Close/exit active tab no matter what - vim

Usually in vim to exit doing :q will work, however, sometimes if it's not the primary tab, exiting is only achieved by doing :clo (and then it's a bit different to close a :term window).
Is is possible to write a keyboard shortcut that will close the active tab -- no matter what it consists of?

nnoremap <Leader>x :bd!<CR>
For further info see: :h bd


How to open a terminal in new tab from VIM?

When I'm working with lets say 4 files, all are open in tabs(VIM). I want to save the changes and compile it without having to close the tabs, i.e I want to open a terminal in new tab along with the existing 4?
How should I do this in VIM?
:tab ter
opens a terminal in a new tab instead of opening it in a new window as :ter does. You can also use the equivalent, longer :tab terminal form.
Credits to user wolloda in this Reddit post.
Extra information
Terminating the shell with Ctrl-d or exit closes the terminal buffer.
Ctrl-w N or Ctrl-\ Ctrl-n put the buffer in the terminal-normal mode:
Keystrokes are not forwarded to the shell, but are used by Vim as in a normal buffer
(although the shell job is still running). Then you can use gt to change tabs,
type Ex commands such as :ls, etc. To bring the terminal buffer back to life,
i, a, ...
If you are going to map this, I recommend using :tab ter++kill=hup, so that when you :qa the terminal job does not prevent Vim from quitting.
And this is the signal normal terminal emulators send to its jobs when closed anyway.
For terminal mode mappings, use tnoremap, for example
tnoremap <S-Tab> <C-W>:tabprevious<CR>
tnoremap <C-N> <C-W>N
More information on :help :terminal and :help :tab.
In 2019, vim now has a Terminal mode.
:help terminal
For example, you can use it like this.
# go to terminal-job mode
# go to terminal-normal mode
ctrl-w N
# go back to terminal-job mode
A more vim like way of doing this would be to use :make
:make will execute the 'makeprg'. It defaults to make which is great of C projects
After running :make the quickfix list will be contain any errors.
Set your compiler via the :compiler command.
Extra parameter can be passed like so :make foo-command
Current filename can be represented by %. e.g. :make %
quickfix list
Use :cnext and :cprev to move between your errors.
:copen to open up the quickfix list in a window (:cclose to close)
:cwindow to open quickfix list window only if there are errors
May want to use better mappings for :cnext and friends. I suggest Tim Pope's unimpaired plugin
Alternatives and Plugins
Just use <c-z> to suspend vim and run your build system. (Cons: loose out on the quickfix list)
Use :! to compile. (Same cons as suspending) e.g. :!make
Syntastic is a syntax checking system that checks files on save
Dispatch can be used to run things in the background. Great for test suites
As #brettanomyces mentioned you may want to consider terminal multiplexers like tmux or screen.
SingleComplile tries and takes some of the work out of using :make
If you are just starting out I would suggest you learn how to use :make and the quickfix list. There is a nice Vimcast episode that intros the quickfix list: Search multiple files with :vimgrep. Additionally Syntastic is a great way to get up and running with linters quickly.
Aside about tabs
Vim's tabs are not like most text editors tab. They are more like viewports into a group of windows/splits. Additionally, Vim is buffer centric, not tab centric like most editors. Therefore using features like the quickfix list is often easier without tabs (See :h 'switchbuf if you must use tabs). Vim's tabs often get in the way of using a splits as there are better window and buffer navigation commands available. I personally have many files open (sometimes 100+) use no tabs and use on average 1-2 splits without any issue. Bottom line: Learn to use buffers effectively.
For more help see the following:
:h :make
:h 'makeprg
:h quickfix
:h :cnext
:h :cope
Vim 8.1 now has a built in terminal that can be opened with the :term command. This provides much more complete integration with the rest of the Vim features.
Original Answer:
I would suggest looking at tmux or screen. I use tmux myself and along with vim-tmux-navigator moving between the terminal and vim is very easy.
For anyone using NeoVim:
The highest voted answer uses :tab ter. This doesn't work on NeoVim (at least for me). However, it's still fairly simple:
:tabe term://bash
tabe is open a new tab and edit file.
term:// is a NeoVim way of opening a terminal
bash is the kind of shell you want to use (e.g. I use zsh, so my command is actually :tabe term://zsh)
Some helpful commands that I created:
" open terminal
if has('nvim')
command Terminal vsplit term://zsh
command TerminalTab tabe term://zsh
command Terminal vert term
command TerminalTab tab ter
Another way
Ctrl-w :
That gets me to the command line, then one can enter tablast tabnext or tabprevious
or the short versions tabl, tabn, tabp
Or this way:
Ctrl-w gt and Ctrl-w gT
(Next tab and Previous Tab)
Or Ctrl-w Number gt (for a specific tab)
That works too.

Key mapping confusion in VIM,How to make vim works in a smart way?

I want to bind Ctrl-w with :q command in vim That is to say, I want to use Ctrl-w to close the current window of vim,
So I add this to my ~/.vimrc :
nmap <C-W> :q<cr>
When I use this to close a window that has something unsaved,this command cannot work.
So I want to make it works in a smart way: When the content is saved, just close the window. When the content remains unsaved, ask me whether to close the window directly like this command
I don't know if this is clear enough for you, but thanks in advance.
There's the :confirm command for that. Just put it in front of :quit:
:nmap <C-W> :confirm q<cr>
The simplest thing to do would be to set confirm in your vimrc - this will prompt you before closing without saving (and a few other things, too; see :help confirm).
Otherwise, you could write a little vim script which uses &modified and confirm() (see :help confirm()).

Netrw open files into tabs in opposite vertical window

Imagine I have :Vex after starting vim. I want to be able to press t and have the tabs appended to the opposite window rather than the Netrw window. Is this possible?
If I press P I can open the file into the split window but I would like to be able to tab through the files in the vertical split whilst having my Netrw window visible - just like Sublime or Komodo.
And yes, I've scoured :h netrw!
Almost got it with some .vimrc remaps and options.
It looks like this
run vim.
hit shift enter. this will open netrw as a sidebar (a small split window to the right) and focus it.
browse as usual and hit enter to open a file. this will open it in the left window by default and focus it.
hit control-w control-w. this will focus netrw again.
browse as usual but this time hit control-enter to open a file. this will open it in a new tab that also contains the netrw sidebar.
The .vimrc config:
" netrw magic
" enable mouse usage. makes it easier to browse multiple tabs
set mouse=a
" hide netrw top message
let g:netrw_banner=0
" tree listing by default
let g:netrw_liststyle=3
" hide vim swap files
let g:netrw_list_hide='.*\.swp$'
" open files in left window by default
let g:netrw_chgwin=1
" remap shift-enter to fire up the sidebar
nnoremap <silent> <S-CR> :rightbelow 20vs<CR>:e .<CR>
" the same remap as above - may be necessary in some distros
nnoremap <silent> <C-M> :rightbelow 20vs<CR>:e .<CR>
" remap control-enter to open files in new tab
nmap <silent> <C-CR> t :rightbelow 20vs<CR>:e .<CR>:wincmd h<CR>
" the same remap as above - may be necessary in some distros
nmap <silent> <NL> t :rightbelow 20vs<CR>:e .<CR>:wincmd h<CR>
The netrw "sidebar" in each tab is independent, meaning the current directory in a tab may not be the same in another tab. Suggestions? Thought of using the netrw buffer in every "sidebar" window, but netrw uses a new buffer whenever changing directories.
You seem to be confusing Vim's "tabs" with the "tabs" you can find in virtually every other program.
Unlike other implementations, Vim's tabs are not tied to a buffer. In Vim, "tabs" behave like what you would call "workspaces": they are meant to keep together one or more windows. Those windows could display any buffer and you can very well end up with the same buffer displayed in multiple windows in multiple tabs!
With that in mind, it would be very wrong to use them like you want. "Tabs" don't represent files and jumping to another "tab" is not equivalent to jumping to another file at all.
The window created by :Vex is a normal window. Like all the other windows, it is contained in a "tab" and can't live outside of a "tab". And you can't have "tabs" inside of windows.
So, basically, what you ask is impossible.
If you are on a Mac and this "other-editor-like feature" is really important for you (more important than, say, embrace the Vim way), you could try this MacVim fork that adds a "regular" file explorer outside of the buffer/window/tab trio. You could also try PIDA which tries to build an IDE around Vim; including a separate file explorer.
As romainl said, tabs are not files (or buffers). So, if I re-interpret your question to mean: "I want to press t and have files appear in the opposite window...". Then I suggest reading :help netrw-C. If you really do mean "append" and not "appear", then that's more involved and before I expend the effort to figure out how to do so I'd like to know that that's what you really meant. The latest netrw (as of today, that's v153f) has additional options which are mentioned in that help reference I gave above.

mvim closing last tab want not to close window

I am just getting start with mvim coming from e-texteditor on Windows. One little annoyance (for me) is that when I use the cmd+w to close tabs, if the last tab is closed the window of mvim is also closed, is there any chance that I can keep that window open with one empty tab in it?
In your ~/.gvimrc file (not your .vimrc; and create one if it doesn't exist already), add:
macm File.Close key=<nop>
nnoremap <silent> <D-w> <Esc>:bd<CR>
The first line unmaps the <D-w> menu binding so you can remap it. The second maps <D-w> to close each vim-window one at a time, which will close the tab if it is the last vim-window in the tab, and will leave the OS window open on the last remaining tabpage. The caveat is that it will also cycle through all hidden buffers in that last window, closing each in turn (though you could use <D-S-w> at this point to close the OS window at once). c.f. :help :bd. If you don't desire this behavior, you could use this instead:
nnoremap <silent> <D-w> <Esc>:tabclose<CR>
Which is more strictly what you were asking for. c.f. :help :tabclose
Duplicate the mapping replacing nnoremap with inoremap if you want it to work in insert mode, too.
You might want to look at this script. It does something similar to what you have mentioned. Using Araxia's mapping for Command-W you can replace the scripts commands to Cmd-w.

How do I close all open tabs at once?

If I have 10 tabs opened, I have to close each one using ":q" separately.
How can I close them all at once?
Shortest/simplest/fastest way would be:
To save work in all tabs and quit:
I often use :tabo (:tabonly) to close all other tabs.
That can be done with the following
command (in normal or escape mode):
:tabdo :q
"tabdo" apparently executes the
command for all the open tabs.
You can use any of these Vim Ex commands to Exit Multiple Windows And Buffers:
:qa :qall
Exit Vim, unless there are some buffers which have been changed. (Use :bmod to go to the next modified buffer). When 'autowriteall' is set all changed buffers will be written, like :wqall.
:conf qa :confirm qall
Exit Vim. Bring up a prompt when some buffers have been
changed. See :confirm.
:qa! :qall!
Exit Vim. Any changes to buffers are lost. Also see :cquit, it does the same but exits with a non-zero value.
:quita :quitall :quita! :quitall!
Same as :qall.
:wqa :wqall :xa :xall
Write all changed buffers and exit Vim. If there are buffers
without a file name, which are readonly or which cannot be
written for another reason, Vim will not quit.
:conf wqa :confirm wqall :conf xa :confirm xall
Write all changed buffers and exit Vim. Bring up a prompt
when some buffers are readonly or cannot be written for
another reason. See :confirm.
:wqa! :xa! :wqall! :xall!
Write all changed buffers, even the ones that are readonly,
and exit Vim. If there are buffers without a file name or
which cannot be written for another reason, Vim will not quit.
To read about these in Vim, type the following Ex command
:help window-exit
Adding to what fuentesjr said:
Will force quit all tabs, if you don't care about saving.
This closes all tabs and open buffers.
here is an Dark Side way of closing ALL VIM INSTANCES on Linux/Mac
:!killall vim -9
Do not use it. It does what you ask but probably not the best way but fun way
I'm using the VIM plugin in VSCode and I was looking for a way to close all the tabs open on the current window.
The commands :qa and :wqa didn't work because they closed all the tabs from all the windows.
The command :tabonly closed all the tabs from the current window except the current tab.
Because I'm usually only using 2 windows at the same time, the closer I managed to get to my need was to focus on the other window and run the command :
(:only) it closes all the windows except the current one.
