To insert a linebreak at the current cursor position, I usually do:
Is there a shorter way to do this? Something like o that would add the linebreak immediately.
There unfortunately isn't...
But you can always create a mapping to make it faster:
nnoremap go i<CR><ESC>
I have a mapping nnoremap <leader>l i<space><esc> that inserts a space while staying in a normal mode, and the mapping is dot-repeatable. However, the cursor stays where it was and the space "expands" to the right of the cursor.
I want to have a mapping that does the same but moves the cursor along, e.g.
nnoremap <leader>h i<space><esc>l
I love breaking sequences of characters with a space from normal mode and I want to decide at will if the cursor should stay or move (using either h to move the cursor along or l to move the text to the left while leaving the cursor where it is).
None of the tricks with i or a or <C-o> seems to work and this is an expected behavior.
Is there any clever hack to accomplish dot-repeatability using nnoremap only? It should also work if I am at the end of the line.
I can probably re-phrase it like this: I want to have functionality similar to X and x that deletes a single character before or at the cursor, but instead of deleting a character I want to insert a <space> before or at the cursor (not after the cursor as with a). And it should be dot-repeatable and take counts. Preferably a mapping that does not use more than a single line in the .vimrc and does not require any plugins. And I don't want to change the behaviour of <esc> (or i, whichever is responsible for moving the cursor when one leaves the insert mode) that moves a cursor one character to the left.
Edit 1:
Dot-repeatable nnoremap <leader>l i<space><esc> does this:
And I want a dot-repeatable <leader>h that would do this:
Edit 2:
The workaround mentioned in reply by #romainl does the trick:
function! s:insspace(...)
if a:0
" perform operation
execute 'normal' v:count1.'i '."\<esc>".'l'
" set up
let &operatorfunc = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '[^. ]*$')
return "g#\<space>"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <leader>h <sid>insspace()
Can someone explain how it works? I am a beginner in vim...
Given the string below and assuming the cursor is on the -:
There are various easy and repeatable ways to insert a space after the - and leave the cursor on the space:
a <Esc>
s<C-r>" <Esc>
lorem- ipsum
The two macros aboveā¦
are "dot-repeatable", because there is no motion involved,
leave the cursor on the space because, after an insertion, Vim places the cursor on the last inserted character.
But this is precisely the latter behaviour that prevents us from doing the same in the other direction without a motion either before or after the insertion.
Without motion, the operation is "dot-repeatable" but the cursor is left on the -:
i <Esc>
a <Esc>
s <C-r>"<Esc>
lorem -ipsum
With motion, the cursor is left on the space but the operation is not "dot-repeatable":
i <Esc><Left>
<Left>a <Esc>
s <C-r>"<Esc><Left>
lorem -ipsum
The workaround is a bit contrived but nifty.
Maybe I did not understand your question well enough, but for me this does the trick:
:nnoremap <leader>h i<space><esc>w
Rationale: Insert space, after <ESC> go one left, so the cursor stays on the space, use w to get to the next word boundary.
Is that what you want? I can now do 5\h and it stays at the current position while inserting spaces to the left.
I am Vim newbie, and I'm using MacVim on OSX Snow Leopard. One of the most common actions I have to take is to move the cursor to a new line but also move the text after the cursor to the new line. I know that pressing 'o' in normal or visual mode moves the cursor to a new line and switches the mode to insert.
What I'd like to do is move the cursor to a new line, and move the text after the cursor to that new line as well, preferably staying in the normal mode? Is this possible? How can I accomplish this task?
If the cursor is on a <space> as in ([] marks the cursor):
lorem ipsum[ ]dolor sit amet
the simplest is to do r<CR>, that is "replace the current character with a linebreak".
Otherwise, use #knittl's solution.
So you want to move everything in the current line, which comes after the cursor to the next line? Read: insert a line break??
(move cursor)
i (or a)
<esc> (or ^C)
To map this sequence of keystrokes to a single key, follow #thb's suggestion and use the :map command:
:map <F2> i<CR><ESC>
:map <F2> i<CR>
This keeps vi in insert mode.
As I answered in this post, How do I insert a linebreak where the cursor is without entering into insert mode in Vim?.
Please try Control + j.
The code below achieves the same behavior as "normal" editors (for the lack of better terms on the top of my mind) except that you'd have to press "enter" twice instead of once.
I also wanted to get rid of the space if it's right before my current character.
There might be an easier way and I totally welcome edits :-)
" in ~/.vimrc or ~/.vimrc.after if you're using janus
nnoremap <cr><cr> :call ReturnToNewLine()<cr>
function ReturnToNewLine()
let previous_char = getline(".")[col(".")-2]
" if there's a space before our current position, get rid of it first
if previous_char == ' '
execute "normal! \<bs>\<esc>"
execute "normal! i\<cr>\<esc>"
This remaps pressing enter twice to going to insert mode, placing a carriage return and escaping.
The reason I'm using this mapping (enter twice) is because I was used to this functionality with other text editors by pressing a enter; also, typing enter twice is fast.
Another thing that I found useful in this context was allowing vim to move right after the last character (in case I wanted to move the last character to a new line). So I have the following in my ~/.vimrc as well.
set virtualedit=onemore
Note that I'm using nnoremap (normal mode non-recursive) instead of map (which is VERY dangerous) (check this out for more information on the differences
You need to map some keys to do a line break at the cursor,
I found the following mapping easy to use, just go to your vimrc and add this line:
:map <silent> bl i<CR><ESC>
to assign a line break at cursor to "bl" combo
is there some way to tell VIM place the cursor at some position after abbreviation expansion?
Say you have something like this in .gvimrc
iabberv <? <?=|?>
and you want to place cursor where pipe character is automatically.
A quick solution that I'd use in this case is to insert some key presses to the abbreviation:
iabbrev <? <?=?><Left><Left>
Would place the cursor two places left, after the =.
In this manner, you can use various movement keys such as <End>, <Home>, or even return to normal mode with <Esc> and command usual normal-mode commands. The example would then be
iabbrev <? <?=?><Esc>hha
and it does the same as the first example. If you expand an abbreviation with space, it will have one extra space. which you can get rid of by using a <BS> (backspace) in the abbreviation. Or expand with <C-]> which will leave no space.
Correction: since the abbreviation is first expanded, and after that the space inserted, you need a small function found in the help (map.txt):
func Eatchar(pat)
let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c
This is best put in .vimrc. Now the following abbreviation will work fully as intented:
:iabbrev <silent> <? <?=?><Left><Left><C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
It is a bit messy, but has an external function call that removes the white space and it should work well.
What you want are snippets. I use snipmate for that.
It can be done with lh-map-tools:
" in {rtp}/ftpluvin/vim/vim_snippets.vim
inoreab <buffer> <silent> if
\ <C-R>=InsertSeq('if', 'if!cursorhere!\nendif!mark!')<CR>
Other plugins offer a similar feature.
I like to insert blank lines without entering insert mode and I used this keymapping:
nomap go o <esc>
This does create the blank line but introduces some weird behaviour. I have smart indent and autoindent set. The new line follows the indents but doesn't remove them even though doing so manually automatically removes the redundant whitespace. It also adds a single whitespace where the cursor is each time.
Anyone have any insights as to explain this behaviour?
Vim is very literal with how you write your mapping commands - it's actually processing the space in your mapping before it does the <ESC>. In other words, your mapping does this:
nnoremap go o<SPACE><ESC>
You should change it to:
nnoremap go o<ESC>
And make sure you don't have any extra spaces in the mapping!
I agree with "too much php".
This is the relevant section from my .vimrc
nnoremap <A-o> o<ESC>k
nnoremap <A-O> O<ESC>j
I think it's faster since you get the cursor back at the original line (Although not on the original character).
As usual, the vim wiki has a useful tip: Quickly adding and deleting empty lines. The trick is to set paste before adding the new line and afterwards set nopaste. Additionally, this will set a mark to remember the cursor position and jump back to where you were.
nnoremap go :set paste<CR>m`o<Esc>``:set nopaste<CR>
nnoremap gO :set paste<CR>m`O<Esc>``:set nopaste<CR>
I set up this mapping in my .vimrc and it works great...
" Auto indent entire file
nmap <C-f> gg=G
imap <C-f> <ESC>gg=G
However, after the operation the cursor has moved to line 1, column 1.
Is there a way to do it so that if I'm in the middle of the file somewhere the cursor will remain where it is?
Sure, use marks (:help mark):
nmap <C-f> mtgg=G't
imap <C-f> <ESC><C-f>
Before executing gg=G, the current cursor position is saved to mark t. After the operation, 't jumps back to the mark.
Ctrl+O is good for walking back through the jump list. '' will move you back to the last line in the jump list (or `` to go back to the last line and column).
Unfortunately, there isn't an "entire buffer" text object, so gg=G requires moving back two places in the jump list.
Brian's solution above will work for a macro, but as a good tip, note that Ctrl+O will go to the previous cursor position in the jump list. So if you ever do an operation that moves away, you can step back to a previous position.
Why not use ma to mark the current position in buffer a, and after the transformation use ``a(i.e.backtick+a`) to return to that position ? Here's an article on using marks to move around.
As jamessan wrote, Ctrl+o jumps back to the last posistion in the jumplist. After calling gg=G, this has to be called twice.
Thus, you can use a mapping without marks:
map <silent> <C-f> gg=G<C-o><C-o>
imap <silent> <C-f> <Esc> gg=G<C-o><C-o>