Task field that links to the originating transaction - netsuite

I have a custom task form that has a field which displays the transaction id (in this case a sales order)for the record the task was created in.
I would like to have this field be a hyperlink to that specific transaction but am lost on how to do this.
Is this possible?

In view mode on the task any records linked under the 'related records' tab are links to the respective record. This is automatic.
If you want on the main section you can add one with a user event script possibly coupled with a client event script.
In the Before Load user event script detect that a transaction is assigned and create a new field of type URL and use the N/url module to derive the url of the transaction.
If the user who needs the link is allowed to change the linked transaction then you could also add a client script that uses a fieldChanged event to update the value of the custom field added in the User Event script.
If you need the client script and want to eliminated duplicate code then you could set the value of the url custom field in the pageInit event of the client script (i.e. both the pageInit and fieldChanged events could use the same url resolution code.

The field must be of type List/Record pointing to a Transaction list, or an HTML type set using an <a href="url"> attribute.
I would advise against hard-coding links in the system though, and try to use the List/Record field type first.
Hope that helps! If not, feel free to comment back and I'll see what other help I can provide. If possible, please provide screenshots.


How can I trigger a NetSuite workflow on a Form Event (Client side event)

I want to trigger a NetSuite workflow when the user sets the value of a field, but I don't want to have them submit first. The Workflow state builder looks like it has useful options but I can't get it to work.
There's some useful looking blog posts around but a lot of them seem out of date.
Update - more info
My primary issue is this one: Restrict what customers an employee can see (NetSuite)
The hack I'm currently looking at is populating a custom Transaction Column Field that I've added to a custom Time Recording form. The idea is to load this field on the UI with only valid projects (not customers as well), and this I have been able to do.
The problem is I still (as far as I can tell) still need to populate the "Customer" field, which is mandatory; I'm also assuming that if I don't do that then any time that is recorded won't go against the project. I had thought that if the user selects the project they want then I can populate the customer field with that value. I hate this as an approach but I can't see how else to do it. I do have coding experience (including JavaScript) but haven't made the leap into SuiteScript yet.
You won't be able to do this in a Workflow, as they are currently limited to only work with body level fields and cannot modify Transaction Column Fields (aka sublists).
You should be able to achieve this with a Client Side Script though.
Source (Netsuite login required).
Sublist changes will be available for transactions in the 2018.1 release sometime in Feb/Mar.

NetSuite Record Creation Event

How can I change a field on a form when it is initially created, but not when it is later edited? I'm currently using a Client script and coding for this with the pageInit function, but I need to allow my users to manually change the field after it is initially created without the script overriding their changes.
Let me know if more details are needed for what I am exactly trying to accomplish.
As I mentioned in a comment above, I figured this out. Using the type parameter of the pageInit function, I can make events fire on page edit or page creation like this:
function pageInit(type){if(type == 'create'){//do stuff}else{//do other stuff}}

Suitescript - Hiding line fields during Sales Order/Invoice entry

I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to HIDE certain fields (such as costs) from certain Netsuite roles if they are not permitted to see costs.
I can prevent users changing sell prices without the proper authority with nlapiDisableLineItemField during PostSourcing and validateline etc...
But with cost fields, I'd like to HIDE them if the user does not have COST access. I realize I can do this by creating a separate form that does not include costs, but if I can hide information via the script, it means less duplication of effort down the track with other things I have in mind.
You can use a beforeLoad userevent script to hide body level fields (but, it is not possible to do the same for line item field, as there isn't any API on nlobjform to allow that. For sublist/lineitem fields You will have to write a client script validations or remove the field from the form like you have been already doing as you mentioned in your question).
In you beforeload user event script you get access to form and then use something like below to hide body level fields.
function beforeLoadEntryFunction(type, form)
if(nlapiGetRole() === 'NON_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_ID'){
For sublist/lineitem fields create a client script with code as
function clientScriptEntryFunction(type, form)
if(nlapiGetRole() === 'NON_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_ID'){
nlapiDisableLineItemField(SUBLIST_ID, LINE_FIELD_ID);
And in before load user event use form.setScript(YOUR_CLIENT_SCRIPT_ID) as you already have access to the form object.
Remember, client script should be a global client script
If your purpose is purely aesthetic, you can do a Client side onLoad script and hide the fields via jQuery, you can do a select by name which wouldn't change even on version upgrades.
The jQuery library is included on NetSuite.

update netsuite parent field via suitescript in view mode

I have scripts that react off of, for example, a client Recalc client event. For example, on my form I have a subtab that users may add or remove items from. Based on actions on this subtab (housing a child record of the parent) I would like a field on the parent to update (say to show a total from the children records).
As I was saying, these events seem to work fine if in edit mode but they do not work correctly in view mode. (even in view mode these child records have a "Delete" option at the end of each row in the subtab. This was provided by netsuite by default.
I wondered if anyone had any tips to best allow this parent field to update real time while in updating the subtab rows with the form in view mode.
You can make a custom field on the parent (header) whose value is determined by saved search. For instance, make a saved search that totals the line values by transaction. Be sure to make it filter by transaction in the Available Filters tab. Make the search public so everyone can use it.
Create the custom field that sources the total from the saved search. Make sure to uncheck the "Store Value" checkbox, as you don't want to store the data, you want to reference the search results. You do this on the Validation and Defaulting tab. You'll see a field for Saved Search there. Choose the search you created above.
As you remove/add/change lines on the transaction, the field updates accordingly. In essence, you don't need a single line of code to make this work - it's all in how you create the search and the custom field that references it.
I have a similar situation posted here.
The NetSuite team answered me by email, and it happens you can't really achieve this on the view mode: some API methods are not available. Their suggestion to my case (and I think it applies to yours too) was really to force a refresh on the whole page.
Of course, you can always achieve this accessing the DOM elements directly, but this isn't a best practice, as your code can stop working if these elements change on a version update.
I had the same problem, I'm not able to restrict on view or remove edit button. But, there was one alternative solution with workflows, you can deploy workflow on child record edit mode restrictions, then if the user clicks edit on view then the record will not be available to edit. This concern will apply to custom record as well.

How to set up an workflow in SharePoint to only work when a specific field is changed and not everytime the item is edited?

The issue is that everytime an item is edited/changed all the users who are set up to receive updates are notified. I need the workflow to run only when a specific field is changed disregarding the others. For example if my item contains these values (Customer Name; Acc#; Contact Person; Address;) - I need the workflow to work only when the Acc# is changed and only if it is changed, no metter how many times the other fields are changed.
A quick way to do it is to have the workflow store the value each time the it starts, then tell it to wait until the field != the stored value. This may not work in all cases, but it could be enough for your purposes.
You should create an event handler to run on your content type or library. You can then check the before and after properties of the fields you mention. Then use the event handler to initiate the workflow if required.
