Azure Invoke Device Module method using REST API - azure

I want to use the Invoke Device Module API from Azure, where I want to send a payload using the API, which will be responsible for sending message from cloud to the module. I am following this article ""
I am using postman to execute this API, but I am getting the following response.
I have added 2 headers in postman 1] Authorization in this I have added a bearerToken and 2] content-type as application/json. I am giving a payload in the body section. Please let me know what could be wrong here, or if I need to configure it in some different way.

There is a double slash in URL Can you please try with correct

I figured out how it is done.
All we need to do is use the SAS Token in the authorization header instead of bearerToken and use the following body.
"methodName": "name_of_your_method",
"responseTimeoutInSeconds": 60,
"payload": {
"command": "your_message"}
The API URL is the following POST method
Use the following command to generate SAS Token and FYI SAS Token expires after 1 hour of generation:
az iot hub generate-sas-token -n Ageye
This works perfectly fine and gives the following response:
"status": 200,
"payload": {
"status": "ok"


How to pass bearer token API in Azure Data Factory

I have an API which has Authorization has bearer token. I tested in post man and it's working. However, it's not working when I used web activity in the ADF.
I am passing the url in the URL section. Created new header, typed Authorization and gave value "Bearer token"
Getting below error
Troubleshoot activity failures
"errorCode": "2108",
"message": "{\"error\":{\"type\":\"invalid_request_error\",\"message\":\"Request forbidden by administrative rules. Please make sure your request has an acceptable User-Agent header.\",\"documentation_url\":\"\"}}",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "Web1",
"details": []
Can anyone please advise?
I reproduced the same in my environment. I successfully generated a bearer Token with Postman.
To solve the above error code:2200. Please follow the below approach.
I used the same URL with web Activity and generated a bearer Token in the Azure data factory.
Generate bearer Token as shown below:
Connect Web activity 2 with newly created Web1 activity
Add dynamic expression : Bearer #{activity('Web2')}
Sample Rest API URL for testing with authentication by Ashok Patel

How to copydata from RestAPI using datafactory and save it in Datalake?

I'm trying to fetch data from REST API and save the json string it into DataLake and I'm getting an error. I've followed the steps mentioned here &
The API which I'm trying to connect uses OAuth2 so I need to first get the access token and then do a get request to get actual data.
Below are the steps which I'm following
Creating a Web HTTP request in the pipeline and passing the client_ID, client secret, username, password and grant type in the body of the request. When I debug the pipline I do get the Access_token which I need in step 2.
In Step two I have a copy activity which uses the output(access_token) from web to authenticate the second REST GET request but this is where I'm facing a lot of issues. The code which I'm using is "#concat('Bearer ', activity('GetAccessToken').output.access_token)"
In step 3 I have two datasets and 2 Linked services, Dataset 1 is a REST dataset which has the base url and relative url which is linked to the REST linked service and secondly the sink dataset is connected to AZURE datalake storage.
In Source Dataset I'm passing additional header Authorization = #concat('Bearer ', activity('GetAccessToken').output.access_token) and ideally since the API which I want to call will return empty if no parameters are send so I pass in the parameters inside the "Request Body" is that even correct? the Request body would look something like this "start_date=2020/07/17&end_date=2020/07/18".
The sink is a simple Json dataset stored in DataLake.
When I try to debug I get the error as below
But I'm getting the below error
"errorCode": "2200",
"message": "Failure happened on 'Source' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorHttpStatusCodeIndicatingFailure,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=The HttpStatusCode 401 indicates failure. { \"Error\": { \"Message\":\"Authentication failed: Invalid headers\", \"Server-Time\":\"2020-07-27T06:59:24\", \"Id\":\"6AAF87BC-5634-4C28-8626-810A19B86BFF\" } },Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "CopyDataFromAPI",
"details": []
Please advise if I'm doing anything wrong.
I Knew this was a simple issue,
So for people who are looking for answers.
Please make sure the REST Source URL starts with HTTPS:// instead of HTTP:// I Guess Azure does not pass headers to url which starts with HTTP:// which is strange because POSTMAN and python script has no problem sending the headers.

Authenticating to Revolut API

I am trying to follow Revolut's tutorial for authenticating to their API and I'm stuck at requesting a reusable access token.
So far I've managed to:
1. Create public/private keys
2. Upload public key
3. Sign a jwt with the generated client_id
4. Get an authorisation code
But I am blocked at using the above for requesting a reusable access token.
As per this page, I'm supposed to create a POST request on with the following body:
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"client_id": my_client_id,
"code": my_authorisation_code,
"client_assertion_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer",
"client_assertion": my_jwt
Which I've done in Insomnia but I keep getting this error:
"error": "invalid_client",
"error_description": "client_id is missing"
Looking on SO for an answer I stumbled upon this answer, but I get this error all the time, even after I change the client_id.
Turns out the body should not be a JSON, it should have been url encoded, like this:

How do I pass values between steps in an Azure Logic App?

In the first step of my Logic App I call my API "Log On" endpoint passing in an Id/Password and receive a token.
How do I include that token in the header of all following requests?
Authorization: bearer TOKEN
I cannot work out how to read the response from the Log On and extract the token and then pass it in the header of all following calls.
Is this possible?
The way I do it is as follows.
1) Let us say your successful response from the log on HTTP action looks like below (sample taken from Authorize access to Azure Active Directory web applications using the OAuth 2.0 code grant flow)
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik5HVEZ2ZEstZnl0aEV1THdqcHdBSk9NOW4tQSJ9.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.JZw8jC0gptZxVC-7l5sFkdnJgP3_tRjeQEPgUn28XctVe3QqmheLZw7QVZDPCyGycDWBaqy7FLpSekET_BftDkewRhyHk9FW_KeEz0ch2c3i08NGNDbr6XYGVayNuSesYk5Aw_p3ICRlUV1bqEwk-Jkzs9EEkQg4hbefqJS6yS1HoV_2EsEhpd_wCQpxK89WPs3hLYZETRJtG5kvCCEOvSHXmDE6eTHGTnEgsIk--UlPe275Dvou4gEAwLofhLDQbMSjnlV5VLsjimNBVcSRFShoxmQwBJR_b2011Y5IuD6St5zPnzruBbZYkGNurQK63TJPWmRd3mbJsGM0mf3CUQ",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3600",
"expires_on": "1388444763",
"resource": "",
"refresh_token": "AwABAAAAvPM1KaPlrEqdFSBzjqfTGAMxZGUTdM0t4B4rTfgV29ghDOHRc2B-C_hHeJaJICqjZ3mY2b_YNqmf9SoAylD1PycGCB90xzZeEDg6oBzOIPfYsbDWNf621pKo2Q3GGTHYlmNfwoc-OlrxK69hkha2CF12azM_NYhgO668yfcUl4VBbiSHZyd1NVZG5QTIOcbObu3qnLutbpadZGAxqjIbMkQ2bQS09fTrjMBtDE3D6kSMIodpCecoANon9b0LATkpitimVCrl-NyfN3oyG4ZCWu18M9-vEou4Sq-1oMDzExgAf61noxzkNiaTecM-Ve5cq6wHqYQjfV9DOz4lbceuYCAA",
"scope": "",
"id_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.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."
2) You add a parse json action after the HTTP call to the log on url. use the sample response from your logon api response.
3) The parse JSON now gives you access to individual fields in the response
Refer a sample work flow which calls the Microsoft AAD endpoint
- The first black box shows you the place where you feed the response from the call to the LogOn API
- The second black box is where you click and provide a sample response from the API so that the engine can generate the schema to parse the response against
- Third box shows you how you can just pass the value of access_token received (as per the sample response added above)
You need to set the token as the value of a variable and use it through your workflow.
Useful links:
Azure Logic Apps: Extract HTTP Header Key value into a variable

How to update existing user in Azure AD using Microsoft Graph API

I have added a user in azure ad. Now using graph api I want to update its display name or let say password. I am referring to this guide
First of all, I am not sure I am using correct URL to update the user but below is what I am using:<myorg>
I am passing the userName of the user which I want to udpate in the url. Please let me know if this is not correct.
I am including the OAuth token as bearer token in my request and posting the below json:
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "john12"
From the above json, I want to change the display name from john to john12. But I am getting below error:
"error": {
"code": "Request_BadRequest",
"message": "Specified HTTP method is not allowed for the request target.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "536fd7c1-db46-4927-9732-169da778811c",
"date": "2019-06-06T04:58:26"
Please can anyone please let me know how can I update the existing user properties. Thanks
Most probably you're not using HTTP method PATCH. I say this looking at the error message Specified HTTP method is not allowed for the request target.
If you use anything other than PATCH, like a POST you will end up getting this error message.
The JSON body for your request looks fine. I tried updating an existing user with similar JSON and sending a PATCH request from Microsoft Graph Explorer and it worked fine.
I could reproduce the same error message that you're seeing when I used a POST or PUT call from Microsoft Graph Explorer.
Although same request URL with same JSON body worked fine once I changed POST to PATCH. Later on querying the user again (GET), I could see that displayName had been updated correctly
