I have a very frustrating Terraform issue, I made some changes to my terraform script which failed when I applied the plan. I've gone through a bunch of machinations and probably made the situation worse as I ended up manually deleting a bunch of AWS resources in trying to resolve this.
So now I am unable to use Terraform at all (refresh, plan, destroy) all get the same error.
The Situation
I have a list of Fargate services, and a set of maps which correlate different features of the fargate services such as the "Target Group" for the load balancer (I've provided some code below). The problem appears to be that Terraform is not picking up that these resources have been manually deleted or is somehow getting confused because they don't exist. At this point if I run a refresh, plan or destroy I get an error stating that a specific list is empty, even though it isn't (or should not be).
In the failed run I added a new service to the list below along with a new url (see code below)
At this point I would settle for destroying the entire environment (its my dev environment), however; ideally I want to just get the system working such that Terraform will detect the changes and work properly.
Terraform Script is Valid
I have reverted my Terraform scripts back to the last known good version. I have run the good version against our staging environment and it works fine.
Configuration Info
MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 (18G103)
Terraform v0.12.24.
provider.archive v1.3.0
provider.aws v2.57.0
provider.random v2.2.1
provider.template v2.1.2
The Terraform state file is being stored in a S3 bucket, and terraform init --reconfigure has been called.
What I've done
I was originally getting a similar error but it was in a different location, after many hours Googling and trying stuff (which I didn't write down) I decided to manually remove the AWS resources associated with the problematic code (the ALB, Target Groups, security groups)
Example Terraform Script
Unfortunately I can't post the actual script as it is private, but I've posted what I believe is the pertinent parts but have redacted some info. The reason I mention this is that any syntax type error you might see would be caused by this redaction, as I stated above the script works fine when run in our staging environment.
In the root directory. In the case of the failed Terraform run I added a new name to the service_names (edd = "edd") list (I added as the first element). In the service_name_map_2_url I added the new entry (edd = "edd") as the last entry. I'm not sure if the fact that I added these elements in different 'order' is the problem, although it really shouldn't since I access the map via the name and not by index
variable "service_names" {
type = list(string)
description = "This is a list/array of the images/services for the cluster"
default = [
variable service_name_map_2_url {
type = map(string)
description = "This map contains the base URL used for the service"
default = {
alert = "alert"
alert-config = "alert-config"
In modules/alb. In this module we create an ALB and then a target group for each service, which looks like this. The items from globalvars.tf are passed into this script
locals {
numberOfServices = length(var.service_names)
resource "aws_alb" "orchestration_alb" {
name = "orchestration-alb"
subnets = var.public_subnet_ids
security_groups = [var.alb_sg_id]
tags = {
environment = var.environment
group = var.tag_group_name
app = var.tag_app_name
contact = var.tag_contact_email
resource "aws_alb_target_group" "orchestration_tg" {
count = local.numberOfServices
name = "${var.service_names[count.index]}-tg"
port = 80
protocol = "HTTP"
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
target_type = "ip"
deregistration_delay = 60
tags = {
environment = var.environment
group = var.tag_group_name
app = var.tag_app_name
contact = var.tag_contact_email
health_check {
path = "/${var.service_name_map_2_url[var.service_names[count.index]]}/health"
port = var.app_port
protocol = "HTTP"
healthy_threshold = 2
unhealthy_threshold = 5
interval = 30
timeout = 5
matcher = "200-308"
This is the output of the alb.tf, other things are outputted but this is the one that matters for this issue
output "target_group_arn_suffix" {
value = aws_alb_target_group.orchestration_tg.*.arn_suffix
In modules/cloudwatch. I attempt to create a dashboard
data "template_file" "Dashboard" {
template = file("${path.module}/dashboard.json.template")
vars = {
alert-tg = var.target_group_arn_suffix[0]
alert-config-tg = var.target_group_arn_suffix[1]
edd-cluster-name = var.ecs_cluster_name
alb-arn-suffix = var.alb-arn-suffix
When I run terraform refresh (or plan or destroy) I get the following error (I get the same error for alert-config as well)
Error: Invalid index
on modules/cloudwatch/cloudwatch.tf line 146, in data "template_file" "Dashboard":
146: alert-tg = var.target_group_arn_suffix[0]
| var.target_group_arn_suffix is empty list of string
The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
AWS Environment
I have manually deleted the ALB. Dashboard and all Target Groups. I would expect (and this has worked in the past) that Terraform would detect this and update its state file appropriately such that when running a plan it would know it has to create the ALB and target groups.
Thank you
Terraform trusts its state as the single source of truth. Using Terraform in the presence of manual change is possible, but problematic.
If you manually remove infrastructure, you need to run terraform state rm [resource path] on the manually removed resource.
Gruntwork has what they call The Golden Rule of Terraform:
The master branch of the live repository should be a 1:1 representation of what’s actually deployed in production.
I can't quite work out how to add a provisioning "remote-exec" section to my module, where I would like it to copy configuration scripts from the project directory and execute them. But when I add this module I can't seem to have it target the VM instance and as it has multiple network cards, I would just like to target the primary card.
I have used this to deploy a Linux VM via Terraform on a on-premise vSphere instance.
provider "vsphere" {
user = var.vsphere_user
password = var.vsphere_password
vsphere_server = var.vsphere_server
# If you have a self-signed cert
allow_unverified_ssl = true
This is the sample Linux deployment script outlining the network part, which allows configuring of multiple network card to a VM
resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "Linux" {
count = var.is_windows_image ? 0 : var.instances
depends_on = [var.vm_depends_on]
name = "%{if var.vmnameliteral != ""}${var.vmnameliteral}%{else}${var.vmname}${count.index + 1}${var.vmnamesuffix}%{endif}"
dynamic "network_interface" {
for_each = keys(var.network) #data.vsphere_network.network[*].id #other option
content {
network_id = data.vsphere_network.network[network_interface.key].id
adapter_type = var.network_type != null ? var.network_type[network_interface.key] : data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.network_interface_types[0]
//Copy the file to execute
provisioner "file" {
source = var.provisioner_file_source // eg ./scripts/*
destination = var.provisioner_file_destination // eg /tmp/filename
connection {
type = "ssh" // for Linux its SSH
user = var.provisioner_ssh_username
password = var.provisioner_ssh_password
host = self.vsphere_virtual_machine.Linux.*.guest_ip_address
//Run the script
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"chmod +x ${var.provisioner_file_destination}",
"${var.provisioner_file_destination} args",
connection {
type = "ssh" // for Linux its SSH
user = var.provisioner_ssh_username
password = var.provisioner_ssh_password
host = self.vsphere_virtual_machine.Linux.*.guest_ip_address
} // end of resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "Linux"
So I have tried self. reference but thus far self.vsphere_virtual_machine.Linux.*.guest_ip_address this just shows the entire array of guest IPs?
Anyone able to point me in the right direction or even a good guide on terraform modules?
The first issue I notice is that the vsphere_virtual_machine resource doesn't have a property guest_ip_address, it is guest_ip_addresses. This does indeed return a list, so you would need to figure out how to select the IP you want from the list. I'm not sure if the ordering is predictable in vSphere. If I recall, it isn't.
The simplest approach, without knowing what you're trying to accomplish, would probably be to use the default_ip_address as this returns a single address and selects the ip for the "most likely" scenario.
It looks like you're also setting up the host to be multi-homed. This adds additional complexity. If default_ip_address doesn't give you what you want, you'll need to resort to using some more complex expression to find your IP. Perhaps you could use the sort function so the ordering is more predictable. You may also be able to "find" the IP using a for loop.
Regarding building modules, if the above code is in a module, the first thing I would recommend is avoiding the use of count. Reasoning for this is explained in the following texts. Hashicorp has a lot of good documentation directly on their site. Also, the folks over at gruntwork also have a blog series that they developed into a book called Terraform Up and Running. I recommend checking this out.
I have the following use-case: I'm using a combination of the Azure DevOps pipelines and Terraform to synchronize our TAP for Grafana (v7.4). Intention is that we can tweak and tune our dashboards on Test, and push the changes to Acceptance (and Production) via the pipelines.
I've got one pipeline that pulls in the state of the Test environment and writes it to a set of json files (for the dashboards) and a single json array (for the folders).
The second pipeline should use these resources to synchronize the Acceptance environment.
This works flawlessly for the dashboards, but I'm hitting a snag putting the dashboards in the right folder dynamically. Here's my latest working code:
resource "grafana_folder" "folders" {
for_each = toset(var.grafana_folders)
title = each.key
resource "grafana_dashboard" "dashboards" {
for_each = fileset(path.module, "../dashboards/*.json")
config_json = file("${path.module}/${each.key}")
The folder resources pushes the folders based on a variable list of names that I pass via variables. This generates the folders correctly.
The dashboard resource pushes the dashboards correctly, based on all dashboard files in the specified folder.
But now I'd like to make sure the dashboards end up in the right folder. The provider specifies that I need to do this based on the folder UID, which is generated when the folder is created. So I'd like to take the output from the grafana_folder resource and use it in the grafana_dashboard resource. I'm trying the following:
resource "grafana_folder" "folders" {
for_each = toset(var.grafana_folders)
title = each.key
resource "grafana_dashboard" "dashboards" {
for_each = fileset(path.module, "../dashboards/*.json")
config_json = file("${path.module}/${each.key}")
folder = lookup(transpose(grafana_folder.folders), "Station_Details", "Station_Details")
depends_on = [grafana_folder.folders]
If I read the Grafana Provider github correctly, the grafana_folder resource should output a map of [uid, title]. So I figured if I transpose that map, and (by way of test) lookup a folder title that I know exists, I can test the concept.
This gives the following error:
on main.tf line 38, in resource "grafana_dashboard" "dashboards":
38: folder = lookup(transpose(grafana_folder.folders),
"Station_Details", "Station_Details")
Invalid value for "default" parameter: the default value must have the
same type as the map elements.
Both Uid and Title should be strings, so I'm obviously overlooking something.
Does anyone have an inkling where I'm going wrong and/or have suggestions on how I can do this (better)?
I think the problem this error is trying to report is that grafana_folder.folders is a map of objects, and so passing it to transpose doesn't really make sense but seems to be succeeding because Terraform has found some clever way to do automatic type conversions to produce some result, but then that result (due to the signature of transpose) is a map of lists rather than a map of strings, and so "Station_Details" (a string, rather than a list) isn't a valid fallback value for that lookup.
My limited familiarity with folders in Grafana leaves me unsure as to what to suggest instead, but I expect the final expression will look something like the following:
folder = grafana_folder.folders[SOMETHING].id
SOMETHING here will be an expression that allows you to know for a given dashboard which folder key it ought to belong to. I'm not seeing an answer to that from what you shared in your question, but just as a placeholder to make this a complete answer I'll suggest that one option would be to make a local map from dashboard filename to folder name:
locals {
# a local value probably isn't actually the right answer
# here, but I'm just showing it as a placeholder for one
# possible way to map from dashboard filename to folder
# name. These names should all be elements of
# var.grafana_folders in order for this to work.
dashboard_folders = {
"example1.json" = "example-folder"
"example2.json" = "example-folder"
"example3.json" = "another-folder"
resource "grafana_dashboard" "dashboards" {
for_each = fileset("${path.module}/dashboards", "*.json")
config_json = file("${path.module}/dashboards/${each.key}")
folder = grafana_folder.folders[local.dashboard_folders[each.key]].id
I'm new to Terraform, and I'm working on a project to use Docker/AWS ECR/ECS infrastructure on AWS. I see in this post where the author specify something like
data "aws_ecs_task_definition" "test" {
task_definition = "${aws_ecs_task_definition.test.family}"
depends_on = ["aws_ecs_task_definition.test"]
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "test" {
family = "test-family"
# ...
why is he using both data source AND resource on aws_ecs_task_definition? I can't find an explanation or similar example after hours of digging into the official doc as well as googling articles.
I see later on when he's setting up the service, he uses the following code to reference both of them: (again, I'm not sure what's going on here)
task_definition = "${aws_ecs_task_definition.test.family}:${max("${aws_ecs_task_definition.test.revision}", "${data.aws_ecs_task_definition.test.revision}")}"
I am now confused of what is the difference between using both data & resource on the same type, versus just using resource. Is there any difference in terms of lifecycle?
I'm now trying to create a AWS ECR for my docker image and I want terraform to manage it (create/update/destroy), should I use both data source & resource for the type aws_ecr_repository as well?
It makes sense. The guy is using the data source to get the latest task definition revision. This is because he might be using some other tool(jenkins/circleci) to push changes to the task definition or revision.
Hence, if he will run that code again then terraform should pick up the latest version and update the ecs service accordingly.
Check the below code:
resource "aws_ecs_service" "test-ecs-service" {
name = "test-vz-service"
cluster = "${aws_ecs_cluster.test-ecs-cluster.id}"
task_definition = "${aws_ecs_task_definition.test.family}:${max("${aws_ecs_task_definition.test.revision}", "${data.aws_ecs_task_definition.test.revision}")}"
desired_count = 1
iam_role = "${aws_iam_role.ecs-service-role.name}"
load_balancer {
target_group_arn = "${aws_alb_target_group.test.id}"
container_name = "nginx"
container_port = "80"
He is updating the service with the latest revision. He is using MAX function which is returning the maximum value. You may check terraform interpolation syntax, here.
if the task definition does not exist, will this terraform script create it?
Yes, It will create it with respect to the task definition which it has in it state file. If you have created task definition manually then it will increment the revision number.
if task definition exists and the data source block retrieved it, will the resource block re-create another revised task definition, or will it just do nothing?
If there is a change in any of the configuration of the resource then it will create new task definition and that task definition will be allocated to ecs service resource but if there is no change in the resource then it will do nothing.
I'm also unclear if this terraform script is intended to run only once (initial infra creation) or upon change?
This should be run at the time of infra creation or if you wanted to do any other update to task definition resource.
I have 3 environments for my infrastructure. All of them the same, but with various sizes. I understand this is a good use case for Terraform workspaces. And indeed it works well in that regard. But please correct me if this is not the right way to go.
Now my only issue is with managing the DNS within the workspaces. I use the Google provider and that works by having 2 types of resources: a google_dns_managed_zone which represents the zone, and a google_dns_record_set type for each DNS record.
Note that the record set type needs to have a reference to the managed zone type.
With that in mind, I need to manage the DNS zone from the production environment. I can't share that resource in the other workspaces because I should be able to destroy the dev or staging workspace without destroying the DNS zone.
I try to solve that issue with count. I use it as a boolean as shown in the code below and find it pretty hackish but that's what I have found in the Terraform community. Any improvement is welcome.
That allows me to have the zone and the production records (like MX shown below as example) only present in the prod workspace.
But then I am stuck when it comes to managing record sets only in a specific workspace. I need that for example in the case of creating an nginx in the dev workspace and automatically create a DNS record set for it, like dev.example.com.
For that I need to access the managed zone resource. As shown below I use terraform_remote_state in order to access the resource from the prod workspace. To the extent of my understanding, that works with an output, which you can see below. When I select the prod workspace, I can indeed output the managed zone. And then if I select another workspace, using the remote state retrieves the managed zone from prod successfully. But my issue is that Terraform fails when it comes to the output line since it is only present in the prod workspace and does not exist in any other workspace and thus can't be outputted.
So it's a bit of a nonsense and I don't understand if there is a better way to achieve this. I did a fair bit of research and asked the community but could not find an answer to that. It seems to me that managing DNS is common to all infrastructures and should be pretty well covered. What am I doing wrong and how should it be done?
locals {
dns_zone_managers = {
"dev" = "0"
"staging" = "0"
"prod" = "1"
dns_zone_manager = "${lookup(local.dns_zone_managers, local.environment)}"
resource "google_dns_managed_zone" "base_zone" {
name = "base_zone"
dns_name = "example.com."
count = "${local.dns_zone_manager}"
resource "google_dns_record_set" "mx" {
name = "${google_dns_managed_zone.base_zone.dns_name}"
managed_zone = "${google_dns_managed_zone.base_zone.name}"
type = "MX"
ttl = 300
rrdatas = [
"10 spool.mail.example.com.",
"50 fb.mail.example.com."
count = "${local.dns_zone_manager}"
data "terraform_remote_state" "dns" {
backend = "local"
workspace = "prod"
output "dns_zone_name" {
value = "${google_dns_managed_zone.base_zone.*.name[0]}"
Then I can introduce record sets in a specific workspace only, using count again and referring to the managed zone through the remote state like so:
resource "google_dns_record_set" "a" {
name = "dev"
managed_zone = "${data.terraform_remote_state.dns.dns_zone_name}"
type = "A"
ttl = 300
rrdatas = [""]
I have two plans, in which I am creating two different servers(just for example otherwise it's really complex). In one plan, I am outputing the value of the security group like this:
output "security_group_id" {
value = "${aws_security_group.security_group.id}"
I have second plan, in which I want to use that value, how I can achieve it, I have tried couple of things but nothing work for me.
I know how to use the output value return by module but don't know that how I can use the output of one plan to another.
When an output is used in the top-level module of a configuration (the directory where you run terraform plan) its value is recorded in the Terraform state.
In order to use this value from another configuration, the state must be published to a location where it can be read by the other configuration. The usual way to achieve this is to use Remote State.
With remote state enabled for the first configuration, it becomes possible to read the resulting values from the second configuration using the terraform_remote_state data source.
For example, it's possible to keep the state for the first configuration in Amazon S3 by using a backend configuration like the following:
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "example-s3-bucket"
key = "example-bucket-key"
region = "us-east-1"
After adding this to the first configuration, Terraform will prompt you to run terraform init to initialize the new backend, which includes migrating the existing state to be stored on S3.
Then in the second configuration this can be retrieved by providing the same configuration to the terraform_remote_state data source:
data "terraform_remote_state" "example" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "example-s3-bucket"
key = "example-bucket-key"
region = "us-east-1"
resource "aws_instance" "foo" {
# ...
vpc_security_group_ids = "${data.terraform_remote_state.example.security_group_id}"
Note that since the second configuration is reading the state from the first it is necessary to terraform apply the first configuration so that this value will actually be recorded in the state. The second config must be re-applied any time the outputs are changed in the first.
For the local backend the process is same. In first step, we need to declare the following code snippet to publish the state.
terraform {
backend local {
path = "./terraform.tfstate"
When you execute terraform init and terraform apply command, please observe that in .terraform directory new terraform.tfsate file would be created which contains backend information and tell terraform to use the following tfstate file.
Now in the second configuration we need to use data source to import the outputs by using this code snippet
data "terraform_remote_state" "test" {
backend = "local"
config {
path = "${path.module}/../regionalvpc/terraform.tfstate"