When I open up a terminal my default shell looks something like this:
XX-DEV-IM-MM:Ingest david$
However, when I do :term in vim I get something like this for my shell (looks like a root bash shell):
Is there a way to use my default system shell rather than this one that doesn't load my .bash_profile and such?
Here's the problem statement:
I open a GNOME terminal and run a startup script setup_myproject_view1 which sets up an SCM session and sets some enviroment variables.
I open terminal vim and start browsing through some files often in multiple split panes (:sp, :vsp)
I realize that I need to edit and save one or more of these files. But before I can do that I need to check out the file from the SCM server/depot.
Now I have multiple options:
Close all my vim panes and run the checkout command in the shell and then open one or all of the files I had open before. Very tedious.
Open a new terminal window or tab and run the startup script and checkout the file. Then return to the original terminal, run :e to load the file again with write permission enabled and proceed to edit it. Still tedious because I have to run the startup script (so I have to remember which project view I'm working in) and switch through windows/tabs.
Run the shell check out command from vim using :shell or :!. This would be ideal because I'm quickly able to return to editing without breaking my train of thought. But the shell inside vim again does not have the startup session setup_myproject1_view1. Nor do I want to put setup_myproject_view1 to run automatically in my shell's .cshrc file because I have different projects and views: setup_myproject3_view2, etc.
So how can I run a shell command conveniently from vim without having to setup the SCM project view?
you can pause vim using ctrl+z, do your checkout and then resume it with fg if you invoked vim from a bash shell. For more information see bash job control
An alternative, you should modify your setup script to export variables to underlying shells. For example if your script is like this:
# script.sh
you will get this result when you use it:
source script.sh
echo $MEH
but if you change it like this:
# script.sh
export MEH=4
you will get this result when you use it:
source script.sh
echo $MEH
I was going over this article and it states in step 3
Add the following to your .bashrc (or the appropriate startup file for your shell) To use it immediately, be sure to type “source .bashrc”
Any idea on how I could know what my startup file is ? I am using putty ?
Once you use putty to SSH into your server, you can run "ls -al .bashrc" and it should show you the file, edit this with an editor you know, if none, then use vi like this "vi .bashrc".
Go to where you need to edit the file and type in "i" to put vi in Insert mode. Next type in your text. Once you are done press the escape button and ":wq", no quotes for the i or :wq.
Next you can source it by typing "source .bashrc" and the setting you added should be part of your BASH shell environment now.
The .bashrc is a file which is called by bash before on each start of a new interactive shell. The file can be used to setup the environment, export variables, create aliases and functions and more...
There are usually multiple instances of that file. One per system and one per user to allow system wide configuration but also customization by users ( users bashrc will be sourced after the system wide bashrc and can overwrite things). I suggest to add the lines to your user's bashrc first. The file is located in your home folder. Type:
vi $HOME/.bashrc
in order to edit the file. If you aren't familiar with the vi editor you can choose an editor of your choice like nano, mcedit or even a GUI text editor, but mind that a GUI editor's file dialog may hide the file because it's name starts with a .
Once you managed to edit the file, start a new connection or simply type
source $HOME/.bashrc
in order to parse the file
A path which will work with any bash shell regardless of operating system (macOS/Linux/BSD etc.) is:
check your home directory ...because it exists in user's home directory.
check /home/username/ on your terminal if you are using RHEL or CentOS.
.bashrc and .bash_profile are bash config files (bash shell script) that bash runs(execute) whenever it is started interactively. It initializes an interactive (non-login) shell session and the config is read from these files $HOME/.bashrc
.bashrc is a standard hidden file located in your home directory.It determines the behaviour of interactive shells.
.bashrc runs on every interactive shell launch.If you say: $bash
For login shells, the config is read from these files:
/etc/profile (always sourced)
$HOME/.bash_profile (the rest of these files are checked in order until one is found,then no other are read)
For example: I added an echo to my .bashrc and .bash_profile files and whenever I called bash or bash -l command in terminal it showed me the echo.
I want help regarding unix command line.
In command line if i type any command like date; konsole should automatically execute ls and than execute date.
example: if i type date
than interface should be like ls ; date.
I can do alias but i want not only for date for every other command also. even if i don't supply any command and press empty enter it should execute ls.
I tried confugiring in set prompt variable. but i didn't got it and the variable is not reloading automatically.
Are you using konsole as your terminal emulator and tclsh as your interactive shell? If so, the former is irrelevant and the latter is an interesting tool choice. More likely, you are running bash as your interactive shell, in which case you can simply add a trap on DEBUG. To test the behavior type:
trap ls DEBUG
After executing this in bash, in this shell only, ls will be executed before every command. If this is the behavior you want, set the trap in ~/.bashrc.
Note that this is bash specific. Other shells have different mechanisms for getting this behavior.
I've been editing .bashrc files and other init files, and it seems that I've left behind a few code snippets or two that are causing a few errors at the prompt (e.g. file missing), but I can't find them.
How do I debug the prompt to find out what init scripts I've carelessly hacked?
Most of the shells have debug flags that show the commands being executed. Bash may even have one that shows a command before expansion of variables and after. Have you tried checking (I believe) -c -x or -X flags and see if they show the information you are looking for.
You can set them as first thing in the rc files (most global one) or just pass it down into bash command by invoking it from another shell.
In fact, if you invoke bash from another shell, you can also use script command to record everything you see and do into the file, which makes postmortem analysis so much easier.
Try invoking bash with the -x flag, then sourcing your .bashrc or .bash_profile or whatever you're using. That ought to be prolix enough to find your problem
bash -x
source .bashrc
The easiest way to get a clean initial state is to SSH into your current host, but instead of letting SSH launch your shell with default settings, you provide an explicit command which prevents .bashrc from being read.
ssh -tt localhost /bin/bash --norc
The -tt forces SSH to allocate a TTY, which is what would normally happen when you open a shell connection, but is not default when running an explicit command.
The --norc prevents bash from reading your settings file (since we want to do that ourselves).
You should now be at a bash prompt, in a clean environment. This is useful for examining what variable are set to before your .bashrc runs etc. Enable tracing and source your .bashrc:
set -x # Enable tracing
source .bashrc
Try to see where you've defined prompt - probably it in some dot file in your home directory:
grep PS1 ~/.*
You can see current value of prompt by just printing it:
echo $PS1
Check the .bash_history file in your home directory to find out what commands you have been running. If you used commands like vi filename to open the init scripts, it will find them in the command history.
I have used "alias ruby=ruby1.9.1", so I can execute my ruby with this:
ruby 123.rb
ruby1.9.1 123.rb
But in my vim, I use :!ruby and get
/bin/bash: ruby: command not found.
I must use :!ruby1.9.1
How does alias work? Why vim doesn't know it?
When Vim starts a process it makes a system call. It has only inherited the environment variables from your shell if you started it from the shell. But it won't know your bash aliases.
Bash aliases are only a convenience when you enter a command line in the Bash shell. They are expanded by Bash only.
If you want real aliases put symlinks in a private hidden folder, and add that folder to your PATH, or use the alternatives facility.
You can try
:set shellcmdflag+=i
to call bass as "interactive" although that does give an annoying message for every shell command executed.
Aliases (unlike environment variables) are not inherited by subshells. So if you want an alias always available, you need to set it in your .bashrc file, so every instance of the shell will get it on startup