Create a custom grok pattern - logstash-grok

I was working with logstash to structure the following type of logs:
14 Apr 2020 22:49:02,868 [INFO] 1932a8e0-3892-4bae-81e3-1fc1850dff55-LPmAoB (coral-client-orchestrator-41786) hub_delivery_audit: RequestContext{CONTAINER_ID=200414224842439045902810201AZ, TRACKING_ID=TSTJ8N7GLBS0ZZW, PHYSICAL_ATTRIBUTES=PhysicalAttributes(length=Dimension(value=30.0, unit=CM, type=null), width=Dimension(value=30.0, unit=CM, type=null), height=Dimension(value=30.0, unit=CM, type=null), scaleWeight=Weight(value=5.0, unit=kg, type=null)), SHIP_METHOD=AMZN_US_PRIME, ADDRESS_ID=LDI7ICATBZNOAQNW634MG057BMA07370713J4ZQ1VGOMB7KPXTQ2EIA2OX4CKT7L, CUSTOMER_ID=A07370713J4ZQ1VGOMB7K, REQUEST_STATE=UNKNOWN, RESPONSE=GetAccessPointsForHubDeliveryOutput(destinationLocation=null, fallBackLocation=null, capability=null), IS_COMMERCIAL_ATTRIBUTE_PRESENT=false}
and I wanted to extract the following data out of it:
But I'm not able to figure out appropriate filter for such large log event. I've tried using and went through Logstash grok documentation as well, but still couldn't extract the required fields. I could only come up with this:
%{MONTHDAY:monthday} %{MONTH:month} %{YEAR:year} %{TIME:time} [%{LOGLEVEL:logLevel}] %{HOSTNAME}
Please suggest an approach on this and how to directly filter the following fields without creating extra fields like time and date.

I have tried the following grok pattern
{CONTAINER_ID=%{DATA:container_id}, TRACKING_ID=%{DATA:tracking_id}, PHYSICAL_ATTRIBUTES=PhysicalAttributes%{DATA:physical_attributes} SHIP_METHOD=%{DATA:ship_method}, ADDRESS_ID=%{DATA:address_id}, CUSTOMER_ID=%{DATA:customer_id}, REQUEST_STATE=%{DATA:request_state}, RESPONSE=%{GREEDYDATA:response}(?=,)
in grok debugger (


Grok pattern for log

problem finding a right grok pattern for all my logs in order to parse all of them through logstash. here is my sample log
20180809 17:43:27,,adam,,36610,QUERY,test_db,select * from table,'SET autocommit=0',0
I want grok pattern which parse the log in the format:
Date- 09/08/2018 17:43:27
User- adam
ID- 36610
Operation- Query
Db_name- test_db
Query- select * from table,'SET autocommit=0',0
This will be the grok pattern:
grok {
match => ["message", '%{DATA:Date},%{DATA:Domain},%{DATA:User},%{DATA:ClientIP},%{DATA:ID},%{DATA:Operation},%{DATA:Db_name},%{GREEDYDATA:Query}']
DATA and GREEDYDATA are just regular expression patterns that can be reused conveniently. There are more patterns that we can use and are available here:
Also, use this app to test your grok patterns:
To convert the date field use the date filter if you're planning to do time-based plotting of your logs and requests. Date filter:

Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana and Grok How do I break apart the message?

I created a filter to break apart our log files and am having the following issue. I'm not able to figure out how to save the parts of the "message" to their own field or tag or whatever you call it. I'm 3 days new to logstash and have had zero luck with finding someone here who knows it.
So for an example lets say this is your log line in a log file
2017-12-05 [user:edjm1971] msg:This is a message from the system.
And what you want to do is to get the value of the user and set that into some index mapping so you can search for all logs that were by that user. Also, you should see the information from the message in their own fields in Kibana.
My pipeline.conf file for logstash is like
grok {
match => {
"message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} [sid:%{USERNAME:sid} msg:%{DATA:message}"
add_tag => [ "foo_tag", "some_user_value_from_sid_above" ]
Now when I run the logger to create logs data gets over to ES and I can see the data in KIBANA but I don't see foo_tag at all with the sid value.
How exactly do I use this to create the new tag that gets stored into ES so I can see the data I want from the message?
Note: using regex tools it all appears to parse the log formats fine and the log for logstash does not spit out errors when processing.
Also for the logstash mapping it is using some auto defined mapping as the path value is nil.
I'm not clear on how to create a mapping for this either.
Guidance is greatly appreciated.

Logstash grok filter : parsing custom application logs

I'm trying to parse my application logs using logstash filters. The log file contents are like below
17 May 2016 11:45:53,391 [tomcat-http--10] INFO - RTaBzeTuarf |macBook||getOrgs|1006
I'm trying to create a dashboard (line chart) using logstash and want to show the activities on it. For e.g request comes in from some server with correlation id and have to see which class it calls with corresponding method and how long it took to execute.
The message is like:
correlation id | server-name | class name | method name | time taken
log file e.g
RTaBzeTuarf |macBook||getOrgs|1006
I'm unable to create grok patterns/filters for above message. Can someone advise me on this?
Try that:
(?<timestamp>%{MONTHDAY} %{MONTH} %{YEAR} %{HOUR}:%{MINUTE}:%{SECOND}) \[%{NOTSPACE:thread}\] %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} (?<logger>[A-Za-z0-9$_.]+) - %{GREEDYDATA:correlationId}\|%{GREEDYDATA:servername}\|%{GREEDYDATA:className}\|%{GREEDYDATA:methodName}\|%{NUMBER:time}$

logstash parse windows event id 1102

hello I am newer to the logstash. when I am trying to parse the #message field in logstash, that is output from nxlog. can anyone please suggest me how to use regex in grok to parse the below #message field.
"The audit log was cleared.\r\nSubject:\r\n\tSecurity
Name:\tJhon\r\n\tDomain Name:\tJactrix\r\n\tLogon ID:\t1x12325"
and I am using following grok pattern to parse
match => { "%{#message}" =>
ID:\t%{USERNAME}\r\n\tAccount Name:%{GREEDYDATA}\r\n\tDomain
Name:\t%{GREEDYDATA}\r\n\tLogon ID:\t%{GREEDYDATA}" }
Thank you
as a starter you could try the following pattern:
%{GREEDYDATA:msg}.*Subject:%{GREEDYDATA:subject}.*Security ID:%{GREEDYDATA:securityId}.*Account Name:%{GREEDYDATA:accountName}Domain Name:%{GREEDYDATA:domainName}Logon ID:%{GREEDYDATA:logonID}
Then try to refine the patterns depending on the structure of your log-files (e.g. accountName might be %{WORD} or ....). You can use to test your pattern. A list of predefined patterns is found here:

Logstash grok filter fails to match for some messages

I'm trying to parse my application's logs with logstash (version 1.4.2) and grok, but for some reason I don't understand, grok fails to parse some of the lines that should match the specified filter. I've searched Google and Stackoverflow, but most of the problems other people had seemed to be related to multiline log messages (which isn't the case for me), and I couldn't find anything that solved my problem.
My filter looks like this:
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGBASE} -(?<script>\w*)-: Adding item with ID %{WORD:item_id} to database."}
add_tag => ["insert_item"]
Here's the message field of a line that is parsed correctly:
May 11 16:47:55 myhost rqworker: -script-: Adding item with ID 982663745238221172_227691295 to database.
And here's the message field of a line that isn't:
May 11 16:47:55 myhost rqworker: -script-: Adding item with ID 982663772746479443_1639853260 to database.
The only thing that differs between these messages is the item's ID, and Grok Debugger parses them both correctly.
I've checked the logstash log file, but didn't see any relevant error messages.
I'm just starting out with logstash and have no idea what is happening here; any help would be much appreciated!
