loadbalancer pricing in Azure - azure

Could you help me with understanding the pricing for loadbalancer in Azure. Here what I've found in manual https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/load-balancer/
Am I right, if I add several Frontend IP configurations, Backend pools and Inbound NAT rules only, without any Load balancing rules I'll be charged only for the amount of data processed? The reason I am asking is that I can't find what is "outbound rules" there is no such item in the settings.
And,in general, my aim is just to redirect ports from public IP to VM.

Yes, you are right. If you are creating only Inbound NAT rules, you will be charged only for the amount of data processed and the charge of the Public IP address resource which is attached to the LB.
Outbound rules are not visible in Portal. You can configure it via CLI or PowerShell. It is used in scenarios where you have VMs without Public IP which are part of Internal Load balancers and need to talk to Internet.


How to allow outbound traffic on internal load balancer

I have several machines in a backend pool associated with an internal load balancer. However, they currently do not have outbound access. The documentation seems to indicate that I should be able to create a public load balancer and attach the same backend pool with it so that I can have outbound access from those machines. However, when I create a public load balancer, I don't have the option of associating it with an existing pool, and when I try to create a new backend pool for the public LB I can't associate those machines with it. Neither machine has a public IP address. From the dashboard it shows:
where all the interesting info is cut off. What am I missing?
Even VM's in the backend pool of an ILB should have a default outbound IP. If you don't have outbound access have you checked the security group rules to make sure outbound traffic is allowed?
I'm afraid you can't do this on the same LB for both inbound & outbound traffic.
If you happen to use the Basic SKU, VMs behind the LB have internet
access as outbound connections are NAT'ed by Azure. But, all VMs have to be in the same AZ. This wasn't a great idea & we declined it
If you use a Standard SKU, outbound connections to the internet are not possible. We learned this after many failed & painful attempts. More details here
As discussed in the above link, attaching a public IP to each VM nic isn't a good idea either
What worked for us is to create another LoadBalancer specifically for outbound connections, attach public IP to that LB & configure outbound rules. More details here

Restrict inbound traffic to only come through Azure Load Balancer

Please can someone advise how to restrict access on port 80/443 to some Azure VMs, so that they can only be access via the public IP Address that is associated to an Azure Load Balancer.
Our current setup has load balancing rules passing through traffic from public IP on 80=>80 and 443=>443, to back end pool of 2 VMs. We have health probe setup on port 80. Session persistence is set to client IP and floating IP is disabled.
I thought the answer was to deny access (via Network Security Group) to internet (service tag) on 80/443. Then add rule to allow service tag (AzureLoadBalancer) on the same ports. But that didnt seem to have an effect. Having read up a little more on this, it seems the AzureLoadBalancer tag is only to allow the health probe access and not specifically inbound traffic from that load balancer.
I have also tried adding rules to allow the public IP address of the load balancer, but again no effect.
I was wondering if I need to start looking into Azure Firewalls? and somehow restrict access
to inbound traffic that comes through that?
The only way I can get the VMs to respond on those ports is to add rules to allowing 80/443 from any to any....
After reading your question, my understanding is that you have a Public load balancer and the backend VMs also have instance level Public IPs associated with them and hence direct inbound access to the VMs is possible. But you would like to make sure that the direct inbound access to VMs is restricted only via the load balancer.
The simple solution for you to achieve this is by disassociating the instance level public IP of the VMs, this will make the LB public IP as the only point of contact for your VMs.
Keep in mind that the LB is not a proxy, it is just a layer 4 resource to forward traffic, therefore, your backend VM will still see source IP of the clients and not the LB IP, hence, you will still need to allow the traffic at the NSGs level using as source "Any".
However, if your requirement is to enable outbound connectivity from Azure VMs while avoiding SNAT exhaustion, I would advise you to create NAT Gateway, where you can assign multiple Public IP address for SNAT and remove the Public IP from the VM. This setup will make sure that the inbound access is provided by the Public load balancer only and the outbound access is provided by the NAT gateway as shown below:
Refer : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/nat-gateway/nat-gateway-resource#nat-and-vm-with-standard-public-load-balancer
You could also configure port forwarding in Azure Load Balancer for the RDP/SSH connections to individual instances.
Refer : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/load-balancer/manage#-add-an-inbound-nat-rule

Logical firewall between load balancer and VMs

I am currently trying to learn azure cloud, I have worked with AWS before so may be trying to carry over some concepts here.
I need to know how we can configure a logical firewall to allow traffic from an azure load balancer to and VMs(scale sets or backend pools)?
I was able to do this between different VMs by assigning the VMs to different application security groups and allowing respective traffic from those groups in the network security group. I found the service tag 'AzureLoadBalancer' as an option in NSG rules but it seems that is only for allowing traffic from healthprobes and not from actual load balancer (also there is no option to select a certain load balancer). In the end I had to allow traffic from the public ip of the load balancer to the VNET to get the load balancer to work.
I hope there is a logical way to do this and if there is I am not sure what I am missing here, would appreciate anyone who could help here.
Normally you wouldn't want to firewall traffic from the Azure Load Balancer as it's a load balancer so it needs to be able to reach your endpoints. I'm not quite sure on what you are trying to achieve here. You might be able to simply micro-segment your endpoints on different subnets and apply different NSGs (with different allow/deny rules) on the subnet level. Otherwise an actual firewall would be required between your Azure Load Balancer and endpoints if you need L7 inspection for example.

Azure Networking Control In/Out-Traffic for resources with private IPs

Please forgive my ignorance.
How can I control network traffic to a publicIP resource and send it to multiple different resources based on destination port?
I have setup some VMs that are configured with only private IPs in different subnets. All belong to the same Virtual Network. All these VMs have different services and I do not want HA as I do not need it and it costs money.
I just want all the services on these VMs to communicate out using the same single publicIP and I want to split incoming traffic to that same publicIP between my resources based on destination port.
Seems like a straight forward requirement right?
At first I though "this must be a task for the Load Balancer service" as it's operating at L4 and tried to set it up but I was not able to split inbound traffic on different ports to more than a single VM or a single availability set. I do not understand why you can only use Load Balancers NAT rules with a single VM or Availability Set.
I can probably delete/re-create all VMs (thank you Microsoft..) into a single availability set that only has 1 fault and 1 error domain but does this make any sense?
It just seems to me like a dirty workaround using availability sets in a way they are not meant to in order to solve a very basic thing.
Basically, you could create a public-facing Azure Load balancer then target the VMs or Availability Sets to the backend pools of this load balancer. What you need to do is to configure the load balancing rules and some health probes or inbound NAT rules for the backend services with ports forwarding.
Refer to the SO answer.
You would use NAT rule when you have 1 backend server or you know
which backend server to get to and load balancing rules when you want
to load-balance to multiple backend servers.
NAT rule must be explicitly attached to a VM (or network interface) to
complete the path to the target; whereas Load Balancing rule need not
be. In the latter case, a VM is selected (from the back-end address
pool or VMs) to complete the path to the target.
Additionally, Azure Load balancer supports two SKUs: basic and standard. Different SKUs support different backend pool endpoints. Read more details about Load Balancer SKU comparison.

Azure Load Balancer + NSG Rules - Remove Access Directly

I've got a networking question for one of my customers servers in the cloud.
We are using just a standard 2012R2 VM with a few endpoints set up through the NSG Firewall, and we have a LoadBalancer infront of the network with a few ports forwarded to the same VPC.
The reason we are using a load balancer with port forwarding is because I'm finding countless records of bots trying to hit 3389 and 21 with attempts to break in.
So I have tried to change the source setting in the NSG rule to AzureLoadBalancer with the hope that it will only allow access to traffic that has come via the LoadBalancer on the external ports.
But for some reason this is not the case?
Is there a proper procedure for restricting traffic to a VM via the NSG from a LoadBalancer?
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
The NSG can’t be associated with Load balancer, NSGs can be associated with either subnets or individual VM instances within that subnet, so we can’t use NSG to block inbound IP address from the internet.
To protect the VM (with a public IP), we can deploy Linux VM, use IP tables work as a firewall. Also you can search some third party firewall product in Azure Marketplace.
To protect your VM, you can use NSG to allow the source IP address range to access your VM. NSG->Add inbound security rule->advanced->source IP address range.
Looking a the LB troubleshooting doc:
You have:
-Also, check if a Deny All network security groups rule on the NIC of the VM or the subnet that has a higher priority than the default rule that allows LB probes & traffic (network security groups must allow Load Balancer IP of
If you create your NSG rule and only allow from you should be set. The Azure load balancer will always come from that address no matter what your frontend IP is.
