Working with Brands in Kentico E-Commerce - kentico

I want to be able to list all the brands in the eCommerce area of our kentico website and display the logo for the brand. I cant see any documented way to get this. I can get BrandInfo which has a Thumbnail GUID but this seems useless when used with the MediaFileRepository.

This thumbnail GUID is not from Media File class, but from another class - Meta File. You can find it via MetaFileInfoProvider by MetaFileGUID. The table in the database is CMS_MetaFile.


SuiteCommerce Advanced: Product Sharing Feature Not Working, OG Meta Tag in Shopping.ssp

We are using SCA's default feature to Share Product's details on Social Platform.
SCA's and Open Graph Protocol's Documentation says to get the product title, description, image, url, will require meta tags on html page.
We tried configuring all require meta tags and it is coming under of element(to view this you need to open console and in Element tab under head tag), but We are not able to see Image and Description on Social Platform after sharing the product url. It only gives us product url.
4. If you view source on product details page, you will not see any configured meta tags there(og tags), we thought this could be the reason. as Ptoduct details page comes under Shopping ssp, We tried adding heard coded meta tags in shopping.ssp file it self, That works for us.
But the question here is that, We will require actual product image, description, title on shopping.ssp, how would we can get that on shopping.spp file.
Or us there any way get the meta tags working with the default feature.
How I can add meta tags in shopping.ssp file, or how to get item details in shopping.ssp file.
Which social platform are you trying to use? Facebook has a resource to trouble shoot the implementation at
One thing we discovered is that the URL for the image has to match exactly, so because we were using a folder titled "item images", our images were not showing up because of the space between the two words.
There's also more information at the developer's site:

Orchard CMS Editable Content on MVC Views

I'm working on an Orchard module for selling an e-book of sorts. Prior to purchase, a user can view a page showing a sample of the product. After purchase, there is no more need for the sample page, and the user has access to the full product.
I would like to set things up such that if a paying customer tries to access the sample page that they would be redirected to their full product and if a non-customer were to try to go to full product page they would be redirected to the sample. I'd also like my page content to be editable via the Dashboard.
My current implementation:
Controller handling the conditional routing / redirecting based on whether a purchase has been made.
A layer rule for each of my page url's each containing an html widget to provide the page content
This seems to work, but I am wondering what other options I have to accomplish this.
You may be making things way more complicated than they need to be.
Using widgets is unnecessary. It would be much better to build a regular content type and display that. You could serve it through a special controller that checks for a purchase, but even that is unnecessary. Instead, you could create a part that would have the purchase verification logic in its driver's display method. This way, you could even apply the exact same logic to any content type.

Email view that does not show buttons and views of other activities

I want to add Emails to navigation so It can be used like any other entity. Editing sitemap is not a problem but it does not work in the expected way.
First, of all it shows all entities, not emails only. And consequently there are filters for other activities which are unwanted.
How do I make email-view that does not show other activities?
Create a new view in CRM showing the records you wish to see
Create a HTML web resource, with an iFrame pointing to the URL of the view you just created. It will look something like this /advancedfind/advfind.aspx?AutoRun=true&QueryId=%7b495B7974-58AC-E234-92D4-EE155D107003%7d&ViewType=4230&etn=email
Point your sitemap to the new web resource

Creating custom product page in drupal 6 using ubercart

I am using drupal 6 and ubercart module for selling products online.
I have created a page content type and in html code i also added a the source of the buy now button from google . Now i want this button to function same as the buy now button works in product content type. Simply redirecting it to cart/checkout doesnt works
First, there's aren't using it's cart.
All your catalogue using Views and CCK.
If you Google buy button is unique foar every good you sell you can jyst create a CCK-field to input it and render on page display.

How can we enable user's thumbnails on their drupal content?

I am going on making a Drupal site matches with my requirement. A requirement describes that on each node, such as Blog or Forum, except publisher's name and published date below the node's title, should show the user's thumbnail (similar to avatar in Facebook or Twitter) too.
I thing there is an existing module for this requirement. but I couldn't find it.
Could you tell me how to do this? some guideline or link to an example? it would be nice if you can tell me the module that is able to do this thing.
you wany to enable picture support:
and in addition, you probaly want to change the theme to call
theme('user_picture', $account);
where you want to display the picture (where $account is the account object of the user that is posting the node/comment)
the corresponding template file is user-picture.tpl.php
