How to build gnome-terminal from source? - gnome-terminal

This comment looks interesting. Would like to uncomment it and rebuilt and see: works but there are a lot of missing packages. Is there some setup file I am missing?


building package using configure - how to rope in updated versions of libs/headers

I'm trying to build R.3.3.2 on a SuSE Linux server. It is a routine configure/make/install kind of setup.
It relies on some libs/headers that are either missing on my server or are older than required versions. As I run ./configure I get messages like:
configure: error: "liblzma library and headers are required"
I can download and build the missing packages in my home dir (with --prefix=$HOME/packages) as there is enough guidance on R website, but will appreciate guidance in how to build the final target (i.e., R).
If I build with packages installed in my home dir (by updating LD_LIBRARY_PATH) then everyone has to include my packages/ to their paths.
OTOH I am reluctant to add all these new packages to /usr/lib64/ because I am unsure version change impact on other programs. My search path shows:
$ gcc -Xlinker --verbose 2>/dev/null | grep SEAR | sed -e 's/SEARCH_DIR//g'
("/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/lib64"); ("/usr/lib64"); ("/usr/local/lib64"); ("/lib64"); ("/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/lib"); ("/usr/local/lib"); ("/lib"); ("/usr/lib");
which shows that a standard lib version is going to be picked before /usr/local/lib64
So my question is how does one generally resolve this kind of issue?
It also made me think perhaps I should static link only these new packages. Maybe it's a wrong kind of thought :| but I am also unclear what command line options for ./configure to do this. I will appreciate your help. Thanks a lot.
It is checking for dependencies so we need to install
the xz-5.2.2.tar.gz file first which you will get from this site:
Then go to Download Directory and execute these commands
tar xzvf xz-5.2.2.tar.gz
cd xz-5.2.2
./configure --prefix=$HOME/packages
make -j3
make install
Hope it will work for further any help please post your queries with proper error snapshot

How to build vim 7.3.285 from source

I need to apply a patch to the vim source code, but I am having trouble finding the source code for version 7.3.285. The source code from the main vim site builds version 7.3.154. When I do a google search for "vim 7.3.285 source" I get mostly .rpm files and always something about Mandriva. I managed to find a .scr.rpm file and unpacked it, but then the main vim folder it had was exactly the same as the one on the vim site. My guess is that I have use the patch folder to apply the patch to version 285. So I tried the following:
Download .src.rpm file here
unpack .src.rpm file like so rpm2cpio vim-7.3.285-1.src.rpm | cpio -idmv --no-absolute-filenames
apply the patches to the vim73 folder somewhat like so for i in 'seq 0 285'; do patch -p0 < ../vim-7.3-patches/7.3.$i; done
then I also applied the aforementioned patch in a similar way patch -p1 -i ../vim-7.3.285-breakindent.patch
finally I compiled vim: configure, make and sudo make install
However, and this is where it gets weird, if I issue the command vim, it claims to be running version 7.3.285. If however, I issue the command gvim it claims to be running version 7.3.154. It was my understanding that you compile vim and gvim gets compiled too. Does anyone have any idea what is going wrong? Is there a 7.3.285 source file I can download instead to test out?
to get the 7.3.285 source clone the mercurial repo and then do hg up v7-3-285
full instructions here

Linux configure/make, --prefix?

Bear with me, this one's not very easy to explain...
I'm trying to configure, make and make install Xfce into my buildroot build directory. When configuring I'm using
so that it builds to the right folder, however when it's compressed and run I get errors from various config files where it's looking for files in
(which of course doesn't exist.)
How do I set what folder to build into, yet set a different root directory for the config files to use?
Do configure --help and see what other options are available.
It is very common to provide different options to override different locations. By standard, --prefix overrides all of them, so you need to override config location after specifying the prefix. This course of actions usually works for every automake-based project.
The worse case scenario is when you need to modify the configure script, or even worse, generated makefiles and config.h headers. But yeah, for Xfce you can try something like this:
./configure --prefix=/home/me/somefolder/mybuild/output/target --sysconfdir=/etc
I believe that should do it.
In my situation, --prefix= failed to update the path correctly under some warnings or failures. please see the below link for the answer.

TextMate Haskell Bundle

I wonder that there is no Haskell TextMate Bundle. says that there was a bundle but it seems that it doesn't exists anymore. Are there any other ways to get Haskell Syntax Highlighting on TextMate?
If you've got git installed, go into terminal and enter
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/
git clone
Then in TextMate, Bundles > Bundle Editor > Reload Bundles.
The syntax highlighter isn't perfect but usable. It gets confused on some comments and identifiers. I hacked it a little to fix it.
Seems like the Bundles location changed, so I did
cd /Applications/
Apart from that I did as mentioned by Jason (git repo still works).
Or maybe I am wrong and you can just create that folder as in:
mkdir -p /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
(did not try doing that though, but saw it on another installation instruction -git bundle-)
PS: I am new here and I could not find a way to comment on his post (maybe I don't have permission for that yet?)
There seems to be some work done here but I cannot confirm how well it works.
I downloaded the zip from git:
Then I extracted it and renamed the folder to a .tmbundle (it had some numeric suffix).
Then I just opened it in Finder and it was recognised and imported.

scons: foiling an IDE when using alternate build directories

So I have scons working with an alternate build location (build/ for my output files, src/ for my input files) and it works great. Except for one thing.
I'm using an IDE (TI Code Composer 4) to debug my program. I point the IDE at the output executable to run it, and what it uses for the source files for debugging is the build/ directory. I don't really care, except when I go to edit the file in the IDE, for example main.cpp, the file is really build/main.cpp which gets clobbered as soon as I run scons again. I have to remember to edit src/main.cpp instead. I am aware of this issue and yet I make the same mistake often.
Is there a way to have scons make the source files it copies into the build path read-only? (I'd ask how to get TI CCS4 to use the right source files when it is debugging an executable, but I doubt I'd get any answers.)
This page has information about wrapping InstallTargets with a chmod call.
FYI, the scons user list is quite active with many knowledgeable people and you can get answers pretty quickly.
You could always tell scons not to duplicate source files in the build directory:
SConscript('src/SConscript', variant_dir='build', duplicate=0)
