Build a series of number strings based on combinations of True and False in another column - excel

Here's the table I'm working with:
I am manually inputting the "True" in column B for this project. For the example, I manually input column A, but the goal is to get the same results just from referencing column B.
I need it to count up, starting with 166 and add to the number string until it either hits a true, a double true (true back to back), or a double blank (blank cells back to back). For example, the first cell in column B is blank, the second cell is "True", and the third cell is blank - so it input 166, 167. If it went blank > True > True, the input would be 167, 168, 169 in the first three rows.
There can never be more than two trues in a row, only one or two. If there is two blanks in a row then only one number would be input (see 179).
I need to input the same contents (166, 167 for example) until either the blank>true>blank, blank>true>true, or blank>blank condition is met. Then it starts a new string and inputs based on the next condition, and so on.
Apologies for the row #'s being one off if that's confusing... the row numbers have no affect on the #'s in column A, need it to just reference column B.
Thank you for your time.

I think I got it to work. Please check out the code below. It should be installed in the code sheet of the worksheet on which you want the result.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Variatus #STO 07 Apr 2020
Dim Arr As Variant
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Result As String
Dim R As Long, Ra As Long
With Target
If .Cells.CountLarge > 1 Then Exit Sub
Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1))
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Rng) Is Nothing Then
Arr = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1)).Value
For R = 2 To Rng.Rows.Count
If Result = "" Then Result = ResultString(Result, R, Arr)
Arr(R, 1) = Result
Cells(R, 1).Value = Result
If R < UBound(Arr) Then
If Arr(R + 1, 2) = False Then
Result = ResultString(Result, R + 1, Arr)
End If
End If
Next R
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Function ResultString(ByVal Seed As Variant, _
ByVal R As Long, _
Arr As Variant) As String
' Variatus #STO 07 Apr 2020
Const Start As Integer = 166
Dim Fun As String
Dim Sp() As String
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Sp = Split(Seed, ",")
Seed = Val(Sp(UBound(Sp))) + 1
If Err.Number Then Seed = Start
Fun = Seed
On Error GoTo 0
Do While (R + i) < UBound(Arr)
i = i + 1
If Arr(R + i, 2) = False Then Exit Do
Fun = Fun & ", " & CStr(Val(Seed) + i)
ResultString = Fun
End Function
The event procedure responds to changes in column B and will build column A according to the entries - True and False (or blank) - found there. The entire column must be rebuilt on each change. Observe the Const Start As Integer = 166 containing the start number.


Split array and compare values to separate columns

Im trying to create a function which scans a column (job-trav-seq) and splits the values in each cell within a given range. It then compares these values to comparable cells in separate columns (so for instance job-trav-seq would have a cell 58546-05-10; this function would remove the dashes and compare the 58546 to job number, 05 to traveller ID and 07 to sequence No.
Basically, the function needs to first takes the A column (JobTravSeq) and breaks it apart into individual variables. (variable 1 should be compared with values in column B, values in variable 2 should be compared with column C and values in variable 3 should be compared with column D)
A loop should go up through the column cells as long as variable 1 = values in column B and variable 2 = values in column C (this is rowStart); this should be stored as a variable
A second loop should occur (rowEnd); which should loop down though the column cells as long as variable 1 = values in column B and variable 2 = values in column C; this should be stored as a variable
The code should then traverse between rowStart and rowEnd and check if variable 3 = values in column D, if it does then place an asterisk (or something similar) in front of the value to mark it as a current task
What im starting with: Sample Doc
What im trying to achieve: SampleDocOutput
any help would be most appreciated
heres my code for reference:
Sub SampleDocOrganise()
Dim i As Integer
Dim LastRow, rowCompare As Long
Dim variArr, rowStart, rowEnd, rangeID As Variant
Dim JobTravSeqRng As Range, jobNoRng As Range, TravellerRng As Range,
opSeqRng As Range, _
rng_JobTravSeq As Range, rng_JobNo As Range, rng_Traveller As Range,
rng_opSeq As Range
Set JobTravSeqRng = Range("A:A")
Set jobNoRng = Range("B:B")
Set TravellerRng = Range("C:C")
Set opSeqRng = Range("D:D")
For Each JobTravSeq In Selection
Str_Array = Split(JobTravSeq, "-")
For h = 0 To UBound(Str_Array)
Range("A:A").Find (Str_Array)
Range.Offset(, h + 1) = Str_Array(h)
For rowStart = 4 To Rows.Count
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Str_Array, 1).Value = jobNoRng.Value Then
If Cells(Str_Array, 2).Value = jobNoRng.Value Then
Cells.Value = rowStart
End If
End If
Next rowStart
For rowEnd = LastRow To 4 Step -1
If Cells(Str_Array, 1).Value = Range("B:B").Value Then
If Cells(Str_Array, 2).Value = Range("C:C").Value Then
Cells.Value = rowEnd
End If
End If
Next rowEnd
For rowCompare = rowStart To rowEnd
For Each opSeqArr In Str_Array
If Cells(Str_Array, 3).Value = Range("D:D").Value Then
If Cells(Str_Array, 1).Value = Range("B:B") Then
ActiveCell.Characters(0, 0).Insert (" P ")
With ActiveCell.Characters(0, Len(" P ")).Font
.Name = "OpSeq_Equals"
.Bold = True
.Color = -16776961
End With
MsgBox cell.Value = "*" & ""
' if cell changes then go to next loop
' if cell changes then go to next loop
End If
End If
Next h
End Sub
Sub MsgboxTasks() 'should display all rows that contain an asterisk in opSeq (current tasks)
End Sub

Excel taking really long to calculate a UDF VBA

example2 example1 The file name I'm trying to match is on Row A and I'm looking through Row I to see if there is a match I found this code I can't recall where but I am trying to match row of part numbers to a row of its image file names. This code works, however, there is a problem when I run it it takes really long to calculate even just 1 column and when I do hundreds at a time my excel just stops responding, and I have thousands of products I need to match. I am really new with VBA so I can't even figure out the problem.
Please help, thank you.
'Name function and arguments
Function SearchChars(lookup_value As String, tbl_array As Range) As String
'Declare variables and types
Dim i As Integer, str As String, Value As String
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, cell As Variant
'Iterste through each cell
For Each cell In tbl_array
'Save cell value to variable
str = cell
'Iterate through characters
For i = 1 To Len(lookup_value)
'Same character?
If InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) > 0 Then
'Add 1 to number in array
a = a + 1
'Remove evaluated character from cell and contine with remaning characters
cell = Mid(cell, 1, InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) - 1) & Mid(cell, InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) + 1, 9999)
End If
'Next character
Next i
a = a - Len(cell)
'Save value if there are more matching characters than before
If a > b Then
b = a
Value = str
End If
a = 0
Next cell
'Return value with the most matching characters
SearchChars = Value
End Function
EDIT (post seeing the data): The following should be notably faster (as well as notably simpler)
'Name function and arguments
Function SearchChars(lookup_value As String, tbl_array As Range) As String
'Declare variables and types
Dim inLenMatched%, vnVal, varLookupValues()
'Puts lookup cell values into a array (to speed things up)
varLookupValues = tbl_array.Value
'Iterate through each lookup value
For Each vnVal In varLookupValues
'Ignore empty cells
If vnVal <> "" Then
'Does part number appear in filename?
If InStr(lookup_value, vnVal) > 0 Then
'Is this match the most complete match so far?
If Len(vnVal) > inLenMatched Then
inLenMatched = Len(vnVal)
SearchChars = vnVal
End If
End If
End If
Next vnVal
'Return match value (or 'No Match' if not matched)
If SearchChars = "" Then SearchChars = "No Match"
End Function
The above is just one off-the-cuff approach.
There are other (and quite possible faster) ways to approach this.
The most obvious step (regardless of method) to improving performance would be to limit tbl_array to only the rows with data (not the entire column).
Separately: Without knowing all possible cases, it's impossible to say for sure. But, in all probability, this can be done with Native excel functions, and (if so) that will deliver the best performance.
As said, minimizing the interactions with the sheet by assigning the range to an array will structurally make your macros faster.
Not tested but these minor changes in your code should help you on the right track:
Option Explicit
'Name function and arguments
Function SearchChars2(lookup_value As String, tbl_array As Range) As String
'Declare variables and types
Dim i As Integer, str As String, Value As String
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, cell As Variant
'Iterste through each cell => replace with array
'adapt to correct sheet
Dim arr
arr = tbl_array
For Each cell In arr 'tbl_array
'Save cell value to variable
str = cell
'Iterate through characters
For i = 1 To Len(lookup_value)
'Same character?
If InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) > 0 Then
'Add 1 to number in array
a = a + 1
'Remove evaluated character from cell and contine with remaning characters
cell = Mid(cell, 1, InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) - 1) & Mid(cell, InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) + 1, 9999)
End If
'Next character
Next i
a = a - Len(cell)
'Save value if there are more matching characters than before
If a > b Then
b = a
Value = str
End If
a = 0
Next cell
'Return value with the most matching characters
SearchChars2 = Value
End Function
I was trying to modify your existing code, but I found it easier to just rewrite it using what I consider to be a better structure. And After running the code over 26 columns & 432 rows, It only took 0.2 seconds to find the Closest Matching String.
I moved every value into an array.
I converted the lookup_value and the "cell values" into an array of bytes.
I compared the byte arrays to count matching "characters".
And then I return the string that had the highest number of matching "characters".
Sub Example()
Dim StartTime As Double
StartTime = Timer * 1000
Debug.Print SearchChars3("Toddleson", Range("A1:Z432"))
Debug.Print "Time Elapsed: " & Timer * 1000 - StartTime & " ms"
'Time Elapsed: 171.875 ms
End Sub
Function SearchChars3(lookup_value As String, tbl_array As Range) As String
Dim ClosestMatch As String, HighestMatchCount As Integer
Dim tbl_values() As Variant
tbl_values = tbl_array.Value
Dim LkUpVal_Bytes() As Byte
LkUpVal_Bytes = ToBytes(lookup_value)
Dim Val As Variant
For Each Val In tbl_values
If Val = "" Then GoTo nextVal
Dim Val_Bytes() As Byte
Val_Bytes = ToBytes(CStr(Val))
Dim MatchCount As Integer
MatchCount = CountMatchingElements(LkUpVal_Bytes, Val_Bytes)
If MatchCount > HighestMatchCount Then
HighestMatchCount = MatchCount
ClosestMatch = Val
End If
SearchChars3 = ClosestMatch
End Function
Function ToBytes(InputStr As String) As Byte()
Dim ByteArr() As Byte
ReDim ByteArr(Len(InputStr) - 1)
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To Len(InputStr) - 1
ByteArr(i) = AscW(Mid(InputStr, i + 1, 1))
ToBytes = ByteArr
End Function
Function CountMatchingElements(Arr1 As Variant, Arr2 As Variant) As Integer
'As elements from Arr1 are found in Arr2, those elements are removed from Arr2, to prevent re-matching with the same elements
'To enable this feature, Arr2 is turned into a Collection
Dim Col2 As New Collection
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In Arr2
Col2.Add v
Dim MatchCount As Integer, i As Long
For Each v In Arr1
For i = 1 To Col2.Count
If Col2.Item(i) = v Then
MatchCount = MatchCount + 1
Col2.Remove (i)
Exit For
End If
CountMatchingElements = MatchCount
End Function
A further optimization could be to have a second version of the ToBytes function that directly outputs the values into a Collection. Then, you can change CountMatchingElements to accept a collection and it wont need to convert the second array into a collection.
I will leave that as an idea for you to experiment with.

Add cell address to dynamic array in VBA

I have a script wherein I loop through a 9x9 array and if a cell contains a 0, it will change the number such that the number is unique across the row, column and a 3x3 square within. Every time one such cell is found and changed, I want to add that cell location to an array so that if it comes to be that the number that replaced the 0 is not optimal, I can easily go back to that cell that was changed and try a new number. How do I do this?
Below is the code I have written so far and I have denoted my "pseudo-code" with three apostrophes (''')
that further explains what I want it to do.
The Check Function determines whether a number from 1 to 9 can be placed in the current cell based on the conditions I mentioned (Sudoku Rules).
It deals with recursion so let me know if I need to explain in a more clear manner.
Sub Solve()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, row As Integer, col As Integer, rw As Integer, cl As Integer, a As Worksheet, puzzle As Range, n As Integer, num As Integer
Dim startcol As Integer, startrow As Integer, check1 As Boolean, check2 As Boolean, check3 As Boolean, r As Integer, c As Integer, x1 As Double, y1 As Double, z As Boolean
Dim fillednums(1 To 9, 1 To 9) As String
Set a = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Puzzle")
Set puzzle = a.Range(Cells(4, 4), Cells(12, 12))
startcol = 4
startrow = 4
For row = startrow To startrow + 8
For col = startcol To startcol + 8
If a.Cells(row, col).Value = 0 Then
For num = 1 To 9
If Check(col, row, num) = True Then
a.Cells(row, col).Value = num
'''Add cell address to array
Call Solve
ElseIf num = 9 And a.Cells(row, col).Value = 0 Then
'''Go back one index of the array (fillednums) and use check() function for numbers greater than the one in the cell and up to 9
'''If that still doesnt work, go back to cell before this one that was changed and check again (recursively)
'''Call Solve() again to try new number
'a.Cells(row, col).Value = 0
End If
Next num
End If
Next col
Next row
End Sub
For the recursion, you can start with the first empty cell in the puzzle. For each possible value, pass the next free cell to the child to check for a solution. The process continues until a solution is found (assuming valid puzzle).
The main Solve function must return True or False so the parent knows if a solution has been found.
Function GetNextCell(cc) ' get next free cell in puzzle
GetNextCell = Cells(cc.Row, cc.Column+1) ' move next column
If (GetNextCell.Column = 13) Then ' go to next row
GetNextCell = Cells(cc.Row+1, 4)
End If
If GetNextCell.Row = 13 Then ' off the grid
GetNextCell = Nothing ' no more cells
End If
If GetNextCell <> Nothing And GetNextCell.Value <> "" Then
GetNextCell GetNextCell(GetNextCell) ' skip filled cells
End If
Function Solve(cc) as Boolean
' we only care about our single cell
For num = 1 to 9 ' all possible values for this cell
cc.Value = num
If Check(cc.column, cc.row, num) Then ' so far so good
NextCell = GetNextCell(cc) ' get next cell for child to process
if NextCell = Nothing Then ' no more cells and current values work
Solve = True ' puzzle solved
Exit Function
Else ' call child with next cell
If Solve(NextCell) Then ' did child solve puzzle ?
Solve = True ' puzzle solved
Exit Function
End If
' Child could not find solution based on current values
End If
End If
cc.Value = "" ' No solution found at this point, must revert back to parent to try next value
Solve = False ' no solution found
End Function
Solve(GetNextCell(Cells(4,3))) ' first empty cell in block, must return true

Adding numbers in a column

I have written this code to add numbers in a column. It is not adding the last cell.
For example if there are three numbers 1, 2 and 3 it will sum up 1 and 2 and ignore value in third cell. When there is a fourth number 1, 2, 3 and 4 it adds 1, 2 and 3.
Sub add()
Dim Rng As Range, a As Integer
Set Rng = Range("b2", Range("b2").End(xlDown))
Counter = Rng.Count
a = 0
For i = 2 To Counter
a = a + Cells(i, "B").Value
Next i
ActiveCell.Value = a
End Sub
Let's say the Counter = Rng.Count gives 4, and you start your i = 2 (possibly to keep title of your column). Your code will not print 4 digits, because you start loop from 2.
The counter should look like this:
Counter = Rng.Count + 1
and it will work
It is because .End(xlDown) - it works like CTRL + downarrow, and ends on the last not empty, or first not empty cell in the column. That's why when you delete value in specific row it will "break" the range. If you want to scan all rows, no matter if it's empty or not use the loop from the first row, and you will get the sum of the whole column range (starting from row 2 of course):
Sub SumWholeColumn()
'give the sum of all numbers in column B, starting from B2
Dim i, a As Long
Dim column, addr As String
a = 0
column = "b"
For i = 2 To Rows.Count
addr = column & i
a = a + Cells(i, "B").Value
Next i
ActiveCell.Value = a
End Sub
If your range is fixed, you can speed up the calculation process by setting the range manually. Otherwise it will scan ALL rows. For example if you know, that your random numbers will not exceed row 1000, then you can use something like this:
Sub SumWholeColumn()
'give the sum of all numbers in column B, starting from B2
Dim i, a As Long
Dim maxRows As Integer
Dim column, addr As String
a = 0
column = "b"
maxRows = 1000
For i = 2 To maxRows
addr = column & i
a = a + Cells(i, "B").Value
Next i
ActiveCell.Value = a
End Sub
Well I think that at the first time I did not understood your point then, I thought you would like to paste numbers in column B from 0 to the last row, starting from the B2 address. If so - this will work:
Sub add()
Dim i, a As Long
Dim column As String
Dim addr As String
a = 0
column = "b"
For i = 2 To Rows.Count
addr = column & i
ActiveSheet.Range(addr).Value = a
a = a + 1
Next i
End Sub
but today I realised that your title "Adding numbers in a column via Excel VBA
" is wrong and probably you are trying to achieve something else (because you are trying to give some value in ActiveCell?) and if so, please correct me:
you have actually some numbers in column B, and you would like to give in the ActiveCell the sum of all those numbers? The answer for this will be:
Sub SumAll()
'give the sum of all numbers in column B, starting from B2
Dim Rng As Range
Dim a, i As Long
Set Rng = Range("b2", Range("b2").End(xlDown))
Counter = Rng.Count + 1
a = 0
For i = 2 To Counter
a = a + Cells(i, "B").Value
Next i
ActiveCell.Value = a
End Sub
You need to use "a" as Long, because Integer is up to 2147483647 and if you fill all rows in the column, starting from 0 and iterate the number by 1 to the last row, and sum the values it will give you 2147319811 - out of the Integer scope.
i value can be Integer (not Long as in my example), because "i" max value will not exceed the scope (Workbook rows are limited to 1048576). You can safely change i to Integer and save some KB's of memory :)

Coloring Excel rows

So i found this script on this site to color rows with the same cell-data and change the color when the celldata changes and it seems to work just fine, but i have two minor issues
It seems to only apply to the first 900 rows (I have an excel list with 8000+ rows)
It colors the entire row, is there a way to make it only color a certain part of the row?
Thanks in advance! here's the script:
Public Sub HighLightRows()
Dim i As Integer
i = 2 'start at 2, cause there's nothing to compare the first row with
Dim c As Integer
c = 2 'Color 1. Check for color indexes
Do While (Cells(i, 1) <> "")
If (Cells(i, 1) <> Cells(i - 1, 1)) Then 'check for different value in cell A (index=1)
If c = 2 Then
c = 37 'color 2
c = 2 'color 1
End If
End If
Rows(Trim(Str(i)) + ":" + Trim(Str(i))).Interior.ColorIndex = c
i = i + 1
End Sub
Try this:
Public Sub HighLightRows()
Const START_ROW As Long = 2 '<< use a Constant for fixed values
Const VALUE_COL As Long = 1
Dim rw As Range, emptyCells As Long, i As Long, currentValue, tmp
Dim arrColors
arrColors = Array(37, 2)
Set rw = ActiveSheet.Rows(START_ROW)
currentValue = Chr(0) 'dummy "current value"
Do While emptyCells < 10 'quit after 10 consecutive empty cells
tmp = rw.Cells(VALUE_COL).Value
If Len(tmp) > 0 Then
If tmp <> currentValue Then
i = i + 1
currentValue = tmp 'save the new value
End If
'assign the color to a specific set of cells in the row
' starting at cell 1 and 5 columns wide
rw.Cells(1).Resize(1, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = arrColors(i Mod 2)
emptyCells = 0 'reset empty row counter
emptyCells = emptyCells + 1 'increment empty row counter
End If
Set rw = rw.Offset(1, 0) 'next row
End Sub
It looks like the code only evaluates if the cell is the same as the cell above it. Conditional formatting, as John Coleman said, would be more effective. With it values in the whole column can be evaluated instead of just adjacent ones. And, if I'm not mistaken, there's a setting to look for dup values since Excel 2007, so there doesn't have to be some kind of formula kung-fu to do it.
Unless I'm missing something, it's as simple as Conditional Formatting -> Highlight Cell Rules -> Duplicate Values.
