Convert multi-line text to string - string

I am new to Python so please excuse.
I'm running some code that gives the following output-
I want to convert the output like 'Michael','John',Jack','Harry'
How should I go about doing this.
Thanks for all help.

If the output is a string you can convert it to list using split()
myString = 'Someone, something, somebody'
myList = myString.split(', ')
The newly created myList will look like this:
['Someone', 'something', 'somebody']
If you have many strings that you want to add to a list you can use append()
Or you can just add them all together:
myList = [myString0, myString1]


How to split a string without touching some chars in python?

So I have this string:
How can I split it to get list that contains only 2 elements:
['m(1,2)', 'm(4,3)']
I can't use str.split function because it will split the whole string and would give me something like this:
['m(1', '2)', 'm(4', '3)']
Can you help me?
You can try regex:
import re
regex = re.compile("m\([0-9],[0-9]\)")
s = "m(1,2),m(4,3)"
should yield:
['m(1,2)', 'm(4,3)']

How to insert variable length list into string

I have what I think is a basic question in Python:
I have a list that can be variable in length and I need to insert it into a string for later use.
Formatting is simple, I just need a comma between each name up to nameN and parenthesis surrounding the names.
List = ['name1', 'name2' .... 'nameN']
string = "Their Names are <(name1 ... nameN)> and they like candy.
List = ['tom', 'jerry', 'katie']
Their Names are (tom, jerry, katie) and they like candy.
Any ideas on this? Thanks for the help!
# Create a comma-separated string with names
the_names = ', '.join(List) # 'tom, jerry, katie'
# Interpolate it into the "main" string
string = f"Their Names are ({the_names}) and they like candy."
There are numerous ways to achieve that.
You could use print + format + join similar to the example from #ForceBru.
Using format would make it compatible with both Python2 and Python3.
names_list = ['tom', 'jerry', 'katie']
Convert the list into a string with .join (in this case we are separating with commas)
names_string = ', '.join(names_list)
# names_string == "tom, katie, jerry"
# Now add one string inside the other:
string = "Their Names are ({}) and they like candy.".format(names_string)
>> Their Names are (tom, jerry, katie) and they like candy.

How to extract text between specific letters from a string in Python(3.9)?

how may I be able to take from a string in python a value that is in a given text but is inside it, it's between 2 letters that I want it to copy from inside.
"Kahoot : ID:1234567 Name:RandomUSERNAME"
I want it to receive the 1234567 and the RandomUSERNAME in 2 different variables.
a way I found to catch is to get it between the "ID:"COPYINPUT until the SPACE., "Name:"COPYINPUT until the end of the text.
How do I code this?
if I hadn't explained correctly tell me, I don't know how to ask/format this question! Sorry for any inconvenience!.
If the text always follows the same format you could just split the string. Alternatively, you could use regular expressions using the re library.
Using split:
string = "Kahoot : ID:1234567 Name:RandomUSERNAME"
string = string.split(" ")
id = string[2][3:]
name = string[3][5:]
Using re:
import re
string = "Kahoot : ID:1234567 Name:RandomUSERNAME"
id ='(?<=ID:).*?(?=\s)', string).group(0)
name ='(?<=Name:).*', string).group(0)

How can I sort the input string "DC501GCCCA098911" as to OutPut: "CD015ACCCG011899" using Python3?

How can I sort the input string "DC501GCCCA098911" as to outPut: "CD015ACCCG011899" using Python3 ?
Based on the limited information. I'm going to assume it's split on alpha/numeric boundaries:
from re import split
inp = "DC501GCCCA098911"
out = ''.join(''.join(sorted(list(sub))) for sub in split(r"([A-Z]+|[0-9]+)", inp) if sub)
print(out) // Prints CD015ACCCG011899
In a nutshell this creates a regular expression that creates groups of strings that are all letters or numbers, then creates a list out of each group, sorts it, and joins it all back together.

Create a string from a list using list comprehension

I am trying to create a string separated by comma from the below given list
['D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\aaa.xlsx', 'D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\bbb.xlsx', 'D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\ccc.xlsx']
New string should contain only the filename like below which is separated by comma
I have achieved this using the below code
n = []
for p in input_list:
l = p.split('\\')
l = l[len(l)-1]
a = ','.join(n)
But instead of using multiple lines of code i would like to achieve this in single line using a list comprehension or regular expression.
Thanks in advance...
Simply do a
main_list = ['D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\aaa.xlsx', 'D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\bbb.xlsx', 'D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\ccc.xlsx']
print([x.split("\\")[-1] for x in main_list])
['aaa.xlsx', 'bbb.xlsx', 'ccc.xlsx']
In case u want to get the string of this simply do a
print(",".join([x.split("\\")[-1] for x in main_list]))
Another way to do the same is:
print(",".join(map(lambda x : x.split("\\")[-1],main_list)))
Do see that os.path.basename is OS-dependent and may create problems on cross-platform scripts.
Using os.path.basename with str.join
import os
data = ['D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\aaa.xlsx', 'D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\bbb.xlsx', 'D:\\abc\\pqr\\123\\ccc.xlsx']
print(",".join(os.path.basename(i) for i in data))
