Linux Move txt files not start with String to Another folder - linux

The situation is
I have a directory A, I have a bunch of files and folders in the foldler.
Such as folder B , foler C , tmp1.txt , Hello.txt , tmp3.txt , okay.txt.
And in folder B,there are also a bunch of files in it.
So I want to move all txt files recrusively to another folder such as /home.
Here is my code.
find . -name "*.txt"| grep -v [\s\S]*tmp[\s\S]* -exec mv {} /home \;
I can only select these files,however it won't execute move operation.
because linux find has path in result.So it annoy me a lot.

To move only regular files, add -type f and exclude the files you don't want with \!:
find . -type f -name '*.txt' \! -name '*tmp*' -exec mv -i -t /home {} +
The -i asks for permission to overwrite a file if it already exists and the + instead of the \; is used to move as many files as possible with one invocation of mv (and thus we need to specify the target directory with the -t option as {} contains more than one file).


In BASH, how do you reference a directory name in a copy statement of files you recursively "find"

I want to recursively find all files that end with *DETAIL.pdf
Create a new directory (in another drive) for each file with the same name as the original directory
Copy the file into the new directory
I have this as my current attempt:
find . -name \*DETAIL.pdf -type f -not -path "./test2" -exec cp -R {} ./test2 \;
I am struggling to create new directories for all these files by referencing the original directory name of each file.
The example mentions using cp but the question/problem itself does not, so I would suggest just using find and tar. Also, though the question is a little ambiguous as noted in the comments above, the example seems to suggest that the desired output directory is a child of the same directory being searched. Given that:
find . -path "./test2" -prune -o -type f -name '*DETAIL.pdf' -print0 | \
tar c --null --files-from=- | \
tar xC test2
This uses find for file selection, generating a (null-separated) file list, which tar then uses to copy the files, and the second tar will create the relative directories as needed and write the copied files.

Copy recursive files of all the subdirectories

I want to copy all the log files from a directory which does not contain log files, but it contains other subdirectories with log files. These subdirectories also contain other subdirectories, so I need something recursive.
I tried
cp -R *.log /destination
But it doesn't work because the first directory does not contains log files. The response can be also a loop in bash.
find /path/to/logdir -type f -name "*.log" |xargs -I {} cp {} /path/to/destinationdir
find searches recursively
-type f tells you to search for files
-name specifies the name pattern
xargs executes commands
-I {} indicates an argument substitution symbol
Another version without xargs:
find /path/to/logdir -type f -name '* .log' -exec cp '{}' /path/to/destinationdir \;

Linux: copy ".svn" directories recursively

I know there are dozen of questions about similar topcis but I still can't beat this up.
I need to copy all .svn directories recursively from /var/foo to /var/foo2 on a Debian machine:
I tried these two commands without success:
find /var/foo -name ".svn" -type f -exec cp {} ./var/foo2 \;
find /var/foo -name ".svn" -type d -exec cp {} /var/foo2 \;
Once only the svn directory right inside foo is copied, while another time nothing is copied.
Given following file structure:
Running following script in the directory to be copied:
find -type d -iname test -exec sh -c 'mkdir -p "$(dirname ~/tmp2/{})"; cp -r {}/ ~/tmp2/{}' \;
Should copy all test directories to ~/tmp2/.
Points of interest:
Directories are copied to the destination on a one-by-one basis
Parent directories are created in advance so that cp doesn't complain about target not existing
Rather than just cp, cp -r is used
The whole command is wrapped with sh -c so that operations on {} such as dirname can be performed (so that the shell expands it for each directory separately, rather than expanding it once during calling the find)
Resulting structure in ~/tmp2:
So all you should need to do is to replace test with .svn and ~/tmp2 with directory of choice. Just remember about running it in the source directory, instead of using absolute paths.
I find that using tar for such operations makes the code often much more readable:
$ mkdir /var/www/foo2
$ cd /var/www/foo2
$ find ../foo/ -type d -name .svn -exec tar c \{\} \+ | \
tar x --strip-components=1
find will list all directories named .svn, and call tar to create (c) an archive file (that is sent to stdout) with all these directories. the archive on stdout is then extracted (x) by another tar instance in the target directory. the relative path portion (../) is automatically removed by the archiving tar, but since we also want to remove the first path component (foo/) we need to add --strip-components.
Note: This will only work if you do not have very many .svn directories you want to copy (more than $(getconf ARG_MAX)-2, which on my system is more than 200000).

How to copy the recent updated multiple files in another directory in Solaris

I want to copy the recently updated multiple file into another directory.
I am having 1.xml,2.xml,3.xml.... in this directory recently someone updated file or added new file into the directory,So i want to copy those files into the destination directory ..Its like synchronization of 2 directories.
For that I have tried below commend
find home/deployment/server/services/ -type f -mtime 1 | xargs cp /home/application/
and below one also
find home/deployment/server/services/ -type f -mtime 1 -exec cp /home/application/
I am not getting any file into destination after updating 1.xml file,So I have added new file 4.xml even that also not updating in destination directory.
How to process recently updated or newly added multiple files.
Thanks in advance.
Short answer:
use xargs to mv the "find" directory into another directory
Long answer: As I recall (not tested) for exec syntax is
find . -type f --mtime 1 -exec cp {} /destination/path/ +
"{}" is an argument which came from command "find"
For xargs
find . -type f --mtime 1 | xargs -0 -I {} cp {} /destination/path/
I do this often but use \; instead of + and usually -cnewer rather than -mtime.
\; executes the cp command on files individually instead of as a group.
+ executes as a group with as many paths as xterm will take. It may do this multiple time if there are a lot of files.
the \ in front of the ; option is required or bash will think it is the end of the command.
find ./ -mtime -1 -exec cp {} /path/ \; -print
Use the -print at the end to get a list of the files that were copied.

Howto replace a file in several sub-folders

I've a series of directories containing a set of files. There is a new copy of this file which I would like to replace all instances with. How can do this with find command?
Latest file is in /var/www/html is called update_user.php
There are 125 directories with several other files including a copy of update_user.php. I want to replace these with the one in update_user.php excluding itself.
This should do the job:
find /path/to/old/files -type f -name update_user.php -exec cp /path/to/new/update_user.php {} \;
You should check if the new file is not inside /path/to/old and if so than first copy it outside and use that copy but.. it'll not harm if you don't - one cp will fail with are the same file error.
You can use
cp -v to see what it does
cp -u to update only when source file is newer
echo cp to perform dry run
I would suggest to check first if all dest. files are the same with:
find /path/to/old/files -type f -name update_user.php -exec md5sum {} \;|awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq
