CMake : Could NOT find Qt5FontDatabaseSupport - linux

I got the following error after running cmake for this :
Could NOT find Qt5FontDatabaseSupport (missing:
Qt5FontDatabaseSupport_LIBRARY Qt5FontDatabaseSupport_INCLUDE_DIR) (found
version "5.12.8")
I cannot find any package with that name in my linux repository.
That is one of the dependencies for the Qt QPA plugin , as stated in the CMakeLists.txt comments.
I use Kubuntu 20.04 with cmake 3.16 and Qt5.12.

Most likely you don't have the build dependencies installed. Qt5FontDatabaseSupport is part of the gui Qt module, for which the headers and devel files are installed with the qtbase5-dev package.
Kwin has many more build dependencies than qtbase, so the best if you install all of them with:
sudo apt build-dep kwin
at once, or with
sudo apt build-dep kwin-wayland
if you want to hack it under wayland.


Catkin_make can't find Boost?

I'm working on kinetic(Ubuntu 1604) and trying to compile vision_opencv, it's Cmakelists.txt contains find_package(Boost REQUIRED python3).
And I use sudo apt install libboost-all-dev to install boost, but it still raises Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Boost.
What can I do?

Yum cannot find the package I want to install

I am trying to a simple command sudo yum install SDL2. I know that this package exists as per the SDL website:
Red Hat-based systems (including Fedora) can simply do "sudo yum install SDL2" to get the library installed system-wide, or "sudo yum install SDL2-devel" to get headers and other build requirements ready for compiling your own SDL programs.
However, when I try to execute my command, I get the following:
Setting up Install Process
No package SDL2 available.
Error: Nothing to do
I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga). How can I go about getting yum to locate this package?
ONLY SDL is available on redhat 5.3
uname -r
yum search sdl-devel --verbose
SDL-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : base
With Fedora 26, SDL2 is available in repo fedora
uname -r
dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="fedora" search sdl2-devel --verbose
SDL2-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : fedora

Compiling Cairo-dock errors on GTK dependency

I've Redhat 7.2 running Cinnamon, and hate the docks provided, how come I can't resize the area a widgit is allocated? All apps are jammed into half the dock.
Drives me to compile cairo-dock from source as it isn't an ibm redhat blessed package.
-- checking for module 'wayland-client>=1.0.0'
-- package 'wayland-client>=1.0.0' not found
-- checking for module 'gtk+-3.0>=3.4.0'
-- package 'gtk+-3.0>=3.4.0' not found
so I find gtk version is 3.14.13-16.el7 using yum list installed "gtk*"
I downloaded gtk 3.4.4 and compiled it and follow the INSTALL provided, sudo make install, which completes with no errors
rerunning cmake gives me the same error, so I'm wondering if I had to remove 3.14? I'm not really sure how best to proceed and thought it best to get some advice. I'm not really in the mood to break things. Thanks for your time and consideration.
Calvin, I'm also IBMer and installed RHEL7.2 from IBM's image.
I could successfully download the sources and install Cairo Docker and respective plugins.
I followed the instructions in this page here:
Glx-Dock - Generic:Compilation
First, install all dependencies below from official IBM repository.
I used the same package names for the Fedora dependencies and some may NOT exist for RHEL. Therefore, some plugins won't be available by fetching dependencies from official repository only - but the Cairo Docker will work.
sudo yum install cmake make pkgconfig gcc gcc-c++ gettext glib2-devel\
cairo-devel librsvg2-devel dbus-glib-devel libxml2-devel libXrender-devel\
mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel pango-devel libXxf86vm-devel\
libXtst-devel libXrandr-devel libX11-devel libcurl-devel gtk3-devel\
vte3-devel lm_sensors-devel libxklavier-devel libexif-devel\
libetpan-devel gnome-menus-devel alsa-lib-devel libical-devel\
upower-devel libzeitgeist-devel
Untar the packages and build with the commands described there except that you need to force the lib64 in both main and plugin builds with:

Build gnome-shell issue: jhbuild does not find libtiff

I started tinkering with gnome-shell to kill time and I just can't get jhbuild to work! I followed all the instructions on the jhbuild guide on the gnome-shell wiki.
I got to the part where it says to run $ jhbuild sysdeps gnome-shell.
txjoe#superpotato:~$ jhbuild sysdeps gnome-shell
System installed packages which are new enough:
libvpx (vpx.pc, installed=1.4.0)
speex (speex.pc, required=1.2rc1, installed=1.2rc1)
gmime (gmime-2.6.pc, required=2.6.6, installed=2.6.20)
mtdev (mtdev.pc, required=1.1.1, installed=1.1.5)
Required packages:
System installed packages which are too old:
No matching system package installed:
libsystemd-journal (libsystemd-journal.pc, required=201)
poppler (poppler-glib.pc, required=0.24.0)
Optional packages: (JHBuild will build the missing packages)
System installed packages which are too old:
libical (libical.pc, required=1.0.1, installed=1.0)
WebKit (webkit2gtk-4.0.pc, required=2.11.3, installed=2.8.5)
No matching system package installed:
I installed the following packages manually
And I got the same output when I ran the same command again.
I checked other answers here, nothing seems to work so far. Any tips?
You need to install the development packages. It is possible that you installed the runtime libraries, but those ones do not have the header files to compile a program.
The development libraries in Debian-based distributions end in -dev. Thus, installing libtiff5 is not enough, because it is the runtime library.
In your specific case, you must install libtiff5-dev, libpoppler-glib-dev, and libsystemd-dev.
Alternatively, you can try:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-shell
This command will install the development libraries required to build gnome-shell. At least, this might help to start with, and fix the particular issues/

QT version is not properly installed, please run make install

I installed QT-creator from a downloaded copy of qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.6.1.bin using
sudo ./qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.6.1.bin
in Ubuntu 11.04
I tried to add QT versions in QT-Creator/Build/QT-versions configuration and it asked for a qmake executable.
I installed it using:
sudo apt-get install qt4-devel
which deployed qmake in /usr/bin/qmake
I selected it in QT-Creator/Build/QT-versions configuration as manual, Qt-4.7.2 (System) /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 but QT version is not properly installed, please run make install message appears and I can't use it in QT-Creator/Build/Kits configuration.
How can I solve the problem and configure qmake for Qt-creator use in project creation?
This solved the problem for me on recent Ubuntu version:
sudo apt-get install qt5-default
Just so this no longer shows up as unanswered:
To install all qt-devel libraries, use
sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui
In Linux Mint 18.3 (32 bit) it also solved the problem:
sudo apt-get install qt5-default
So that Qt5 (5.5.1) was installed ready-to-use as a kit in QtCreator.
Although to install the Qt 5.9.0 version I had to explicitly download the package from (2 Gb unpacked) .
Then I had to run this command in terminal:
cd /home/username/Downloads/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.0
Then this command:
Then this
I was having this problem even after sudo apt-get install qt5-default (it was already installed).
However the version of QMake I had pointed to was in the Linux Processor SDK (
I fixed it by sourcing the environment setup before running qtcreator. The following shell script did it for me:
source /opt/ti/processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-
# substitute the location where the SDK is installed.
~/Qt5.9.0/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator -block
# substitute the location where QTCreator is installed
