Parse dates with timezone - presto

This works correctly and return "2020-02-01 00:00:01.132 UTC". But if the time zone is part of parse_datetime function, it does not work.
select parse_datetime('2020-02-01 00:00:01.132000' ,'yyyy-MM-dd'' ''HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS');
Does not work:
select parse_datetime('2020-02-01 00:00:01.132000+5:30' ,'yyyy-MM-dd'' ''HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS''Z');
The error says malformed at "+5:30". How do I parse dates with timezone in athena?

select parse_datetime('2020-02-01 00:00:01.132000+05:30' ,'yyyy-MM-dd'' ''HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ');


Reformatting date values when using them as URL parameters in a PowerQuery API request

I have two dates in my Excel table with the following format: "dd-mm-yyyy". These dates need to be sent as URL query parameters to an API endpoint for getting some data using PowerQuery. However, the API endpoint does not accept dates in that format. Therefore, I need to convert them to the format "mm-dd-yyyy" instead for it to work.
For getting the values from my table, I use the following code:
let GetNamedRange=(NamedRange) =>
name = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name=NamedRange]}[Content],
value = name{0}[Column1]
This function, called "GetValue", is then called when inserting URL query parameters in my GET request:
Csv.Document(Web.Contents("my.api/leave/leavecsv", [Query = [periodStart = GetValue("periodStart"), periodEnd = GetValue("periodEnd"), department = GetValue("department")]]),[Delimiter=";", Columns=14, Encoding=1252, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None])
Currently the cells for my dates are in Text format. I tried using Date.FromText(...) to format the dates, but I get an error saying the datetime format is invalid.
How can I propertly format my date values before inserting them as URL query parameters using PowerQuery?
Ensure your dates are real dates and set to type date. then you can use the Date.ToText function:
theDate = #date(2022,12,7),
output = Date.ToText(theDate,"MM-dd-yyyy")
If, for some reason, you must maintain your dates as text strings (I'd like to know why, if that's the case), you can convert them first to a "real" date, and then create the string:
theDate = "13-12-2022",
output = Date.ToText(Date.FromText(theDate, "en-150"),"MM-dd-yyyy")
Make sure you pass in a culture and format. i.e.
Date.FromText([Column1], [Format="dd-MM-yyyy", Culture="en-UK"])

Convert string to date format in azure data factory using set variable

I have string date in set variable "20211222"
And I want to convert it into date like 2021-12-22.
And I have use this function in variable set dynamic content
#formatDateTime('20211222', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
But error occur In function 'formatDateTime', the value provided for date time string '20211222' was not valid. The datetime string must match ISO 8601 format
Is there any other function to convert this string "20211222" into date?
Actually the string '20211222' is already in the unambiguous format of YYYYMMDD and will always be interpreted this way. If you need to use this string input as a date, just do a cast:
SELECT CAST('20211222' AS date); -- 2021-12-22
If you wanted to formerly go from your text input YYYYMMDD to a text output of YYYY-MM-DD, then make a round trip:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), CAST('20211222' AS date), 120);
Function formatDateTime expects "a string that contains the timestamp".
formatDateTime('03/15/2018 12:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss')
You would have to manage to input in a timestamp format. The default format for the timestamp is "o" (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:fffffffK), which complies with ISO 8601 and preserves time zone information.
Please use the below logic:
#concat(substring(pipeline().parameters.Test,0,4 ),'-',substring(pipeline().parameters.Test,4,2),'-',substring(pipeline().parameters.Test,6,2))

Converting Issue date with download to CSV

I have a problem with the Function Module "GUI_DOWNLOAD" because of the date converting.
I want to get the date like I have it in my internal table but CSV (Excel) keeps converting it everytime.
The internal table contains the line like this: 12345678;GroupDate;2021-12-31;
The Output in the .csv-File should be "2021-12-31" but it keeps converting to "31.12.2021".
I also tried to put an ' (apostroph) before the date but the output will be '2021-12-31
Does anybode have an Idea ?
lv_conv = '2021-12-31'.
LT_FILE is a string table.
Thanks for the help.
Like Suncatcher and Sandra said the file is right but it is only the settings from excel which convert the date.
If the Output file won´t be needed for other purposes than showing the code could be something like this
The csv-Output would be a date like this 1960-01-01 but in the cell the value would look like =("1960-01-01").

Python format incomplete date to YYYYMM

As a start, I am extremely new at Python.
I am receiving an Excel file where the date field is incomplete. The value displays as "190808" (YYMMDD) instead of "2019-08-08".
Part of my automation attempt is to move the file to a different location, where the file is renamed. I want to use the date field to change the file name to the file description and date (e.g. "Sales figures 201908").
The code I have only works if the date format is
str(df['Bank date'][0].strftime("%Y%m"))
I have tried dateparser with the following:
dateparser.parse(df['Bank date'][0].strftime("%Y.%m"))
The error I am receiving is 'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'strftime'
Any help will do.
I modified it slightly and built my own date-string using slicing.
vOldDate = str(df['Bank date'][0])
vNewDate = '20' + vOldDate[:2] + '.' + vOldDate[2:4]
Numpy is interpreting the date as an integer. To use dateparser, you need to convert that value into a string first, then parse that string, and then format the result:
dateparser.parse(str(df['Bank date'][0])).strftime("%Y.%m")
Since the input format is expected, you should specify it to ensure you get the right date:
>>> dateparser.parse(str(190808), date_formats=['%y%m%d']).strftime("%Y.%m")

Datetime parse exception in C#

I have tried all the ways, however not sure why the string date is not getting converted to datetime.
string windowsTime = "2/21/2009 10:35:14 PM"
DateTime time = DateTime.ParseExact(windowsTime, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", null);
I used, DateTime.Parse, ParseExact, Convert.ToDatetime.
But nothing is working, I am getting "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.".
can somebody advise what am I doing wrong ?
Since the month has only one digit this is correct M.
You also have to use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture instead of null(means current-culture). Otherwise all / will be replaced with the actual date separator of your current culture( for me de-DE it's .):
DateTime time = DateTime.ParseExact(windowsTime, "M/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Custom date and time format strings: the "/" Custom Format Specifier
as specified in the MSDN
"MM" The month, from 01 through 12. More information: The "MM" Custom
Format Specifier.
Custom Datetime
