Selenium Warning DEPRECATION while running ruby watir automation test script - watir

Facing issue with Ruby watir.
script run successfully but showing the deprecated error in console.
Error in Consoloe
Selenium::Webdriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError is deprecated. Use Selenium::Webdriver::Error::ElementNotInteractableError instead.
Script uses only this:
it "Should verify elements on exclusion refinement pop-up" do
#expect(#b.text.include?'Markets').to eq(true)
expect(#b.text.include?'Movement').to eq(true)
expect(#b.text.include?'los Movement').to eq(true)
expect(#b.text.include?'(Prepaid)').to eq(true)


How do I set up the logging for solana-test-validator?

I am following along here -
I have included this line in .bashrc
export RUST_LOG=solana_runtime::system_instruction_processor=trace,solana_runtime::message_processor=info,solana_bpf_loader=debug,solana_rbpf=debug
When I deploy a program to solana-test-validator and call the function the program completes sucessfully however the msg! calls in the rust program are not printing in the console.
I am getting command not found error for below. Do I have to configure the github cargo registry?
solana_runtime::system_instruction_processor=trace,solana_runtime::message_processor=info,solana_bpf_loader=debug,solana_rbpf=debug: command not found
To see the msg! calls, you can use the solana logs tool, pointed at your local validator, by opening up another terminal and running:
solana logs --url localhost
Check out for the full info on how to use it.

Event Hub has been Shutdown on Fabric Writing your first Application

I am currently trying to run through the example first application for Hyperledger Fabric here ->
I am unable to get past calling node invoke.js
Originally I was getting the same error as this question Error invoking chaincode using Node.js SDK [TypeError: Cannot read property 'getConnectivityState' of undefined]
But after reverting to grpc#1.9.1 I get the following result:
I am able to do everything up to the node query.js method and that returns successfully but can't quite get past this.
Node version: 8.11.1
Docker Version:
fabric client section of package-lock.json
FYI: I am trying to run on Windows 10 mostly using the docker toolbox bash, or a separate git bash CLI.
Last piece of info!
Even though the invoke js command fails with the above error, I can see that the PUT command to couch db does go through and car10 has been successfully added.
If I check the docker logs for I see the following:
So did it actually work?

Cypress CLI console output not very readable

I'm running cypress tests headlessly and would like the console output to be a little more readable. Currently, I get a very messy output as seen below. According to the documentation it should be using the Mocha SPEC reporter layout. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to make this output readable?
I'm running ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run
Started video recording: ←[36mC:\code\website\ui\cypress\videos\vf7hm.mp4←[39m
←[90m (←[4m←[1mTests Starting←[22m←[24m)←[39m
←[0m My First Test←[0m
←[32m ΓêÜ←[0m←[90m Gets, types and asserts←[0m←[31m (18965ms)←[0m
←[92m ←[0m←[32m 1 passing←[0m←[90m (21s)←[0m
←[32m (←[4m←[1mTests Finished←[22m←[24m)←[39m
←[37m - Tests: ←[39m←[32m1←[39m
←[37m - Passes: ←[39m←[32m1←[39m
←[37m - Failures: ←[39m←[32m0←[39m
←[37m - Pending: ←[39m←[32m0←[39m
←[37m - Duration: ←[39m←[32m20 seconds←[39m
←[37m - Screenshots: ←[39m←[32m0←[39m
←[37m - Video Recorded: ←[39m←[32mtrue←[39m
←[37m - Cypress Version: ←[39m←[32m1.4.2←[39m
←[36m (←[4m←[1mVideo←[22m←[24m)←[39m
- Started processing: ←[36mCompressing to 32 CRF←[39m
- Finished processing: ←[36mC:\code\website\ui\cypress\videos\vf7hm.mp4←[39m ←
[90m(1 second)←[39m
←[90m (←[4m←[1mAll Done←[22m←[24m)←[39m
The messy output is because Cypress is using ANSI color escape characters to format the output, which your log viewer/console doesn't understand. You can disable the output of ANSI color control characters by setting the environment variable NO_COLOR:
NO_COLOR=1 cypress run
This was added in Cypress 3.0.0, released on 5/29/2018.
Could be two issues:
Cypress is using ANSI colors, Jenkins isn't configured to convert this.
To fix: Install a plugin like this:
Encoding may not be UTF-8 (although it looks like yours is, others may not be)
To fix:
Navigate: Manage Jenkins => Configure System => Global Properties
Add env variable:
I was getting same issue and also I was not able to add ANSI colors plugin to my Jenkins so I just added NO_COLOR=1 before test case run command like follows:
NO_COLOR=1 npx cypress run
Adding this code to my command solved my issue which is a simple way and you don't even need to add any other plugin as well.
From my knowledge, this is an issue specifically in Windows output in Cypress here:
This worked for me as well in jenkins CI
NO_COLOR=1 cypress run

Unable to remove module of node-red

I am having issues with node-red and can no longer run any flows, i am not sure what to do anymore.
i get the following error
Imported unrecognised type: mqtt-env-broker
Flows stopped due to missing node types. Check logs for details.
Tried to remove this module from the palette but get the following error, i am also unable to disable it
Failed to remove: node-red-contrib-mqtt-env
Error: Type in use: mqtt-env-broker
Check the log for more information
I have installed the node-red-admin and tried to remove it from command line, so i issued the following command
sudo node-red-admin remove node-red-contrib-mqtt-env/mqtt-env
i get the following error
404: Cannot DELETE /nodes/node-red-contrib-mqtt-env/mqtt-env
this is what i get when i ran the following command
node-red-admin list
Nodes Types State
node-red-contrib-mqtt-env/mqtt-env mqtt-env in error
mqtt-env out
node-red-dashboard/ui_audio ui_audio enabled
node-red/mqtt mqtt in error
mqtt out
The flows are stopped because they are trying to use a node type you have not got installed - or in this instance, it appears, is hitting an error when it tries to start
The runtime won't let you remove the node because it is referenced in your flow.
To fix this you need to delete any of the nodes referenced by this module from your flow. The name mqtt-env-broker suggests it is a configuration node rather than a regular flow node. Open the Configuration Nodes sidebar panel (from the drop-down menu) and look for any unknown config nodes. Double click on them and delete them. Once you've removed them, hit deploy and things should start working again.
You should then be able to delete the node module from your runtime.

mocha-phantomjs-core - slimerjs hangs without any error

Using mocha-phantomjs-core with slimerjs
I manage to run my tests successfully from CMD:
slimerjs mocha-phantomjs-core.js tests.html tap
Slimerjs window opens, I see the a browser window and all seems good, but the CMD doesn't finish (seems to wait for something). nothing is happening until I close the slimerjs window. I want to output the test result (using TAP reporter) as a file.
is that possible?
system.stderr.writeLine doesn't work on CMD or GIT bash... I've changed mocha-phantomjs-core.js fail function stderr to do stdout instead. now I get the error:
Likely due to external resource loading and timing, your tests require
calling window.initMochaPhantomJS() before calling any mocha setup
functions. See #12
So I had to add window.initMochaPhantomJS() before the setup function.. how silly! all this because I couldn't see any error due to the stderr issue not printed
