump to line 15 of file aaa.m the first time I press Ctrl+O. Importantly, the next time I press Ctrl+O, I do not want to jump to file xxx.m. Rather, I want to jump to line 20 of file aaa.m, that is, my previous location within the “current” buffer. The default Vim behaviour, though, is to take me to to line 12 of file xxx.m.
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
Try the following jump-list traversing function. It steps successively
from one jump-list location to another (using Ctrl+O
or Ctrl+I depending on the values that are
supplied to its back and forw arguments), and stops if the current
location is in the same buffer as that buffer it has started from.
If it is not possible to find a jump-list location that belongs to the
current buffer, the function returns to the position in the jump list
that was the current one before the function was called.
function! JumpWithinFile(back, forw)
let [n, i] = [bufnr('%'), 1]
let p = [n] + getpos('.')[1:]
sil! exe 'norm!1' . a:forw
while 1
let p1 = [bufnr('%')] + getpos('.')[1:]
if n == p1[0] | break | endif
if p == p1
sil! exe 'norm!' . (i-1) . a:back
let [p, i] = [p1, i+1]
sil! exe 'norm!1' . a:forw
To use this function as a
locked to the current buffer, create mappings as it is shown below.
nnoremap <silent> <c-k> :call JumpWithinFile("\<c-i>", "\<c-o>")<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <c-j> :call JumpWithinFile("\<c-o>", "\<c-i>")<cr>
Maybe the EnhancedJumps plugin will help.
With this plugin installed, the jump to another buffer is only done if the same jump command is repeated once more immediately afterwards.