Writing user defined function to evaluate the Saha equation with for-loops for an expected output - python-3.x

I am trying to create a function that evaluates the Saha function for certain values of temperature and electron pressure. The question is a little in depth so I will provide as much detail as possible about past code used before this section.
Previous sections code
Evaluating the partition function (part 1):
k= 8.617333262145179e-05
Ca_ion_energies = np.array([6.1131554, 11.871719, 50.91316, 67.2732, 84.34]) #in eV
Ca_partition_values= []
def partfunc_E(chiI,T):
for chiI in Ca_ion_energies:
elem = 0
for i in np.arange(chiI):
elem = elem + (g*np.exp(-(i/(k*T))))
return Ca_partition_values
[1.455902590894594, 1.45633321917395, 1.4563345239240013, 1.4563345239240013, 1.4563345239240013]
Evaluating the Boltzmann equation (part 2):
chiI = np.array([6.1131554, 11.871719, 50.91316, 67.2732, 84.34]) #in eV
k= 8.617333262145179e-05
def boltz_E(chiI,T,I,i):
Z_1 = partfunc_E(chiI,T)
ratio = np.exp(-i/(k*T)) / Z_1
return ratio [I-1]
print("i Fraction in level i for I=1 (neutral)")
print("- -------------------------------------")
for n in range(0,10):
[ 6.1131554 11.871719 50.91316 67.2732 84.34 ]
i Fraction in level i for I=1 (neutral)
- -------------------------------------
0 0.6868591389658425
1 0.21522358567610525
2 0.06743914320048579
3 0.021131689732463026
4 0.006621500359539954
5 0.002074811222693332
6 0.0006501308428703751
7 0.0002037149733085943
8 6.383298193775377e-05
9 2.0001718660577703e-05
Question I need help with (and my code so far):
Evaluating the Saha equation (part 3):
The instructions for this section are as follows:
The simplest way to get this ratio is to set 𝑁_𝐼=1 (i.e. the neutral atom) to some value (e.g. unity), evaluate the next ionisation-stage populations successively from the Saha equation in a for loop, and at the end divide them by the sum of all the 𝑁 on the same scale. You will find the numpy np.sum function useful to get the total over all stages. We want temperature T to be 5000K and electron pressure Pe to be 100.0 N/m^2.
FYI: I is the ionisation stage, Z_1 is the partition function from part 1, Z_I is the partition function for stage I+1, Pe is the electron pressure, chiI are the ionisation energies (for Calcium in my code), T is temperature and the function that "fraction" is set equal to is the Saha equation.
It should start something like:
def saha_E(chiI,T,Pe,I):
compute Saha population fraction N_I/N
input: ionisation energies, temperature, electron pressure, ion stage
Compute the partition functions
Loop over each ionisation stage that you have an energy for, computing the fraction via the saha equation. Note that the first stage should be set to 1.
Divide each stage by the total
Return the fraction of the requested stage
My code attempt:
k= 8.617333262145179e-05
Ca_ion_energies = np.array([6.1131554, 11.871719, 50.91316, 67.2732, 84.34])
N_I = 1
h = 6.626e-34
m = 9.11e-31
fractions = []
fraction_sum = []
def saha_E(chiI,T,Pe,I):
Z_1 = partfunc_E(chiI,T)
Z_I = partfunc_E(chiI+1,T)
for I in Ca_ion_energies:
fraction = (N_I*(Z_I/Z_1)*((2*k*T)/((h**3)*Pe))*((2*np.pi*m*k*T)**(3/2))*np.exp(-I/(k*T)))
for i in fractions:
return fraction
print("For ionisation energies (in eV) of:",chiI)
print("I Fraction in stage I")
print("- -------------------")
for I in range(0,6):
I am instructed also that the output should be something similar to:
For ionisation energies (in eV) of: [ 6.11 11.87 50.91 67.27 84.34]
I Fraction in stage I
- -------------------
1 0.999998720736
2 1.27926351211e-06
3 7.29993420039e-52
4 1.3474665329e-113
5 1.54848994685e-192
Firstly, I don't think my code is correct but it is the best I can do which is why I need some help, but also, this code is giving me the following error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'list' and 'list'
If my code is totally wrong please tell me as I have spent so much time trying to figure this out already.
This question is still not completely answered, please keep commenting!

If I understood your problem well, my approach is to calculate the "fractions" and "fractions sums" in a single loop on the various energies, and normalize only once we are outside the loop.
Also, careful with the scope of your code. I pushed some variables you declared outside of the function inside of it because there is no reason to keep them alive outside of the function's scope.
Careful also not to use the same variable twice. Your function takes a I argument but then has a I variable in a for loop.
As said in the chat, you want to write dosctrings and comments so that you know where you are going even before touching any code. Here is a base to complete:
import numpy as np
# Constants.
k = 8.617333262145179e-05
g = 1.0
h = 6.626e-34
m = 9.11e-31
Ca_ion_energies = np.array([6.1131554, 11.871719, 50.91316, 67.2732, 84.34]) # in eV.
# Partition function.
def partfunc_E(chiI, T):
"""This function returns the partition of blablabla.
:chiI: (array or list) the energy levels of a chosen ion.
:T: (float) the temperature at which kT will be calculated."""
Ca_partition_values = []
for energy_level in chiI: # For each energy level.
elem = 0
for i in np.arange(energy_level): # From 0 to current energy level.
elem += g*np.exp(-(i/(k*T)))
return np.array(Ca_partition_values) # Conversion to numpy array to support operations later.
print(partfunc_E(Ca_ion_energies, T=10000))
# Boltzmann equation.
def boltz_E(chiI, T, I, i):
Z_1 = partfunc_E(chiI, T)
ratio = np.exp(-i/(k*T)) / Z_1
return ratio[I-1]
print("i Fraction in level i for I=1 (neutral)")
print("- -------------------------------------")
for n in range(0,10):
print(n, boltz_E(Ca_ion_energies, T=10000, I=1, i=n))
# Saha equation.
def saha_E(chiI, T, Pe, i):
p = partfunc_E(chiI, T)
Z_ratios = np.array([p[n]/p[0] for n in range(len(chiI))])
fractions = []
fractions_sum = []
for n, I in enumerate(chiI):
fraction = Z_ratios[n]*((2*k*T)/((h**3)*Pe))*((2*np.pi*m*k*T)**(3/2))*np.exp(-I/(k*T))
# Let's normalize the array before returning it.
fractions = np.divide(fractions, fractions_sum)
return fractions[i]
print("For ionisation energies (in eV) of:", Ca_ion_energies)
print("I Fraction in stage n")
print("- -------------------")
for n in range(0, 4):
print(n, saha_E(Ca_ion_energies, T=5000, Pe=100.0, i=n))


Speeding up this PySCIPOpt routine for a Mixed Integer Program

I'm writing code to find median orders of tournaments, given a tournament T with n vertices, a median order is an ordering of the vertices of T such that it maximices the number of edges pointing in the 'increasing' direction with respect to the ordering.
In particular if the vertex set of T is {0,...,n-1}, the following integer problem (maximizing over the set of permutations) yields an optimal answer to the problem where Q is also a boolean n by n matrix.
I've implemented a linealization of this problem, noting that Q is a permutation, the following python code works, but my computer can't handle graphs that are as small as 10 vertices, where i would expect to have fast answers, is there any relatively easy way to speed up this computation?.
import numpy as np
from pyscipopt import Model,quicksum
from networkx.algorithms.tournament import random_tournament as rt
import math
# Some utilities to define the adjacency matrix of an oriented graph
def adjacency_matrix(t,order):
n = len(order)
adj_t = np.zeros((n,n))
for e in t.edges:
adj_t[order.index(e[0]),order.index(e[1])] = 1
return adj_t
# Random tournaments to instanciate the problem
def random_tournament(n):
r_t = rt(n)
adj_t = adjacency_matrix(r_t,list(range(n)))
return r_t, adj_t
############# PySCIPOpt optimization Routine ##################
n = 5 # some arbitrary size parameter
t,adj_t = random_tournament(n)
model = Model()
p,w,r = {},{},{}
# Defining model variables and weights
for k in range(n):
for l in range(n):
p[k,l] = model.addVar(vtype='B')
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i,n):
r[i,k,l,j] = model.addVar(vtype='C')
w[i,k,l,j] = adj_t[k][l]
for i in range(n):
# Forcing p to be a permutation
model.addCons(quicksum(p[s,i] for s in range(n))==1)
model.addCons(quicksum(p[i,s] for s in range(n))==1)
for k in range(n):
for j in range(i,n):
for l in range(n):
# Setting r[i,k,l,j] = min(p[i,k],p[l,j])
model.addCons(r[i,k,l,j] <= p[k,i])
model.addCons(r[i,k,l,j] <= p[l,j])
# Set the objective function
model.setObjective(quicksum(r[i,k,l,j]*w[i,k,l,j] for i in range(n) for j in range(i,n) for k in range(n) for l in range(n)), "maximize")
model.data = p,r
sol = model.getBestSol()
# Print the solution on a readable format
Q = np.array([math.floor(model.getVal(model.data[0][key])) for key in model.data[0].keys()]).reshape([n,n])
print(f'\nOptimization ended with status {model.getStatus()} in {"{:.2f}".format(end_optimization-end_setup)}s, with {model.getObjVal()} increasing edges and optimal solution:')
order = [int(x) for x in list(np.matmul(Q.T,np.array(range(n))))]
new_adj_t = adjacency_matrix(t,order)
print(f'\nwhich induces the ordering:\n\n {order}')
print(f'\nand induces the following adjacency matrix: \n\n {new_adj_t}')
Right now I've run it for n=5 taking between 5 and 20 seconds, and have ran it succesfully for small integers 6,7 with not much change in time needed.
For n=10, on the other hand, it has been running for around an hour with no solution yet, I suppose the linearization having O(n**4) variables hurts, but I don't understand why it blows up so fast. Is this normal? How would a better implementation be in case there is one?.

Problem in the function of my program code python

I tried to make a program to do the below things but apparently, the function doesn't work. I want my function to take two or more arguments and give me the average and median and the maximum number of those arguments.
example input:
calc([2, 20])
example output : (11.0, 11.0, 20)
def calc():
total = 0
calc = sorted(calc)
for x in range(len(calc)):
total += int(calc[x])
average = total / len(calc)
maximum = calc[len(calc) - 1]
if len(calc) % 2 != 0:
median = calc[(len(calc) // 2) + 1]
median = (float(calc[(len(calc) // 2) - 1]) + float(calc[(len(calc) // 2)])) / 2
return (average, median, maximum)
There are some things I'm going to fix as I go since I can't help myself.
First, you main problem is arguments.
If you hand a function arguments
calc([2, 20])
It needs to accept arguments.
def calc(some_argument):
This will fix your main problem but another thing is you shouldn't have identical names for your variables.
calc is your function name so it should not also be the name of your list within your function.
# changed the arg name to lst
def calc(lst):
lst = sorted(lst)
# I'm going to just set these as variables since
# you're doing the calculations more than once
# it adds a lot of noise to your lines
size = len(lst)
mid = size // 2
total = 0
# in python we can just iterate over a list directly
# without indexing into it
# and python will unpack the variable into x
for x in lst:
total += int(x)
average = total / size
# we can get the last element in a list like so
maximum = lst[-1]
if size % 2 != 0:
# this was a logical error
# the actual element you want is mid
# since indexes start at 0
median = lst[mid]
# here there is no reason to explicity cast to float
# since python division does that automatically
median = (lst[mid - 1] + lst[mid]) / 2
return (average, median, maximum)
print(calc([11.0, 11.0, 20]))
(14.0, 11.0, 20)
Because you are passing arguments into a function that doesn't accept any, you are getting an error. You could fix this just by making the first line of your program:
def calc(calc):
But it would be better to accept inputs into your function as something like "mylist". To do so you would just have to change your function like so:
def calc(mylist):

Python calculation of LennardJones 2D interaction pair correlation distribution function in Grand Canonical Ensemble

I believe there is a problem with the normalization of the histogram, since one must divide with the radius of each element.
I am trying trying to calculate the fluctuations of particle number and the radial distribution function of a 2d LennardJones(LJ) system using python3. Although I believe the particle fluctuations come out right, the pair correlation g(r) come right for small distances but then blow up ( the calculation uses numpy's histogram method).
The thing is, I can' t find out why such a behavior emerges- perhaps of some misunderstanding of a method? As it is, I am posting the relevant code right below, and if needed, I could also upload other parts of the code or the entire script.
Note first, that since we are working with the Grand-Canonical Ensemble, as the number of particles changes, so is the array that stores the particles- and perhaps that's another point where a mistake in implementation could exist.
Particle removal or insertion
def mcex(L,npart,particles,beta,rho0,V,en):
# Produce random number and check:
rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
if rand <= 0.5:
# Insert a particle at a random location
x_new_coord = random.uniform(0, L)
y_new_coord = random.uniform(0, L)
new_particle = [x_new_coord,y_new_coord]
new_E = particleEnergy(new_particle,particles, npart+1)
deltaE = new_E
# Acceptance rule for inserting
P_in = (factorin) *math.exp(-beta*deltaE)
rand= random.uniform(0, 1)
if rand <= P_in :
en += deltaE
npart += 1
print("accepted insertion")
if npart != 0:
p = random.randint(0, npart-1)
this_particle = particles[p]
prev_E = particleEnergy(this_particle, particles, p)
deltaE = prev_E
# Acceptance rule for removing
P_re = (factorout)*math.exp(beta*deltaE)
rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
if rand <= P_re :
en += deltaE
npart = npart - 1
print("accepted removal")
return particles, en, npart
Monte Carlo relevant part: for 1/10 runs, check the possibility of inserting or removing a particle
# MC
for step in range(0, runTimes):
rand = random.uniform(0,1)
if rand <= 0.9:
#----------- change energies-------------------------
particles, en, N = mcex(L,N,particles,beta,rho0,V, en)
# stepList.append(step)
for i, particle1 in enumerate(particles):
for j, particle2 in enumerate(particles):
if j!= i:
# print(particle1)
# print(particle2)
# print(i)
# print(j)
dist.append(distancesq(particle1, particle2))
where we call the function mcex and perhaps the particles array is not updated correctly:
def mcex(L,npart,particles,beta,rho0,V,en):
# Produce random number and check:
rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
if rand <= 0.5:
# Insert a particle at a random location
x_new_coord = random.uniform(0, L)
y_new_coord = random.uniform(0, L)
new_particle = [x_new_coord,y_new_coord]
new_E = particleEnergy(new_particle,particles, npart+1)
deltaE = new_E
# Acceptance rule for inserting
P_in = (factorin) *math.exp(-beta*deltaE)
rand= random.uniform(0, 1)
if rand <= P_in :
en += deltaE
npart += 1
print("accepted insertion")
if npart != 0:
p = random.randint(0, npart-1)
this_particle = particles[p]
prev_E = particleEnergy(this_particle, particles, p)
deltaE = prev_E
# Acceptance rule for removing
P_re = (factorout)*math.exp(beta*deltaE)
rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
if rand <= P_re :
en += deltaE
npart = npart - 1
print("accepted removal")
return particles, en, npart
and finally, we create the g(r) histogramm
where perhaps the normalization or the use of the histogram method are not as they should
with the function:
def RDF(N,particles, L):
rDf = np.histogram(skata, np.linspace(minb, maxb,nbin))
prefactor = (1/2/ np.pi)* (L**2/N **2) /len(dist) *( nbin /(maxb -minb) )
# prefactor = (1/(2* np.pi))*(L**2/N**2)/(len(dist)*num_increments/(rMax + 1.1 * dr ))
rDf = [prefactor*rDf[0], 0.5*(rDf[1][1:]+rDf[1][:-1])]
The results are:
Particle N number fluctuations
but we want
Although I have accepted an answer, I am posting here some more details.
To normalize the pair correlation correctly one must divide each "number of particles found at a certain distance" or mathematically the sum of delta function of the distances , one must divide with the distance it's self.
Understanding first that a numpy.histogram is an array of two elements, first element the array of all counted events and second element the vector of bins, one must take each element of the first array, lets say np.histogram[0] and multiply it pairwise with np.histogram[1] of the second array.
That is, one must do the following:
def RDF(N,particles, L):
rings=np.linspace(minb, maxb,nbin)
rDf = np.histogram(skata, rings ,density=True)
prefactor = (1/( np.pi*(L**2/N**2)))
rDf = [prefactor*rDf[0], 0.5*(rDf[1][1:]+rDf[1][:-1])]
rDf[0]=np.multiply(rDf[0],1/(rDf[1]*( width )))
where before the last multiply line, we are centering the bins so that their numbers equals the number of elements of the first array( you have five fingers, but four intermediate gaps between them)
Your g(r) is not correctly normalised. You need to divide the number of pairs found in each bin by the average density of the system times the area of the annulus associated to that bin, where the latter is just 2 pi r dr, with r being the bin's midpoint and dr the bin size. As far as I can tell, your prefactor does not contain the "r" bit. There is also something else that is missing, but it's hard to tell without knowing what all the other constants contain.
EDIT: here is a link that will guide you the implementation of a routine to compute the radial distribution function in 2D and 3D

What is the complexity for the following python code?

import math
# for loop includes k/2 (ie. if k/2 = 3.5, then i will go from [1, 3]. 1,2, and 3
def pow(x,k):
y =1
m = math.trunc(k/2)
if k == 0:
return 1
for i in range(1,m+1):
y = y * x
if(k%2 == 0):
return y * y
return y*y*x
I think it uses O(1) memory and O(log k) steps. Is it correct?
The memory complexity is correct thus O(1).
The runtime complexity should be O(k). Each line is done in constant time except the for loop. You iterate in your for loop at most k/2 times. This means that the number of iteration will be linear in k. Note that O(k/2) = O(k).
Also you could see that the complexity of log(k) does not work. If k = 16, your loop will iterate 8 times and by taking the log (base 2) we would only obtain 4 times.

Grouping algorithm based on distance

I have a set of 200 points with x and y coordinates. I need to make batches of 20 such that each point in the batch is "n" centimeters away from the other 19 i.e. no two points in one batch are within "n" cm of the other. A point should only belong to one batch. How do I solve this?
I've used trees to draw out branches such that a new node is added only if it is "n" cm away from all other nodes in the branch. This works but is extremely slow.
Input.csv: |Point Name||X coordinate||Y coordinate|
Output: Lists of batches
From what I guess from your question, this should to it:
import math
from random import randrange
test_data = {(randrange(0, 1000), randrange(0, 1000)) for _ in range(200)}
inf = float("inf")
def distance(p1, p2):
return math.hypot(p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
def batch(data: set, min_distance, max_distance=inf, count=20, remove=True):
result = [next(iter(data))]
candidates = {t for t in data if max_distance > distance(result[0], t) > min_distance}
while len(result) < count and len(candidates) > 0:
candidates = {t for t in data if all(max_distance > distance(p, t) > min_distance for p in result)}
if len(result)<count:
raise ValueError("Not enough values in data that have great enough distances between each other")
if remove:
return result
i = 1
while test_data:
print(i,batch(test_data, 10))
