Deleting a particular column/row from a CSV file using python - python-3.x

I want to delete a particular row from a given user input that matches with a column.
Let's say I get an employee ID and delete all it's corresponding values in the row.
Not sure how to approach this problem and other sources suggest using a temporary csv file to copy all values and re-iterate.

Since these are very primitive requirements, I would just do it manually.
Read it line by line - if you want to delete the current line, just don't write it back.
If you want to delete a column, for each line, parse it as csv (using the module csv - do not use .split(',')!) and discard the correct column.
The upside of these solutions is that it's very light on the memory and as fast as it can be runtime-wise.

That's pretty much the way to do it.
Something like:
import shutil
file_path = "test.csv"
# Creates a test file
data = ["Employee ID,Data1,Data2",
with open(file_path, 'w') as write_file:
for item in data:
write_file.write(item + "\n")
# /Creates a test file
input("Look at the test.csv file if you like, close it, then press enter.")
employee_ID = "222"
with open(file_path) as read_file:
with open("temp_file.csv", 'w') as temp_file:
for line in read_file:
if employee_ID in line:
shutil.move("temp_file.csv", file_path)
If you have other data that may match the employee ID, then you'll have to parse the line and check the employee ID column specifically.


dynamically change header of a CSV file

I'm trying to write a cmd program to track the updated value of investments and things. I want to save their value in a CSV file using csv library and have a history of their values over time. there are some constant investments like ['Gold','Stock','Bit-coin'] and I have added them as default header in my program like this:
| Date | Stock | Gold | Bit-coin |
But I want my program to have the feature for adding Other categories as the user wants to name it. and add and also edit the header whenever wants to edit it.
Is there any way to dynamically edit header names as new column data is added to the CSV file?
import csv
with open('C:/test/test.csv','r') as csvinput:
with open('C:/test/output.csv', 'w') as csvoutput:
writer = csv.writer(csvoutput, lineterminator='\n')
reader = csv.reader(csvinput)
all = []
row = next(reader)
for row in reader:
Here you can append a new column to your csv file
new_column = input("Enter a new column name:")
Now with this line you can take user input.
You should be able to complete the code on your own, by the way, when posting a question please post the code you're working with so we can grab it and display what you might be requiring with a solution.

How to get specific column value from .csv Python3?

I have a .csv file with Bitcoin price and market data, and I want to get the 5th and 7th columns from the last row in the file. I have worked out how to get the last row, but I'm not sure how to extract columns (values) 5 and 7 from it. Code:
with open('BTCAUD_data.csv', mode='r') as BTCAUD_data:
writer = csv.reader(BTCAUD_data, delimiter=',')
data = list(BTCAUD_data)[-1]
Edit: How would I also add column names, and would adding them help me? (I have already manually put the names into individual columns in the first line of the file itself)
Edit #2: Forget about the column names, they are unimportant. I still don't have a working solution. I have a vague idea that I'm not actually reading the file as a list, but rather as a string. (This means when I subscript the data variable, I get a single digit, rather than an item in a list) Any hints to how I read the line as a list?
Edit #3: I have got everything working to expectations now, thanks for everyone's help :)
Your code never uses the csv-reader. You can do so like this:
import csv
# This creates a file with demo data
with open('BTCAUD_data.csv', 'w') as f:
f.write(','.join( f"header{u}" for u in range(10))+"\n")
for l in range(20):
f.write(','.join( f"line{l}_{c}" for c in range(10))+"\n")
# this reads and processes the demo data
with open('BTCAUD_data.csv', 'r', newline="") as BTCAUD_data:
reader = csv.reader(BTCAUD_data, delimiter=',')
# 1st line is header
header = next(reader)
# skip through the file, row will be the last line read
for row in reader:
# each row is a list and you can index into it
print(header[4], header[7])
print(row[4], row[7])
['header0', 'header1', 'header2', 'header3', 'header4', 'header5', 'header6', 'header7', 'header8', 'header9']
['line19', 'line19', 'line19', 'line19', 'line19', 'line19', 'line19', 'line19', 'line19', 'line19']
header4 header7
line19_4 line19_7
Better use pandas for handling CSV file.
import pandas as pd
df.column_name will give the corresponding column
If you read this csv file into df and try df.Year will give you the Year column.

Merge line in csv file python

I have this in csv file:
and i want :
can you help me ?
In general, a good approach is to read the csv file and iterate through the rows using Python's CSV module.
CSV will create an iterator that will let you loop through your file like this:
import csv
with open('your filename.csv', 'r') as infile:
reader = csv.reader(infile)
for line in reader:
for value in line:
# Do your thing
You're going to need to construct a new data set that has different properties. The requirements you described:
Ignore any empty cells
Any time you encounter a row that has a new index number, add a new row to your new data set
Any time you encounter a row that has an index number you've seen before, add it to the row that you already created (except for that index number value itself)
I'm not writing that part of the code for you because you need to learn and grow. It's a good task for a beginner.
Once you've constructed that data set, it will look like this:
example_processed_data = [["Titre","a","b","c","d","e"],
You can then create a CSV writer, and create your outfile by iterating over that data, similarly to how you iterated over the infile:
with open('outfile.csv', 'w') as outfile:
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
for line in example_processed_data:
print("Done! Wrote", len(example_processed_data), "lines to outfile.csv.")

Rename images in file based on csv in Python

I have a folder with a couple thousand images named: 10000.jpg, 10001.jpg, etc.; and a csv file with two columns: id and name.
The csv id matches the images in the folder.
I need to rename the images as per the name column in the csv (e.g. from 10000.jpg to name1.jpg.
I've been trying the os.rename() inside a for loop as per below.
with open('train_labels.csv') as f:
lines = csv.reader(f)
for line in lines:
os.rename(line[0], line[1])
This gives me an encoding error inside the loop.
Any idea what I'm missing in the logic?
Also tried another strategy (below), but got the error: IndexError: list index out of range.
with open('train_labels.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ' ', quotechar='|')
for line in lines:
os.rename(line[0], line[1])
I also got the same error. When i opened CSV file in notepad, I found that there was no comma between ID and name. So please check it. otherwise you can see the solutions in Renaming images in folder

Reading from CSV, updating a value and then re-writing

I am trying to read from a csv file and then update a field based on a users selection and write the contents (including the amendment) to a new csv file. I have managed everything but my solution only writes the amended line and not the rest of the files contents.
The csv file looks like:
1001, item1, 0.5, 10
1002, item2, 1.5, 20
Here is an example of my attempt:
while run=="yes":
id=input("Enter the id of the product you want to order: ")
amount=input("Enter the quantity: ")
reader = csv.reader(open('items.csv', 'r'))
writer = csv.writer(open('updatedstock.csv','w'))
for row in reader:
if id==row[0]:
writer.writerow([id, name, price, newstock])
run=input("Do you want to order another item? yes/no ")
You are currently only writing to the new file if you match the id based on the condition:
if id==row[0]:
Change it to always write the row:
while run=="yes":
id=input("Enter the id of the product you want to order: ")
amount=input("Enter the quantity: ")
reader = csv.reader(open('items.csv', 'r'))
writer = csv.writer(open('updatedstock.csv','w'))
for row in reader:
if id==row[0]:
writer.writerow([id, name, price, newstock])
run=input("Do you want to order another item? yes/no ")
If you plan to replace many values, however, this can be very inefficient as the csv will be read in for each change. It would be better to read in all values that you want to change and then go through the csv, modifying the entries desired.
Even better would be to use some other data structure like SQLite that performs better with finds and writes. Of course, this would not be as easily human-readable format as it sits in the filesystem. You can easily output the sqlite database to a .csv if needed: Export from sqlite to csv using shell script.
