Connect to swipe signal in GNOME St - gnome

Trying to connect a StButton to a swipe signal, I get an error:
JS ERROR: Extension Error: No signal 'swipe' on object 'StButton
However, I can see the signal among Clutter Actions
Maybe it is not supported yet? O should I use another kind of StWidget to connecting to swipe signal?

StWidget is a ClutterActor which has no swipe signal.
The signal you want to connect to is on a ClutterSwipeAction so you probably want to create a new one, connect to the swipe signal on that object, then add the action to the actor.


how to replace mousemove event to my robotmove event

I have a desktop robot device, which connects to a web browser(chrome) using ble(Bluetooth low energy), I have created a custom event in js code to catch some motion values when the robot moves.
but in pixijs all events are base on mouse move, how can I extend it to adapt my scenarios.
I think that you would need to create your own version of InteractionManager as a plugin, and modify that method addEvents(). You would need to listen to your custom event which is fired when the robot moves.
// instead of:
self.document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onPointerMove, true);
// do like this:
self.document.addEventListener('my_custom_robot_move', this.onPointerMove, true);
Normally the InteractionManager is registered here: - so you would need to call something like this at beginning of your js code (just after the pixi scripts are loaded probably):
Renderer.registerPlugin('interaction', MyInteractionManager);

Lync 2013 SDK - Join Conference & Connect AVModality when "Join meeting audio from" setting set to "Do not join audio"

I'm rather new to the Lync 2013 SDK (been using it for a couple weeks now) and have been able to figure out mostly everything I need except for this...
When I'm joining a conference (using ConversationManager.JoinConference()) it joins fine. However, in certain cases (not all), I want to then connect the AVModality on the conference. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just sits in "Connecting" and never connects (even though I've called EndConnect).
What I've found is the setting in Skype's Options -> Skype Meetings -> Joining conference calls section, seems to override my code. Maybe a race condition?
When the setting is "Do not join audio" and "Before I join meetings, ask me which audio device I want to use" is NOT CHECKED (meaning I get no prompt when joining): the conference joins, the AVModality goes Disconnected -> Connecting -> Disconnected. Then my code triggers a BeginConnect and the AVModality goes Disconnected -> Connecting - and never resolves (sometimes I get a fast busy tone audio sound).
When the "Before I join meetings, ask me which audio device I want to use" IS CHECKED (meaning I get the prompt): the conference joins, the prompt asks how to connect, if I select Skype for business - it connects audio fine (expected). Interestingly, if I hang up the call using the Lync UI (AVModality goes to Disconnected), it then immediately connects back again (assuming my BeginConnect doing this).
Here's where it gets really convoluted:
If I call BeginConnect when the state is Connecting on the AVmodality within the ModalityStateChanged event handler... the following happens:
Conference joins, prompt asks me how to connect (AVmodality state is "Connecting" at this point until a decision is made on the prompt) - this means my BeginConnect fires. Then if I choose "Do not join audio" in the prompt... the AVModality status goes Connecting -> Disconnected -> Connecting -> Joining -> Connected. So - my BeginConnect is already in progress and still works in this case so long as it fires BEFORE the selection of "Do not join audio".
So I'm wondering if the "Do not join audio" selection (whether with or without the prompt) actually sets some other properties on something which prevents the AVModality from being connected after that point without doing some additional hocus pocus? If so - I'd like to know the additional hocus pocus I need to perform :)
Thanks for any and all help!
It's come down to this... whether the conference joining does join the audio or not - I've handled every scenario except one, which I still can't figure out:
1. I need the conference audio to be joined, but the user selects to NOT join the audio (either on the prompt, or from the Skype options settings).
In this case - I have added an event handler to the modality state change event, and when the NewState == Disconnected, I trigger a BeginConnect on the modality itself. This works fine. Within the callback, I have the EndConnect call. However - the AVModality state continues to stay in "Connecting" and never resolves to being connected. On the UI - it shows the audio buttons, but all grayed out (like normal when it's connecting). I'm not sure how to make it finish connecting?
Here's a snippet of code:
if (merge)
myHandler = delegate (object sender1, ModalityStateChangedEventArgs e1)
AVModality avModality = (AVModality)sender1;
Globals.ThisAddIn.confConvo = avModality.Conversation;
if (e1.NewState == ModalityState.Connected)
avModality.ModalityStateChanged -= myHandler;
if (e1.NewState == ModalityState.Disconnected)
object[] asyncState = { avModality, "CONNECT" };
avModality.BeginConnect((ar) =>
}, asyncState);
avModality.ModalityStateChanged -= myHandler;
For some reason, I'm not able to add a comment right now...
I tried setting the endpoint as you suggested. However, I get an ArgumentException error "Value does not fall within the expected range." So I tried hardcoding the uri value in the CreateContactEndpoint to "" (except real value of course) - and got the same ArgumentException error. I added a breakpoint before this and was able to see the value for the avModality.Endpoint - and it is actually set to me the entire time... it's not null or unset when I'm trying to call BeginConnect.
When JoinConference() is invoked audio modality will be connected even without explicitly invoking BeginConnect().
When prompt asking for audio device selection is shown(when ask before join option is set in skype) conversation property ConferenceEscalationProgress will be having value AwaitingJoinDialogResponse.
Setting conversation property ConferenceJoinDialogCompleted as true will initiate Modality connection even though the prompt is not closed.
If do not join audio is selected, modality will be disconnected, at this point you are trying to invoke BeginConnect(). Try setting modality endpoint before invoking BeginConnect().
conversation.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo].Endpoint = lyncClient.Self.Contact.CreateContactEndpoint(lyncClient.Self.Contact.Uri);

How to monitor keyboard events from X11

I know there has been a few of these, but a lot of the answers always to have a lot of buts, ifs, and you shouldn't do that.
What I'm trying to do is have a background program that can monitor the keyboard events from X11. This is on an embedded device, and it will have a main app basically running in something like a kiosk mode. We want to have a background app that manages a few things, and probably a back doors hook. But this app generally will not have focus.
I can't use the main app, because its partially there for a fail safe if the main app ever fails, or to do some dev type things to bypass the main app.
The best question I found is a few years old, so I'm not sure how up to date it is. This was extremely easy to do with windows.
X KeyPress/Release events capturing irrespective of Window in focus
The correct way for doing that is using Xlib. Using this library you can write code like this:
while (1) {
XNextEvent(display, &report);
switch (report.type) {
case KeyPress:
if (XLookupKeysym(&report.xkey, 0) == XK_space) {
fprintf (stdout, "The space bar was pressed.\n");
// This event loop is rather simple. It only checks for an expose event.
// XNextEvent waits for an event to occur. You can use other methods to get events,
// which are documented in the manual page for XNextEvent.
// Now you will learn how to check if an event is a certain key being pressed.
// The first step is to put case KeyPress: in your switch for report.type.
// Place it in a similar manner as case Expose.
Also you could use poll or select on the special device file that is mapped to your keyboard. In my case is /dev/input/event1.
If you have doubts about what's the special file mapped to your keyborad, read the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log (search for the word keyboard).
Here you have another link of interest: Linux keyboard event capturing /dev/inputX

Android Bluetooth sample, device list activity causes app crash when no device is picked

If I select a device to connect from the device list activity, the code runs fine.
However, if I choose not to connect and press back button or click any other screen but not the device list activity to dismiss the pop up list activity, my app would crash.
the following is the error that I got
10-29 17:02:02.235: E/AndroidRuntime(12852): java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=2, result=0, data=null} to activity {com.ensil.vastusyscontrolunit/com.ensil.vastusyscontrolunit.Main}: java.lang.NullPointerException
You can try bluetoothAdapter.stopDiscovery() method inside your onPause() method of the listActivity...It will help you.
When you click the button then response is send from DevicelistActivity class to BluetoothChat class through intent.If no any device is selected then it sends null through intent.That cause null pointer exception at run time.

How to stop sound/music in J2ME for S60

I am trying to stop sound when user exits the application by pressing Hang up key in Series 60. But the application goes to background and the sound still plays.
I want to stop the sound when user clicks the Hang up key of the device. I called the stop() method of Player. I also called the stop() method at hidNotify();
Player p;
The AMS calls (or should call) the destroyApp() method of the MIDlet when the user exits.
Try putting your p.stop() command in there. (And other clean-up code too).
