'Delay until' finish time of 'Queue a new build' not working in Azure Logic App - azure

I'm triggering an Azure Logic App from an https webhook for a docker image in Azure Container Registry.
The workflow is roughly:
When a HTTP request is received
Queue a new build
Delay until
FinishTime of Queue a new build
See: Workflow image
The Delay until action doesn't work in that the queueried FinishTime is 0001-01-01T00:00:00.
It complains about the wrong format, so I manually added a Z after the FinishTime keyword.
Now the time stamp is in the right format, however, the timestamp 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z obviously doesn't make sense and subsequent steps are executed without delay.
Anything that I am missing?
edit: Queue a new build queues an Azure pipeline build. I.e. the FinishTime property comes from the pipeline.

You need to set a timestamp in future, the timestamp 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z you set to the "Delay until" action is not a future time. If you set a timestamp as 2020-04-02T07:30:00Z, the "Delay until" action will take effect.
I don't think the "Delay until" can do what you expect, but maybe you can refer to the operations below. Just add a "Condition" action to judge if the FinishTime is greater than current time.
The expression in the "Condition" is:
sub(ticks(variables('FinishTime')), ticks(utcNow()))
In a word, if the FinishTime is greater than current time --> do the "Delay until" aciton. If the FinishTime is less than current time --> do anything else which you want.(By the way you need to pay attention to the time zone of your timestamp, maybe you need to convert all of the time zone to UTC)

I've been in touch with an Azure support engineer, who has confirmed that the Delay until action should work as I intended to use it, however, that the FinishTime property will not hold a value that I can use.
In the meantime, I have found a workaround, where I'm using some logic and quite a few additional steps. Inconvenient but at least it does what I want.
Here are the most important steps that are executed after the workflow gets triggered from a webhook (docker base image update in Azure Container Registry).
Essentially, I'm initializing the following variables and queing a new build:
buildStatusCompleted: String value containing the target value completed
jarsBuildStatus: String value containing the initial value notStarted
jarsBuildResult: String value containing the default value failed
Then, I'm using an Until action to monitor when the jarsBuildStatus's value is switching to completed.
In the Until action, I'm repeating the following steps until jarsBuildStatus changes its value to buildStatusCompleted:
Delay for 15 seconds
HTTP request to Azure DevOps build, authenticating with personal access token
Parse JSON body of previous raw HTTP output for status and result keywords
Set jarsBuildStatus = status
After breaking out of the Until action (loop), the jarsBuildResult is set to the parsed result.
All these steps are part of a larger build orchestration workflow, where I'm repeating the given steps multiple times for several different Azure DevOps build pipelines.
The final action in the workflow is sending all the status, result and other relevant data as a build summary to Azure DevOps.
To me, this is only a workaround and I'll leave this question open to see if others have suggestions as well or in case the Azure support engineers can give more insight into the Delay until action.
Here's an image of the final workflow (at least, the part where I implemented the Delay until action):
edit: Turns out, I can simplify the workflow because there's a dedicated Azure DevOps action in the Logic App called Send an HTTP request to Azure DevOps, which omits the need for manual authentication (Azure support engineer pointed this out).
The workflow now looks like this:
That is, I can query the build status directly and set the jarsBuildStatus as
The code snippet above is automagically converted to a value for the Set variable action. Thus, no need to use an additional Parse JSON action.


Using If-Condition ADF V2

I have one Copy activity and two stored Proc Activity and i want to basically update the status of my pipeline as Failed in Logtable if any of these activities failed with error message details. Below is the flow of my pipeline
I wanted to use If-Condition activity and need help in setting the expression for it. For Copy activity i can use the below expression, but not sure about getting the status of stored Proc activity
#or(equals(activity('Copy Data Source1').output.executionDetails[0].status, 'Failed'), <expression to get the status of Stored Proc>)
If the above expression is true then i want to have one common stored proc activity that i will set in Add If True Activity to log the error details
Let me know if this possible.
I think you have overcomplicated this.
A much easier way to do that is to leverage a Failure path for required activities. Furthermore, SP would not be executed when Copy Data fails, therefore checking the status of execution of SP doesn't really make sense.
My pipeline would look like this:

How to record the timestamp of an XML request in SoapUI and use it in an assertion?

I have a test case in SoapUI NG Pro which has the following steps:
POST REST Request that starts a process
JDBC Request where I check that the process Start Date has been logged to a database table
Delay (to simulate the time it takes for the process to run)
JDBC Request where I check that the End Date and Duration have been logged to the table
I would like to capture the timestamp of the POST Request to use within my assertions in steps 2 and 4.
I have looked around online and some people have mentioned using Events while others have mentioned using a Script TestStep but I haven't been able to get either to work.
I can get the POST Response timestamp but am looking for the Request timestamp in particular. I also noticed that there is a timestamp in the Request Log but again I don't know how to access that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Its probably also worth mentioning that I am using JavaScript instead of Groovy.
You can add a Script Assertion for the Soap Request test step and add the below statement in order to show the time taken.
log.info messageExchange.response.timeTaken
If you want the above value to be accessible in other steps, then use below(which stores the value to test case level, so that it is easy to access the test case property in other steps of the same test case):
context.testCase.setPropertyValue('TIME_TAKEN', messageExchange.response.timeTaken.toString())
In the later steps, use Property Expansion to read the test case level property value
def timeTaken = context.expand('${#TestCase#TIME_TAKEN}') as Integer

Right way to delete and then reindex ES documents

I have a python3 script that attempts to reindex certain documents in an existing ElasticSearch index. I can't update the documents because I'm changing from an autogenerated id to an explicitly assigned id.
I'm currently attempting to do this by deleting existing documents using delete_by_query and then indexing once the delete is complete:
index='%s_*' % base_index_name,
However, the index is massive, and so the delete can take several hours to finish. I'm currently getting a ReadTimeoutError, which is causing the script to crash:
WARNING:elasticsearch:Connection <Urllib3HttpConnection: X> has failed for 2 times in a row, putting on 120 second timeout.
WARNING:elasticsearch:POST X:9200/base_index_name_*/type_a/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed&wait_for_completion=true&refresh=true [status:N/A request:140.117s]
urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='X', port=9200): Read timed out. (read timeout=140)
Is my approach correct? If so, how can I make my script wait long enough for the delete_by_query to complete? There are 2 timeout parameters that can be passed to delete_by_query - search_timeout and timeout, but search_timeout defaults to no timeout (which is I think what I want), and timeout doesn't seem to do what I want. Is there some other parameter I can pass to delete_by_query to make it wait as long as it takes for the delete to finish? Or do I need to make my script wait some other way?
Or is there some better way to do this using the ElasticSearch API?
You should set wait_for_completion to False. In this case you'll get task details and will be able to track task progress using corresponding API: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-delete-by-query.html#docs-delete-by-query-task-api
Just to explain more in the form of codebase explained by Random for the newbee in ES/python like me:
ES = Elasticsearch(['http://localhost:9200'])
query = {'query': {'match_all': dict()}}
task_id = ES.delete_by_query(index='index_name', doc_type='sample_doc', wait_for_completion=False, body=query, ignore=[400, 404])
response_task = ES.tasks.get(task_id) # check if the task is completed
isCompleted = response_task["completed"] # if complete key is true it means task is completed
One can write custom definition to check if the task is completed in some interval using while loop.
I have used python 3.x and ElasticSearch 6.x
You can use the 'request_timeout' global param. This will reset the Connections timeout settings, as mentioned here
For example -
es.delete_by_query(index=<index_name>, body=<query>,request_timeout=300)
Or set it at connection level, for example
es = Elasticsearch(**(get_es_connection_parms()),timeout=60)

Spring Integration:Is there a way to aggregate from "all" messages in a channel?

I want to write a batch which reads website access log files(csv file)from a path every day and do some analysis using spring integration.
this is the simplified version of the input csv file.
The access number per source ip and path is to be calculated after some filtering logic.
I made a input channel whose payload is the parsed log line,and a filter is applied,and finally an aggregator to calculate the final result.
The problem is what should be the right group release stragety,the default release stragety(SequenceSizeReleaseStrategy) does not work.
Also any of other spring integraion out of box release
MessageCountReleaseStrategy, MethodInvokingReleaseStrategy,
SequenceSizeReleaseStrategy, TimeoutCountSequenceSizeReleaseStrategy)
does not seem to fit my needs.
Or Spring integration assumed that a channel carries a message stream where there is no concept of "ending of message" and is not suitalbe for my problem here ?
You can write a custom ReleaseStrategy if you have some way to tell when the group is complete. It is consulted each time a message is added to the group.
Or, you can use a group-timeout to release a partial group after some time when no messages arrived.

Missing ETW EventSource table in Azure SDK 2.6

I'm trying to use ETW for logging with several custom EventSource classes in Azure SDK 2.6.
When testing locally with the compute/storage emulator, three of my custom WADMyEventXYZ tables show up; however, the final expected table "WADMyDataSets" never seems to be created. How should I determine what is causing this problem? I see no errors from the compute emulator when the debugger is attached and stepping through the code in the debugger shows that WriteEntry on the EventSource is definitely called. The other tables show up in SchemasTable in the developer storage account, but there is no entry there for WADMyDataSets.
I exported WADDiagnosticInfrastrureLogsTable into CSV and examined it in Excel and see the following messages that reference "MyDataSets":
Validating table MyDataSets; DiskMB:451; RequiredQuota:451 RetentionSeconds:7776000 Pri:2 MinQuotaMB:0 RunningTotal:3757
Table does not exist
table C:\Users\Caleb\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\b316f531-f673-4db3-ac1c-e4649e289871\WAD0104\Tables\MyDataSets does not exist, CreationDisposition = 4
Table MyDataSets does not exist, will create a new one
Delaying the creation of table MyDataSets until the schema is known
Later on:
Converted EventSource provider name "MyDataSets" to {74a2b9c9-0bd8-547f-6cad-453da47055be}
Matched task with query id MyDataSetsQuery and regex ^MyDataSets$ to source table MyDataSets
Registering query MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_XTableWadAccount:
Adding standard PkRk (MA) fields to 'MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets'
Successfully compiled the query 'MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets'
Added task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from MyDataSets - Partitions:-1 Pri:normal TSPolicy:start StoreType:Central Repeat:2147483647 Timeout:3600s Deadline:300s DelayRange:0.00
Later on:
No checkpoint found for task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount after time 2015-05-13T00:44:21.000Z; retry time out is 3600 seconds
First scheduled task for MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount is at 2015-05-13T01:44:00.000Z (plus a delay of 20s)
Later on:
Increasing query delay of task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from 20 to 40 seconds to introduce randomness to the upload schedule
Later on:
Starting scheduled task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from 2015-05-13T01:43:00.000Z to 2015-05-13T01:44:00.000Z; query delay 40 seconds
Table C:\Users\Caleb\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\b316f531-f673-4db3-ac1c-e4649e289871\WAD0104\Tables\MyDataSets does not exist
Ending scheduled task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from 2015-05-13T01:43:00.000Z to 2015-05-13T01:44:00.000Z in 1ms
The EventSource in question had one event on it:
public void DataSetLoaded(string traceActivityId, string userId, string reportCode, long timeToLoadMs)
Removing the fourth parameter "timeToLoadMs" resulted in the WAD event table showing up as expected. I tried changing the last parameter to a string, and it failed to show up again. Is there a documented limit on the number of parameters for an event method? I'm pretty sure I've seen samples that have four parameters.
I upgraded my web project to .NET 4.5.1 and now the WAD table shows up as expected (I had been running on just .NET 4.5 before this).
It would seem that there might be a bug with having 4 parameters on an EventSource event when using .NET 4.5.0.
As a side note, with 4.5.1, I now have the System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.SetCurrentThreadActivityId method which will let me get rid of manually including the CorrelationManager.ActivityId in my event output.
https://channel9.msdn.com/Series/ConnectOn-Demand/240 video released today says full support for Azure table logging for ETW eventsources.
