Squid proxy configuration for client SSL termination - security

I would like to get the recommendation on how to configure Squid (latest version) with client SSL termination.
The requirement is to provide proxy access to the internet for the client who has no ability to install a custom CA certificate.
Following the documentation here, it is possible to use HTTPS for the browser-proxy connection the same way as HTTP.
However, the only way to achieve that is to use SSL Interception with self-signed CA certificate, which cannot work in my case.
Can someone please advise?

If I understand you correctly you want to replace the client-to-server encryption offered by HTTPS with client-to-proxy-encryption followed by proxy-to-server encryption without a client needing to trust the proxy. If this would work it would make HTTPS fundamentally insecure since every man-in-the-middle attacker could just do this. So fortunately it will not work.


Does Node.js honor HPKP/support certificate pinning?

Does Node.js support certificate pinning? More specifically, if a server passes a HPKP header on the first connection, will Node.js honor that setting?
Note that this is for library in which a client connects to my server. I don't care if the HTTPS server in Node supports certificate pinning.
I also understand that I can inspect the certificate manually and there are a few third party libraries which will check on every connection or monkey patch the request library. I'm not asking about that functionality, either.
My plan is to check the certificate the first time and reject if it doesn't match. However, that doesn't do me any good if the TLS cert is changed after that first call.
Use res.socket.getPeerCertificate().fingerprint property of HTTPS response, compare it with your preshared value.

Recommended Nodejs TLS options

We run a nodejs https server and we noticed in one of the online SSL checker tools that we use old ciphers (And generally bad TLS options).
We don't really know much about this thing so we were wondering if there is any recommended ciphers list or specific nodejs TLS options we should pass in order to make sure we are most secured.
This is the online checker we use: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html
We would really like to get an A there
For future reference, i ended up using nginx for SSL termination, and used this guide for securing my ssl connections: https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Strong_SSL_Security_On_nginx.html

Node.js Multiple SSL Certificates

Is it possible to have Node.js use multiple SSL certificates? I am currently using one certificate but had a new certificate issued that matches other domains.
Since my server is behind a load balancer, there are two ways to get to it and I'd like to match them. Is there a way to use two certificates, instead of creating one with both matches?
See this answer for hosting multiple domains on a single https server
In short, you can use the SNI callback from the https server.
SNI stands for Server Name Identification and it is implemented by all modern browsers.
How it works:
The browser sends the hostname unencrypted (if it supports SNI). The rest of the request is encrypted by the certificate. The HTTPs module can then let you decide which SSL certificate is going to be used to decrypt the connection.
SNI Notes:
SNI is used by AWS Cloudfront and other services, if you require a secure connection
SNI requires a modern browser for it to work.. However given that AWS uses it gives me confidence in using it too.
Depending on how you implement it, it may slow down the request.
It may be better to put a nginx proxy in front of this.
Your connection then travels like this: Client -> (HTTPS) -> NGINX -> (HTTP) -> Node
Nginx could also serve static files, which may optimise your site.
I hope this helps you. I am posting this for documentation purposes.

Is session hijacking / MITMA etc. possible with HTTPS?

Are attacks like MITM possible when using HTTPS?
I know they are possible if the connection starts with HTTP then gets redirected to HTTPS, but what if the initial connection itself is using HTTPS?
I'm implementing a client which connects to a server using HTTPS and want to find out if my explicitly determining the authenticity of the server is necessary (not, not the server authenticating the client is who it says it is, but the client ensuring the server is who it says it is) - I'm doing this in iOS where an API is available which makes it easy to do, but I'm not sure if its necessary to do, and if I do, then how to test that it works.
It's absolutely possible to MITM SSL, and it's often pretty easy if you don't actually check the server's certificate.
Consider someone using your app in a coffee shop where a malicious employee has control over the wireless router. They can watch for HTTPS connections to your server and redirect them to a local MITM program. That program accepts the connection using a self-signed SSL certificate, say, and then opens a connection to your real server and proxies traffic between them.
As long as you check the validity of the server's certificate, this simple attack is thwarted. So do that. :-)
There are much more complicated attacks that have been demonstrated that can still, under special circumstances, MITM an SSL connection even when you check the certificates, but the circumstances that make those attacks work are difficult enough to arrange that most developers needn't worry about them.

Can a proxy server cache SSL GETs? If not, would response body encryption suffice?

Can a (||any) proxy server cache content that is requested by a client over https? As the proxy server can't see the querystring, or the http headers, I reckon they can't.
I'm considering a desktop application, run by a number of people behind their companies proxy. This application may access services across the internet and I'd like to take advantage of the in-built internet caching infrastructure for 'reads'. If the caching proxy servers can't cache SSL delivered content, would simply encrypting the content of a response be a viable option?
I am considering all GET requests that we wish to be cachable be requested over http with the body encrypted using asymmetric encryption, where each client has the decryption key. Anytime we wish to perform a GET that is not cachable, or a POST operation, it will be performed over SSL.
The comment by Rory that the proxy would have to use a self-signed cert if not stricltly true.
The proxy could be implemented to generate a new cert for each new SSL host it is asked to deal with and sign it with a common root cert. In the OP's scenario of a corportate environment the common signing cert can rather easily be installed as a trusted CA on the client machines and they will gladly accept these "faked" SSL certs for the traffic being proxied as there will be no hostname mismatch.
In fact this is exactly how software such as the Charles Web Debugging Proxy allow for inspection of SSL traffic without causing security errors in the browser, etc.
No, it's not possible to cache https directly. The whole communication between the client and the server is encrypted. A proxy sits between the server and the client, in order to cache it, you need to be able to read it, ie decrypt the encryption.
You can do something to cache it. You basically do the SSL on your proxy, intercepting the SSL sent to the client. Basically the data is encrypted between the client and your proxy, it's decrypted, read and cached, and the data is encrypted and sent on the server. The reply from the server is likewise descrypted, read and encrypted. I'm not sure how you do this on major proxy software (like squid), but it is possible.
The only problem with this approach is that the proxy will have to use a self signed cert to encrypt it to the client. The client will be able to tell that a proxy in the middle has read the data, since the certificate will not be from the original site.
I think you should just use SSL and rely on an HTTP client library that does caching (Ex: WinInet on windows). It's hard to imagine that the benefits of enterprise wide caching is worth the pain of writing a custom security encryption scheme or certificate fun on the proxy. Worse, on the encryption scheme you mention, doing asymmetric ciphers on the entity body sounds like a huge perf hit on the server side of your application; there is a reason that SSL uses symmetric ciphers for the actual payload of the connection.
How about setting up a server cache on the application server behind the component that encrypts https responses? This can be useful if you have a reverse-proxy setup.
I am thinking of something like this:
application server <---> Squid or Varnish (cache) <---> Apache (performs SSL encryption)
