Why Reading Upload file and Reading Local file producing different results? - python-3.x

I am posting file to python flask and then read its content using following code:
def post(self):
if 'file' not in request.files:
return {'error': 'no file'}
if hash(content) != hash(local_content) :
return {'error': 'content changed','local':hash(local_content),'uploaded':hash(content)}
return {'error': 'same','local':hash(local_content),'uploaded':hash(content)}
I also put same file text2.txt on server and read it locally using
but both results are different.I tried comparing two string using following
if content != local_content
above conditions is always returning true.
but when I print both strings they are exactly same.
I am doing some processing on those strings and trying and both content and local_content produces different results.
So can anyone tell me why uploaded content is behaving differently than local content

Even I face this issue while uploading images using flask. The binary streams were different as compared to reading local file.
I solve this issue with file.seek(0)
files = request.files.getlist('files[]')
for file in files:
fileBytes = file.read()
image_stringRead = base64.b64encode(fileBytes)


cannot upload data to s3 through lambda

I'm trying to extract data from trust advisor through lambda function and upload to s3. Some part of the function executes the append module on the data. However, that module block throws error. That specific block is
check_summary = support_client.describe_trusted_advisor_check_summaries(
if check_summary['status'] != 'not_available':
[checks['name'], check_summary['status'],
print("unable to append checks")
print('Failed to get check: ' + checks['name'])
The error logs
unable to append checks
I'm new to Python. So, unsure of how to check for trackback stacks under else: statement. Also, am I doing anything wrong in the above ? Plz help
You are not calling the s3_upload function anywhere, also the code is invalid since it has file_name variable in it which is not initialized.
I've observed your script-
traceback.print_exc() This should be executed before the return statement so that the python compiler can identify the obstacles/errors
if __name__ == '__main__':
This will work only if is used to execute some code only if the file was run directly, and not imported.
According to the documentation the first three parameters of the put_object method,
def put_object(self, bucket_name, object_name, data, length,
Fix your parameters of put_object.
you're not using s3_upload in your lambda.

How to get filename from a file object in PYTHON?

I am using below code where I am using PUT api from POSTMAN to send a file to a machine hosting the api using python script
#app.route('/uploadFIle', methods=['PUT'])
def uploadFile():
chunk_size = 4096
with open("/Users/xyz/Documents/filename", 'wb') as f:
while True:
chunk = request.stream.read(chunk_size)
if len(chunk) == 0:
return jsonify({"success":"File transfer initiated"})
Is there a way to get the original filename so that I can use the same while saving the file ?
Can do as below by passing name from PUT api itself, but is it the best solution ?
#app.route('/uploadFIle/<string:filename>', methods=['PUT'])
def uploadFile(filename):
Below is how I achieved it using flask -
Choose form-data under body in POSTMAN
You can give any key, i used 'file' as key, then choose option 'file' from drop down arrow in key column
Attach file under 'value' column and use below code to get the file name -
from flask import request
file = request.files['file']
file_name = file.filename

How to save files to a directory and append those files to a list in Python?

I want to check whether if a directory contains a certain '.png' image file. If so, this image file along with all the other files (with png extension only) gets stored in a different directory. (The solution I am looking for should work in all OS platforms i.e Windows, Unix, etc.) and in a remote server i.e (FTP etc.)
I have tried the following code below:
import os, sys
import shutil
import pathlib
import glob
def search():
image_file = 'picture.png'
arr = [] #List will be used to append all the files in a particular directory.
directory = pathlib.Path("collection") #checks if the collection directory exists.
files = []
#need to convert the PosixPath (directory) to a string.
[files.extend(glob.glob(str(directory) + "/**/*.png", recursive = True))]
res = [img for img in files if(img in image_file)] #checks if the image is within the list of files i.e 'picture.png' == 'collection\\picture.png'
if str(bool(res)): #If True...proceed
print("Image is available in image upload storage directory")
for file in files:
transfer_file = str(file)
shutil.copy(file, 'PNG_files/') #send all the files to a different directory i.e 'PNG_files' by using the shutil module.
return arr
print("image not found in directory")
except OSError as e:
return e.errno
result = search() #result should return the 'arr' list. This list should contain png images only.
However, during execution, the For loop is not getting executed. Which means:
The image files are not stored in the 'PNG_files' directory.
The images are not getting appended in the 'arr' list.
The code above the For loop worked as expected. Can anyone explain to me what went wrong?
There are several issues:
In this line
res = [img for img in files if(img in image_file)] #checks if the image is within the list of files i.e 'picture.png' == 'collection\\picture.png'
you should check the other way around (as written in the comment): image_file in img, e.g. picture.png in collection/picture.png.
str(directory) + "/**/*.png" is not OS independent. If you need this to work on Windows, too, you should use os.path.join(str(directory), '**', '*.png') instead!
This check is incorrect: if str(bool(res)):. It's actually always true, because bool(res) is either True or False, str(bool(res)) is either "True" or "False", but both are actually True, as neither is an empty string. Correctly: if res:.
And finally, you're missing the creation of the PNG_files directory. You need to either manually create it before running the script, or call os.mkdir().

Getting the absolute filename of file uploaded through Python Flask App

I am trying to create a flask app that can be used to upload any user selected file to my azure storage. For some reason, the mime-type of the uploaded file is always set to 'application/octet-stream'. If I directly upload the file to azure using its UI, then the mime-type is correct. To solve this problem, I am trying to manually calculate the mimetype of the file and pass it as metadata.
The issue I am having is that I am not able to figure out a way to get the absolute filepath of the user selected file to be uploaded.
What I am looking for is the absolute path: path/to/file/doctest2.txt
Here is how the flask app looks like:
#app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def upload_file():
if request.method == 'POST':
file = request.files['file']
filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
fileextension = filename.rsplit('.',1)[1]
Randomfilename = id_generator()
filename = Randomfilename + '.' + fileextension
blob_service.create_blob_from_stream(container, filename, file)
except Exception:
print 'Exception=' + Exception
ref = 'http://'+ account + '.blob.core.windows.net/' + container + '/' + filename
seems like we can get the filename using f.filename, but I am not sure how to get the full path here.
Complete code can be found here:
The ultimate goal is to calculate the mimetype of the file to be uploaded.
I do have the file-blob(variable f). IS there a better way to get the mime from blob rather than hunting for the absolute file-path?
I solved my problem by using the following line of code:
mime_type = f.content_type
This gives me the mimetype of the file and eliminates the need for getting the file's absolute path.

Validate and save a ZIP file in Flask

I'm writing an app using Flask and one of the things I want in it is the ability to upload a ZIP that conforms to a specific form; as such I have a small function that takes a FileStorage object from the form and first unzips it, checks the contents, and then tries to save. There's a problem, however - apparently unzipping it "breaks" the FileStorage object, as the following function:
def upload_modfile(modfile):
if not modfile.filename.endswith('.zip'):
raise ModError('Incorrect filename')
mod_path = join(get_mods_path(), secure_filename(modfile.filename))
if isfile(mod_path):
raise ModError('File ' + modfile.filename + ' already exists')
modzip = ZipFile(modfile)
base_filename = modfile.filename[:-4]
modzip_contents = modzip.namelist()
if join(base_filename, 'info.json') not in modzip_contents:
raise ModError('Could not validate file')
return True
saves modfile as a text file saying Archive: <filename>.zip. If I comment out the entire ZipFile bit (i.e. everything involving modzip), the file is saved just fine.
I'm pretty much brand new to Python and am a little confused as to what to do in this case, save for saving the file in /tmp. Should I somehow clone modfile by way of some stream? Is there a way of "rewinding" the stream pointer within FileStorage that I'm missing?
