Search for a match, copy entire row, and paste to corresponding - excel

Col B on "Sheet2" contains 370 rows of data.
Starting with "Sheet2" Cell B1, I want to search for a matching value in Col B on "Sheet1" (it could be located anywhere in the first 300 rows of "Sheet1" Col B).
If a match is found, copy the entire row from "Sheet1" and paste to Row1 on "Sheet2". Then, move to "Sheet2" Cell B2 and repeat the search, this time pasting the entire row from "Sheet1" to Row2 on "Sheet2". Continue moving thru the entire column of data on "Sheet2", searching for each cell's value on "Sheet1". If a search doesn't return a match, then do not paste anything to that row on "Sheet2" and just proceed to search for the next cell on "Sheet2". (For example, if Sheet1 Col B doesn't contain a match for Sheet2 Cell B3, then nothing gets pasted in Sheet2 Row3.)
I have found the following example, which starts to help me, but it specifies the search value and doesn't loop thru the entire column of values like I am attempting to do.
Sub CopyYes()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
J = 1 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("E1:E1000") ' Do 1000 rows
If c = "yes" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub

This should do the trick, and do it fast:
Option Explicit
Sub CopyYes()
'You need Microsoft Scripting Runtime library under Tools-References for this
Dim arrPaste As Variant: arrPaste = Sheet2.UsedRange.Value
Dim arrCopy As Variant: arrCopy = Sheet1.UsedRange.Value
Dim MyMatches As New Dictionary: Set MyMatches = CreateDictionary(arrCopy)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(arrPaste)
If arrPaste(i, 2) = vbNullString Then Exit For
If MyMatches.Exists(arrPaste(i, 2)) Then PasteData arrPaste, arrCopy, i, MyMatches(arrPaste(i, 2))
Next i
Sheet2.UsedRange.Value = arrPaste
Erase arrCopy
Erase arrPaste
End Sub
Private Function CreateDictionary(arr As Variant) As Dictionary
Dim i As Long
Set CreateDictionary = New Dictionary
For i = 1 To 300
CreateDictionary.Add arr(i, 2), i
Next i
End Function
Private Sub PasteData(arrPaste As Variant, arrCopy As Variant, i As Long, MyMatch As Long)
Dim j As Long
For j = 1 To UBound(arrCopy, 2)
If arrCopy(MyMatch, j) = vbNullString Then Exit For
arrPaste(i, j) = arrCopy(MyMatch, j)
Next j
End Sub

Use Range.Find to search for your matching cell
Use a Union to create a collection of the rows that are found
Once your loop is finished, copy your range all at once if the Union is not empty
Sub Shelter_In_Place()
Dim Source As Worksheet: Set Source = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim Target As Worksheet: Set Target = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Dim Found As Range, lr As Long
Dim CopyMe As Range
lr = Target.Range("B" & Target.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lr
Set Found = Source.Range("B:B").Find(Target.Range("B" & i), LookIn:=xlWhole)
If Not Found Is Nothing Then
If Not CopyMe Is Nothing Then
Set CopyMe = Union(CopyMe, Target.Range("B" & i))
Set CopyMe = Target.Range("B" & i)
End If
End If
Set Fouund = Nothing
Next i
If Not CopyMe Is Nothing Then
Source.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
End Sub


Excel VBA - For Loop IS taking far far too long to execute

First question ever here, I am the newbiest newbie..
So.. what I am trying to get is:
to find if in sheet1 and sheet2 there are cells with the same value on column E from sheet1 and column F from sheet2. if there are, then copy the value from sheet2 column A row x to sheet2 column P row y.
rows x and y are where the identical values are on each sheet.
this is my code:
Sub ccopiazanrfact()
Dim camion As Worksheet
Dim facturi As Worksheet
Set camion = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("B816RUS")
Set facturi = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
Dim nrcomanda As String
Dim nrfactura As String
For a = 2 To facturi.Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
nrcomanda = facturi.Range("F" & a).Value
For b = 4 To camion.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If camion.Range("E" & b).Value = facturi.Range("F" & a).Value Then
camion.Range("P" & b) = facturi.Range("A" & a).Value
Exit For
End If
Next b
Next a
End Sub
I would recommend using arrays to achieve what you want. Nested looping over ranges can make it very slow. Is this what you are trying? (UNTESTED). As I have not tested it, I would recommend making a backup of your data before you test this code.
I have commented the code. But if you still have a question or find an error/bug in the below code then simply ask.
Option Explicit
Sub ccopiazanrfact()
Dim Camion As Worksheet
Dim Facturi As Worksheet
Set Camion = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("B816RUS")
Set Facturi = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
'~~> Declare 2 arrays
Dim ArCamion As Variant
Dim ArFacturi As Variant
Dim LRow As Long
'~~> Find last row in Col E of Sheets("B816RUS")
LRow = Camion.Range("E" & Camion.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'~~> Store Values from E4:P last row in the array. We have taken E:P
'~~> because we are replacing the value in P if match found
ArCamion = Camion.Range("E4:P" & LRow).Value
'~~> Find last row in Col E of Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
LRow = ArFacturi.Range("F" & ArFacturi.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'~~> Store Values from A2:F last row in the array. We have taken A:F
'~~> because we are replacing the value in P with A
ArFacturi = Facturi.Range("A2:F" & LRow).Value
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 2 To UBound(ArFacturi)
For j = 4 To UBound(ArCamion)
'~~> Checking if camion.Range("E" & j) = facturi.Range("F" & i)
If ArCamion(j, 1) = ArFacturi(i, 6) Then
'~~> Replacing camion.Range("P" & j) with facturi.Range("A" & i)
ArCamion(j, 12) = ArFacturi(i, 1)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
'~~> Write the array back to the worksheet in one go
Camion.Range("E4:P" & LRow).Resize(UBound(ArCamion), 12).Value = ArCamion
End Sub
in the end, I came up with this and works instantly, get’s all the data filled within a blink of an eye. When I tried it first time I thought i forgot to clear the data before running the code:
Sub FindMatchingValues()
'Declare variables for the worksheets
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
'Set the variables to refer to the worksheets
Set ws1 = Worksheets("B816RUS")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
'Declare variables for the ranges to compare
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
'Set the ranges to the columns to compare
Set rng1 = ws1.Range("E1", ws1.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Set rng2 = ws2.Range("F1", ws2.Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
'Loop through each cell in the first range
For Each cell1 In rng1
'Use the Match function to find the matching value in the second range
Dim match As Variant
match = Application.match(cell1.Value, rng2, 0)
'If a match was found, copy the value from column A in the second worksheet to column P in the first worksheet
If Not IsError(match) Then
ws1.Range("P" & cell1.Row).Value = ws2.Range("A" & match).Value
End If
Next cell1
End Sub
Please, test the next code. It should be very fast, using arrays and Find function:
Sub ccopiazaNrfact()
Dim camion As Worksheet, facturi As Worksheet, cellMatch As Range, rngE As Range
Set camion = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("B816RUS")
Set facturi = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
Set rngE = camion.Range("E4:E" & camion.Range("E" & camion.rows.count).End(xlUp).row)
Dim a As Long, arrFact, arrP, nrComanda As String
arrP = camion.Range("P1:P" & camion.Range("E" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row).Value
arrFact = facturi.Range("A2:F" & facturi.Range("F" & rows.count).End(xlUp).row).Value
Debug.Print UBound(arrP): Stop
For a = 1 To UBound(arrFact)
nrComanda = arrFact(a, 6)
Set cellMatch = rngE.Find(What:=nrComanda, After:=rngE.cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, lookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not cellMatch Is Nothing Then
arrP(cellMatch.row, 1) = arrFact(a, 1)
End If
Next a
camion.Range("P1").Resize(UBound(arrP), 1).Value = arrP
MsgBox "Ready..."
End Sub
Please, send some feedback after testing it...
A VBA Lookup: Using Arrays and a Dictionary
Option Explicit
Sub CopiazaNrFact()
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' Write the values from the Source Compare and Value ranges to arrays.
' f - Facturi (Source), c - Compare, v - Value
Dim frg As Range, fcData() As Variant, fvData() As Variant, frCont As Long
With wb.Sheets("EVIDENTA FACTURI")
' Compare
Set frg = .Range("F2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp))
frCont = frg.Rows.Count
fcData = frg.Value ' write to array
' Value
Set frg = frg.EntireRow.Columns("A")
fvData = frg.Value ' write to array
End With
' Write the unique values from the Source Compare array to the 'keys',
' and their associated values from the Source Values array to the 'items'
' of a dictionary.
Dim fDict As Object: Set fDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
fDict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim fr As Long, NrFacturi As String
For fr = 1 To frCont
NrFacturi = CStr(fcData(fr, 1))
If Len(NrFacturi) > 0 Then ' exclude blanks
fDict(NrFacturi) = fvData(fr, 1)
End If
Next fr
' Write the values from the Destination Compare range to an array
' and define the resulting same-sized Destination Value array.
' c - Camion (Destination), c - Compare, v - Value
Dim crg As Range, ccData() As Variant, cvData() As Variant, crCont As Long
With wb.Sheets("B816RUS")
' Compare
Set crg = .Range("E4", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp))
crCont = crg.Rows.Count
ccData = crg.Value ' write to array
' Value
Set crg = crg.EntireRow.Columns("P")
ReDim cvData(1 To crCont, 1 To 1) ' define
End With
' For each value in the Destination Compare array, attempt to find
' a match in the 'keys' of the dictionary, and write the associated 'item'
' to the same row of the Destination Value array.
Dim cr As Long, NrCamion As String
For cr = 1 To crCont
NrCamion = CStr(ccData(cr, 1))
If fDict.Exists(NrCamion) Then cvData(cr, 1) = fDict(NrCamion)
Next cr
' Write the values from the Destination Value array
' to the Destination Value range.
crg.Value = cvData
End Sub

VBA search string and copy row

I am starting out with a table containing a name which corresponds to a job code and the start date of said job. See below:
The desired outcome of this is to almost flip it (it is becoming part of a bigger macro, must use VBA for this)
I need dates along the column headings, and the list of unique names. In the column will appear the job for that date. See below for an example:
I have been able to get the code to select all of the rows containing a persons name, however I can't workout how to one by one go through each of the selected rows, copy the job code and paste it to the new table under the correct corresponding date.
Since some jobs have multiple people this code uses InStr() to find occurances of the unqiue names
Sub NewTable()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Cell As Object
Dim Found As Range
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Set Ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set Rng = Ws.Range("D:D")
searchString = "Emily"
For Each Cell In Rng
If InStr(Cell, searchString) > 0 Then
If Not Found Is Nothing Then
Set Found = Union(myUnion, Cell.EntireRow)
Set Found = Cell.EntireRow
End If
End If
If Found Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "The text was not found in the selection"
End If
End Sub
Any help would be appreciated
Try this out:
Sub Tester()
Dim rw As Range, wsData As Worksheet, wsPivot As Worksheet, arr, e, r, c
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Input") 'sheet with original data
Set wsPivot = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Pivot") 'sheet for the final table
'loop over each row in the input table
For Each rw In wsData.Range("B6:E" & wsData.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row).Rows
If Application.CountA(rw) = 3 Then 'row has data?
'try to match the date: add as new date if no match
c = Application.Match(CLng(rw.Cells(3).Value), wsPivot.Rows(1), 0)
If IsError(c) Then
c = wsPivot.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
If c < 4 Then c = 4 'dates start in D1
wsPivot.Cells(1, c).Value = rw.Cells(3).Value 'add the date
End If
arr = Split(rw.Cells(2).Value, ",") 'get array of all names
'check row for each name: add as new name if no match
For Each e In arr
'look for the name in Col B
r = Application.Match(Trim(e), wsPivot.Columns("B"), 0)
'if name not found, then add it in the next empty cell
If IsError(r) Then
r = wsPivot.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row + 1
If r < 4 Then r = 4 'names begin in B4
wsPivot.Cells(r, "B").Value = e
End If
wsPivot.Cells(r, c).Value = rw.Cells(1).Value 'add the Job Code
Next e
End If
Next rw
End Sub

I need to copy a specific range in multiple sheets and paste them on a final sheet

There are 24 sheets in this workbook. I need to copy the same range from 23 sheets and paste them in a final sheet called "ALL SURVEY". Is there any way to code it in such a way that I don't need to write so much code as I did in the following macro?
Sheets("ALL SURVEY").Range("E2").*PasteSpecial xlPasteValues*
Sheets("ALL SURVEY").Range("E3").*PasteSpecial xlPasteValues*
Sheets("ALL SURVEY").Range("E4").*PasteSpecial xlPasteValues*
Sheets("ALL SURVEY").Range("E5").*PasteSpecial xlPasteValues*
It will be much appreciated if you help me get through this hard task
Thank you
You can use a For...Next loop for this:
Sub Tester()
Dim n As Long, c As Range
Set c = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ALL SURVEY").Range("E2") 'first destination cell
'loop through sheets
For n = 2 To 23
'convert n to string to get the correct sheet
' Sheets("2") vs Sheets(2) - by sheet Name vs. Index
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(CStr(n)).Range("U3:X3")
c.Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value 'set values
Set c = c.Offset(1, 0) 'next destination
End With
Next n
End Sub
You can do something like this:
Sub copyPaste()
Dim survey_sheet As Worksheet, count As Long
count = 1 'start pasting from this row
For Each survey_sheet In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
If survey_sheet.Name <> "ALL SURVEY" Then
Sheets("ALL SURVEY").Range("E" & count).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
count = count + 1
End If
Next survey_sheet
End Sub
As you can see in the macro above, there is a loop For all the sheets in the Workbook. It will end when it has gone through every single one.
The If statement is to avoid copy/pasting in the final sheet ant the count variable is for pasting in the next empty row on "ALL SURVEY" sheet.
Copy Ranges by Rows
Adjust the values in the constants section. Pay attention to the Exceptions List. I added those two 'funny' names just to show that you have to separate them by the Delimiter with no spaces. The list can contain non-existing worksheet names, but it won't help, so remove them and add others if necessary.
You can resize the 'copy' range as you desire (e.g. U3:X5, Z7:AS13). The result will be each next range below the other (by rows).
Basically, the code will loop through all worksheets whose names are not in the Exceptions List and will write the values of the given range to 2D one-based arrays in an Array List. Then it will loop through the arrays of the Array List and copy the values to the resulting Data Array whose values will then be copied to the Destination Range.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub copyByRows()
Const dstName As String = "ALL SURVEY"
Const dstFirst As String = "E2"
Const srcRange As String = "U3:X3"
Const Delimiter As String = ","
Dim ExceptionsList As String
ExceptionsList = dstName & Delimiter & "Sheet500,Sheet1000"
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim dst As Worksheet: Set dst = wb.Worksheets(dstName)
Dim srCount As Long: srCount = dst.Range(srcRange).Rows.Count
Dim cCount As Long: cCount = dst.Range(srcRange).Columns.Count
Dim arl As Object: Set arl = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Dim Exceptions() As String: Exceptions = Split(ExceptionsList, Delimiter)
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
If IsError(Application.Match(ws.Name, Exceptions, 0)) Then
arl.Add ws.Range(srcRange).Value
End If
Next ws
Dim Data As Variant: ReDim Data(1 To arl.Count * srCount, 1 To cCount)
Dim Item As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
For Each Item In arl
For i = 1 To srCount
k = k + 1
For j = 1 To cCount
Data(k, j) = Item(i, j)
Next j
Next i
Next Item
dst.Range(dstFirst).Resize(k, cCount).Value = Data
End Sub

Unable to populate unique values in third sheet comparing the values of the second sheet to the first one

I've got three sheets - main,specimen and output in an excel workbook. The sheet main and speciment contain some information. Some of the information in two sheets are identical but few of them are not. My intention is to paste those information in output which are available in speciment but not in main.
I've tried like [currently it fills in lots of cells producing duplicates]:
Sub getData()
Dim cel As Range, celOne As Range, celTwo As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("main")
Dim ws1 As Worksheet: Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("specimen")
Dim ws2 As Worksheet: Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("output")
For Each cel In ws.Range("A2:A" & ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row)
For Each celOne In ws1.Range("A2:A" & ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row)
If cel(1, 1) <> celOne(1, 1) Then ws2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).value = celOne(1, 1)
Next celOne
Next cel
End Sub
main contains:
specimen contains:
output should contain [EXPECTED]:
How can I achieve that?
If you have the latest version of Excel, with the FILTER function and dynamic arrays, you can do this with an Excel formula.
I changed your Main and Specimen data into tables.
On the Output worksheet you can then enter this formula into a single cell:
The remaining fields will autopopulate with the results.
For a VBA solution, I like to use Dictionaries, and VBA arrays for speed.
'set reference to microsoft scripting runtime
' or use late-binding
Option Explicit
Sub findMissing()
Dim wsMain As Worksheet, wsSpec As Worksheet, wsOut As Worksheet
Dim dN As Dictionary, dM As Dictionary
Dim vMain As Variant, vSpec As Variant, vOut As Variant
Dim I As Long, v As Variant
With ThisWorkbook
Set wsMain = .Worksheets("Main")
Set wsSpec = .Worksheets("Specimen")
Set wsOut = .Worksheets("Output")
End With
'Read data into vba arrays for processing speed
With wsMain
vMain = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Resize(columnsize:=3)
End With
With wsSpec
vSpec = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Resize(columnsize:=3)
End With
'add ID to names dictionary
Set dN = New Dictionary
For I = 2 To UBound(vMain, 1)
dN.Add Key:=vMain(I, 1), Item:=I
Next I
'add missing ID's to missing dictionary
Set dM = New Dictionary
For I = 2 To UBound(vSpec, 1)
If Not dN.Exists(vSpec(I, 1)) Then
dM.Add Key:=vSpec(I, 1), Item:=WorksheetFunction.Index(vSpec, I, 0)
End If
Next I
'write results to output array
ReDim vOut(0 To dM.Count, 1 To 3)
vOut(0, 1) = "UNIQUE ID"
vOut(0, 2) = "FIRST NAME"
vOut(0, 3) = "LAST NAME"
I = 0
For Each v In dM.Keys
I = I + 1
vOut(I, 1) = dM(v)(1)
vOut(I, 2) = dM(v)(2)
vOut(I, 3) = dM(v)(3)
Next v
Dim R As Range
With wsOut
Set R = .Cells(1, 1)
Set R = R.Resize(UBound(vOut, 1) + 1, UBound(vOut, 2))
With R
.Value = vOut
.Style = "Output"
End With
End With
End Sub
Both show the same result (except the formula solution does not bring over the column headers; but you can do that with a formula =mnTbl[#Headers] in the cell above the original formula above).
Another option is to join the values of each row in each range and store them in arrays.
Then compare arrays and output the unique values.
In this case, your uniques come from evaluating the whole row, and not just the Unique ID.
Please read code's comments and adjust it to fit your needs.
Public Sub OutputUniqueValues()
Dim mainSheet As Worksheet
Dim specimenSheet As Worksheet
Dim outputSheet As Worksheet
Dim mainRange As Range
Dim specimenRange As Range
Dim mainArray As Variant
Dim specimenArray As Variant
Dim mainFirstRow As Long
Dim specimenFirstRow As Long
Dim outputCounter As Long
Set mainSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("main")
Set specimenSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("specimen")
Set outputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("output")
' Row at which the output range will be printed (not including headers)
outputCounter = 2
' Process main data ------------------------------------
' Row at which the range to be evaluated begins
mainFirstRow = 2
' Turn range rows into array items
mainArray = ProcessRangeData(mainSheet, mainFirstRow)
' Process specimen data ------------------------------------
' Row at which the range to be evaluated begins
specimenFirstRow = 2
' Turn range rows into array items
specimenArray = ProcessRangeData(specimenSheet, specimenFirstRow)
' Look for unique values and output results in sheet
OutputUniquesFromArrays outputSheet, outputCounter, mainArray, specimenArray
End Sub
Private Function ProcessRangeData(ByVal dataSheet As Worksheet, ByVal firstRow As Long) As Variant
Dim dataRange As Range
Dim evalRowRange As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim counter As Long
Dim dataArray As Variant
' Get last row in sheet (column 1 = column A)
lastRow = dataSheet.Cells(dataSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' Set the range of specimen sheet
Set dataRange = dataSheet.Range("A" & firstRow & ":C" & lastRow)
' Redimension the array to the number of rows in range
ReDim dataArray(dataRange.Rows.Count)
counter = 0
' Join each row values so it's easier to compare them later and add them to an array
For Each evalRowRange In dataRange.Rows
' Use Trim function if you want to omit the first and last characters if they are spaces
dataArray(counter) = Trim(evalRowRange.Cells(1).Value) & "|" & Trim(evalRowRange.Cells(2).Value) & "|" & Trim(evalRowRange.Cells(3).Value)
counter = counter + 1
Next evalRowRange
ProcessRangeData = dataArray
End Function
Private Sub OutputUniquesFromArrays(ByVal outputSheet As Worksheet, ByVal outputCounter As Long, ByVal mainArray As Variant, ByVal specimenArray As Variant)
Dim specimenFound As Boolean
Dim specimenCounter As Long
Dim mainCounter As Long
' Look for unique values ------------------------------------
For specimenCounter = 0 To UBound(specimenArray)
specimenFound = False
' Check if value in specimen array exists in main array
For mainCounter = 0 To UBound(mainArray)
If specimenArray(specimenCounter) = mainArray(mainCounter) Then specimenFound = True
Next mainCounter
If specimenFound = False Then
' Write values to output sheet
outputSheet.Range("A" & outputCounter).Value = Split(specimenArray(specimenCounter), "|")(0)
outputSheet.Range("B" & outputCounter).Value = Split(specimenArray(specimenCounter), "|")(1)
outputSheet.Range("C" & outputCounter).Value = Split(specimenArray(specimenCounter), "|")(2)
outputCounter = outputCounter + 1
End If
Next specimenCounter
End Sub

Trying to copy specific columns in a row into another worksheet

I'm very new to VBA. Trying to copy specific columns within a row if Column O has the text "Open".
Have tried the code below and it works except it copies the entire row and I only want to copy the row but limited to columns E to Q. How do i insert the column range requirement?
Sub Button2_Click()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetA")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetB")
j = 3 ' Start copying to row 3 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("O13:O1500") ' Do 1500 rows
If c = "Open" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Source.Rows(c.Row).Columns("E:Q").Copy Target.Rows(j)
You should be able to use Union to gather the qualifying ranges and paste in one go which will be more efficient
Public Sub Button2_Click()
Dim c As Range, unionRng As Range
Dim Source As Worksheet, Target As Worksheet
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetA")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetB")
For Each c In Source.Range("O13:O1500")
If c = "Open" Then
If Not unionRng Is Nothing Then
Set unionRng = Union(unionRng, Source.Rows(c.Row).Columns("E:Q"))
Set unionRng = Source.Rows(c.Row).Columns("E:Q")
End If
End If
Next c
If Not unionRng Is Nothing Then unionRng.Copy Target.Range("A3")
End Sub
Intersect(Source.Rows(c.Row), Source.Range("E:Q")).Copy Target.Rows(j)
Source.Range("E:Q").Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
While copying, you are trying to copy a specific range. So instead of using :
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
Source.Range("E*row*:Q*row*").Copy Target.Rows(j)
Where *row* is the row number. So you can copy Range from columns E to Q while keeping the row number fixed.
So the final code is
Sub Button2_Click()
Dim c As Range
Dim r As String 'Store the range here
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetA")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("SheetB")
j = 3 ' Start copying to row 3 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("O10:O15") ' Do 1500 rows
If c = "Open" Then
r = "E" & c.Row & ":" & "Q" & c.Row 'Creating the range
Source.Range(r).Copy Target.Rows(j)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Hope this helps !
