Require help to complete ProcessMaker4 installation process on a Centos 8 server. I currently stuck at 'npm run dev' step. There are error messages that I have no idea on how to fix it. Below are lines coppied from terminal.
Error during npm run dev
Please assist.
Thank you.
I had some troubles too.
I installed on Centos 7.7 and it works.
About npm, check you have installed NodeJS 10.x, mine is version 10.21.
To install it:
curl -sL | bash -
yum install -y nodejs
This will install npm as well which in my case:
npm --version
I have problem with installing node.js and npm on my Ubuntu terminal (WSL2).
I tried to follow this instructions:
Also see some videos on YouTube, but every time I have same error.
First, I run this command:
sudo apt-get install curl
after I am trying to install nvm, with this command :
curl -o- | bash
after that it tells, that nvm is installed, but shows some errors(I will include img)
and after that, I can't run this command to verify versions of node.js and npm :
command -v nvm //or this command
nvm ls
I already installed node.js in my windows, and when I open git bash and run this commands node -v and npm -v it shows me, which versions are installed.
But as I use Ubuntu terminal with fish, I wanted to install node.js and npm on it too. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
I believe this may be because you need to restart your terminal, this is one of the troubleshooting tips given from the NVM github page.
There are not any errors when downloading so it is probably just that the .bashrc file was updated but not ran (you should be able to use source ~/.bashrc instead of restarting)
So i am trying to install Nodejs v10 and npm but when i run the command
curl -sL | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
It would install Nodejs v4.2.6 and i don't understand why and it dosent even install npm with it i need to install it separately
maybe you guys can help me
you need install node with nvm ( follow this intruttions for install the version of you want
I am using ROS melodic for my current project but I need to install nodejs for my college work in ubuntu 18.04. When I install nodejs by using the following commands
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
it gives me an error like this.
So I installed that dependency but after installing that dependency my ros packages removed. How can I install the npm without losing the ROS melodic?
Thanks in advance !!
I found something on the internet that take me to the solution,
I installed python virtual environment
in that virtual environment I installed nodeenv with the help of pip
I created node.js virtual environment in which I installed the NPM without getting any error.
And we can also install nodeenv with the global environment too!
I faced the same problem and solutions were deleting whole ros melodic.
found the solution as follows:
$ sudo apt-get purge nodejs npm
after this command if you installed nodejs it's going to be deleted.
enable the NodeSource repository by running the following curl command:
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
the nodejs package contains both the node and npm binaries.
Issue: Unable to start Node server
Platform: Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10
Currently following tutorial that builds a blog on MEAN
Commands ran after installation:
apt-get install npm
npm init
npm install express --save
node server.js
Last command node server.js supposed to start Node server.
But nothing happens on my bash command line.
server.js codes:
command node-v (node version not found):
However, Node is already installed:
Accessing localhost:3000
On Ubuntu (and Debian as well), the correct package to install for Node.js is called nodejs:
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
However, my experience is that this generally installs an outdated version of Node, which isn't great. It also installs the interpreter with the executable name nodejs, not node as you would expect.
Alternatively, you can add the official binary distribution repositories for Node.js, which allows you to install more recent versions of Node (v6 or even v7). These are also kept up-to-date much better than the Ubuntu/Debian repositories.
The process is documented here, but if you want to install Node v6, you would run this code:
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
It's probably best to remove any previously installed packages (npm, node, nodejs) before running the commands above.
I have been trying to update nodejs for a long time now. When I run node -v, it tells me I am using: v0.10.40. But when I look at it says the v7.4.0?
I have cleaned the npm cache and done a reinstall with sudo n stable but still v0.10.40, and the last time that I updated npm it prompted me that my node version is too old and outdated.
What am I doing wrong. And can somebody tell me if v0.10.40 is the current or an outdated version?
You likely have two versions of node installed and in your path. If you are on OSX or linux, run which node (if on Windows, you may npm i -g #raider/which, and then run which node). This should give you the location of the old version of node.
Then run mv path/to/old/node path/to/old/node.bak, replacing with the actual path, and rerun node --version to see if it picks up the right version now.
UPDATE: If you are on Ubuntu or another Debian based Linux, you should install the latest with the following commands:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
UPDATE: If you are using nvm, run nvm install node followed by nvm use node in a new terminal to get the latest that nvm supports.