I'm struggling to simultaneously run my Kivy app alongside a python script that is being locally imported.
Full python code
import Client # Locall import
import time
from threading import Thread
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
class MainWindow(Screen):
class SecondWindow(Screen):
class WindowManager(ScreenManager):#will manage navigation of windows
kv = Builder.load_file("my.kv")
class Sound(App):
def build(self):
return kv
def ipconfig(self,input_ip):
if len(input_ip) == 13:
print('Address binded!!')
Client.host = input_ip #Modify ip adress
print('Invalid input_ip')```
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Sound().run()#Kivy run method
Thread(target = Sound().run()).start()
Thread(target = Client.father_main).start()
Where the threading happens
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Sound().run()#Kivy run method
Thread(target = Sound().run()).start()
Thread(target = Client.father_main).start() #Client is locally imported
1.Only the kivy app runs but the father_main function fails to.
2.The only time father_main runs is when I close the kivy application.
3.If i try and remove the 'run()' from Sound(). I get TypeError: 'Sound' object is not callable and father_main immediately runs
4.If i only remove the parenthesis from 'run()' so it turns into 'run'. I get Segmentation fault (core dumped)
kivy does not encourage the use of time.sleep() and i still have no clue of what exactly your program is but here a solution.
create an on_start method (A method that runs when kivy app started) and add start the ipconfig method from there but you're going to start it asynchronously.
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
class Sound(App):
def on_start(self):
pool = ThreadPool(processes=1)
async_start = pool.apply_async(self.ip_config, ("value for ip_input here"))
# do some other things inside the main thread here
if __name__ == "__main__":
You need to run the App on the main thread. I would suggest something like:
def start_father_main(dt):
Thread(target = Client.father_main).start() #Client is locally imported
if __name__ == '__main__':
Clock.schedule_once(start_father_main, 10)
I haven't tested this code, but it should give you the idea.
I'm working through the Flasky tutorial from Miguel Grinberg's book Flask Web Development 2e and I've run into a snag with the end-to-end testing in Chapter 15. When I try to run the code I get a console message
* Ignoring a call to 'app.run()' that would block the current 'flask' CLI command.
Only call 'app.run()' in an 'if __name__ == "__main__"' guard.
followed by the browser reporting "Firefox cannot establish a connection..." This suggest to me that the test server is not starting.
Here's the code, from pages 231-233 of the book (the file is tests/test_selenium.py):
import threading
import unittest
from selenium import webdriver
from app import create_app, db, fake
from app.models import Role, User
class SeleniumTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
browser = None
def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
cls.browser = webdriver.Firefox()
except Exception as e:
if cls.browser:
cls.app = create_app('testing')
cls.app_context = cls.app.app_context()
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')
admin_role = Role.query.filter_by(permissions=0xff).first()
admin = User(email='john#example.com', password='cat', username='john', role=admin_role, confirmed=True)
cls.server_thread = threading.Thread(
'debug': 'false',
'use_reloader': False,
'use_debugger': False,
'host': '',
'port': 5000
def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
if cls.browser:
def setUp(self) -> None:
if not self.browser:
self.skipTest('Web browser not available')
def tearDown(self) -> None:
def test_admin_home_page(self):
self.browser.get('http://localhost:5000/') # fails here
self.assertRegex(self.browser.page_source, 'Hello,\s+Stranger!')
self.fail('Finish the test!')
How can I get a test server up and running from within the test code? (I putzed around with Flask-Testing for a few days before giving it up as unmaintained.)
ADDENDUM: Further experimentation has determined that the problem lies in the explicit call to app.run() conflicting with the Flask CLI's implicit call to app.run(), but without the explicit call the test server doesn't start.
I want to run this from the Flask CLI the same as my unit tests. This means I need to find a way to start the test server after the test database is populated, which happens after the test class's code begins to run. The CLI command code is:
#click.argument('test_names', nargs=-1)
def test(coverage, test_names):
"""Run the unit tests"""
import unittest
if test_names:
tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromNames(test_names)
tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests')
so running from __main__ would bypass the tests' load/run sequence.
I found a feasible solution using Timer
import unittest
from threading import Timer
Create two variables on top in your code
timer = None
myapp = None
class ApplicationTest(unittest.TestCase):
Now at the bottom of the file create main method and custom method of timer, I assume startTest as method name
In the main method you can call create_app and put it in global variable and use that myapp variable inside your selenium testing code
unittest.main() will manually trigger your test class and run the test cases one after one, unfortunately the test runs twice, I don't know why
def startTest():
if __name__ == '__main__':
timer = Timer(6.0, startTest)
myapp = create_app()
myapp.run(debug=True, threaded=True)
I am new to python and multiprocessing (Electronics background). I am writing an GUI application to communicate with micro controller over serial port. The interaction with user is through some buttons on the GUI, which sends some command on serial port to the MCU and displays data received from MCU in the same GUI(there can be data from MCU without any command being sent). I am using PyQt5 module and QT designer to design the UI. I converted the UI to py code using uic.compileUi. I am then calling this python file in my main code.
After reading through several documents and stack overflow posts I decided to use to QThreads for the application.
I am however facing issue with serial communication when being used inside thread (It works fine if used in a single main loop without threads).
My code is:
from PyQt5 import uic
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication,QWidget,QMainWindow #
from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QObject, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QThread
import serial
from GUI import Ui_MainGUIWindow
import sys
serialString = ""
def ClosePort():
# print("port closed")
def OpenPort():
#print("port open")
def sendFV():
def configSerial(port,baudRate):
global serialPort
serialPort=serial.Serial(port = port, baudrate=baudRate, bytesize=8, timeout=None, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE)
if not serialPort.isOpen():
class Worker(QObject):
finished = pyqtSignal()
dataReady = pyqtSignal(['QString'])#[int], ['Qstring']
def run(self):
print ("worker run")
if(serialPort.in_waiting > 0):
serialString = serialPort.read()
class GUI(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.obj = Worker()
self.thread = QThread()
def initUI(self):
#Form, Window = uic.loadUiType("TestGUI.ui")
#self.window = Window()
self.window = QMainWindow()
self.form = Ui_MainGUIWindow()
def onDataReady(self, serialString):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QCoreApplication.instance()
if app is None:
app = QCoreApplication(sys.argv)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
I get following error on line if(serialPort.in_waiting > 0):
File "C:\Users\...\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\serial\serialwin32.py", line 259, in in_waiting
raise SerialException("ClearCommError failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError()))
SerialException: ClearCommError failed (OSError(9, 'The handle is invalid.', None, 6))
I found this post talking about similar issue, but do know how exactly to implement the suggested solution in my code.
Also I get "kernel died" error multiple times when I run the code on spyder IDE. I added a check if I am creating multiple instances of QT application but that did not help.Running the code from anaconda command prompt works fine.
I have a webview that controlling the flask api.
The webview will have a button to start the flask server and a button to stop the server. That is why I have to use multiprocessing.Process to create a separate process for Flask. With that, I cannot access my pywebview.Window anymore. I want to use pywebview.Window to evaluate some javascript with pywebview.Window.evaluate_js() within the Flask process (of course it has to be the same pywebview.Window that I already created before open a new process for Flask).
Is anybody know how to accomplish this issue. I appreciate it!
Some sample code:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import os, sys, re, json, socket, sqlite3, base64, requests, webview
from flask_cors import CORS
class ServerFlaskApi:
def __init__(self):
self.app = Flask(__name__, root_path=Root_Dir)
self.app.add_url_rule("/", view_func=self.Default)
def Default(self):
return "Welcome to the Python Http Server for your Application!", 200
def PrintToWebViewConsole(self):
#Trying to use pywebview.Window here, of course WebviewWindow is not defined!!!
class WebviewApi:
def __init__(self):
self.server_thread = None
def StartServer(self):
self.server_thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=Run_Flask_Server, daemon=True)
def StopServer(self):
def Run_Flask_Server():
serverApi = ServerFlaskApi()
serverApi.app.run(host=Server_Host, port=Server_Port, debug=True, use_reloader=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
WebViewApi = WebviewApi()
WebviewWindow = webview.create_window(title="Server Monitor", url="view/main-gui.html", js_api=WebViewApi, width=550, height=750, min_size=(550, 750), resizable=False, on_top=True, confirm_close=False)
I'm still new in Python, so any suggestion is welcome!
Thank you in advance!
I guess I have to use Threading instead of Processing, since Thread is sharing memory and Process is not.
Also, for anybody who want to stop a Thread, here is a function to do that, not sure if this is a good way to do it, but it does the job for me:
def Kill_Thread(thread):
if not isinstance(thread, threading.Thread):
raise TypeError("Must be set as threading.Thread type!!!")
thread_id = thread.ident
res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(thread_id, ctypes.py_object(SystemExit))
if res > 1:
ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(thread_id, 0)
print("Exception raise failure")
I wrote simple program which has pyQt interface with 2 buttons (start and cancel). Start button runs some calculations in the background (by starting update function) and thanks to threading I can still use UI.
But the application crashes after 10sec - 2 minutes. UI just dissapears, program shutdown.
when I use pythonw to run app without console thread crashes after ~25 sec but gui still works.
import threading
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
import time
import os
class Class(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
#Some init variables
def initUI(self):
#some UI
def update(self,stop_event):
while True and not stop_event.isSet():
#gui button function
def initiate(self):
self.stop_event = threading.Event()
self.c_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.update, args=(self.stop_event,))
#Also gui button function
def cancelTracking(self):
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Class()
if __name__ == '__main__':
I dont know if I'm doing threading right. I found example like this on stack. I'm quite new to python and I'm using threading for the first time.
It is most likely due to calling a GUI function in your separate thread. PyQt GUI calls like setText() on a QLineEdit are not allowed from a thread. Anything that has PyQt painting outside of the main thread will not work. One way to get around this is to have your thread emit a signal to update the GUI when data is ready. The other way is to have a timer periodically checking for new data and updating the paintEvent after a certain time.
========== EDIT ==========
To Fix this issue I created a library named qt_thread_updater. https://github.com/justengel/qt_thread_updater This works by continuously running a QTimer. When you call call_latest the QTimer will run the function in the main thread.
from qt_thread_updater import get_updater
lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('Value: 1')
counter = {'a': 1}
def run_thread():
while True:
text = 'Value: {}'.format(counter['a'])
get_updater().call_latest(lbl.setText, text)
counter['a'] += 1
th = threading.Thread(target=run_thread)
========== END EDIT ==========
import threading
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
import time
import os
class Class(QtGui.QWidget):
display_update = QtCore.pyqtSignal() # ADDED
def __init__(self):
#Some init variables
def initUI(self):
#some UI
self.display_update.connect(self.guiUpdate) # ADDED
def update(self):
while True and not self.stop_event.isSet():
# self.guiUpdate()
self.display_update.emit() # ADDED
#gui button function
def initiate(self):
self.stop_event = threading.Event()
self.c_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.update)
#Also gui button function
def cancelTracking(self):
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Class()
# ex.update() # - this does nothing
if __name__ == '__main__':
The other thing that could be happening is deadlock from two threads trying to access the same variable. I've read that this shouldn't be possible in python, but I have experienced it from the combination of PySide and other Python C extension libraries.
May also want to join the thread on close or use the QtGui.QApplication.aboutToQuit signal to join the thread before the program closes.
The Qt documentation for QThreads provides two popular patterns for using threading. You can either subclass QThread (the old way), or you can use the Worker Model, where you create a custom QObject with your worker functions and run them in a separate QThread.
In either case, you can't directly update the GUI from the background thread, so in your update function, the guiUpdate call will most likely crash Qt if it tries to change any of the GUI elements.
The proper way to run background processes is to use one of the two QThread patterns and communicate with the main GUI thread via Signals and Slots.
Also, in the following bit of code,
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Class()
app.exec_ starts the event loop and will block until Qt exits. Python won't run the ex.update() command until Qt has exited and the ex window has already been deleted, so you should just delete that command.
Well, I am familiar with Qt, but when using PyQt, the syntax of signal/slot really confused me.
When using C++/Qt, the compiler will give you a hint where you are wrong about the signal/slot, but the PyQt default configuration doesn't give a hint about error. Is there a ways or such as debug trigger mode to enable PyQt to display more information?
the Code is as following:
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import time
class workThread(QThread):
def __init__(self,parent = None):
self.mWorkDoneSignal = pyqtSignal() ## some people say this should be defined as clas member, however, I defined it as class member and still fails.
def run(self):
print "workThread start"
print "workThread stop"
print self.emit(SIGNAL("mWorkDoneSignal"))
class MainWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self , parent = None):
def display(self):
print "dispaly"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
c = workThread()
d = MainWidget()
##In Qt, when using QObject::connect or such things, the return value will show the
## signal/slot binding is success or failed
print QObject.connect(c,SIGNAL('mWorkDoneSignal()'),d,SLOT('display()'))
In C++,the QObject::connect return value will show the signal/slot binding is success or not. In PyQt, the return value is True, but it doesn't trigger the slot.
My Question:
1) Is the signal shoud be a class member or instance member?
2) If QObject.connect 's return value can't give the hint of the binding is success or not, is there other ways to detect it?
I want to bind the signal/slot outside the signal sender and slot receiver, so I perfer to use the QObject.connect ways. But how can I write this correct, I tried the following ways,both fail.
First, you should really use new style signals with pyqt. In fact, QObject.connect and QObject.emit will not even be there anymore in PyQt5.
def __init__(self,parent = None):
self.mWorkDoneSignal = pyqtSignal()
This creates an unbound signal and assigns it to a instance variable mWorkDoneSignal, wich dosn't really have an effect. If you want to create an signal, then you really have to declare it on the class.
So if you didn't really create a signal here, then why did this call succeed:
The answer lies in the handling of old style signals by PyQt4:
The act of emitting a PyQt4 signal implicitly defines it.
For that reason when you connect a signal to a slot, only the existence of the slot is checked. The signal itself doesn't really need to exist at that point, so the call will always succeed unless the slot doesn't exist.
I tried the following ways,both fail.
The first fails because display (without parenthesis) isn't a valid slot.
The second succeeds. The reason it doesn't work is because you emit mWorkDoneSignal, but what you actually need to emit is:
Using new style signals, there's no way to mess things like this up:
from utils import sigint
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import time
class workThread(QThread):
mWorkDoneSignal = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self,parent = None):
def run(self):
print "workThread start"
print "workThread stop"
class MainWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self , parent = None):
def display(self):
print "dispaly"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
c = workThread()
d = MainWidget()