"unexpected EOF while parsing" in a for loop? - python-3.x

For this project, I was trying to make a list that contained all the distances between all the points that I had in a list(I have a list of x coordinates and one of y)
for da in range(len(meta.values())):
for db in range(len(meta.values())):
dis.append(math.sqrt((x[db] - x[da])**2 + (y[db] - y[da])**2)
However, this part of it either gives me an "unexpected EOF while parsing" or an "invalid syntax" by the print statement. I cant see the mistake here can someone please help me?

You have an unmatched parantheses in dis.append(...
it should be:
dis.append(math.sqrt((x[db] - x[da])**2 + (y[db] - y[da])**2))


kdb/q: How to apply a string manipulation function to a vector of strings to output a vector of strings?

Thanks in advance for the help. I am new to kdb/q, coming from a Python and C++ background.
Just a simple syntax question: I have a string with fields and their corresponding values
pp_str: "field_1:abc field_2:xyz field_3:kdb"
I wrote an atomic (scalar) function to extract the value of a given field.
get_field_value: {[field; pp_str] pp_fields: " " vs pp_str; pid_field: pp_fields[where like[pp_fields; field,":*"]]; start_i: (pid_field[0] ss ":")[0] + 1; end_i: count pid_field[0]; indices: start_i + til (end_i - start_i); pid_field[0][indices]}
show get_field_value["field_1"; pp_str]
show get_field_value["field_3"; pp_str]
Now how do I generalize this so that if I input a vector of fields, I get a vector of values? I want to input ("field_1"; "field_2"; "field_3") and output ("abc"; "xyz"; "kdb"). I tried multiple approaches (below) but I just don't understand kdb/q's syntax well enough to vectorize my function:
/ Attempt 1 - Fail
get_field_value[enlist ("field_1"; "field_2"); pp_str]
/ Attempt 2 - Fail
get_field_value[; pp_str] /. enlist ("field_1"; "field_3")
/ Attempt 3 - Fail
fields: ("field_1"; "field_2")
get_field_value[fields; pp_str]
To run your function for each you could project the pp_str variable and use each for the others
Kdb actually has built-in functionality to handle this: https://code.kx.com/q/ref/file-text/#key-value-pairs
q){#[;x](!/)"S: "0:y}[`field_1;pp_str]
q){#[;x](!/)"S: "0:y}[`field_1`field_3;pp_str]
I think this might be the syntax you're looking for.
q)get_field_value[; pp_str]each("field_1";"field_2")

unexpected EOF while parsing error on a line that does NOT exist

I am not sure why I keep on receiving this error. Any help please?
students = ['Jacob', 'Joseph', 'Tony']
for student in students:
students = ['Jacob', 'Joseph', 'Tony']
for student in students:
print(magician.title() + ", you got an amazing score on you exam!"
Then it says "Syntax Error: unexpected EOF while parsing" on line 9, but there isn't even a line 9. I have no idea why this keeps on occurring.
you did'nt close the parentheses:
print(magician.title() + ", you got an amazing score on you exam!")

linearK error in seq. default() cannot be NA, NaN

I am trying to learn linearK estimates on a small linnet object from the CRC spatstat book (chapter 17) and when I use the linearK function, spatstat throws an error. I have documented the process in the comments in the r code below. The error is as below.
Error in seq.default(from = 0, to = right, length.out = npos + 1L) : 'to' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
I do not understand how to resolve this. I am following this process:
# I have data of points for each data of the week
# d1 is district 1 of the city.
# I did the step below otherwise it was giving me tbl class
d1_data=lapply(split(d1, d1$openDatefactor),as.data.frame)
# I previously create a linnet and divided it into districts of the city
d1_linnet = districts_linnet[["d1"]]
# I create point pattern for each day
d1_ppp = lapply(d1_data, function(x) as.ppp(x, W=Window(d1_linnet)))
plot(d1_ppp[[1]], which.marks="type")
# I am then converting the point pattern to a point pattern on linear network
d1_lpp <- as.lpp(d1_ppp[[1]], L=d1_linnet, W=Window(d1_linnet))
Point pattern on linear network
3 points
15 columns of marks: ‘status’, ‘number_of_’, ‘zip’, ‘ward’,
‘police_dis’, ‘community_’, ‘type’, ‘days’, ‘NAME’,
‘DISTRICT’, ‘openDatefactor’, ‘OpenDate’, ‘coseDatefactor’,
‘closeDate’ and ‘instance’
Linear network with 4286 vertices and 6183 lines
Enclosing window: polygonal boundary
enclosing rectangle: [441140.9, 448217.7] x [4640080, 4652557] units
# the errors start from plotting this lpp object
"show.all" is not a graphical parameter
Show Traceback
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values
x y seg tp
441649.2 4649853 5426 0.5774863
445716.9 4648692 5250 0.5435492
444724.6 4646320 677 0.9189631
3 rows
And then consequently, I also get error on linearK(d1_lpp)
Error in seq.default(from = 0, to = right, length.out = npos + 1L) : 'to' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
I feel lpp object has the problem, but I find it hard to interpret the errors and how to resolve them. Could someone please guide me?
I can confirm there is a bug in plot.lpp when trying to plot the marked point pattern on the linear network. That will hopefully be fixed soon. You can plot the unmarked point pattern using
I cannot reproduce the problem with linearK. Which version of spatstat are you running? In the development version on my laptop spatstat_1.51-0.073 everything works. There has been changes to this code recently, so it is likely that this will be solved by updating to development version (see https://github.com/spatstat/spatstat).

splitting a file.txt into two file with a condition

How can i split the given file into two different files results codes and warning codes.AS given below is single text file and I want to split it into two files as I had lot more file in such condition to split.
Result Codes:
0 - SYS_OK - "Ok"
1 - SYS_ERROR_E - "System Error"
1001 - MVE_SYS_E - "MTE System Error"
1002 - MVE_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR_E - "Command Syntax is wrong"
Warning Codes:
0 - SYS_WARN_W - "System Warning"
100001 - MVE_SYS_W - "MVE System Warning"
200001 - SLEA_SYS_W - "SLEA System Warning"
200002 - SLEA_INCOMPLETE_SCRIPTED_OVERRIDE_COMMAND_W - "One or more of the entered scripted override commands has missing mandatory parameters"
300001 - L1_SYS_W - "L1 System Warning"
Well, on first glance, the distinction seems to be that "warnings" all contain the character sequence _W - and anything that doesn't is "results". Did you notice that?
awk '/_W -/{print >"warnings";next}{print >"results"}'
Here is a python solution:
I am assuming you are having the list of warning codes.
import re
warnings = open(r'warning-codes.txt');
warn_codes =[]
for line in warnings:
m = re.search(r'(\d+) .*',line);
ow = open('output-warnings.txt','w')
ors = open('output-results.txt','w')
log_file = open(r'log.txt');
for line in log_file:
m = re.search(r'(\d+) .*',line);
if(m and (m.groups(1) in warn_codes)):

Add data into prolog with text

setup :-
write('data read'),
read_data :-
process(A) :- A == end_of_file.
process(A) :-
A \== end_of_file,
and the text are
the result is coming out
?- setup.
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
* Syntax Error
data read
What happens? What did I do wrong?
You are reading with read/1 which expects valid Prolog text as input. However, your data is
which is invalid. Write something like
instead. Most often, people do not read in such data manually. Instead, they load the file with ['datafile.pl'] or other commands.
