Using Synthea i have generated 10 patient information. I have an azure account where i have setup "Azure API for FHIR" service. i did all the setup and tried pushing a sample patient (as mentioned in the official docs). i am able to retrieve the patient information by patient id as well.
However, the generated resource from Synthea are not just one resource type.. It has many entries like Patient, Organization, Claim etc.. everything bundled under one resource - bundle
Something like this.. but having more than 100 resource types for a patient. Its good that, it covers entire journey of the patient.
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "transaction",
"entry": [
"resourceType": "patient"
"resourceType": "organization"
Using post man i tried to insert this bundle with api below
i was able to insert multiple bundles..
However, when i query the patients using the following api
All the patient information are not getting retrieved.
Here are my questions.
Inserting bundle by bundle - Is that the right approach.. or
Insert resource by resource .. Patient, Organization , Patient , Organization... But this looks meaningless. Because, if i need to find entire journey of a patient how would i be mapping it
Is There any way i can convert this each bundle as CSV files.. i would like to extract information and run a machine learning model on it.
When you need to process bundles at the FHIR endpoint, you need to POST it to the root / of the FHIR server. This is all described in
That said, the managed Azure API for FHIR only supports "batch" bundles at the moment. Bundle type transaction is not currently supported on Azure API for FHIR.
Both batch and transaction are supported on the OSS FHIR Server for Azure ( when deployed with the SQL server persistence provider.
If you want to convert the transaction bundle that Synthea produces to a batch bundle, then you could take a look at something like this:
I have tried to get team details using DevOps API, And I can get it but unable to get team Avtar/image, In response there is only text information, no descriptor available
I am using this way to get it..
Can you please guide me how can I get team Avtar/image ???
How to get team avtar from DevOps api
In the security of Azure Devops, subjectDescriptor is user's SID. It used as identification when operating some security control. This parameter can uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
To get it, just use the following API:
GET{org name}/_apis/graph/users?api-version=5.1-preview.1
From its response body, you can get the descriptor value of corresponding user.
Next, you can pass the corresponding descriptor value as subjectDescriptor into REST API Avatars - Get:
In addition, the return result of above REST API is content of the image, in order to get the image of the avatar, we need provide the parameter format=png:
this api for user avtar... i want to get project avtar
To get the project avtar, we need to get the subjectDescriptor of the project. We could use the REST API:{organization}/_apis/graph/descriptors/{Teams Id}?api-version=5.0-preview.1
To get the Teams Id, we could use the Teams - Get All Teams:
Then get the Id of the descriptor for the teams project:
Now, we could get the project avtar:
Use Subject Query from Azure DevOps API Graph
Define the body like this:
"query": "Your Group Name",
"subjectKind": [ "Group" ]
The descriptor is at the end of each item in a result.
Then use it in belov request to get avatar
I was asked by Azure Support to post this question, just to see if anyone had a useful opinion.
I am stepping through MS Azure training courses. I created the usual free account to go through these. I've gone through a few dozen of them, and am now at this one:
This attempts to use the Azure PowerShell service. I had some trouble getting to the PowerShell page. It appears that if I'm not already logged into the portal, it goes into a semi-infinite loop, trying to get to the shell page, then trying to login, then the shell page, and finally it gives up and says "We couldn't sign you in. Please try again.".
However, I was able to work around this. If in a separate tab, I log into the Azure Portal, and then go back and follow the link to Azure Cloud Shell, it passes the login gate and sends me to the page where I choose Bash or PowerShell. The course specifies using Bash. When I select that, it then asks me to create a Storage object. When I confirm that, it gives me the following error (subscription id elided):
"error": {
"code": "RequestDisallowedByPolicy",
"target": "cs733f82532facdx4f04x95b",
"message": "Resource 'cs733f82532facdx4f04x95b' was disallowed by policy. Policy identifiers: '[{\"policyAssignment\":{\"name\":\"Enforce tag on resource\",\"id\":\"/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/740514d625684aad84ef8ca0\"},\"policyDefinition\":{\"name\":\"Enforce tag on resource\",\"id\":\"/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/be3862a6-ca1e-40b0-a024-0c0c7d1e8b3e\"}}]'.",
"additionalInfo": [
"type": "PolicyViolation",
"info": {
"policyDefinitionDisplayName": "Enforce tag on resource",
"evaluationDetails": {
"evaluatedExpressions": [
"result": "True",
"expressionKind": "Field",
"expression": "tags[Department]",
"path": "tags[Department]",
"targetValue": "false",
"operator": "Exists"
"policyDefinitionId": "/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/be3862a6-ca1e-40b0-a024-0c0c7d1e8b3e",
"policyDefinitionName": "be3862a6-ca1e-40b0-a024-0c0c7d1e8b3e",
"policyDefinitionEffect": "deny",
"policyAssignmentId": "/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/740514d625684aad84ef8ca0",
"policyAssignmentName": "740514d625684aad84ef8ca0",
"policyAssignmentDisplayName": "Enforce tag on resource",
"policyAssignmentScope": "/subscriptions/xxxxx",
"policyAssignmentParameters": {
"tagName": {
"value": "Department"
I think the simple conclusion from this is that my free account doesn't have enough rights to do what is needed here. The documentation I've read seems to imply that I have to get additional rights on the account in order to do this. However, I'm just using a free account that I created to go through the Azure training courses. It doesn't really make sense to ask me to do this. I've seen other Azure courses create a temporary sandbox supposedly because they have particular objects pre-created in the sandbox, but I'm also thinking that the sandbox has particular permissions that are not available in the free account. It seems to me that the only reasonable fix for this problem is for that course to be refactored to use a temporary sandbox with the correct permissions.
I'm just looking for any opinions on this, and confirmations that this is what should be done.
It doesn't look like you are creating resource, cloudshell storage, on your free subscription. Except if you added to a Work/Corporate tenant.
From the information you provide, subscription you are trying to use has a policy to enforce tags Department, mean any resource created should have a tag with Department information.
I am working on web app which will consume apis generated from composer rest server. Is there any document regarding the api endpoints of composer rest server, so that I can code my http get and post calls. I mainly want it to complete my multi user story at UI end.
Have you seen the swagger.json endpoint?
I think it will give you the information that you are looking for.
Extra Information
When run in Multi-user mode the /wallet endpoints should also appear in the swagger.json (just tested using OAuth2.0 tutorial). Short extract follows:
"title":"LoopBack Application"
"summary":"Get all of the business network cards in the wallet",
Since we have Azure AD's B2B feature in GA, I am curious how to make use of B2B in multi-tenant applications. More specifically, how to get a list of directories which the user is member of? For example, the Azure Portal does this by calling, Microsoft's My Apps calls to get the information - is there a public endpoint for this?
The use case is to enable B2B cooperation across a multi-tenant application which is provisioned in each user's directory so they have their own instances, but there is no way to centrally pull the information about user's directories.
A simple workaround would be to query all tenants which have the application provisioned for the user's UPN and if found, display it in the list, but imagine if there were hundreds of tenants... I believe that this is quite crucial for app developers who want to leverage the B2B functions in multi-tenant applications.
Update: It seems like there is a way to do this by accessing the Azure Service Management API, however this API and method is undocumented and I suppose that if any issues would occur, Microsoft would say that it is not a supported scenario.
Update 2: I wrote an article about the whole setup, including a sample project of how to make use of this in a scenario, it can be found here
There is a publicly documented Azure Management API that allows you to do this:
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUz...
The response body looks something like this:
"value" : [{
"id" : "/tenants/d765d508-7139-4851-b9c5-74d6dbb1edf0",
"tenantId" : "d765d508-7139-4851-b9c5-74d6dbb1edf0"
}, {
"id" : "/tenants/845415f3-7a05-45c2-8376-ee67080661e2",
"tenantId" : "845415f3-7a05-45c2-8376-ee67080661e2"
}, {
"id" : "/tenants/97bcb93f-8dee-48ed-afa3-356ba40f3a61",
"tenantId" : "97bcb93f-8dee-48ed-afa3-356ba40f3a61"
The resource for which you need to acquire an access token is (with the trailing slash!).
I am using Azure Functions to build some integrations between various systems. I new requirement is to respond to record updates in Salesforce. Some quick research yielded what seems like a good solution from the Salesforce side. Use Outbound messaging which can send SOAP requests on record modifications.
How to create Salesforce application that will send record to external web service when record created/changed(
The challenge now is to be able create a SOAP listener in Azure Function. I have created basic HTTP Triggers for my other listeners. Is there anything "built-in" to Azure Functions that would allow me to easily consume the incoming SOAP request?
Salesforce has the basics for a solution based on a more traditional web service and an ASMX file but I am not sure if or how that can be applied in Azure Functions. (
That notification is just a SOAP request that is made over HTTP, so really not too different than a regular HTTP trigger request.
Although you could just treat that as a plain request and parse the contents yourself, Azure Functions does expose the great WebHook support we get from ASP.NET WebHooks, and luckily, there is a Salesforce receiver that significantly simplifies this task.
DISCLAIMER: It's worth noting that although the receiver is technically enabled in Azure Functions, there's no official support for it yet, so you won't find a lot of documentation and help will be limited to what you get on SO and Forums. Official support to this and other receivers will hopefully be coming soon, which means documentation, templates and UI support will become available.
To get started, you need the following:
Create a new function, selecting the GenericWebHook - CSharp template (this works for node as well, but I'll focus on C# here.
Follow the steps outlined on the ASP.NET WebHooks integration with Salesforce post in order to create the outbound message. Here you want to use the Function Url given to you by the portal WITHOUT THE CODE QUERY STRING (having the code there wouldn't hurt, but the receiver does not use that information).
IMPORTANT: Get your Salesforce Organization ID, which will be used for authentication and is located under Administer > Company Profile > Company Information > Organization ID and back in the Azure Functions portal, open the Keys panel, delete your default function key (not host key) and create a new key, named default (this name is important) using the Organization ID value you got from Salesforce.
Go to Integrate
On the integration page, select Advanced Editor on the upper right (as mentioned, there's no official support, so the UI does not expose this. We're putting our explorer hats on and venturing into a more advanced workflow here :) )
Change the webHookType property value to sfsoap and save the configuration. Your function.json config should look like the following:
"bindings": [
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"webHookType": "sfsoap",
"name": "req"
"type": "http",
"direction": "out",
"name": "res"
"disabled": false
Switch to the Develop tab. We're ready to write our code.
This is where the ASP.NET WebHooks receiver shines! It will parse the notification for you, exposing strong typed objects you can work with. All you need to do is modify the method/function signature you get withe template to use the SalesforceNotifications type, making sure you're referencing the required assembly (Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Salesforce, which is made available to you, so no need for package reference) and namespace reference (Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks).
Here is a full sample of a function that will receive the request and log the Organization ID, Action ID, grab the first notification and log all of its properties:
#r "Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Salesforce"
using Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks;
public static void Run(SalesforceNotifications req, TraceWriter log)
log.Info($"Salesforce webhook was triggered!");
var notification = req.Notifications.First();
foreach (var p in notification.Keys)
log.Info($"{p} = {notification[p]}");
This process will be a lot smoother when the receiver is officially supported, but even with the added steps, this still beats having to parse the SOAP messages yourself :)
I hope this helps!