RedShift Correlated Sub-query - subquery

Need your help. I am trying to convert below SQL query into RedShift, but getting error message "Invalid operation: This type of correlated subquery pattern is not supported yet"
SELECT CAST(dateadd(day, 1, Prev_Reading_Date) AS DATE) AS X
SELECT dim_date.calendar_date
) a
) as start_dt
FROM stage5
JOIN dim_date ON calendar_date BETWEEN '2020-04-01' and '2020-04-15'
WHERE Comp_Key =50906055
The same query works fine in SQL Server. Could you please help me to run it in RedShift?

Kiru - you need to convert the correlated query into a join structure. Not knowing the data content of your tables and the exact expected out put I'm just guessing but here's a swag:
FROM stage5
JOIN dim_date ON calendar_date BETWEEN '2020-04-01' and '2020-04-15'
JOIN ( SELECT MAX(X) as Max_X, MAX(calendar_date) as date FROM (
SELECT CAST(dateadd(day, 1, Prev_Reading_Date) AS DATE) AS X FROM stage5
cross join
SELECT dim_date.calendar_date from dim_date
) a
) as start_dt ON = dim_date.calendar_date
WHERE Comp_Key =50906055
This is just a starting guess but might get you started.
However, you are likely better off rewriting this query to use window functions as they are the fastest way to perform these types of looping queries in Redshift.

Thanks Bill. It won't work in RedShift as it still has correalted sub-query.
However I have modified query in another method and it works fine.
I am closing ticket.


How to apply DISTINCT on only date part of datetime field in sqlalchemy python?

I need to query my database and return the result by applying Distinct on only date part of datetime field.
My code is:
#blueprint.route('/<field_id>/timeline', methods=['GET'])
def get_field_timeline(
order_by=['capture_datetime desc'],
session = flask.g.session
field = fetch_field(session, parse_uuid(field_id))
if field:
query = session.query(
func.distinct(cast(Capture.capture_datetime, Date)),
).filter(Capture.field_id == parse_uuid(field_id))
return paginate(
However this returns the following error:
(psycopg2.errors.InvalidColumnReference) for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list
The resulting query is:
SELECT distinct(CAST(tenant_resson.capture.capture_datetime AS DATE)) AS distinct_1, CAST(tenant_resson.capture.capture_datetime AS DATE) AS event_date, tenant_resson.capture.tags -> %(tags_1)s AS visibility
FROM tenant_resson.capture
WHERE tenant_resson.capture.field_id = %(field_id_1)s
Error is:
Query error - {'error': ProgrammingError('(psycopg2.errors.InvalidColumnReference) SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions\nLINE 2: FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (CAST(tenant_resson.capture.capture...\n ^\n',)
How to resolve this issue? Cast is not working for order_by.
I am not familiar with sqlalchemy but this resulting query works as you expect. Please note the DISTINCT ON.
Maybe there is a way in sqlalchemy to execute non-trivial parameterized queries? This would give you the extra benefit to be able to test and optimize the query upfront.
SELECT DISTINCT ON (CAST(tenant_resson.capture.capture_datetime AS DATE))
CAST(tenant_resson.capture.capture_datetime AS DATE) AS event_date,
tenant_resson.capture.tags -> %(tags_1)s AS visibility
FROM tenant_resson.capture
WHERE tenant_resson.capture.field_id = %(field_id_1)s;
You can order by event_date if your business logic needs.
The query posted by is correct. In SQLAlchemy terms it would be
query = (
).distinct(cast(Capture.capture_datetime, Date))\
.filter(Capture.field_id == parse_uuid(field_id))
See the docs for more information
I needed to add order_by to my query. Now it works fine.
query = session.query(
cast(Capture.capture_datetime, Date).label('event_date'),
).filter(Capture.field_id == parse_uuid(field_id)) \
.distinct(cast(Capture.capture_datetime, Date)) \
.order_by(cast(Capture.capture_datetime, Date).desc())

AWS Athena working with nested arrays, trying to search for a field within the array

I have a sql query:
SELECT id_str, entities.hashtags
FROM tweets, unnest(entities.hashtags) as t(hashtag)
WHERE cardinality(entities.hashtags)=2 and id_str='1248585590573948928'
limit 5
which returns:
id_str hashtags
1248585590573948928 [{text=LUCAS, indices=[75, 81]}, {text=WayV, indices=[83, 88]}]
1248585590573948928 [{text=LUCAS, indices=[75, 81]}, {text=WayV, indices=[83, 88]}]
The unnesting has returned the row twice which originally was one row, this is because there are 2 objects in this array.
The next part I wanted to add to the sql query was
select hashtag['text'] as htag to the existing select which should return 2 rows still but this time returning LUCAS and WayV in the separate rows in same column, named htag.
But I get this error - any idea what I am doing wrong?
Your query has the following error(s):
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:8: '[]' cannot be applied to row(text varchar,indices array(bigint)), varchar(4)
I assume it is because I have another array within this array.. ?
Thanks in advance
I'm not entirely sure where you're adding the hashtag['text'] expression, so I can't say with confidence what your problem is, but I have two suggestions for you to try:
The error says that hashtag is of type row(text varchar, …), which suggests that hashtag.text should work.
If that doesn't work, you can try using element_at e.g. element_at(hashtag, 'text').
I came across this issue as well and since there is no solution provided I like to chip in:
After you unnest an array, you can address the result with a . reference instead of ['']:
WITH dataset AS (
CAST(ROW('Bob', 38) AS ROW(name VARCHAR, age INTEGER)),
CAST(ROW('Alice', 35) AS ROW(name VARCHAR, age INTEGER)),
CAST(ROW('Jane', 27) AS ROW(name VARCHAR, age INTEGER))
] AS users
FROM dataset
cross join unnest (users) as t(user)

SQLAlchemy: Referencing labels in SELECT subqueries

I'm trying to figure out how to replicate the below query in SQLAlchemy
SELECT c.company_id AS company_id,
(SELECT policy_id FROM associative_table at WHERE at.company_id = c.company_id) AS policy_id_ref,
(SELECT `default` FROM policy p WHERE p.policy_id = policy_id_ref) AS `default`,
FROM company c;
Note that this is a stripped down, basic example of what I'm really dealing with. The actual schema supports data and relationship versioning that requires the subqueries to include additional conditions, sorting, and limiting, making it impractical (if not impossible) for them to be joins.
The crux of the problem is in how the second subquery relies on policy_id_ref -- the value obtained from the first subquery. In SQLAlchemy, this is effectively what I have now:
ct = aliased(
at = aliased(classes.associative_table)
pt = aliased(classes.policy)
policy_id_ref = session.query(at.policy_id).\
filter(at.company_id == ct.company_id).\
policy_default = session.query(pt.default).\
filter( == 'policy_id_ref').\
query = session.query(ct.company_id,policy_id_ref,policy_default)
The pull from the "company" table works fine as does the first subquery that retrieves the "policy_id_ref" column. The problem is the second subquery that has to reference that "policy_id_ref" column. I don't know how to write its filter in such a way that it literally renders "policy_id_ref" in the resulting query, to match the label of the first subquery.
Thanks in advance
You can write your query as
AssociativeTable.company_id == Companies.company_id,
AssociativeTable.policy_id ==
but in case you need reference to label from subquery => use literal_column
from sqlalchemy import func, select, literal_column
'batch_label', AccountingQueueBatch.label,

How to sort by sum of field of a relation on sails.js?

I searched a lot about sorting elements by sum of votes (in another model), like I do in SQL here :
SELECT item.* FROM item
SUM(vote.value) AS vote.rating
FROM vote
GROUP BY vote.item
) AS res ON = vote.item
ORDER BY res.rating DESC
Is there a way to do it via waterline methods ?
I think you can't do the left join with simple waterline methods, but you can use the .query method to execute your raw SQL syntax.
Sails MySQL adapter makes sum('field') conflict with sort('field'). It will generate SQL query like:
SELECT SUM(table.field) AS field FROM table ORDER BY table.field;
But I want:
SELECT SUM(table.field) AS field FROM table ORDER BY field;
It same as:
SELECT SUM(table.field) AS f FROM table ORDER BY f;
My solution is using lodash.sortBy() to process results.

Cannot link MS Access query with subquery

I have created a query with a subquery in Access, and cannot link it in Excel 2003: when I use the menu Data -> Import External Data -> Import Data... and select the mdb file, the query is not present in the list. If I use the menu Data -> Import External Data -> New Database Query..., I can see my query in the list, but at the end of the import wizard I get this error:
Too few parameters. Expected 2.
My guess is that the query syntax is causing the problem, in fact the query contains a subquery. So, I'll try to describe the query goal and the resulting syntax.
Table Positions
ID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
position (double)
currency_id (long) (references Currency.ID)
portfolio (long)
Table Currency
ID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
code (text)
Query Goal
Join the 2 tables
Filter by portfolio = 1
Filter by currency.code in ("A", "B")
Group by currency and calculate the sum of the positions for each currency group an call the result: sumOfPositions
Calculate abs(sumOfPositions) on each currency group
Calculate the sum of the previous results as a single result
The query without the final sum can be created using the Design View. The resulting SQL is:
SELECT Currency.code, Sum(Positions.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM [Currency] INNER JOIN Positions ON Currency.ID = Positions.currency_id
WHERE (((Positions.portfolio)=1))
GROUP BY Currency.code
HAVING (((Currency.code) In ("A","B")));
in order to calculate the final SUM I did the following (in the SQL View):
SELECT Sum(Abs([temp].[SumOfposition])) AS sumAbs
FROM [SELECT Currency.code, Sum(Positions.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM [Currency] INNER JOIN Positions ON Currency.ID = Positions.currency_id
WHERE (((Positions.portfolio)=1))
GROUP BY Currency.code
HAVING (((Currency.code) In ("A","B")))]. AS temp;
So, the question is: is there a better way for structuring the query in order to make the export work?
I can't see too much wrong with it, but I would take out some of the junk Access puts in and scale down the query to this, hopefully this should run ok:
SELECT Sum(Abs(A.SumOfPosition)) As SumAbs
FROM (SELECT C.code, Sum(P.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM Currency As C INNER JOIN Positions As P ON C.ID = P.currency_id
WHERE P.portfolio=1
HAVING C.code In ("A","B")) As A
It might be worth trying to declare your parameters in the MS Access query definition and define their datatypes. This is especially important when you are trying to use the query outside of MS Access itself, since it can't auto-detect the parameter types. This approach is sometimes hit or miss, but worth a shot.
PARAMETERS [[Positions].[portfolio]] Long, [[Currency].[code]] Text ( 255 );
SELECT Sum(Abs([temp].[SumOfposition])) AS sumAbs
FROM [SELECT Currency.code, Sum(Positions.position) AS SumOfposition
FROM [Currency] INNER JOIN Positions ON Currency.ID = Positions.currency_id
WHERE (((Positions.portfolio)=1))
GROUP BY Currency.code
HAVING (((Currency.code) In ("A","B")))]. AS temp;
I have solved my problems thanks to the fact that the outer query is doing a trivial sum. When choosing New Database Query... in Excel, at the end of the process, after pressing Finish, an Import Data form pops up, asking
Where do you want to put the data?
you can click on Create a PivotTable report... . If you define the PivotTable properly, Excel will display only the outer sum.
