Inserting into database with NodeJS - node.js

How does one use a NodeJS back-end to execute a function then store that value into a database?

A popular approach is to combine Node.JS (as a REST API back-end server) with MongoDB (a NoSQL database system). The Node.JS application exposes a series of endpoints for the outer world to interact with (e.g. create user, delete user, update user's preferences, etc.) and, under the hood, each endpoint has its own business logic, related to its scope.
Check out this guide for more.

A common approach is to use a ORM in case of relational databases, two popular ORM in node.js ecosystem are sequelize and TypeORM, in case of databases like MongoDB you can use a ODM a popular library is mongoose
There is a lot of tutorials in the web this one of my favorites one using: Node, Express (Web Server) and MongoDB


When should we use NodeJS and when should we use MongoDB?

As a new developer, I am always confused about using NodeJS and MongoDB. So I hope I will get an actual answer. Thanks...
MongoDB and NodeJS are two different technologies. MonogDB is a database system which gives you a chance to efficiently store documents in a database and to perform operations like data updates, or to search documents by some criterias.
NodeJS's responsibilty is especially to execute your application.
Nodejs is a Javascript engine that you can write any application you want with (by programming in the Javascript language). It runs your Javascript code. Most commonly, it is used to build servers that can respond to web requests, though it can be used for lots of other types of code too.
MongoDB is a database engine. Code within some application or server uses MongoDB to save, query or update data in a database. There are many web servers built with nodejs that will then use MongoDB for storing data.
MongoDB offers an API library that runs within a Nodejs application to give you programmatic access to MongoDB so you can create databases and then add, query, update or delete data from the MongoDB database. MongoDB also has API libraries for other programming environments such as Python, Java, etc...
These two technologies are for different parts of a typical web server system. You don't substitute one for the other. Instead, you can use them together.
When should we use Nodejs?
Any project needs a programming environment and a runtime library that offers you basic programming tools/support and can compile and/or interpret your code. Nodejs is such as tool for the Javascript programming language. There are other similar tools for other languages such as Python, Java, PHP, C#, C++, Go, etc...
So, if you want to write some kind of stand-alone program or server in Javascript, then you can use nodejs for it.
When should we use MongoDB?
If your application needs the ability to persistently store data in a way that you can efficiently query or update it later, then you would typically use some form of database. There are dozens of popular databases. MongoDB is one such database. MariaDB, MySql, CouchDB, DynamoDB (on AWS), Postgres are examples of other databases. Different databases have different strengths (things they are best at) and different ways of using them so it's a whole different question to choose the right/best database for what you're doing.
Here is a Blog link that will tell you when you should use NodeJS.
Here is another link to understand when you should use mongoDB.
Well, NodeJS and MongoDB are two different process. Here I tried to explain as simpler as possible:
Shortly we can say, NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment. It's actually helps JavaScript to run outside of server. It's used in server side development.
But, MongoDB is NoSQL database which is document oriented. It represents data as of JSON documents. It's used for store data.
The summary is MongoDB is a database where we can store data and NodeJS helps us to to connect our client site to database by it's server site.
Suppose you are building a website and you need a database to store the data or information so here you can use MongoDB but to be connected with MongoDB you need a connector, so here you can use NodeJS which will help your website to run outside of server.
Nodejs: Node.js is an interpreter or runtime/ running environment for JavaScript. built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. responsibility is especially to execute your application.
MongoDB: is a No-SQL database for storing data. when you need high availability of data with automatic, fast, and instant data recovery.

How can I decide if I should use a NoSQL vs a SQL database engine?

I plan to build an app using Node.js as my Rest API Service and Angular for my Admin side.
I've tried to create Rest API using Node.js with MongoDB as my database server.
MongoDB is a transactional DB, not a relational DB. So my question is, is MongoDB not good as my database server because it's a transactional DB? (for storing all data let's say data for e-commerce)? How can I know which one to use, MongoDB or a regular SQL database.
Thanks for your answer.
You have a couple of concepts wrong.
First, Angular is a frontend framework not a backend. Angular runs in the browser. Perhaps you mean you will use as your "admin" panel or whatever but it's a frontend technology. It will need to talk to an API server, which is the backend part.
Second, database engine selection is chosen depending on the system non-functional requirements. There are plenty of articles you can research so that you can make the decision, such as this one from MongoDB official site. There's also a video on it too.

Why we use ORM or ODM to manage any graphDB?

Hey everyone I am working on nodeJS app. I searched some modules to manage my database (orientdb).
My question is: Why we use any ORM or ODM (or why is it recommenced), because there is a module which can provide many functions to manage DB.
I am still confused what should I use orientorm ( or oriento (
Thank in advance..
Depending on the goal and depending on the ORM, ORMs have the advantage of adding support for:
schemas / models / collections: this makes it easier to create all classes/properties and, in some cases, migrations;
validations: make it easier to verify what gets saved in the DB.
All OrientDB ORM's I've seen for node.js expose Oriento, so that makes it easy to access the underlying oriento methods for doing more complex stuff.
Having said all this I recommend you try the waterline ORM with waterline-orientdb adapter. Waterline is an adapter based ORM with support for multiple databases (including support for associations between databases). Waterline-orientdb is the adapter for OrientDB which is based on Oriento. If at any point you need to use Oriento you can call .getDB() to access Oriento's instance.
Oriento is much more mature and supported. I suggest you to go with it.

CRUD operations with Node.js and MongoDB

What is the optimal way to perform CRUD operations when using Node.js with MongoDB. Can I reuse the same queries that work on mongo shell? What advantages does a ODM like mongoose provide? Any other ODMs which fit into the stack?
Well, I guess it depends of what you want to do.
Lets take what Mongoose says in their website:
Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to modeling your application data and includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box.
Resuming what I understood of that it helps you to model your database and helps you to mantain your logic organized using model like in an MVC. It's a very mature ODM and very recomended for using with MVC.
In my personal experience I started using Monk, which did the trick for a while, but the I started to need to use aggregate and other stuff that apparently Monk can't handle. And I don't wanted to tie my system to an model because is a very mutable project, so I started using Mongoskin which is, at least for now, perfect for me because I can use pratically the same query that I use at Robomongo (Which is like a Navicat, PgAdmin, PhpMyAdmin but for MongoDB) in my ExpressJs code.
Mongoose is saving your time by mapping the JavaScript Data objects to the MongoDB database.
MongoDB and NodeJS Integration

node/expressjs mvc CRUD

In context of Node (or better expressjs!)
Is there any framework/tool which can generate model,view,controller for basic crud operations + validations (like non-empty,defined,isEmail,Gender etc) for given table schema in popular RDBMS (or mongo?)
Note from the future: By far the best solution for rails-like development in node is sails.js. It's based on express, and the community is huge and still growing.
you could try railwayJS but i prefer expressJS with models specific to the DB choosen and angularJS for client-side framework
