Create sharepoint list using azure logic apps - sharepoint

I want to create a list from an excel sheet I am uploading to SharePoint using Azure Logic Apps. Now I want to use this app to update a list on SharePoint using the same excel file. It is getting executed but gives absurd values in the list. Please help me to know how can I make this work.

This is because you just pass the file content not the items, the logic app won't do data processing, you need design you flow to process the data then create item one by one.
Below is my test flow, I get the csv file from SharePoint then I use Plumsail Parse CSV action to get the items. If you are processing other excel file you could use excel connector to get rows.
Here is my test result.


Access worksheet names from Excel file with Google Apps Script (without Drive.Files.insert)

In a Google App Script attached to a Google Sheet, I have the file ID of an excel file. I want to read the worksheet names of that excel file. The tutorials I've seen on conversion load the excel file as a blob then write it to Drive as a Google Sheet, then read it.
Is there a way to do this that does not to create artifacts that I then need to delete? The reasoning is that I am concerned with the following: safety if there's a bug (the wrong thing gets deleted), additional processing time (I need to process a long list of excel files), and leftover artifacts if the script aborts unexpectedly between inserting and deleting.
Thank you!
Answering your questions, the reason the tutorials first convert the Excel file to a Google Sheet is to interact with it (in your case, to gather the worksheet names) it's because the Google APIs or Apps Script cannot interact with the Excel file as row data, and Google needs to convert the file to something readable using Google APIs.
A workaround for this will be to use Excel JavaScript API to read the information original Excel file, you can use externals API in Apps Script since it's based in JavaScript, so you will use Apps Script as an IDE.
However, you can do the same with any other IDE that works with JavaScript.
There are some examples on how to list the worksheets using the Excel JavaScript API in this blog.
If you will like to keep using Google APIs, and using the Google Apps Script built-in services. You will need to convert the file to Google Sheets.
Updating Answer:
You can review more about the Excel Services API services here.

How to copy the latest file from Sharepoint to Blob Storage using Logic App?

I am trying to extract the latest excel file from Sharepoint into Azure blob storage using Logic App.
I created the flow and it's working. However, it's copying all the files from the sharepoint to Blob.
Below is my flow.
enter image description here
I get new excel file everyday in my Sharepoint (/Shared documents/Data), hence I used list folder to locate it.
Then I used Filter array to filter the files as last modified with less than or equal to 5 m
I don't get any error. However, it's copying all the files rather than last modified file.
Can anyone advise how to address this?
You can use the trigger specific to 'When new file is added in sharepoint folder'. Documentation link -

Effective way to interpret data from Excel Export

My business works with a partner business. The partner business has a database we can access using web forms. We have to do hourly/daily metric reports which involves exporting the data & copy/pasting into a google sheet which then gets us our numbers.
My question is, is there a more efficient way of grabbing this data if backend access to the database has been rejected. Ideally I'd like to do my own queries but since I have no access I run the query on the webpage, export to excel, then copy paste the data into a google sheet and then use the query function to get what I need. What would be the solutions you would advise? Should I ask for a web service? Any way to automate exports? Any ideas?
What you are doing appears to be web-scraping. If so, you can scrape HTML tables from a website from within a Google sheet. Absolutely no backend access using the IMPORTHTML function.
See this excellent video:

Sharepoint - Link to a file that is updated Dynamically?

I'm hoping this is possible.
The organization I work for has a Sharepoint site and I am able to Upload Files to pages, however I am not an admin on our Sharepoint. I'm not sure what the version is, I think its older (ie: 2005).
I have some Excel Reports I've built. The data for these reports is pulled from a SQL Server Database which I have full control over. I have setup a Job in SQL Server to run every 12 minutes, this procedure pulls in some data and updates a few tables. These tables are used to feed my Excel Reports.
I have a separate Scheduled task set to open my excel report(s) refresh the data connections and save as a PDF.
I would like to link to these PDF Files via our Sharepoint so that the VIPs can access the reports as they want, but they always see the most up to date report.
I was trying to link to a Shortcut to the PDF Files but SharePoint doesn't seem to like that. How do I make the SharePoint link point to the PDF File that is saved over every 15 minutes?
Thanks in advance,
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
The way I do it (newish version of Sharepoint) is make the save location for the PDF the network location where Sharepoint keeps the files for that site. Usually you'll have access to those if you can edit the Sharepoint site.
Here is a tutorial to find that network location.
EDIT: It very well may be disabled by the admin at the moment. But it looks like the functionality is there.
Given the age of your SharePoint (either 03 or 07), most of the modern tools that you could use to do this don't exist for you (Excel reporting, BI tools, etc). The easiest solution I can think of is to actually modify the other side of the equation. A few options:
Change your report to output two copies of the same file. One entitled (as an example) currentreport.xls and the other report20150626.xls . Put the link to the currentreport.xls in SharePoint.
Build an page that runs the SQL query you have built and pull the data through a view. Since this would be pulled on demand, it may be a few more cycles of your SQL code, but indexing, caching and selective data pull can prevent this from being an issue. Put the code in an iFrame in a SharePoint content editor web part.
Build your report using SSRS and host the output of that in SharePoint using an iFrame.
Run a scheduled job in SQL that copies your current report data to a table and query that table instead of your normal report table. That way you only have one Excel file that points to a specific table so no need to update links. You can always keep copying data to specific files if you need a historical record and can't use the DB to store this data for you (though the amount of space that it would take to do so would be minimal).

comparing sharepoint list and sqlserver table

I have a list in sharepoint which maintains particular month OnCall list,and we are maintaining employee directory in sql server. My requirement is to get complete data from sql server and show it in sharepoint and compare with sharepoint list and show small icon for the employees who are On Call for that particular Month. Can anyone please suggest me the waus of implementing this.
Thanks in advance.
Update: I have finished the part where I have to connect to the sqlserver database and get the employees information. For this we are using 3rd party web part to connect to the sql server and pull the data from the table. Now I have to show some kind of image on the employee name to show that he is on-call for that week. We are going to cretae custom list for maintaing the list of people who are on-Call. Can anyone please advise me on how to accomplish this.
Write a custom webpart which will pull the data from the list using sharepoint object model and SQL server using ADO.NET and do the said comparison.
If you were looking for out of the box, I am afraid there i too little information given here to analyze if its feasible out of the box or not.
If you have the SharePoint Enterprise version, you can look at using the Business Data Catalog. This will let you bind columns to external data sources. This might provide you with the functionality you're looking for.
If you do not have the Enterprise features, do you have access to deploy WSP packages and custom code?
You will have to write your own data access to your external data source. Your options would be to have a job that pulls data from the external data source and populates SharePoint list(s) or create a custom view that pulls the external data on-demand.
You'll have to come up with synchronization strategies. Meaning, is the data in the external SQL data source static, reference information that does not need to be updated depending on what a user does in SharePoint? This seems to be the case based on your question. If you do need to update the external data source, you'll have to hook into the on save event (so probably a custom event handler that listens for ItemAdding) to update the data, validate, and optionally cancel the operation with an error message.
If you can't deploy WSP packages / DLLs, you could take a look at the jQuery SharePoint library. This will let you interact with lists using jQuery. If you also write a WCF or Web Service wrapper around the data you need access to from your external data source that is accessible from the SharePoint environment, you can use hack together a solution.
To accomplish this you'd need to place a Content Editor Web Part on the page you need custom data access. In there you will write the code to reference the jQuery javascript library and jQuery SharePoint library. The code will have to make the calls to your external data service and make any updates you need.
This is the least reliable method to accomplish what you want since it's entirely page-based and can be broken by simply disabling script or someone editing the CEWP or removing it altogether.
If you don't have access to place a CEWP or any of the other solutions, then you have no options at all.
it relatively easy now to pull all the data using the third party webpart and saving it into a custom list. I would recommend you not only creating custom list but also creating the content types for this list. take a look at SharPoint MVP's post about creating a Custom List with Content Types
