Jinja2 list index variable - list_name[variable] - python-3.x

I'm trying to pass on the variable, prod_number, to the index of a list, products.
<div class="container">
{% for i in range(lenProducts) %}
<ul class="row product-grid">
{% for j in range(0, 3) %}
<p class="text-primary"> {% set prod_number = i*3+j %} </p>
<li class="col-md-4 product-wrapper card">
{{ products[prod_number].id }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{{ products[prod_number].id }} This line makes the page load forever
How can I fix this? I've isolated the problem and I'm 100% sure it's from that line.

I think this would work :
<div class="container">
{% for i in range(lenProducts) %}
<ul class="row product-grid">
{% for j in range(0, 3) %}
<p class="text-primary"> {% set prod_number = (i*3)+j %} </p>
<li class="col-md-4 product-wrapper card">
{{ products[prod_number]['id'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

The problem was that the prod_number exceeded the products length and it caused my page to load forever.
prod_number went from 0 to 17 and products had only 6 elements in it.


How to merge string to an array?

I tried to merge string into twig array but it will show the last same value for all index. What's the proper way to merge a string to an array?
{% set projectArray = [] %}
{% set projectTitleArray = [] %}
{% set projectQuery = entries('projects', 'projects').where('enabled', 1).orderBy('sort_order').get() %}
{% for project in projectQuery %}
{% set projectArray = projectArray|merge([project.main_image.make.url()]) %}
{% set projectTitleArray = projectTitleArray|merge([project.title]) %}
<li>{{project.title}} - {{project.main_image.make.url()}}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% for title in projectTitleArray %}
{% endfor %}
{% for title in projectArray %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="py-6 bg-slate-100">
<div class="container my-10 mx-auto">
<h1 class="section-title-1">
<div class="xl:pl-[5rem]">
<product-projects :title="{{projectTitleArray|json_encode(constant('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT'))}}" :projects="{{projectArray|json_encode(constant('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT'))}}"></product-projects>

Jekyll pagination with data files

I was looking to try to do pagination with the _data files. Here is the code that I was coming up with but it doesn't work. Trying to make it work for a project I am working on right now for a nonprofit client I have.
{% if page.layout == "events" %}
{% for events in paginator.events %}
<div class="card card-posts">
<img src="{{ events.image }}" class="card-img-top" alt="...">
<div class="card-body">
<h1 class="card-title my-3">{{ events.title }}</h1>
<div class="meta-info">
<ul class="list-inline">
{% if events.start %}
<li class="list-inline-item">
<i class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></i> {{ events.start | date_to_long_string }}
{% endif %}
<p class="card-text">{{ events.summary }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
<div class="pagination bot-element">
<div class="pr-bg pr-bg-white"></div>
<div class="container">
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
<i class="fal fa-long-arrow-left"></i>
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.page_trail %}
{% for trail in paginator.page_trail %}
{{ trail.num }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.next_page %}
<i class="fal fa-long-arrow-right"></i>
{% endif %}
<!--pagination end-->
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Can someone see if this is a way possible that might have done this? If it is would it be ideal to do it for an events page to show an archive of events or no?

How can i access to array key in twig view symfony 3

I have a method that returns multiple arrays and I want to access to their data to manipulate them in twig:
public function getmemberlist($list){
$memberId = explode('-',$list);
$membres = $this->getEntityManager()
'SELECT m.nom, m.prenom, m.profile_pic
FROM MainBundle:Member m
WHERE m.id IN(:id)'
return $membres;
public function membreGroupeAction()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$str = $em->getRepository("GroupGroupBundle:Groupe")->findOneBy(array('id'=>1));
$member = $em->getRepository("GroupGroupBundle:Groupe")->getmemberlist($str->getMembres());
return $this->render('#GroupGroup/layout/membres.html.twig',array("mem"=>$member));
this is the result of var_dump($member)
everything is good until now but i didn't find how to manipulate the data in my twig. I've tried this but it shows me an error
{% extends '#GroupGroup/Group/groupe_mur_base.html.twig' %}
{% block panel %}
{% for i in mem %}
{% for j in i %}
{{ j[0].nom }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="jumbotron list-content" style="display: block;">
<ul class="list-group">
<li href="#" class="list-group-item title">
Liste des Membres
<li href="#" class="list-group-item text-left" id="listmembre" style="display: block;">
<div class="image">
<img class="img-thumbnail" src="http://bootdey.com/img/Content/User_for_snippets.png">
<span id="membername">Juan guillermo cuadrado</span>
<div><button id="btnajout" class="btn btn-primary">Ajouter</button></div>
<div class="break"></div>
<li href="#" class="list-group-item text-left" id="listmembre" style="display: block;">
<div class="image">
<img class="img-thumbnail" src="http://bootdey.com/img/Content/User_for_snippets.png">
<span id="membername">Juan guillermo cuadrado</span>
<div><button id="btnajout" class="btn btn-primary">Ajouter</button></div>
<div class="break"></div>
I'm not sure why you are using 2 for-loops in your code,
{% for i in mem %} {# here you are looping members #}
{% for j in i %} {# here you are looping attributes of the member #}
{{ j }} {# output is bg, wass, http://.... #}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
If you want to display the name of the members you should only use one loop
{% for i in mem %}
<img src="{{ i.profile_pic }}" alt="{{ i.nom }} {{ i.prenom }}" title="{{ i.nom }} {{ i.prenom }}" />
{{ i.nom }} {{ i.prenom }}
{% endfor %}

For every two in twig

Is there a way in twig to have a for every two loop? The best way I know to explain what I mean is to show you the result I'm looking for.
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="row"></div>
Is there some way to automatically put two items in a row div, and repeat that for as many items as are available?
A better solution would be to use the batch function in Twig which does exactly what you want.
Here is the code for your example:
{% for row in items|batch(2) %}
<div class="row">
{% for item in row %}
<div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Your code snippet differs from what you are writing below it but I think this is what you want:
{% set columns = 2 %}
<div class="row">
{% for item in items %}
<div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
{% if loop.index % columns %}
<div class="row">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I ended up using the suggestions from Markus Kottländer and DarkBee combined:
<div class="row">
{% for item in items %}
<div class="item">{{ item }}</div>
{% if loop.index is even %}
<div class="row">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Big Cartel Luna Theme. Cart will not proceed to checkout

I'd love some help with this.
On the Cart page, when the "use my stores Layout" is selected, when customers click "Check Out", it just keeps cycling on the page and won't proceed to checkout. This is a known issue with the Luna theme for Bigcartel.
The solution I found says you need to uncheck it, but when you do, you get the error message:
"You must include {{ head_content }} inside the <head> tag of your content"
This means there's no page formatting in the code. I'm not big on the code, though I've tried for a bit to get this to work, stealing code for other pages in the theme, and failed. (it's been years since I've messed with code, so any help would be a big one).
Thank you
Here's the code for the page:
<header class="product_header page_header">
<span class="dash"></span>
{% if cart.items != blank %}
<form id="cart-form" {% unless cart.shipping.enabled or cart.discount.enabled %}class="no_options"{% endunless %} method="post" action="/cart" accept-charset="utf8">
<input type="hidden" name="utf8" value='✓'>
<div id="cart_description">
<section id="cart_items">
{% for item in cart.items %}
<li class="cart_item {% unless item.product.has_default_option %}with_option{% endunless %}" id="item-{{ item.id }}">
<div class="item_image"><img src="{{ item.product.image | product_image_url: "thumb" }}" alt="Photo of {{ item.name }}"></div>
<dt>{{ item.product.name }}</dt>
<dd class="item_price">{{ item.unit_price | money_with_sign }}{% if item.quantity > 1 %}<span class="item_quantity">(x{{ item.quantity }})</span>{% endif %}</dd>
<dd class="quantity_input">{{ item | item_quantity_input }}</dd>
{% unless item.product.has_default_option %}<dd class="item_option">{{ item.option.name }}</dd>{% endunless %}
Remove item
{% endfor %}
{% if cart.shipping.enabled or cart.discount.enabled %}
<section id="cart_options">
{% if cart.shipping.enabled %}
{% if cart.shipping.strict %}
<li id="shipping_option">
<label for="country">Shipping</label>
{{ store.country | country_select }}
{% if cart.shipping.pending %}
{% if cart.country %}
<span class="no_shipping">We don't ship to {{ cart.country.name }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if cart.discount.enabled %}
<li id="cart_discount" class="cart_item">
{% if cart.discount.pending %}
<label id="cart_discount_label" for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>
{{ cart.discount | discount_code_input }}
{% elsif cart.discount.free_shipping %}
<label for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>
<p>{{ cart.discount.name }}</p>
{% else %}
<label for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>
<p>{{ cart.discount.name }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="cart-update">
<button id="update-btn-footer" class="update-btn button disabled" name="update" type="submit" title="Update your cart total"><span>Update total</span></button>
{% else %}
<section id="cart_options" class="solo_update">
<div class="cart-update">
<button id="update-btn-footer" class="update-btn button disabled" name="update" type="submit" title="Update your cart total"><span>Update total</span></button>
{% endif %}
<section id="cart_summary">
<span>{{ cart.subtotal | money_with_sign }}</span>
{% if cart.shipping.enabled %}
<li id="cart-shipping-tax">
{% if cart.shipping.pending %}
{% if cart.country %}
<span class="shipping-amount">Select another country</span>
{% else %}
<span class="shipping-amount">Select country</span>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<span class="shipping-amount">{{ cart.shipping.amount | money_with_sign }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<li id="cart-shipping-tax" class="not_set">
<span>Applicable fees apply</span>
{% endif %}
{% if cart.discount.enabled %}
{% if cart.discount.pending %}
{% elsif cart.discount.free_shipping %}
<span>Free shipping!</span>
{% else %}
<span>-{{ cart.discount.amount | money_with_sign }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<li id="cart_total">
<h2>{{ cart.total | money_with_sign }}</h2>
<button id="checkout-btn" class="button" type="submit" title="Checkout">Checkout</button>
{% else %}
<div id="cart_empty">
<p>Your cart is empty! Sounds like a good time to start shopping.</p>
{% endif %}
There's not any known issues with the Luna theme code that prevents customers from being able to check out - you shouldn't need to edit any settings or change any code.
It sounds like your custom domain might be setup incorrectly with an IFRAME though, as this is known to cause problems with the cart page redirecting to the checkout. You can test this by using your storename.bigcartel.com URL vs. the custom domain to see if this is the case.
Since this isn't related specifically to your theme, you'll want to get in touch with Big Cartel support directly and they should be able to help troubleshoot further.
