ES6 Async/Await, ExpressJS and Postgres transactions - node.js

I've revised the question, in the hope of getting a clearer answer.
I'm trying to process data in ExpressJS, based on the incoming req.body and the existing data in the table.
I'm receiving a req.body that contains a JSON list of updated fields. Some of those fields are stored as JSONB in Postgres. If an incoming field is JSONB, then the form (external code) that is making the request has already run a to generate the list of patches, and it is these patches and not the full values that are being passed in. For any non-JSONB values, incoming values just need to be passed through to the UPDATE query.
I have a working version, as below, that pretends that the existing JSONB values in the table ARE NULL. Clearly, this is NOT what is needed. I need to pull the values from the db. The non-querying-of-current-values version and a bare minimum router, looks like this:
const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const SQL = require('sql-template-strings')
const { Client } = require('pg')
const dbConfig = require('../db')
const jsonpatch = require('fast-json-patch')
const FormRouter = express.Router()
I have some update code:
const patchFormsRoute = (req, res) => {
const client = new Client(dbConfig)
const { id } = req.body
const parts = []
const params = [id]
// list of JSONB fields for the 'forms' table
const jsonFields = [
// list of all fields, including JSONB fields in the 'forms' table
const possibleFields = [
// this is a DUMMY RECORD instead of the result of a client.query
let currentRecord = { 'sections':[], 'editors':[], 'descriptions':[] }
possibleFields.forEach(myProp => {
if (req.body[myProp] != undefined) {
parts.push(`${myProp} = $${params.length + 1}`)
if (jsonFields.indexOf(myProp) > -1) {
val = currentRecord[myProp]
jsonpatch.applyPatch(val, req.body[myProp])
} else {
const updateQuery = 'UPDATE forms SET ' + parts.join(', ') + ' WHERE id = $1'
return client
.query(updateQuery, params)
.then(result => res.status(200).json(result.rowCount))
.catch(err => res.status(400).json(err.severity))
.then(() => client.end())
.patch(bodyParser.json({ limit: '50mb' }), patchFormsRoute)
exports.FormRouter = FormRouter
I promise, that this is working code, which does almost what I need. However, I want to replace the dummy record with the data already in the table, fetched contemporaneously. My issue, is because multiple clients could be updating a row at the same time (but looking at orthogonal elements of the JSONB values), I need the fetch, calc, and update to happen as a SINGLE TRANSACTIOn. My plan is to:
BEGIN a transaction
Query Postgres for the current row value, based on the incoming id
For any JSONB fields, apply the patch to generate the correct value for that field in the UPDATE statement.
Run the UPDATE statement with the appropriate param values (either from the req.body or the patched row, depending on whether the field is JSONB or not)
COMMIT the transaction, or ROLLBACK on error.
I've tried implementing the answer from #midrizi; maybe it's just me, but the combination of awaits and plain testing of res sends the server off into Hyperspace... and ends in a timeout.

In case anyone is still awake, here's a working solution to my issue.
TLDR; RTFM: A pooled client with async/await minus the pooling (for now).
const patchFormsRoute = (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.body
// list of JSONB fields for the 'forms' table
const jsonFields = [
// list of all fields, including JSONB fields in the 'forms' table
const possibleFields = [
const parts = []
const params = [id]
;(async () => {
const client = await new Client(dbConfig)
await client.connect()
try {
// begin a transaction
await client.query('BEGIN')
// get the current form data from DB
const fetchResult = await client.query(
SQL`SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = ${id}`,
if (fetchResult.rowCount === 0) {
await client.query('ROLLBACK')
} else {
const currentRecord = fetchResult.rows[0]
// patch JSONB values or update non-JSONB values
let val = []
possibleFields.forEach(myProp => {
if (req.body[myProp] != undefined) {
parts.push(`${myProp} = $${params.length + 1}`)
if (jsonFields.indexOf(myProp) > -1) {
val = currentRecord[myProp]
jsonpatch.applyPatch(val, req.body[myProp])
} else {
const updateQuery =
'UPDATE forms SET ' + parts.join(', ') + ' WHERE id = $1'
// update record in DB
const result = await client.query(updateQuery, params)
// commit transaction
await client.query('COMMIT')
} catch (err) {
await client.query('ROLLBACK')
throw err
} finally {
})().catch(err => console.error(err.stack))


Why do we use put id as a param in put method

I am trying to Increase a value in database,
const handleStockUpdate = (event) => {
const newQuantity =;
const quantity = {quantity: newQuantity};
setNewCount({, quantity: book.quantity + parseInt(newQuantity)});
if(newQuantity < 0){
toast("Please enter a vlaid number")
axios.put(`http://localhost:5000/stock/${`idHeare`}`, {quantity})
app.put('/stock/:id', async(req, res) => {
const id =;
const qunatity = req.body.quantity.quantity;
const book = await bookCollections.findOne({_id: ObjectId(id)});
const newUpdate = parseInt(book.quantity) + parseInt(qunatity);
const result = await bookCollections.updateOne({_id:ObjectId(id)},
$set({qunatity: newUpdate})
My question is, why should I use Id? and where can I get it? without Id it gets networkErrro
Put method is used to update data.
The id you are providing to the api will be used to retrieved that row from your database which you want update. As you may know that in a database table every data row must have a unique id.
So for your book object , if you are retrieving it from the database in the first place then you should have a Id with that book data you got.
You have to provide that book id on the put request.

How do I run an update while streaming using pg-query-stream and pg-promise?

I am trying to load 50000 items from the database with text in them, tag them and update the tags
I am using pg-promise and pg-query-stream for this purpoes
I was able to get the streaming part working properly but updating has become problematic with so many update statements
Here is my existing code
const QueryStream = require('pg-query-stream')
const JSONStream = require('JSONStream')
function prepareText(title, content, summary) {
let description
if (content && content.length) {
description = content
} else if (summary && summary.length) {
description = summary
} else {
description = ''
return title.toLowerCase() + ' ' + description.toLowerCase()
async function tagAll({ db, logger, tagger }) {
// you can also use, values, options)
// to format queries properly, via pg-promise;
const qs = new QueryStream(
'SELECT feed_item_id,title,summary,content FROM feed_items ORDER BY pubdate DESC, feed_item_id DESC'
try {
const result = await, (s) => {
// initiate streaming into the console:
s.on('data', async (item) => {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
const { feed_item_id, title, summary, content } = item
// Process text to be tagged
const text = prepareText(title, summary, content)
const tags = tagger.tag(text)
// Update tags per post
await db.query(
'UPDATE feed_items SET tags=$1 WHERE feed_item_id=$2',
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
[tags, feed_item_id]
} catch (error) {
} finally {
'Total rows processed:',
'Duration in milliseconds:',
} catch (error) {
module.exports = tagAll
The db object is the one from pg-promise whereas the tagger simply extracts an array of tags from text contained in the variable tags
Too many update statements are executing from what I can see in the diagnostics, is there a way to batch them?
If you can do everything with one sql statement, you should! Here you're paying the price of a back and forth between node and your DB for each line of your table, which will take most of the time of your query.
Your request can be implemented in pure sql:
update feed_items set tags=case
when (content = '') is false then lower(title) || ' ' || lower(content)
when (summary = '') is false then lower(title) || ' ' || lower(summary)
else title end;
This request will update all your table at once. I'm sure it'd be some order of magnitude faster than your method. On my machine, with a table containing 100000 rows, the update time is about 600ms.
Some remarks:
you don't need to order to update. As ordering is quite slow, it's better not to.
I guess the limit part was because it is too slow? If it is the case, then you can drop it, 50000 rows is not a big table for postgres.
I bet this pg-stream things does not really stream stuff out of the DB, it only allows you to use a stream-like api from the results it gathered earlier... No problem about that, but I thought maybe there was a misconception here.
This is the best I could come up with to batch the queries inside the stream so that we dont need to load all data in memory or run too many queries. If anyone knows a better way to batch especially with t.sequence feel free to add another answer
const BATCH_SIZE = 5000
async function batchInsert({ db, pgp, logger, data }) {
try {
const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(
{ name: 'feed_item_id', cast: 'uuid' },
{ name: 'tags', cast: 'varchar(64)[]' },
table: 'feed_items',
const query =
pgp.helpers.update(data, cs) + ' WHERE v.feed_item_id=t.feed_item_id'
await db.none(query)
} catch (error) {
async function tagAll({ db, pgp, logger, tagger }) {
// you can also use, values, options)
// to format queries properly, via pg-promise;
const qs = new QueryStream(
'SELECT feed_item_id,title,summary,content FROM feed_items ORDER BY pubdate DESC, feed_item_id DESC'
try {
const queryValues = []
const result = await, (s) => {
// initiate streaming into the console:
s.on('data', async (item) => {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
const { feed_item_id, title, summary, content } = item
// Process text to be tagged
const text = prepareText(title, summary, content)
const tags = tagger.tag(text)
queryValues.push({ feed_item_id, tags })
if (queryValues.length >= BATCH_SIZE) {
const data = queryValues.splice(0, queryValues.length)
await batchInsert({ db, pgp, logger, data })
} catch (error) {
} finally {
await batchInsert({ db, pgp, logger, data: queryValues })
return result
} catch (error) {

How to convert the auth response into array of objects?

I am trying to get the response of the users using auth function and i have to create an excel sheet using the xlsx-populate library and i am able to convert that into an array of objects as the limit is 1000 so there are multiple arrays of objects. and i am not able to figure out how can i do this this problem, i am simply fetching results using auth and try to get the results into an array of objects. and i am also tried to use the objects to pass into the excel sheet but it gives the excel sheet with last 1000 queries response
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const momentTz = require("moment-timezone");
const XlsxPopulate = require("xlsx-populate");
momentTz.suppressDeprecationWarnings = true;
const {
} = require("./constant");
var start = momentTz().subtract(4, "days").startOf("day").format();
var start = momentTz(start).valueOf();
const end = momentTz().subtract(1, "days").endOf("day").format();
const listAllUsers = async(nextPageToken) =>{
const [workbook] = await Promise.all([
const reportSheet = workbook.addSheet("Signup Report");
reportSheet.row(1).style("bold", true);
"Phone Number"
].forEach((field, index) => {
let count = 0
// List batch of users, 1000 at a time.
const data = [];
.listUsers(1000, nextPageToken)
.then (async (listUsersResult) => {
listUsersResult.users.forEach((userRecord) =>{
const time = userRecord.metadata.creationTime;
const timestamp = momentTz(time).valueOf();
// console.log(timestamp)
if (timestamp >= 1585704530967 ) {
let column = count+2;
console.log(JSON.stringify(data))//this is the array of the object and i am getting after 1000 response
if (listUsersResult.pageToken) {
// List next batch of users.
await workbook.toFileAsync("./SignUp.xlsx");
// .catch(function (error) {
// console.log("Error listing users:", error);
// });
// const datas = []
// datas.push(data)
// console.log(datas)
return ;
// Start listing users from the beginning, 1000 at a time.
and the output i am getting is like this
i want to convert this into a single array of response
You have a race condition. When you perform your console.log(JSON.stringify(data)) your listUserQuery is in progress (and in async mode) and you don't have yet the answer when you print the array. Thus the array is empty.
Try this (I'm not sure of this optimal solution, I'm not a nodeJS dev)
.listUsers(1000, nextPageToken)
.then (async (listUsersResult) => {
listUsersResult.users.forEach((userRecord) =>{
const time = userRecord.metadata.creationTime;
const timestamp = momentTz(time).valueOf();
// console.log(timestamp)
if (timestamp >= 1585704530967 ) {
let column = count+2;
console.log(JSON.stringify(data))//this is the array of the object and i am getting after 1000 response
if (listUsersResult.pageToken) {
// List next batch of users.
await workbook.toFileAsync("./SignUp.xlsx");

Parse Server edit Relations on Object very slow

I've got the following function which works as expected on Parse Server cloud code, however it's painfully slow.
The nested for loops which are internally calling queries and save functions are undoubtedly the root cause.
How can I refactor this code so that there is some async processing or even better what methods are there to remove / edit the relations on an object, the documentation around this is very poor.
ClientLabels.applyClientLabels = async (req, res) => {
const { clients, labels } = req.params;
const user = req.user;
const objectIds = => client.objectId);
const clientSaveList = [];
const clientClass = Parse.Object.extend('Clients');
const query = new Parse.Query(clientClass);
query.containedIn("objectId", objectIds);
const queryResult = await query.find({ sessionToken: user.getSessionToken() })
try {
for (const client of queryResult) {
const labelRelation = client.relation('labels');
const relatedLabels = await labelRelation.query().find({ sessionToken: user.getSessionToken() });
for (const label of labels) {
label.className = "ClientLabels";
const labelRelationObj = Parse.Object.fromJSON(label)
const saved = await Parse.Object.saveAll(clientSaveList, { sessionToken: user.getSessionToken() })
} catch (e) {
Explanation of some weirdness:
I am having to call Parse.Object.fromJSON in order to make the client side label object a ParseObjectSubClass and allow operations on it such as adding relations.
You cannot use include on a relation query as you would with a Pointer, so there needs to be a query for relations all on it's own. An array of pointers was ruled out as there is going to be an unknown amount of labels applied.
There are a few things that can be done: (1) The creation of labels in the inner loop is invariant relative to the outer loop, so that can be done one time, at the start. (2) There's no need to query the relation if you're just going to remove the related objects. Use unset() and add to replace the relations. (3) This won't save much computation, but clientSaveList is superfluous, we can just save the query result...
ClientLabels.applyClientLabels = async (req, res) => {
const { clients, labels } = req.params;
const objectIds = => client.objectId);
let labelObjects = => {
label.className = "ClientLabels";
return Parse.Object.fromJSON(label)
const query = new Parse.Query('Clients');
query.containedIn("objectId", objectIds);
const sessionToken = req.user.getSessionToken;
const queryResult = await query.find({ sessionToken: sessionToken })
try {
for (const client of queryResult) {
const saved = await Parse.Object.saveAll(queryResult, { sessionToken: sessionToken })
} catch (e) {

Node.js Query sqlite with 'sqlite`

I'm trying to get a hang of Node (I mainly use python) so I'm working on a small project to read an write data to a sqlite database.
I am having no issue writing to the database luckily, but I cannot seem to get queries to work at all. I've tested the queries in the sql terminal and they are successful.
So far, I have something like
const fs = require("fs");
const util = require("util");
const sqlite = require("sqlite");
const Promise = require("bluebird")
// const DATABASE = ":memory:";
const DATABASE = "./database.sqlite";
function insertDataIntoDatabase(transactions, db) {
// Write each transaction into the database.
let sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO Trx \
(name, address, amount, category) \
for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; ++i) {
let trx = transactions[i];
sqlStatement += util.format(
"('%s', '%s', %d, '%s'), ",,
sqlStatement = sqlStatement.substring(0, sqlStatement.length - 2);
db.then(db =>
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
function getTransactions (db, category) {
// Return an array of valid transactions of a given category.
let where = "";
if (category) {
where = util.format("WHERE category='%s'", category);
let sqlStatement = util.format("SELECT * from Trx %s", where);
sqlStatement = "SELECT * from Trx"; // Trying to figure out whats happening
db.then(db => {
.then((err, rows) => {
console.log(rows); // undefined
console.log(err); // []
// Set up the db connection
const db =, { cached: true })
.then(db => db.migrate({ force: 'last' }));
// Read transactions and write them to the database
fs.readFile("transactions.json", "utf8", (err, data) => {
let transactions = JSON.parse(data).transactions;
insertDataIntoDatabase(transactions, db);
// Get transaction data
getValidTransactions(db, 'credit');
// Close connection to DB
db.then(db => db.close());
Looking at this again, I think the issue is the async nature of Node. The query was successful, but at that point in time, I had not inserted the data from the json file into the database yet, hence the empty query.
