Is there a way to make a discord bot detect if the author of the command is on a certain server? discord.js - node.js

I have a Bug report command that send me an email with the bug report (works good), but I want that the person that use were on the support server to contact him if I need more information. Is there any way to a discord bot detect if a user is in a certain server?

You could look at all the guilds the bot is in using client.guilds.cache and check if the user you want is in one or more of those guilds using guild.member().
client.guilds.cache.forEach((guild) => {
const member = guild.member(args[0]);
if (member !== null) {`${member!} (ID: ${member!})`);

If you're looking for checking the server when a user executes a command, you can just use, which returns the ID of the server the command was used in. You can then compare it to a specific server ID.


Better strategy for bot posting messages to multiple channels with DiscordJs

I am trying to execute bot functions from a node express server and it seems the best option is the DiscordJs package (correct me if I'm wrong for this use-case). For example, a user takes some action on my web application that would grant them a role to access different channels. The DiscordJs docs all seem to focus on actions like this being prompted from the discord server through bot commands or detecting changes with members.
I would like to execute bot functions from my express server by instantiating one client, logging that client in, and executing functions from the server. Something to the effect of
const client = new Discord.Client({intents: [Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, "GUILD_MESSAGES", "GUILD_MEMBERS"]});
client.on("<some event on express server>", (event) =>{
//event actions
Is DiscordJs the right tool for this use case? Should I be using something other than Discord.Client to do this? Any suggestions/input would be appreciated.
DiscordJs is a great package, I have a fair amount of experience using it.
For your use case I think it would work great.
client.on(event, function) will only take Discord events as event arguments. These are listed here:
You could however use events from your web server using something similar to below
const client = new Discord.Client({intents: [Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, "GUILD_MESSAGES", "GUILD_MEMBERS"]});
yourWebServer.on("yourEvent", (event) => {
The main problem to tackle if you wish to use the discord client in this way is identifying the Guild/Message/Role/Whatever you want to change.
Normally, discord bots react to messages so they have access to a lot of data very quickly. In the below example, the bot can get a great deal of information from the message data alone, like the author, the guild it was posted in, the roles in that guild etc. You can see a list of properties here:
const client = new Discord.Client({intents: [Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, "GUILD_MESSAGES", "GUILD_MEMBERS"]});
client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
If you plan to use this discord bot on just 1 server messing around with your friends or whatever (i do this a lot), you can find your server's Guild ID and hardcode it somewhere into your bot. You can then fetch all roles/messages/users/whatever as you wish.
For any wider usage you'd have to get the context from somewhere else, e.g. inputting ids on a form on your web server.
Have a good read of the discord.js documentation, its very well made in my opinion. Get an idea of what information you want to access, and how you can access it. It will then be easier to determine what context you need to give the bot to find this information.
For those wondering how to use discordjs client commands outside of an event listener it is possible but requires diligent use of async/await. Check this thread for more insight

How do I find out if bot and user are on the same server?

I tried the codes in a couple of opened help requests here, but I couldn't get the result I wanted. What I want is if the bot and the user are on the same server, I want it to send a message to the console, if not, I want it to send a message that it is not guinea.
I tried code like this:
const serverid = "serverid "
const userid = "userid "
const server = client.guilds.cache.get(serverid)
if (server.members.cache.find(userid)) {
console.log("I am on the same server as this user.")
} else return console.log("I am not in the same group as this user!")
but it didn't
According to the documentation of Client, client.members doesn't even exist. But assuming it does, mind that bots might only know of online users (or at least users that were recently online).
You can iterate over the guilds your bot is in and use await guild.members.fetch(userId) (see this and this). This will even find offline users, so basically allowing you to check if someone is part of that guild, assuming you're in it yourself.
try replacing server.members.cache.find(userid) with server.members.cache.get(userid) if you are using id or just use server.members.cache.find(u => == userid)

How can I check if a user is a bot using their id?

I know how to check if a message is sent by a bot using if( but I want to know if their is a way to find out if they are a bot using their id.
You can fetch the user then simply check their bot property.
const userID = 'id-here';
// client = your Discord Client Object
client.users.fetch(userID).then(user => {
// Will return a boolean
As far as I know, and from reading the docs, there is no difference between how user and bot IDs are created.

How to get all non bot users in discord js using a discord bot in nodejs

I have created a discord bot by taking reference from this digital ocean link.
Now I can send message to any channel using the bot but my requirement is to send dm to user of that server.
For that I have tried many SO answers and followed other links, but all the solutions end up to be same.
I have tried this two way to get the users of a guild and send dm to any one selected user.
1st way - Get all users of guild (server)
const client_notification = new Discord.Client();
client_notification.on('ready', () => {
console.log("Notification manager ready");
let guild = client_notification.guilds.cache.get("Server ID");
guild.members.cache.forEach(member => console.log("===>>>", member.user.username));
Notification manager ready
===>>> discord notification
By this way it only returns me the bot name itself. Although the membersCount is 6.
2nd way - send dm to user directly (server)
It gives me undefined in output.
My configs,
Node version: 10.16.3
discord.js version: 12.5.1
My question is how to get all the guild members in discord.js?
Discord added privileged gateway intents recently. So to fetch all member data you need to enable that in the developer portal. After that you need to fetch all the members available, for that we can use the fetchAllMembers client option, and then we need to filter out bot users, so that we don't message them.
const client_notification = new Discord.Client({fetchAllMembers:true}); //Fetches all members available on startup.
client_notification.on('ready', () => {
console.log("Notification manager ready");
let guild = client_notification.guilds.cache.get("Server ID");
guild.members.cache.filter(member => ! => console.log("===>>>", member.user.username));
The .filter() method filters out all the bots and gives only the real users.
You should avoid using fetchAllMembers when your bot gets larger though, as it could slow down your bot and use lots of memory.
I think the problem is related to updating the bot policy for discord. Do you have this checkbox checked in the bot settings?
Some info about client.users.cache:
Its a cache collection, so if you restart bot, or bot never handle user message or actions before, this collection will be empty. Better use guild.members.cache.get('')

How to send a message to all subscribed users with kik bot

I'm just a beginner trying to learn how to write a bot for kik.
I'm trying to write it with the node js framework that kik has provided.
I want to send a message to all subscribed users of the bot; I found this in their docs:
bot.send(Bot.Message.text('Hey, nice to meet you!'), 'a.username');
but I'm confused as to how they get the username of the subscribed user. I tried using bot.getUserProfile.username, but it seems to be undefined.
Thanks for any help! Also, any tips on how this bot works would be appreciated! I have no web development experience; why does this bot have to be on a server?
First of all, if you want to send a blast to all of your users, I'd recommend using the broadcast API, which allows you to send messages by batches of 100 (instead of 25 for the regular send() API).
You can use the broadcast API like this:
bot.broadcast(Bot.Message.text('some message'), ['username1', 'username2']);
Documentation for this method can be found here.
As for sending messages to all of your users, you will need to have a list of usernames somewhere (in a database, for example). At the moment, Kik does not provide a way to get your list of subscribers.
Something like this would work:
bot.use((msg, next) => {
let username = msg.from; // Find the username from the incoming message
registerInDatabase(username); // Save it somewhere
next(); // Keep processing the message
You will need to make sure that this is placed before you declare any other handler (such as bot.onTextMessage(), for instance).
