I am trying to wrap a synchronous MQTT client library using Tokio. The code needs to continuously receive messages via std::sync::mpsc channel and send them into the async code. I understand how to use spawn_blocking for wrapping a code that returns a single value. But how this can be applied to wrap a loop that is continuously receiving messages from std::sync::mpsc channel?
Here is the code that I use to send messages into the channel.
let (mut tx, mut rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut mqtt_options = MqttOptions::new("bot", settings.mqtt.host, settings.mqtt.port);
let (mut mqtt_client, notifications) = MqttClient::start(mqtt_options).unwrap();
mqtt_client.subscribe(settings.mqtt.topic_name, QoS::AtLeastOnce).unwrap();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
println!("Waiting for notifications");
for notification in notifications {
match notification {
rumqtt::Notification::Publish(publish) => {
let payload = Arc::try_unwrap(publish.payload).unwrap();
let text: String = String::from_utf8(payload).expect("Can't decode payload for notification");
println!("Recieved message: {}", text);
let msg: Message = serde_json::from_str(&text).expect("Error while deserializing message");
println!("Deserialized message: {:?}", msg);
println!("{}", msg);
_ => println!("{:?}", notification)
But I am unsure how should I use tokio API to receive these messages inside another async closure.
tokio::task::spawn(async move || {
// How to revieve messages via `rx` here? I can't use tokio::sync::mpsc channels
// since the code that sends messages is blocking.
I've posted a separate thread on a rust-lang community and got an answer there.
std::sync::mpsc::channel can be swapped to tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel, which has a non-async send method. It solves the issue.
I have the following code that uses [QP2P][1] for network communication.
impl Broker {
pub async fn new(
config: Config
) -> Result<Self, EndpointError> {
let (main_endpoint, main_incoming, _) = Endpoint::new_peer(
let mut broker = Self {
async fn on_message(&mut self) -> Result<(), RecvError> {
// loop over incoming connections
while let Some((connection, mut incoming_messages)) = self.main_incoming.next().await {
let src = connection.remote_address();
// loop over incoming messages
while let Some(bytes) = incoming_messages.next().await? {
println!("Received from {:?} --> {:?}", src, bytes);
On the same file I also want to test the above by sending a message and seeing if on_message will get it.
async fn basic_usage() -> Result<()> {
const MSG_HELLO: &str = "HELLO";
let config = Config {
idle_timeout: Duration::from_secs(60 * 60).into(), // 1 hour idle timeout.
let broker = Broker::new(config.clone(), None).await?;
let (node, mut incoming_conns, _contact) = Endpoint::new_peer(
SocketAddr::from((Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 0)),
let msg = Bytes::from(MSG_HELLO);
println!("Sending to {:?} --> {:?}\n", broker.main_endpoint, msg);
What ends happening is that the broker's println will not trigger at all. Is me calling on_message during initialization and expecting that it will receive messages correct. If not, how can I write the most basic test of checking if a message is received, using qp2p endpoints?
I'm not familiar with the frameworks you're using to answer fully, but maybe I can get you pointed in the right direction. I see 2 (likely) issues:
Futures don't do anything until polled.
Basically, you call await on most of your async functions, but you don't ever await or poll() the Future from on_message(), so it's basically a no-op and the contents of on_message() are never run.
I don't think this is structured correctly.
From looking at it, assuming you did await the above call, by the time Broker::new() finishes in your test, all of on_message() would have completed (meaning it wouldn't pick up later messages).
You may wish to spawn a thread for handling incoming messages. There are probably other ways you can do this with futures by adjusting how you poll them. At the least, you probably want to take the call to on_message() out of Broker::new() and await it after the message is sent in your code, similar to how the tests in qp2p are written:
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn single_message() -> Result<()> {
let (peer1, mut peer1_incoming_connections, _) = new_endpoint().await?;
let peer1_addr = peer1.public_addr();
let (peer2, _, _) = new_endpoint().await?;
let peer2_addr = peer2.public_addr();
// Peer 2 connects and sends a message
let (connection, _) = peer2.connect_to(&peer1_addr).await?;
let msg_from_peer2 = random_msg(1024);
// Peer 1 gets an incoming connection
let mut peer1_incoming_messages = if let Ok(Some((connection, incoming))) =
assert_eq!(connection.remote_address(), peer2_addr);
} else {
bail!("No incoming connection");
// Peer 2 gets an incoming message
if let Ok(message) = peer1_incoming_messages.next().timeout().await {
assert_eq!(message?, Some(msg_from_peer2));
} else {
bail!("No incoming message");
I am using Rust and Tokio 1.6 to build an app which can interact with an Elgato StreamDeck via hidapi = "1.2". I want to poll the HID device for events (key down / key up) and send those events on an mpsc channel, while watching a separate mpsc channel for incoming commands to update the device state (reset, change brightness, update image, etc). Since the device handle is not thread safe, I need to do both things from a single thread.
major edits below
This is a rewrite of my original question. I've left my interim answer below, but in the interest of a more self contained example, here is a the basic process using device_query = "0.2":
use device_query::{DeviceState, Keycode};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use tokio::time::timeout;
async fn main() {
// channel for key press events coming from device loop
let (key_tx, mut key_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(32);
// channel for commands sent to device loop
let (dev_tx, mut dev_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(32);
start_device_loop(60, key_tx, dev_rx);
println!("Waiting for key presses");
while let Some(k) = key_rx.recv().await {
match k {
Some(ch) => match ch {
Keycode::Q => dev_tx.clone().try_send(String::from("Quit!")).expect("Could not send command"),
ch => println!("{}", ch),
_ => (),
/// Starts a tokio task, polling the supplied device and sending key events
/// on the supplied mpsc sender
pub fn start_device_loop(hz: u32, tx: Sender<Option<Keycode>>, mut rx: Receiver<String>) {
let poll_wait = 1000 / hz;
let poll_wait = Duration::from_millis(poll_wait as u64);
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
let dev = DeviceState::new();
loop {
let mut keys = dev.query_keymap();
match keys.len() {
0 => (),
1 => tx.clone().try_send(Some(keys.remove(0))).unwrap(),
_ => println!("So many keys..."),
match timeout(poll_wait, rx.recv()).await {
Ok(cmd) => println!("Command '{}' received.", cmd.unwrap()),
_ => (),
// std::thread::sleep(poll_wait);
Note this does not compile - I get an error future created by async block is not 'Send' and within 'impl Future', the trait 'Send' is not implemented for '*mut x11::xlib::_XDisplay'. My understanding of the error is that because device_query is not thread-safe, and awaiting introduces the possibility of scope moving across threads, nothing may be awaited while a non-thread-safe object is in scope. And indeed, if I comment out the block around match timeout... and uncomment the std::thread::sleep everything compiles and runs.
Which brings me back to the original question; how can I both send and receive messages in a single thread without using await or the apparently forbidden fruit of poll_recv()?
After much hunting I found noop_waker in the futures crate which appears to do what I need in combination with poll_recv:
pub fn start_device_loop(hz: u32, tx: Sender<Option<Keycode>>, mut rx: Receiver<String>) {
let poll_wait = 1000 / hz;
let poll_wait = Duration::from_millis(poll_wait as u64);
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let dev = DeviceState::new();
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut cx = std::task::Context::from_waker(&waker);
loop {
let mut keys = dev.query_keymap();
match keys.len() {
0 => (),
1 => tx.clone().try_send(Some(keys.remove(0))).unwrap(),
_ => println!("So many keys..."),
match rx.poll_recv(&mut cx) {
Poll::Ready(cmd) => println!("Command '{}' received.", cmd.unwrap()),
_ => ()
After digging through docs and tokio source more I can't find anything that suggests poll_recv is supposed to be an internal-only function or that using it here would have any obvious side effects. Letting the process run at 125hz I'm not seeing any excess resource usage either.
I'm leaving the above code for posterity, but since asking this question the try_recv method has been added to Receivers, making this all much cleaner.
In my code snippet the tokio (v0.3) mpsc:channel receiver only receives a message when the buffer is full. It doesn't matter how big or small the buffer is.
use std::io;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::net::UdpSocket;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::time::sleep;
const MESSAGE_LENGTH: usize = 1024;
pub struct Peer {
socket: Arc<UdpSocket>,
impl Peer {
pub fn new<S: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: S) -> Peer {
let socket = std::net::UdpSocket::bind(addr).expect("could not create socket");
let peer = Peer {
socket: Arc::new(UdpSocket::from_std(socket).unwrap()),
pub fn local_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {
fn start_inbound_message_handler(&self) {
let socket = self.socket.clone();
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut buf = [0u8; MESSAGE_LENGTH];
loop {
if let Ok((len, addr)) = socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await {
println!("received {} bytes from {}", len, addr);
if let Err(_) = tx.send(true).await {
println!("error sending msg to request handler");
fn start_request_handler(&self, mut receiver: mpsc::Receiver<bool>) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
while let Some(msg) = receiver.recv().await {
println!("got ping request: {:?}", msg);
pub async fn send_ping(&self, dest: String) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let buf = [255u8; MESSAGE_LENGTH];
self.socket.send_to(&buf[..], &dest).await?;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let peer1 = Peer::new("");
println!("peer1 started on: {}", peer1.local_addr().to_string());
let peer2 = Peer::new("");
println!("peer2 started on: {}", peer2.local_addr().to_string());
Link to the Playground
In the start_inbound_message_handler function I start reading from the socket, if a message was received, a message over the mpsc::channel would be send to the start_request_handler where the processing happens, in this case a simple log output would be written if the receiver receives anything.
In the main function I'm creating two peers, peer1 and peer2, after both peers are created I start a ping request to the first peer. In the start_inbound_message_handler I will receive the data from the udp socket and send a message over the mpsc::channel The send returns without error. The problem is as mentioned before that the receiver will only receive a message when the buffer is full. In this case the buffer is 1. So if I send a second ping the first ping is received. I cannot find out why this happen.
The expected behavior is, if I send a message over the channel, the receiver starts receiving messages immediately and is not waiting until the buffer is full.
According to the Tokio documentation of from_std():
Creates new UdpSocket from a previously bound std::net::UdpSocket.
This function is intended to be used to wrap a UDP socket from the
standard library in the Tokio equivalent. The conversion assumes nothing
about the underlying socket; it is left up to the user to set it in
non-blocking mode.
This can be used in conjunction with socket2's Socket interface to
configure a socket before it's handed off, such as setting options like
reuse_address or binding to multiple addresses.
A socket that is not in non-blocking mode will prevent Tokio from working normally.
Just use the tokio function bind(), it is way simpler.
I have a list of string messages which I want to send over to another machine by opening a TCP connection between the both of them. I'm not looking to use existing solutions like mpsc::channel.
I had seen examples about how we can do the same thing in tokio by using intervals and poll writes. But assuming we want to send the messages as fast as possible how do we do that? I also tried using tokio::spawn and loop through the entire queue to write the required messages but always ended up getting errors from the socket ( cannot be moved....)
let done = listener
.for_each(move |socket| {
let server_queue = _cqueue.clone();
let (reader, mut writer) = socket.split();
let sender = Interval::new_interval(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1))
.for_each(move |_| {
.map_err(|_| {
return Ok(());
.map_err(|e| println!("{}", e));
return Ok(());
.map_err(|e| println!("Future_error {}", e));
Using this I was able to get messages on the consumer side but I feel like intervals slow us down because we wait before sending other messages. Is there another way to achieve something similar without using interval?
I have a closure, that uses Sender from std::sync::mpsc:
let node = Arc::new(Mutex::new(node_sender));
let switch_callback =
move |p| match Params::parse::<Value>(p) {
Ok(ref v) if v.as_array().is_some() => {
let chain = v.as_array()
.and_then(|arr| arr[0].as_str())
.and_then(|s| Some(s.to_owned()))
let channel = node.lock().unwrap().clone();
match channel.send(chain.clone()) {
Ok(_) => futures::done(Ok(Value::String(chain))).boxed(),
Err(err) => futures::failed(JsonRpcError::invalid_params(
format!("Node not responding: {}", err.to_string())))
Ok(_) | Err(_) => {
futures::failed(JsonRpcError::invalid_params("Invalid chain label for node"))
This closure is used as a callback from another thread. I used clone() here, to clone Sender so I expect the channel should stay active. But the channel is actually getting closed, why would this happen?
One possibility for this would be that your Receiver has been dropped. The channel will only stay active while both the Sender and Receiver are alive.
One of the examples for Sender.send shows that dropping the Receiver terminates the channel:
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
let (tx, rx) = channel();
// This send is always successful
// This send will fail because the receiver is gone
assert_eq!(tx.send(1).unwrap_err().0, 1);
Make sure your Receiver is alive for as long as your Sender is and you should not see this error.