How to create a CDI Interceptor which advises methods from a Feign client? - cdi

I've been trying to figure out how to intercept methods defined in a Feign client with CDI (1.2) interceptors. I need to intercept the response value the client is returning, and extract data to log and remove some data prior to it being returned to the calling process.
I'm running a Weld 2.3 container which provides CDI 1.2. In it, I would like to create a CDI interceptor which is triggered everytime a call to filter() is made.
public interface MyRepository {
#RequestLine("POST /v1/data/policy/input_data_filtered")
JsonNode filter(Body body);
and a matching Producer method:
public MyRepository repositoryProducer() {
return Feign.builder()
.client(new ApacheHttpClient())
.encoder(new JacksonEncoder(mapper))
.decoder(new JacksonDecoder(mapper))
.logger(new Slf4jLogger(MyRepository.class))
.target(MyRepository.class, "http://localhost:9999");
I've tried the standard CDI interceptor way by creating an #InterceptorBinding and adding it to the interface definition, but that didn't work. I suspect because the interceptor must be applied to the CDI bean(proxy) and cannot be defined in an interface. I tried applying it to the repositoryProducer() method but that too was non functional.
I've read about the javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InterceptionFactory which is availabel in CDI 2.0, but I don't have access to it.
How can I do this in CDI 1.2? Or alternatively, is there a better interceptor pattern I can use that is built into Feign somehow?

The short, somewhat incorrect answer is: you cannot. InterceptionFactory is indeed how you would do it if you could.
The longer answer is something like this:
Use java.lang.reflect.Proxy to create a proxy implementation of the MyRepository interface.
Create an InvocationHandler that performs the interception around whatever methods you want.
Target Feign at that proxy implementation.


Ad-Hoc type conversion in JOOQ DSL query

we store some encrypted data in db as blob. When reading/saving it, we need to decrypt/encrypt it using an external service.
because it is actually a spring bean using an external service, we cannot use the code generator like dealing with enums.
I don't want to use, field2.convertFrom).from(TABLE_NAME) because you need to specify every fields of the table.
It is convenient to use dslContext.selectFrom(TABLE_NAME). wonder if any way we can register the converter bean in such query to perform encrypt and decrypt on the fly.
Edit: I ended up using a service to encrypt/decrypt the value when it is actually used. Calling an external service is relatively expensive. Sometimes the value isn't used in the request. It may not make sense to always decrypt the value when reading from db using the converter.
because it is actually a spring bean using an external service, we cannot use the code generator like dealing with enums.
Why not? Just because Spring favours dependency injection, and you currently (as of jOOQ 3.15) cannot inject anything into jOOQ Converter and Binding instances, doesn't mean you can't use other means of looking up such a service. Depending on what you have available, you could use some JNDI lookup, or other means to discover that service when needed, from within your Converter.
Another option would be to use a ConverterProvider and register your logic inside of that. That wouldn't produce your custom type inside of jOOQ records, but whenver you convert your blob to your custom data type, e.g. using reflection.
How to access Spring Beans without Dependency Injection?
If you need to access your Spring Beans you don't need Dependency Injection. Simply create the following class and you can get beans from the static method getBean():
public class ApplicationContextHolder implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> type) {
return applicationContext.getBean(type);
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
ApplicationContextHolder.applicationContext = applicationContext;

Can you spy on the Vert.x event bus in Quarkus tests?

Does anyone know of a way to spy on the Vert.x event bus in Quarkus tests? Ideally I'd like to assert that during a method in the service layer we are sending an event to the correct address, but does anyone know if this is possible?
If I just try to use #InjectMock I get the following error
io.vertx.core.eventbus.impl.EventBusImpl#5769679b is not a normal scoped CDI bean, make sure the bean is a normal scope like #ApplicationScoped or #RequestScoped
I solved this Problem, by creating an ApplicationScoped Delegate around the EventBus. This Delegate can be mocked and inspected as a normal bean in Quarkus. All the Beans which were using the EventBus directly need to use the EventBusDelegate instead. In your test you can use the #InjectMock annotation to inject the EventBusDelegate mocked.
As suggested here
#InjectMock(convertScopes = true)
should solve your problem. If convertScopes is true, then Quarkus will change Singleton to ApplicationScoped to make the bean mockable.
NOTE: the documentation states that this is an advanced setting and should only be used if you don't rely on the differences between Singleton and ApplicationScoped beans

Are jaxrs 1.1 (WLP 8.5) annotated methods thread safe?

I am using jaxrs1.1 jar shipped with Websphere liberty profile 8.5 for creating REST WebService.
Lets suppose we have a method addNewProject as shown below :
If many people call this webservice method to add project concurrently. using link below , are there any concurrency issue? In servlet, each request is a separate thread , is it the same case here or should we handle concurrency by ourselves ?
endpointLink: and POST the JSON object.
public Response addNewProject(ProjectDetails projectdetailsObj) {
return Response.status(200).entity("Project"+projectdetailsObj.getProjectname()+"successfully added").build();
I'm not sure what kind of concurrency issues you might be thinking of. The object itself can be either a singleton or request scoped (if using CDI) or a stateless session bean (if using EJB). If you're using a singleton, then you may need to be thread aware and not store state within the class.
It would probably help to understand what kind of concurrency issues you had in mind to answer more thoroughly.

How to make a serviceloader created class handle container managed objects

I'm currently writing a library where I want the user of my library to implement an interface. From within my library I'm calling this implementation.
I'm using ServiceLoader to instantiate the implementation provided by the integrator and it works just fine. The integrator calls a start() method in my library and in the end he gets something in return. The implementation is used to give me some things along the way that I need in order to get to the final result.
(I'm deliberately not using CDI or any other DI container 'cause I want to create a library that can be used anywhere. In a desktop application, a spring application an application using guice...)
Now I'm facing a problem. I'm creating a showcase in which I'm using my own library. It's a webapplication where I'm using jsf and CDI. When I instantiate the implementation provided in said webapp from within my library, I'm dealing with a non-container managed object. But since this implementation needs to use container managed objects I'm kinda screwed since this can never work.
Interface in lib:
public interface Example{
public abstract String getInfo();
Implementation in war:
public class ExampleImpl implements Example{
private ManagedBean bean;
public String getInfo(){
return bean.getSomethingThatReturnsString();
As you can see this is a huge problem in the way my library is build since the bean will always be null... This means no one using a DI container can use my library. I know I can get the managedbean by doing a FacesContext lookup and get the managedbean but more importantly, my library isn't very well designed if you think about it.
So to conclude my question(s):
Is there any way I can make the serviceloader use a DI container to instantiate the class?
Anyone who knows a better way to fix my problem?
Anyone who knows a better way to get the things I need without making the integrator implement an interface but I can get information from the integrator?
I know this is a quite abstract question but I'm kinda stuck on this one.
Thanks in advance
As the implementation of Example is not performed within the CDI container the injection doesn't happen. What you can do is to lookup the bean manually using the BeanManager. According to the docs, the BeanManager is bound to the jndi name java:comp/BeanManager. Using the following code you can get the BeanManager within your implementation class and lookup the dependencies manually:
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
BeanManager beanManager = (BeanManager) context.lookup("java:comp/BeanManager");
Set<Bean<?>> beans = beanManager.getBeans(YourBean.class, new AnnotationLiteral<Default>() {});
Bean<YourBean> provider = (Bean<YourBean>) beans.iterator().next();
CreationalContext<YourBean> cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext(provider);
YourBean yourBean = (YourBean) beanManager.getReference(provider, YourBean.class, cc);
where YourBean is the dependency you are looking for.

adding custom methods in Hook environment?

i am adding a new method into CalEventLocalServiceImpl using hook...
my code is ..
public class MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl extends CalEventLocalServiceWrapper {
public MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl(CalEventLocalService calEventLocalService) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public List getUserData(long userId) throws SystemException{
DynamicQuery query=DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(CalEvent.class)
List deatils=CalEventLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(query);
return deatils;
my question is how to use getUserData from jsp file.
Can anybody help me out....
i think u didn't gt my question...i want list of events based on USERID from Calendar achieve this task what i need to do??
I assume getUserData() is not overridden but a new method (can't look up currently). This is not what you can do when overriding a service. Instead you'd have to add a new Service and make it available to the portal.
Remember that a customized ("hooked") jsp is running in the portal classloader, while your overloaded service is running in the hook's classloader. Thus, if you create a new service and make the service.jar available to Liferay (e.g. on the global classpath) you can call it from JSPs. The interface of Liferay services can not be extended through an overloaded service.
In case getUserData() is already in the interface (as I said I can't look up currently), you just need to call the CalendarLocalServiceUtil from your jsp and it will be delegated to your wrapper.
Just to add to Olaf's answer and comments...
if you you want to extend CalEventLocalService service with just "getUsetData" and use it in one jsp than building your own service might be overkill. Simply put your code from "getUserData" in jsp. Otherwise follow Olaf's suggestions.
