How to Secure REST API with API Keys - node.js

My architecture consists of a front end server and a backend/API server. The API is accessible to the end user, however I want the front end server to be able to access certain routes of the API that aren't accessible to the end user (higher privilege).
This question has 2 parts:
(1) I need to use API keys for the end user. What's the best practice to do this?
(2) How does the front end play into the API Key system? The client will need to log into their account to access these elevated privileges available from the front end. (such as enabling webhooks)
My application is hosted on Google Cloud App Engine Standard env and I'm using node.js 10. It would be awesome if anyone had any suggestions relating to this architecture.
I know this question is somewhat general but I've spent a few hours looking around online and my question isn't so much how to use API keys, nor how to authenticate frontend, but rather: what is the best practice to do these two together?

JWT ( can help with this. You can include API key as well as JWT in the request header. Some services accept API key as a URL parameter but putting such sensitive data in header is a better approach.
JWT can be stored in the cookie when the user authenticates and can be transferred with the request to the server.
The server can use API key for authenticating and decode this JWT using the key available in the server environment for authorizing access as decoding this JWT can reveal the type of user and hence aid is figuring out what level of access is required.
A straight-forward approach used with multiple variations. You can start with the basic version and keep adding layers/features progressively.


Ways to secure API that do not require authentication, to be called only from one pre-defined consumer

I have currently developed a backend app that has some important functionalities. I want to consume my backend endpoints from my frontend but I want to be sure that only my fronted calls the backend endpoint and no other. Currently anyone that access my web-app can take advantage of the functionalities (I do not require any user registration or authentication).
How can I be safe that my backend is not being called form other possible malicious attackers that may try to steal the functionalities of my backend?
I have read some other posts regarding solutions how to secure a backend app that do not require user authentication but none has a precise and secure way for that. Some say enabling CORS but during my experience I can say that CORS can be manipulated easily with the help of a simple browser plugin. (not speaking about mobile apps that do not consider it at all)
I would really appreciate if I would have some opinions in case of a web-frontend-app, mobile app and other backend systems that would try to call my API and how can I stop them.
Typical front-end authentication would be best (OpenID, ...).
If you want something different, you could check on your backend whether a specific header with a specific token is sent in the query. If it is not then you send back a 401 HTTP code.
This requires that your customers somehow get that token (through some registration process, probably) and then keep it long-term (it can be stored in LocalStorage but can be lost when cleaning up the browser)
OWASP Authentication is a good source of information.

Restrict usage of Heroku app by Authentication?

I developed my Heroku app that exposes APIs only (no UI) and it works fine.
But how can I restrict the APIs to certain authorized/authenticated users only?
I absolutely need an authentication layer to protect the app APIs and prevent unauthorized accesses. A sort of login(user, psw) call to use before an external system can start invoking my API.
But I don't find any reference in the docs, it only says that these are the main security best practices:
Heroku SSL
Force the use of HTTPS
Trusted IP Range
Any idea?
That's something you'll need to implement at the application layer and not something that Heroku provides. At it's simplest you could implement basic auth in your app so that the user would pass them with their request, a more complex solution would involve user accounts and oauth etc etc.
You could implement all the authentication logic directly in your app.
Alternatively, take a look Auth0, which basically provides you with authentication and identity management as a service. You can easily add Auth0 to your Heroku app as a free add-on via the Heroku Elements marketplace.
They have lots of different use-cases and associated walk-throughs, and they offer a very generous free-tier.
From your requirements, it sounds like you might want to look at Auth0 Machine to Machine applications, using the OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant. With that, your external system(s) would basically need to authenticate with Auth0 using a Client Id and Client Secret (that you could generate in Auth0 and supply to them). Then, they would access your API with a JWT that you could easily validate in your app (Auth0 will provide you with generated code in many different languages for you to do that very easily). Your API will then reject requests without a valid JWT (by sending a "401 Unauthorized" response).
This may all sound a little intimidating at first, but it's really worth going through the relevant Auth0 "quickstart". They really go out of their way to try to make it as easy as possible!

socketcluster jwt auth using token generated on another server

(Tom Vaga asked a similar question here but Luke's response didn't quite address what I'd hoped to accomplish... I'd comment there but don't have the points yet :-) Thanks! )
I've got a Slim server working well to register and authenticate users for our API, using JWT, allowing only 'authenticated' users to access certain api endpoints.
I'm now trying to setup a SocketCluster for various realtime messaging parts of the app, and I would like to restrict subscriptions to only authenticated users. I may be missing a part of the concept, but is it not possible to use the token-cookie set successfully by Slim to also authenticate to SocketCluster? (ideally using the built-in authentication process, and without having to call-back to the slim-api?) They're on different servers as sub-domains... Would I have to insert the same secret into the SocketCluster configuration somewhere?
Thank you!

api authentication with node.js

I'm going to create an API service for my clients to use. The api is gonna return some data that will be displayed to the customers using my client's website. The api does not need any kind of user data.
I was thinking to use an api key and use it to return the relevant data. But I want to make sure that only the customers using my clients website should be able to access the api.
My question is if I use the api in the front end and expose the api key anyone will be able to use the api from their browser. I don't want that to happen. How do I authenticate this? If that's not gonna work can I use the api from my server to client server? Even then how will I authenticate the server?
I'm using nodejs and express in the backend. Any ideas? Thanks!
This is a tricky thing to do; essentially restricting public apis. At the end of the day, the web page is going to be in the user's browser on their local machine. So if they can access it from their browser, then they can access them manually too. An API key is the best approach really, but this only acts as a deterrent more than access control. Pretty much any access control type you put into a browser can be mimicked outside the browser unfortunately.
If you want to go down the route of having users login to some extent you should look into json web tokens (jwt). This doesn't need to be on a user level, and can be on a sort of session level if you prefer. This however won't restrict the user accessing the apis directly.
If your API is public, without user authentication, then there is no way to restrict the access to it.
There are many workarounds like checking for referer or creating special tokens, but it will all be stored at client-side, and a malefactor can reuse it.
It all does not make sense in general. You have already exposed your API to your clients. Even if you create a working algorithm, a malefactor can simply run your website JavaScript methods to make it work. What are you trying to protect from?
If you to restrict the access to your API, then the most proper and efficient way is to make this API back-end, so that only your webclients at server-side have access to it.

Nodejs/ - api keys secure

I want do develop simple web app using Node.js ( Fullstack). I am using Passport as authentication middleware. I especially want that on my app users can login with Twitter account.
Are my API key and API secret that i define in config/production.js file "secure". Can someone see their value and misuse them ?
They are as secure as your server is. If someone breaks into your server, then it has full access to the source code and also the API keys.
If you trust your code to store passwords for databases, salts (e.g. for session cookies), etc, then you can trust it also for your API keys.
Please note that it's pretty standard to store API keys inside source/config files (in a non-publicly accessible folder - as would "public/" be, for example).
