Pandas install or import in IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26 - python-3.x

I have installed the latest version of IBM SPSS Statistics(Version 26) which has pre installed python 3.4 and 2.7. i am trying to use version 3.4 python. i am able to import modules like pip , sys , os etc. i tried pandas the same way. i am unable to do so. getting error no module found. Hence going through our forum and IBM support did the following changes.
received the following error
1) tried pointing the site-packages via
import sys
# Assuming windows and standard python folder here.
2) changed the path in the settings of SPSS
3) Tried installing pip in the below folder as suggested in the forum but got message i have already installed the updated version.
C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\Subscription\Python3
4) following versions of python were installed
have tried what i could. Need your expertise help to fix the same which will help me to install/use modules needed for SPSS. Thanks.

This is going to be painful to explain, I'll do my best.
As far as I can tell, you're on windows. Usually when we need a new package, we just open cmd and type pip install xxx (assume you added python to path when installing it). The reason that this works, is because when you type pip install xxx in cmd, windows recognize pip to be a command because python path is in system variables. Windows know that I can execute pip install with this python path.
However for SPSS python (3.4), that python had a different path in the system. Thus when you only have the 3.7 or 3.8 python in path, windows cannot install package to you 3.4 python, and I'm not sure if you can have more than one python path in system.
In order to fix this, you need to first figure out what's the path to your 3.4 python, then in this page you can follow the instruction to remove your 3.7 or 3.8 python in path, and add your 3.4 path, then you can do pip install xxxx for whatever package you want
I did the same thing with a arcgis python distribution, hope this works for you. If the attached page does not work, just google add python path to windows and look for a instruction that works on you PC
Oh and the reason that you can import pip, sys and some other package but not pandas, is because python is 'battery included', it comes with tons of packages pre-installed for additional functionality, but pandas is not one of them.

Fixed it since my ananconda had version 3.7 .i created virtual environment and installed 2.7 python with anaconda package. Pointed SPSS to the 2.7 folder and was able to import pandas.


XGBoost module not found in site-packages. Imports but doesn't work. (mac OS)

I was able to install xgboost on my mac and have it so that I can import the module without any errors. However I cannot use it. When I try to import XGBRegressor. I get the following error :
cannot import name 'XGBRegressor' from 'xgboost' (unknown location).
Some of the support for this type of problem says that there may be more than one xgboost location, and that python is selecting the incorrect xgboost, however I have not been able to find how to fix this problem.
When I print the xgboost.__file__ location, it returns 'None'. However I know its in the site-packages folder in my python path.
I have python 3.9
Maybe this.
conda install -c conda-forge xgboost=0.6a2
Then, restart Spyder and re-run!

How to install graphics in python any version?

I am using Python 27 in windows and I needed to install some modules in it so using pip I installed matplotlib which worked fine but then when I tried installing graphics,it didn't work. I also googled where I found that Graphics can be installed for 3x version. I am using 2x version because I wanted to use Vpython as well which doesn't work for 3x version (atleast I found it is very difficult to use with Python 34). Then I tried using both the Python 27 and 34 and then tried installing modules in Python 34 but since matplotlib is already installed before,I am unable to install for Python 34.Also there is not module in Python 34. I just started using Python and I am having all these problems. Please anyone who could help me with it?
You could try this:
pip install
This command from official readme:
I don't know what is meant by "Graphics", but as far as VPython is concerned, see the detailed instructions at The old Classic VPython did not work with Python 3. The new VPython 7 works in a Jupyter notebook with any version of Python and outside a Jupyter notebook (for example, using IDLE or Spyder) with Python 3.5.3 or greater.
Also, for VPython questions it's better to post to the VPython forum, where there are many more VPython users who will see your question than if you post to stackoverflow:!forum/vpython-users
Open Command Prompt and type exaclty what shown in the image
To install the graphics package
pip install

add python3 library to python3.6 path

hello I'm new to python3 and python3.6, I usually use pip3 install to add old libraries to my python3 path.
I recently picked up python3.6 for managing my home servers with its asyncio functionalities however my python3.6 interpreter is unable to locate pwnlibs and am thus unable to reuse my old code.
I tried:
import sys
import os
import pwn
debugging results:
on python3.4 os.path.abspath(pwn.__file__) returns the correct path to the library
While sys.path.append is a valid means to add to your python path at runtime, you can't get the path from a module you have not yet loaded.
Instead you should install your packages using pip3 or in a specific location and add that to your path either at runtime or via the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
I would guess since you mentioned pip3 already however that you had the pwn package already installed when you tried with 3.4 and your install of Python 3.6 is not using the same paths as your Python 3.4 install. Try comparing your python paths from 3.4 with 3.6 by comparing the output from sys.path.
Lastly, just as a note, if you are using the pwntools package, it doesn't yet support Python 3, so if you are simply copying the folder, be aware it might not function correctly or at all.

Python ImportError no module named statistics after downloading

I'm trying to run my code and I don't know what specific package I need in order to get my import statement to work. Below is my header and I keep getting an error saying ImportError no module named statistics. I have looked at a bunch of different pages to see where I can download a solution, but I am trapped. I know my code works because I ran it on my schools lab. If anyone can help, that' be great!
Just note I am a beginner and am using Linux on my virtual machine with Python 2.7
import sys
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statistics as stat
Statistics "A Python 2.* port of 3.4 Statistics Module" (PyPI).
If you use 2.7.9, you will have pip installed, and pip install statistics within the 2.7 directory should install the module for 2.7 (I am not a pip or virtual machine expert, so might be slightly off.)
It comes pre-installed in python --Version 3. To import in python version 2 in Ubuntu, open Terminal and type
sudo pip install statistics
Enter your password and it will get installed.
Ps: you need to have pip already installed.
You need to be using python 3.4 to import statistics. Upgrade to the current version and you should have no problems.

How to install Sympy on Python 3.3 in Windows 7?

I have already check website and the following link. But I didn't find any executable file to install the Sympy on Python 3.3.
Sorry, we never got bdist_wininst working in Python 3. You'll need to install from source.
