what is the best way to decompose spark transformation - apache-spark

I have a spark application that applied many transformations on many files
firstly I created one transformation (many data Frames that carry out those transformation ) an a single action (persistence the result, about 1M row), however, this version doesn't work it always throws CG, or heap Exceptions, therefore, I decompose it to intermediate actions, and I persist every intermediate result, At first I thought that having many read/write operations will have performance issue however it works, so my question is:
what is the best way to decompose spark transformation (I think that reading/writing operations are not optimal)?

IO is slower than simple computation, but extremely complex computation may be slower than IO. Cache is limited and need to be used to reduce compute time.
I would cache the extremely complex computation so that they won't be reevaluated multiple times. If the data is used more than twice then it breaks even the IO time.
If the computation is not that complex then you needn't cache and just recompute. But see how many times its being reused, if reuse is high then cache yields better performance.
There are various storage options (memory, Disk, both) to cache intermediate data, you can leverage that instead of writing them explicitly to disk.


Does Spark's reduceByKey use a constant amount of memory, or a linear one in the number of keys?

As far as I know there are solutions of external sorting and/or in Hadoop MapReduce that allow for a constant amount of memory, not more, to be used when sorting/grouping data by keys for further piping through aggregation functions for each key.
Assuming that the reduce state is a constant amount as well, like addition.
Is this constant-memory grouping/sorting available for Apache Spark or Flink as well, and if so, is there any specific configuration or programatic way of asking for this constant memory way of processing in the case of reduceByKey or aggregateByKey?
Both systems needs to implicitly perform the operation as the Java processes get only a fixed amount of main memory. Note that when the data to sort gets much larger, data needs to be spilled on disk. In the case of sorting and depending on your query, it may mean that the complete dataset needs to be materialized on main memory and disk.
If you are asking if you could limit the memory consumption of a specific operator, then things look much more complicated. You could limit your application to one specific operation and use the global memory setting to limit the consumption but that would result in complicated setup.
Do you have a specific use case in mind, where you would need to limit the memory of a specific operation?
Btw you can consider Spark and Flink to supersede Hadoop MapReduce. There are just a couple of edge cases, where MapReduce may be able to beat the next generation systems.

How big can batches in Flink respectively Spark get?

I am currently working on a framework for analysis application of an large scale experiment. The experiment contains about 40 instruments each generating about a GB/s with ns timestamps. The data is intended to be analysed in time chunks.
For the implemetation I would like to know how big such a "chunk" aka batch can get before Flink or Spark stop processing the data. I think it goes with out saying that I intend to recollect the processed data.
For live data analysis
In general, there is no hard limit on how much data you can process with the systems. It all depends on how many nodes you have and what kind of a query you have.
As it sounds as you would mainly want to aggregate per instrument on a given time window, your maximum scale-out is limited to 40. That's the maximum number of machines that you could throw at your problem. Then, the question arises on how big your time chunks are/how complex the aggregations become. Assuming that your aggregation requires all data of a window to be present, then the system needs to hold 1 GB per second. So if you window is one hour, the system needs to hold at least 3.6 TB of data.
If the main memory of the machines is not sufficient, data needs to be spilled to disk, which slows down processing significantly. Spark really likes to keep all data in memory, so that would be the practical limit. Flink can spill almost all data to disk, but then disk I/O becomes a bottleneck.
If you rather need to calculate small values (like sums, averages), main memory shouldn't become an issue.
For old data analysis
When analysis old data, the system can do batch processing and have much more options to handle the volume including spilling to local disk. Spark usually shines if you can keep all data of one window in main memory. If you are not certain about that or you know it will not fit into main memory, Flink is the more scalable solution. Nevertheless, I'd expect both frameworks to work well for your use case.
I'd rather look at the ecosystem and the suit for you. Which languages do you want to use? It feels like using Jupyter notebooks or Zeppelin would work best for your rather ad-hoc analysis and data exploration. Especially if you want to use Python, I'd probably give Spark a try first.

Spark with divide and conquer

I'm learning Spark and trying to process some huge dataset. I don't understand why I don't see decrease in stage completion times with following strategy (pseudo):
data = sc.textFile(dataset).cache()
while True:
y = data.map(...).reduce(...)
data = data.filter(lambda x: x < y).persist()
So idea is to pick y so that it most of the time ~halves the data. But for some reason it looks like all the data is always processed again on each count().
Is this some kind of an anti-pattern? How I'm supposed to do this with Spark?
Yes, that is an anti-pattern.
map, same as most, but not all, of the distributed primitives in Spark, is pretty much by definition a divide and conquer approach. You take the data, you compute splits, and transparently distribute computing of individual splits over the cluster.
Trying to further divide this process, using high level API, makes no sense at all. At best it will provide no benefits at all, at worst it will incur the cost of multiple data scans, caching and spills.
Spark is lazily evaluated so in the for or while loop above each call to data.filter does not sequentially return the data but instead sequentially returns Spark calls to be executed later. All these calls get aggregated and then executed simultaneously when you do something later.
In particular, results remain unevaluated and merely represented until a Spark Action gets called. Past a certain point the application can’t handle that many parallel tasks.
In a way we’re running into a conflict between two different representations: conventional structured coding with its implicit (or at least implied) execution patterns and independent, distributed, lazily-evaluated Spark representations.

Is Dataset#persist() a terminal operation?

Does spark actually cache the Dataset when org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset#persist() is called? Or it will be cached lazily when some terminal operation (like count) will be called on a Dataset.
As all caching operations in Spark Dataset.persist is lazy and only marks given object for caching, if it is ever evaluated.
The main difference compared to RDDs is that the evaluation is much harder to reason about. See related discussion on the developers list: Will .count() always trigger an evaluation of each row?

Does it make sense to run Spark job for its side effects?

I want to run a Spark job, where each RDD is responsible for sending certain traffic over a network connection. The return value from each RDD is not very important, but I could perhaps ask them to return the number of messages sent. The important part is the network traffic, which is basically a side effect for running a function over each RDD.
Is it a good idea to perform the above task in Spark?
I'm trying to simulate network traffic from multiple sources to test the data collection infrastructure on the receiving end. I could instead manually setup multiple machines to run the sender, but I thought it'd be nice if I could take advantage of Spark's existing distributed framework.
However, it seems like Spark is designed for programs to "compute" and then "return" something, not for programs to run for their side effects. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, and would appreciate input from others.
To be clear, I'm thinking of something like the following
IDs = sc.parallelize(range(0, n))
def f(x):
for i in range(0,100):
message = make_message(x, i)
return (x, 100)
IDsOne = IDs.map(f)
counts = IDsOne.reduceByKey(add)
for (ID, count) in counts.collect():
print ("%i ran %i times" % (ID, count))
Generally speaking it doesn't make sense:
Spark is a heavyweight framework. At its core there is this huge machinery which ensures that data is properly distributed, collected, recovery is possible and so on. It has a significant impact on overall performance and latency but doesn't provide any benefits in case of side-effects-only tasks
Spark concurrency has a relatively low granularity with partition being the main unit of concurrency. At this level processing becomes synchronous. You cannot move on to the next partition before you finish the current one.
Lets say in your case there is a single slow SEND_OVER_NETWORK. If you use map you pretty much block processing on a whole partition. You can go at the lower level with mapPartitions, make SEND_OVER_NETWORK asynchronous, and return only when a whole partition has been processed. It is better but still suboptimal.
You can increase number of partitions, but it means higher bookkeeping overhead so at the end of the day you can make situation worse not better.
Spark API is designed mostly for side effects free operations. It makes it hard to express operations which doesn't fit into this model.
What is arguably more important is that Spark guarantees only that each operation is executed at-least-once (lets ignore zero-times if rdd is never materialized). If application requires for example exactly-once semantics things become tricky especially when you consider point 2.
It is possible to keep track of local state for each partition outside the main Spark logic but if you get there it is a really good sign that Spark is not the right tool.
