How to get an instance of an existing server in Node.js? - node.js

I'd like to get the number of connections of a few servers running on my local machine.
I've successfully used server.getConnections() on a server created via net.createServer(), however I don't know how to use it on an already started server.
I tried obtaining the server instance by connecting to it, using net.connect(). The connection is created successfully and I get a new net.Socket object, however my understanding is that I actually need a net.Server in order to use getConnections().
So my question is, how do I get a net.Server instance of an already running server?

I realize my question is an XY problem, so apologies to all who tried to answer it.
I suspect the answer to the literal question, "how do I get an instance of an existing server", is: "you can't".
I should have added more details to the question, especially what I was trying to achieve.
My application is a load balancer / reverse proxy server. Initially I was able to use getConnections() because I would start the proxy server and a few dummy servers from the same script. However I wanted to make the dummy servers and the proxy separate from each other, so even though I did have complete control over them, I needed to pretend that I didn't actually own the servers.
The solution I found to my specific case, in the end, was to keep a hash list of servers I can connect to (via the reverse proxy), and increment the connection counters every time I connect to a specific server:
let servers = [
{ port: 4000, connectionsCounter: 0 },
{ port: 5000, connectionsCounter: 0 },
{ port: 6000, connectionsCounter: 0 },
let myProxyServer = net.createServer((socket) => {
// Open a connection to the first server in the list
net.connect(servers[0].port, () => {
// Once connected, increment the connections counter
socket.on('connect', () => {
// When the connection ends, decrement the counter
socket.on('close', () => {
I hope this will be helpful to someone.

If you want to just use the server, you can probably store it as a variable when you call net.createServer()
const my_server = net.createServer();
// do what you want with it

you can make instance of net.createServer() and then get your number of connections from server.on('connection', <callback>):
server.on('connection', (socket) => {
// someone connected
console.log("New active connection");
server.getConnections((err, count) => {
} else {
console.log("Currently " + count + " active connection(s)");
i hope this complete example code help you:
const net = require('net');
const uuid = require('uuid/v1');
const server = net.createServer((socket) => {
socket.uuid = uuid();
socket.on('data', (data) => {
//const response = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8'));
socket.on('error', (err) => {
console.log('A client has left abruptly !');
server.getConnections((err, count) => {
} else {
console.log("Currently " + count + " active connection(s)");
socket.on('end', () => {
console.log("A client has left");
server.getConnections((err, count) => {
} else {
console.log("Currently " + count + " active connection(s)");
server.on('error', (err) => {
// handle errors here
console.log("Error:", err);
server.on('connection', (socket) => {
// someone connected
console.log("New active connection");
server.getConnections((err, count) => {
} else {
console.log("Currently " + count + " active connection(s)");
// port number.
server.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('opened server on', server.address());
or you can use netstat for get number of connection, nodejs module for this solution:
const netstat = require('node-netstat');
myObject = {
protocol: 'tcp',
setInterval(function () {
let count = 0;
filter: {
local: {port: 3000, address: ''}
}, item => {
// console.log(item);
}, 1000);

Your application is a bit unclear.
Only the server socket can report how many connections it has. This is why if you create the net.Server you can access that information from it.
If you want to connect to an application and query the number of clients connected to it, the application that you connect to needs to provide that information to you when you ask. This is not information that the socket provides - the application itself has to provide that information.
If you are writing the application that created the net.Server, you can create another net.Server on a different port that you can then connect to and query it for information about the other clients on its other sockets.
If you are trying to generically find the number of connections to a particular application that has a socket, that application needs to be able to tell you, or, as #root mentioned, you need to ask the OS the application is running on. This function will be OS dependent and will likely require elevated privileges. But consider connecting to a socket on a router or IoT device: that application may not be running on any OS at all.


How to ensure a single, private ssh connection using ssh2 with in Meteor

I am using ssh2 and to enable a real-time ssh connection to a remote server for users of my Meteor 1.8.1 app. The app runs on Ubuntu under Nginx and Phusion Passenger. Here is what the app needs to do:
Each authorised user already has an account on the remote server.
A user will start a session by entering their credentials and clicking a "connect" button in the app.
The user can browse directory listings within their home directory on the remote server.
No user should have access to another user's ssh session.
Their ssh session should be removed from the server when the user clicks a "disconnect" button.
I have the ssh connection working but I can't figure out how to destroy the ssh connection at the end of the user's session. Each time they press disconnect" then "connect", another ssh session is started and the old ssh session is still operational, so each ssh command that is sent is executed multiple times and multiple responses are sent to the browser.
I'm also concerned that the connection isn't secure; in development I'm creating the server with require('http').createServer();. In production, on my Ubuntu server with SSL configured, is it enough to use require('https').createServer(); or is there other configuration required, e.g. of Nginx? falls back to older technologies when websocket isn't available; how is that secured?
Main question: why am I seeing duplicate SSH sessions every time the user disconnects and then connects?
Secondary question: where can I find up to date instructions on how to secure Or should I give up on and use WebSocket?
I have read a lot of articles and stack overflow posts, but I'm finding this very confusing and most of the material is out of date. For example socketio-auth is not maintained. I can find almost nothing in the documentation on authentication or authorization - there is a handshake entry but it's not clear to me from this whether it's the function I need or how to use it.
Here's my code.
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log('socket id',; // this shows a new id after disconnect / reconnect
const conn = new SSHClient();
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
console.log('disconnect on server');
conn.on('ready', () => {
socket.emit('message', '*** SSH CONNECTION ESTABLISHED ***');
socket.emit('ready', 'ready');, stream) => {
stream.write('stty -echo \n'); // don't echo our own command back, or the user's password...
if (err) {
return socket.emit('message', `*** SSH SHELL ERROR: ' ${err.message} ***`);
socket.on('path', (path) => {
// path is a request for a directory listing
if (typeof path === 'string') {
const bashCommand = `ls -l ${path} --time-style=full-iso`;
console.log('*** WRITE'); // if you disconnect and reconnect this runs twice. Disconnect and reconnect again, it runs 3 times.
console.log('socket id again',; // this shows the same new socket id each time
stream.write(`${bashCommand} \n`);
stream.on('data', (d) => {
socket.emit('data', response); // tell the browser!
}).on('close', () => {
}).on('close', () => {
socket.emit('message', '*** SSH CONNECTION CLOSED ***');
}).on('error', (err) => {
socket.emit('message', `*** SSH CONNECTION ERROR: ${err.message} ***`);
'host': hosturl,
'username': ausername,
'agent': anagent, // just for dev I'm using public / private key from my local machine but this will be replaced with the user's entered credentials
}).on('disconnect', () => {
console.log('user disconnected');
const io = require('');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {};
const myEmitter = new MyEmitter();
const PORT = 8080;
let socket;
myEmitter.on('connectClicked', () => {
if (socket) {
if (this.connected.get() === false) {
socket = io(`http://localhost:${PORT}`);
socket.on('connect', () => {
socket.on('ready', () => {
// Backend -> Browser
socket.on('message', (data) => {
console.log('socket on message', data);
// Backend -> Browser
socket.on('data', (data) => {
console.log('got data', data);
this.parseResponse(data); // client function to handle data, not shown here
// Browser -> Backend
myEmitter.on('selectDirectory', () => {
console.log('*** SELECT DIRECTORY');
socket.emit('path', pathArray.join('/')); // path array is set in client code, it is a simple array of directory names
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
console.log('\r\n*** Disconnected from backend***\r\n');
myEmitter.on('disconnectClicked', () => {
The answer to keeping the ssh connections separate is to maintain a list of current ssh connections and rework the code so that received ssh data is sent only to the browser that corresponds to the incoming message.
I've also given up on because I can't be confident about security. I'm now using Meteor's inbuilt DDP messaging system via the Meteor Direct Stream Access package. I think this avoids opening up any new points of access to my web server.

How to trigger websocket send from another function in Node?

It's been a while since I've worked with Node and Websockets. Basically how do I get socket.send() to work from another function is what I'm stuck on.
const server = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });
server.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('message', message => {
console.log(`received from a client: ${message}`);
socket.send('yo world!');
function onMessageHandler (target, context, msg, self) {
client.say(target, response);
How do I get my onMessageHandler to trigger a socket send, this is fail... server.socket.send(response);
Seeing your question i think there is a lack of understanding on how Websockets work. I am assuming you're using
There are two things. First is the WebSocketerver which you've named as server and then an Individual Socket which you've named as socket
Now the thing to understand is socket is not accessible outside server.on() callback The reason for this is there could be 1000 of sockets connected at a given instance and there would be no way to uniquely identify a particular socket you want to send message to.
So ask yourself the question that your application wants to send message to an individual socket to send to everyone who is connected to your server (basically broadcast)
If you want to send to an individual, you will have to uniquely identify the user
this._wss = new WebSocket.Server({
this._wss.on("connection", async (ws: AppWebSocket, req: IncomingMessage) => {
// const ipAddress = req.connection.remoteAddress; // IP Address of User;
const queryParams = url.parse(req.url, true).query;
let authUser: User;
try {
authUser = await this._authenticateWebSocket(queryParams);
} catch (e) {
// Terminate connection and return...
// WS User INIT
ws.isAlive = true;
ws.userId =;
ws.uuid = Helpers.generateUUIDV4();
type: "connected",
env: ENV
The above code will add a property to each socket object that will enable it to uniquely identify a particular user/socket.
While sending =>
onMessageHandler(targetUserId: number, message: string) {
const allSockets = <AppWebSocket[]>Array.from(this._wss.clients.values());
const targetSocket = allSockets.find(w => w.userId === targetUserId);
If You want to send to all connect users, it's quite easy:

Determine if server is already listening on path to unix domain socket

On Node.js version 10+
Say we have a server listening on a path (unix domain sockets):
const server = net.createServer(socket => {
const p = path.resolve(process.env.HOME + '/unix.sock');
is there a way to determine if some other server is already listening on path p, before running the above code?
An alternative to my existing answer would be creating a client and trying to connect to the server.
Based on the result, you can identify whether the unix socket is taken or not.
function isPortTaken(port, fn) {
var net = require('net');
var client = new net.Socket();
client.connect(port, function(err) {
return fn(false)
Warning: In case the server triggers some action on a new connection, this will trigger it.
The easy but kind-of dirty way would be to try and use the port, and see if it throws the EADDRINUSE error.
function isPortTaken(port, fn) {
var net = require('net')
var tester = net.createServer()
.once('error', function (err) {
if (err.code != 'EADDRINUSE')
.once('listening', function () {
tester.once('close', function () {
The callback will give a boolean value.
I was going to write this script myself, but then found it somewhere and made small change to it. You can find the original script here:

Callback was already calleld with async.parallel function

I am writing a simple port scanner using core net module from Node.js. I am getting a 'Callback was already called' error with my code. Can you spot please where the error is coming from? Below is my code:
const net = require('net')
const async = require('async')
function findPortStatus(host, port, timeout, cb) {
const socket = new net.Socket()
socket.setTimeout(timeout, () => {
// couldn't establish a connection because of timeout
return cb(null, null)
socket.connect(port, host, () => {
// connection established
return cb(null, port)
socket.on('error', (err) => {
// couldn't establish a connection
return cb(null, null)
const funcs = []
for (let port = 0; port <= 80; port++) {
funcs.push(function(callback) {
findPortStatus('', port, 4000, (err, port) => {
if (!err) {
return callback(null, port)
async.parallel(funcs, (err, ports) => {
if (err) {
} else {
for (let port of ports) {
if (port) {
Not sure if this is related, but you really should pass something to the callback when you call it. null,null isn't very useful for debugging. What I would suggest is timeout events in your context are probably not errors, but they are informative. You could just cb(null, 'timeout') or cb(null, {state: 'timedOut', port: port}) or something to better keep track of what worked and what didn't.
The most likely candidate for your actual error, though, is if your socket emits an error or timeout event after the connect event was already successful. Dropped connection or the like. If all you're looking for is a 'ping'-like functionality (across more than just ICMP obviously), then you should probably close the connection as soon as you get a connect and/or remove the other event listeners as part of the connect listener's handler.
Finally, the node docs suggest you not call socket.connect() directly, unless implementing a custom socket (which it doesn't seem like you are), but to use net.createConnection() instead; not sure that'll help you but it's worth noting.
It looks like the successfully connected sockets are subsequently timing out (which makes sense, as you connect but then do nothing with the connection, so it times out).
If you disconnect from a socket once you have recorded a successful connection, then that should clear up the error. connected but not communicating

I have a very simple configuration in a node server with installed (a little bit more complex but essentially like this one):
var main = require('express')();
server = require('http').createServer(main);
io = require('')(server);
io.use(function(socket, next) {
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('pong', function (data) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Saying hello");
socket.emit('ping', { message: 'Hello from server ' + });
}, 1000);
server.listen(2080, function onCreateServerMain() {
console.log('Server main is listening on port 2080';
In the client:
var socketIoScript,
trialsToLoadSocketIo = 0,
APP_CFG = {baseUrl : ""};
function loadSocketIo(socketIoIp) {
socketIoScript = document.createElement('script');
socketIoScript.setAttribute('src', socketIoIp);
socketIoScript.setAttribute('onload', 'onSocketLoaded();');
window.onSocketLoaded = function onSocketLoaded() {
if (typeof(io.connect) === 'function') {
var mSocket,
mIoSocket = new io.Manager(APP_CFG.baseUrl);
mIoSocket.connect(function(socket) {
mIoSocket.on('error', function onSocketError(e) {
console.log('WebSocket Error ' + error);
mIoSocket.on('ping', function onPingReceived(e) {
console.log('Server emitted ping: ' +;
mSocket.emit('pong', 'hi server!');
~(function onLoadSocketTimeout() {
var nextTimeout;
if (trialsToLoadSocketIo < 10) {
nextTimeout = 5000;
} else if (trialsToLoadSocketIo > 60) {
nextTimeout = 60000;
} else {
nextTimeout = 1000 * trialsToLoadSocketIo;
if (socketIoScript) {
loadSocketIo(APP_CFG.baseUrl + '/' + trialsToLoadSocketIo);
loadSocketTimeout = $timeout(onLoadSocketTimeout, nextTimeout);
trialsToLoadSocketIo += 1;
(I'm doing like this because it's mobile app so it may have not connection). I'm testing it with Brackets and Chrome. Server and client are in the same machine. In the app the script is loaded fine and it connects to the server as I can it see in node log (edit: and this is all what I get in the node console):
Server main is listening on port 2080
Saying hello
Edit: in Chrome console I don't get any message, and any breakpoint stops at on listeners. If I stop node, the console for the Chrome immediately starts logging that it has been disconnected:
But I can't see any incoming message. In the app I don't receive any incoming message. Is there any reason why I could not communicate in this environment even if socket is successfully connected?
No app is receiving events sent from the other side. Logs from node show this, logs from Chrome are empty.
In Chrome app I don't receive console.log("Connected!");. But neither I receive ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED errors: I don't receive anything.
I managed to get console.log("Connected!"); in the app by changing Manager options:
mIoSocket = new io.Manager(APP_CFG.baseUrl, { autoConnect: false });
As it was auto connecting and the events were attached after connection was made, "Connected" was never reached. But I'm still not receiving any event in any app.
I had a similar issue were event callbacks on the server were not firing when emitting. My event names were ping and pong. As soon as I renamed these events everything worked.
I suspect the event names ping and pong are reserved by and so cannot be used.
Ok, so a few things :
First, var mSocket doesn't seem to be initialized, so it may be difficult for it to emit() anything (am I missing something?)
Second, when you do :
socket.on('pong', function (data) {
the server expects to receive an object containing a message property, eg : data = {message:'hi server'} In your case, you send a string, so data is 'Hi server !' and your log will say 'undefined'. You should change this bit to :
socket.on('pong', function (data) {
and you have a similar problem the other way around, you send an object : { message: 'Hello from server ' + }, and are trying to log a data property which does not exist. Change this bit to :
console.log('Server emitted ping: ' + e.message);
And third , you have to listen for events on the socket, not the 'manager'
Client :
mIoSocket.connect(function(socket) {
socket.on('error', function onSocketError(e) {
console.log('WebSocket Error ' + error);
socket.on('ping', function onPingReceived(e) {
console.log('Server emitted ping: ' +;
socket.emit('pong', 'hi server!');
Server :
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('pong', function (data) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Saying hello");
socket.emit('ping', { message: 'Hello from server ' + });
}, 1000);
